522 resultados para STRANDS
Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically heterogeneous chromosome instability syndrome associated with congenital abnormalities, bone marrow failure, and cancer predisposition. Eight FA proteins form a nuclear core complex, which promotes tolerance of DNA lesions in S phase, but the underlying mechanisms are still elusive. We reported recently that the FA core complex protein FANCM can translocate Holliday junctions. Here we show that FANCM promotes reversal of model replication forks via concerted displacement and annealing of the nascent and parental DNA strands. Fork reversal by FANCM also occurs when the lagging strand template is partially single-stranded and bound by RPA. The combined fork reversal and branch migration activities of FANCM lead to extensive regression of model replication forks. These observations provide evidence that FANCM can remodel replication fork structures and suggest a mechanism by which FANCM could promote DNA damage tolerance in S phase
As in perhaps all eukaryotes, schistosomes use a supplementary information transmitting system, the epigenetic inheritance system, to shape genetic information and to produce different phenotypes. In contrast to other important parasites, the study of epigenetic phenomena in schistosomes is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, we are beginning to grasp what goes on behind the epigenetic scene in this parasite. We have developed techniques of native chromatin immunoprecipitation (N-ChIP) and associated the necessary bioinformatics tools that allow us to run genome-wide comparative chromatin studies on Schistosoma mansoni at different stages of its life cycle, on different strains and on different sexes. We present here an application of such an approach to study the genetic and epigenetic basis for a phenotypic trait, the compatibility of S. mansoni with its invertebrate host Biomphalaria glabrata. We have applied the ChIP procedure to two strains that are either compatible or incompatible with their intermediate host. The precipitated DNA was sequenced and aligned to a reference genome and this information was used to determine regions in which both strands differ in their genomic sequence and/or chromatin structure. This procedure allowed us to identify candidate genes that display either genetic or epigenetic difference between the two strains.
Background: Integrative and conjugative elements (ICE) form a diverse group of DNA elements that are integrated in the chromosome of the bacterial host, but can occasionally excise and horizontally transfer to a new host cell. ICE come in different families, typically with a conserved core for functions controlling the element's behavior and a variable region providing auxiliary functions to the host. The ICEclc element of Pseudomonas knackmussii strain B13 is representative for a large family of chromosomal islands detected by genome sequencing approaches. It provides the host with the capacity to degrade chloroaromatics and 2-aminophenol. Results: Here we study the transcriptional organization of the ICEclc core region. By northern hybridizations, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (5'-RACE) fifteen transcripts were mapped in the core region. The occurrence and location of those transcripts were further confirmed by hybridizing labeled cDNA to a semi-tiling micro-array probing both strands of the ICEclc core region. Dot blot and semi-tiling array hybridizations demonstrated most of the core transcripts to be upregulated during stationary phase on 3-chlorobenzoate, but not on succinate or glucose. Conclusions: The transcription analysis of the ICEclc core region provides detailed insights in the mode of regulatory organization and will help to further understand the complex mode of behavior of this class of mobile elements. We conclude that ICEclc core transcription is concerted at a global level, more reminiscent of a phage program than of plasmid conjugation.
We systematically investigated the effect of heterology on RecA-mediated strand exchange between double-stranded linear and single-stranded circular DNA. Strand exchange took place through heterologies of up to 150-200 base pairs when the insertion was at the proximal (initiating) end of the duplex DNA but was completely blocked by an insert of only 22 base pairs placed at the distal end of the duplex. In the case of medial heterology created by insertion either in the duplex or the single-stranded DNA, the ability of RecA to exchange strands decreased as the heterology was shifted toward the distal end of the duplex. These results suggest that two different strand exchange mechanisms operate in the proximal and distal portions of the duplex substrate.
