975 resultados para STRUCTURE-SENSITIVITY


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A key assumption of dual process theory is that reasoning is an explicit, effortful, deliberative process. The present study offers evidence for an implicit, possibly intuitive component of reasoning. Participants were shown sentences embedded in logically valid or invalid arguments. Participants were not asked to reason but instead rated the sentences for liking (Experiment 1) and physical brightness (Experiments 2-3). Sentences that followed logically from preceding sentences were judged to be more likable and brighter. Two other factors thought to be linked to implicit processing-sentence believability and facial expression-had similar effects on liking and brightness ratings. The authors conclude that sensitivity to logical structure was implicit, occurring potentially automatically and outside of awareness. They discuss the results within a fluency misattribution framework and make reference to the literature on discourse comprehension. 


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Polyphase IIR structures have recently proven themselves very attractive for very high performance filters that can be designed using very few coefficients. This, combined with their low sensitivity to coefficient quantization in comparison to standard FIR and IIR structures, makes them very applicable for very fast filtering when implemented in fixed-point arithmetic. However, although the mathematical description is very simple, there exist a number of ways to implement such filters. In this paper, we take four of these different implementation structures, analyze the rounding noise originating from the limited arithmetic wordlength of the mathematical operators, and check the internal data growth within the structure. These analyses need to be done to ensure that the performance of the implementation matches the performance of the theoretical design. The theoretical approach that we present has been proven by the results of the fixed-point simulation done in Simulink and verified by an equivalent bit-true implementation in VHDL.


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Le présent mémoire comprend un survol des principales méthodes de rendu en demi-tons, de l’analog screening à la recherche binaire directe en passant par l’ordered dither, avec une attention particulière pour la diffusion d’erreur. Ces méthodes seront comparées dans la perspective moderne de la sensibilité à la structure. Une nouvelle méthode de rendu en demi-tons par diffusion d’erreur est présentée et soumise à diverses évaluations. La méthode proposée se veut originale, simple, autant à même de préserver le caractère structurel des images que la méthode à l’état de l’art, et plus rapide que cette dernière par deux à trois ordres de magnitude. D’abord, l’image est décomposée en fréquences locales caractéristiques. Puis, le comportement de base de la méthode proposée est donné. Ensuite, un ensemble minutieusement choisi de paramètres permet de modifier ce comportement de façon à épouser les différents caractères fréquentiels locaux. Finalement, une calibration détermine les bons paramètres à associer à chaque fréquence possible. Une fois l’algorithme assemblé, toute image peut être traitée très rapidement : chaque pixel est attaché à une fréquence propre, cette fréquence sert d’indice pour la table de calibration, les paramètres de diffusion appropriés sont récupérés, et la couleur de sortie déterminée pour le pixel contribue en espérance à souligner la structure dont il fait partie.


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Les canaux potassiques voltage-dépendants forment des tétramères dont chaque sous-unité comporte six segments transmembranaires (S1 à S6). Le pore, formé des segments S5-S6 de chaque sous-unité, est entouré de quatre domaines responsables de la sensibilité au potentiel membranaire, les senseurs de voltage (VS; S1-S4). Lors d’une dépolarisation membranaire, le mouvement des résidus chargés situés dans le VS entraine un mouvement de charges détectable en électrophysiologie, le courant de « gating ». L’activation du VS conduit à l'ouverture du pore, qui se traduit par un changement de conformation en C-terminal du segment S6. Pour élucider les principes qui sous-tendent le couplage électromécanique entre ces deux domaines, nous avons étudié deux régions présumées responsables du couplage chez les canaux de type Shaker K+, soit la région carboxy-terminale du segment S6 et le lien peptidique reliant les segments transmembranaire S4-S5 (S4-5L). Avec la technique du « cut-open voltage clamp fluorometry » (COVCF), nous avons pu déterminer que l’interaction inter-sous-unitaire RELY, formée par des acides aminés situés sur le lien S4-5L et S6 de deux sous-unités voisines, est impliquée dans le développement de la composante lente observée lors du retour des charges de « gating » vers leur état de repos, le « OFF-gating ». Nous avons observé que l’introduction de mutations dans la région RELY module la force de ces interactions moléculaires et élimine l’asymétrie observée dans les courants de « gating » de type sauvage. D’ailleurs, nous démontrons que ce couplage inter-sous-unitaire est responsable de la stabilisation du pore dans l’état ouvert. Nous avons également identifié une interaction intra-sous-unitaire entre les résidus I384 situé sur le lien S4-5L et F484 sur le segment S6 d’une même sous-unité. La déstabilisation de cette interaction hydrophobique découple complètement le mouvement des senseurs de voltage et l'ouverture du pore. Sans cette interaction, l’énergie nécessaire pour activer les VS est moindre en raison de l’absence du poids mécanique appliqué par le pore. De plus, l’abolition du couplage électromécanique élimine également le « mode shift », soit le déplacement de la dépendance au voltage des charges de transfert (QV) vers des potentiels hyperpolarisants. Ceci indique que le poids mécanique du pore imposé au VS entraine le « mode shift », en modulant la conformation intrinsèque du VS par un processus allostérique.


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In the last few years, the development of a plasmid-based reverse genetics system for mammalian reovirus has allowed the production and characterization of mutant viruses. This could be especially significant in the optimization of reovirus strains for virotherapeutic applications, either as gene vectors or oncolytic viruses. The genome of a mutant virus exhibiting increased sensitivity to interferon was completely sequenced and compared with its parental virus. Viruses corresponding to either the parental or mutant viruses were then rescued by reverse genetics and shown to exhibit the expected phenotypes. Systematic rescue of different viruses harboring either of the four parental genes in a mutant virus backbone, or reciprocally, indicated that a single amino acid substitution in one of λ2 methyltransferase domains is the major determinant of the difference in interferon sensitivity between these two viruses.


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Habitat area requirements of forest songbirds vary greatly among species, but the causes of this variation are not well understood. Large area requirements could result from advantages for certain species when settling their territories near those of conspecifics. This phenomenon would result in spatial aggregations much larger than single territories. Species that aggregate their territories could show reduced population viability in highly fragmented forests, since remnant patches may remain unoccupied if they are too small to accommodate several territories. The objectives of this study were twofold: (1) to seek evidence of territory clusters of forest birds at various spatial scales, lags of 250-550 m, before and after controlling for habitat spatial patterns; and (2) to measure the relationship between spatial autocorrelation and apparent landscape sensitivity for these species. In analyses that ignored spatial variation of vegetation within remnant forest patches, nine of the 17 species studied significantly aggregated their territories within patches. After controlling for forest vegetation, the locations of eight out of 17 species remained significantly clustered. The aggregative pattern that we observed may, thus, be indicative of a widespread phenomenon in songbird populations. Furthermore, there was a tendency for species associated with higher forest cover to be more spatially aggregated [ERRATUM].


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A number of recent papers in the atmospheric science literature have suggested that a dynamical link exists between the stratosphere and troposphere. Numerical modelling studies have shown that the troposphere has a time-mean response to changes to the stratospheric climatological state. In this study the response of the troposphere to an imposed transient stratospheric change is examined. The study uses a high horizontal and vertical resolution numerical weather-prediction model. Experiments compare the tropospheric forecasts of two medium-range forecast ensembles which have identical tropospheric initial conditions and different stratospheric initial conditions. In three case studies described here, stratospheric initial conditions have a statistically significant impact on the tropospheric flow. The mechanism for this change involves, in its most basic step, a change to tropospheric synoptic-scale systems. A consistent change to the tropospheric synoptic-scale systems occurs in response to the stratospheric initial conditions. The aggregated impact of changes to individual synoptic systems maps strongly onto the structure of the Arctic Oscillation, particularly over the North Atlantic storm track. The relationship between the stratosphere and troposphere, while apparent in Arctic Oscillation diagnostics, does not occur on coherent, hemispheric scales.


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A high resolution regional atmosphere model is used to investigate the sensitivity of the North Atlantic storm track to the spatial and temporal resolution of the sea surface temperature (SST) data used as a lower boundary condition. The model is run over an unusually large domain covering all of the North Atlantic and Europe, and is shown to produce a very good simulation of the observed storm track structure. The model is forced at the lateral boundaries with 15–20 years of data from the ERA-40 reanalysis, and at the lower boundary by SST data of differing resolution. The impacts of increasing spatial and temporal resolution are assessed separately, and in both cases increasing the resolution leads to subtle, but significant changes in the storm track. In some, but not all cases these changes act to reduce the small storm track biases seen in the model when it is forced with low-resolution SSTs. In addition there are several clear mesoscale responses to increased spatial SST resolution, with surface heat fluxes and convective precipitation increasing by 10–20% along the Gulf Stream SST gradient.


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Water quality models generally require a relatively large number of parameters to define their functional relationships, and since prior information on parameter values is limited, these are commonly defined by fitting the model to observed data. In this paper, the identifiability of water quality parameters and the associated uncertainty in model simulations are investigated. A modification to the water quality model `Quality Simulation Along River Systems' is presented in which an improved flow component is used within the existing water quality model framework. The performance of the model is evaluated in an application to the Bedford Ouse river, UK, using a Monte-Carlo analysis toolbox. The essential framework of the model proved to be sound, and calibration and validation performance was generally good. However some supposedly important water quality parameters associated with algal activity were found to be completely insensitive, and hence non-identifiable, within the model structure, while others (nitrification and sedimentation) had optimum values at or close to zero, indicating that those processes were not detectable from the data set examined. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The potential of the τ-ω model for retrieving the volumetric moisture content of bare and vegetated soil from dual polarisation passive microwave data acquired at single and multiple angles is tested. Measurement error and several additional sources of uncertainty will affect the theoretical retrieval accuracy. These include uncertainty in the soil temperature, the vegetation structure and consequently its microwave singlescattering albedo, and uncertainty in soil microwave emissivity based on its roughness. To test the effects of these uncertainties for simple homogeneous scenes, we attempt to retrieve soil moisture from a number of simulated microwave brightness temperature datasets generated using the τ-ω model. The uncertainties for each influence are estimated and applied to curves generated for typical scenarios, and an inverse model used to retrieve the soil moisture content, vegetation optical depth and soil temperature. The effect of each influence on the theoretical soil moisture retrieval limit is explored, the likelihood of each sensor configuration meeting user requirements is assessed, and the most effective means of improving moisture retrieval indicated.


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This paper presents the major characteristics of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation model. The model components and the coupling methodology are described, as well as the main characteristics of the climatology and interannual variability. The model results of the standard version used for IPCC climate projections, and for intercomparison projects like the Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project (PMIP 2) are compared to those with a higher resolution in the atmosphere. A focus on the North Atlantic and on the tropics is used to address the impact of the atmosphere resolution on processes and feedbacks. In the North Atlantic, the resolution change leads to an improved representation of the storm-tracks and the North Atlantic oscillation. The better representation of the wind structure increases the northward salt transports, the deep-water formation and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. In the tropics, the ocean–atmosphere dynamical coupling, or Bjerknes feedback, improves with the resolution. The amplitude of ENSO (El Niño-Southern oscillation) consequently increases, as the damping processes are left unchanged.


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Trimethyltin compounds Me3SnR(R = CHCH2, CFCF2, or CCPh) are selective reagents for the synthesis of unsaturated hydrocarbyl derivatives such as trans-PtCl(R)(PPhEt2)2, by R/Cl exchange or oxidative addition (e.g., to Pt(PPh3)3); single crystal X-ray analyses of two such compounds (R = CHCH2 or CCPh) show that the trans-influence of R has only a low sensitivity to hybridisation at carbon, with sp3 > sp ⩾ sp2.


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If secondary structure predictions are to be incorporated into fold recognition methods, an assessment of the effect of specific types of errors in predicted secondary structures on the sensitivity of fold recognition should be carried out. Here, we present a systematic comparison of different secondary structure prediction methods by measuring frequencies of specific types of error. We carry out an evaluation of the effect of specific types of error on secondary structure element alignment (SSEA), a baseline fold recognition method. The results of this evaluation indicate that missing out whole helix or strand elements, or predicting the wrong type of element, is more detrimental than predicting the wrong lengths of elements or overpredicting helix or strand. We also suggest that SSEA scoring is an effective method for assessing accuracy of secondary structure prediction and perhaps may also provide a more appropriate assessment of the “usefulness” and quality of predicted secondary structure, if secondary structure alignments are to be used in fold recognition.


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The elucidation of the domain content of a given protein sequence in the absence of determined structure or significant sequence homology to known domains is an important problem in structural biology. Here we address how successfully the delineation of continuous domains can be accomplished in the absence of sequence homology using simple baseline methods, an existing prediction algorithm (Domain Guess by Size), and a newly developed method (DomSSEA). The study was undertaken with a view to measuring the usefulness of these prediction methods in terms of their application to fully automatic domain assignment. Thus, the sensitivity of each domain assignment method was measured by calculating the number of correctly assigned top scoring predictions. We have implemented a new continuous domain identification method using the alignment of predicted secondary structures of target sequences against observed secondary structures of chains with known domain boundaries as assigned by Class Architecture Topology Homology (CATH). Taking top predictions only, the success rate of the method in correctly assigning domain number to the representative chain set is 73.3%. The top prediction for domain number and location of domain boundaries was correct for 24% of the multidomain set (±20 residues). These results have been put into context in relation to the results obtained from the other prediction methods assessed


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For many climate forcings the dominant response of the extratropical circulation is a latitudinal shift of the tropospheric mid-latitude jets. The magnitude of this response appears to depend on climatological jet latitude in general circulation models (GCMs): lower latitude jets exhibit a larger shift. The reason for this latitude dependence is investigated for a particular forcing, heating of the equatorial stratosphere, which shifts the jet poleward. Spin-up ensembles with a simplified GCM are used to examine the evolution of the response for five different jet structures. These differ in the latitude of the eddy-driven jet, but have similar sub-tropical zonal winds. It is found that lower latitude jets exhibit a larger response due to stronger tropospheric eddy-mean flow feedbacks. A dominant feedback responsible for enhancing the poleward shift is an enhanced equatorward refraction of the eddies, resulting in an increased momentum flux, poleward of the low latitude critical line. The sensitivity of feedback strength to jet structure is associated with differences in the coherence of this behaviour across the spectrum of eddy phase speeds. In the configurations used, the higher latitude jets have a wider range of critical latitude locations. This reduces the coherence of the momentum flux anomalies associated with different phase speeds, with low phase speeds opposing the effect of high phase speeds. This suggests that, for a given sub-tropical zonal wind strength, the latitude of the eddy driven jet affects the feedback through its influence on the width of the region of westerly winds and the range of critical latitudes on the equatorward flank of the jet.