CcrM is a DNA methyltransferase that methylates the adenine in GANTC motifs in the chromo-some of the bacterial model Caulobacter crescentus. The loss of the CcrM homolog is lethal in C. crescentus and in several other species of Alphaproteobacteria. In this research, we used different experimental and bioinformatic approaches to determine why CcrM is so critical to the physiology of C. crescentus. We first showed that CcrM is a resident orphan DNA methyltransferase in non-Rickettsiales Alphaproteobacteria and that its gene is strictly conserved in this clade (with only one ex¬ception among the genomes sequenced so far). In C. crescentus, cells depleted in CcrM in rich medium quickly lose viability and present an elongated phenotype characteristic of an im¬pairment in cell division. Using minimal medium instead of rich medium as selective and main¬tenance substrate, we could generate a AccrM mutant that presents a viability comparable to the wild type strain and only mild morphological defects. On the basis of a transcriptomic ap¬proach, we determined that several genes essential for cell division were downregulated in the AccrM strain in minimal medium. We offered decisive arguments to support that the efficient transcription of two of these genes, ftsZ and mipZ, coding respectively for the Z-ring forming GTPase FtsZ and an inhibitor of FtsZ polymerization needed for the correct positioning of the Z- ring at mid-cell, requires the methylation of an adenine in a conserved GANTC motif located in their core promoter region. We propose a model, according to which the genome of C. crescentus encodes a transcriptional activator that requires a methylated adenine in a GANTC context to bind to DNA and suggest that this transcriptional regulator might be the global cell-cycle regulator GcrA. In addition, combining a classic genetic approach and in vitro evolution experiments, we showed that the mortality and cell division defects of the AccrM strain in rich medium are mainly due to limiting intracellular levels of the FtsZ protein. We also studied the dynamics of GANTC methylation in C. crescentus using the SMRT technol¬ogy developed by Pacific Biosciences. Our findings support the commonly accepted model, accord¬ing to which the methylation state of GANTC motifs varies during the cell cycle of C. crescentus: before the initiation of DNA replication, the GANTC motifs are fully-methylated (methylated on both strands); when the DNA gets replicated, the GANTC motifs become hemi-methylated (methyl¬ated on one strand only) and this occurs at different times during replication for different loci along the chromosome depending on their position relative to the origin of replication; the GANTC mo¬tifs are only remethylated after DNA replication has finished as a consequence of the massive and short-lived expression of CcrM in predivisional cells. About 30 GANTC motifs in the C. crescentus chromosome were found to be undermethylated in most of the bacterial population; these might be protected from CcrM activity by DNA binding proteins and some of them could be involved in methylation-based bistable transcriptional switches. - CcrM est une ADN méthyltransférase qui méthyle les adénines dans le contexte GANTC dans le génome de la bactérie modèle Caulobacter crescentus. La perte de l'homologue de CcrM chez C. crescentus et chez plusieurs autres espèces d'Alphaproteobactéries est létale. Dans le courant de cette recherche, nous tentons de déterminer pourquoi la protéine CcrM est cruciale pour la survie de C. crescentus. Nous démontrons d'abord que CcrM est une adénine méthyltransférase orpheline résidente, dont le gène fait partie du génome minimal partagé par les Alphaprotéobactéries non-Rickettsiales (à une exception près). Lorsqu'une souche de C. crescentus est privée de CcrM, sa viabilité décroît rapi¬dement et ses cellules présentent une morphologie allongée qui suggère que la division cellulaire est inhibée. Nous sommes parvenus à créer une souche AccrM en utilisant un milieu minimum, au lieu du milieu riche classiquement employé, comme milieu de sélection et de maintenance pour la souche. Lorsque nous avons étudié le transcriptome de cette souche de C. crescentus privée de CcrM, nous avons pu constater que plusieurs gènes essentiels pour le bon déroulement de la division cellulaire bactérienne étaient réprimés. En particulier, l'expression adéquate des gènes ftsZ et mipZ - qui codent, respectivement, pour FtsZ, la protéine qui constitue, au milieu de la cellule, un anneau protéique qui initie le processus de division et pour MipZ, un inhibiteur de la polymérisation de FtsZ qui est indispensable pour le bon positionnement de l'anneau FtsZ - est dépendante de la présence d'une adénine méthylée dans un motif GANTC conservé situé dans leur région promotrice. Nous présentons un modèle selon lequel le génome de C. crescentus code pour un facteur de transcription qui exige la présence d'une adénine méthylée dans un contexte GANTC pour s'attacher à l'ADN et nous suggérons qu'il pourrait s'agir du régulateur global du cycle cellulaire GcrA. En outre, nous montrons, en combinant la génétique classique et une approche basée sur l'évolution expérimentale, que la mortalité et l'inhibition de la division cellulaire caractéristiques de la souche àccrMeη milieu riche sont dues à des niveaux excessivement bas de protéine FtsZ. Nous avons aussi étudié la dynamique de la méthylation du chromosome de C. crescentus sur la base de la technologie SMRT développée par Pacific Biosciences. Nous confirmons le modèle communément accepté, qui affirme que l'état de méthylation des motifs GANTC change durant le cycle cellulaire de C. crescentus: les motifs GANTC sont complètement méthylés (méthylés sur les deux brins) avant de début de la réplication de l'ADN; ils deviennent hémi-méthylés (méthylés sur un brin seulement) une fois répliqués, ce qui arrive à différents moments durant la réplication pour différents sites le long du chromosome en fonction de leur position par rapport à l'origine de répli-cation; finalement, les motifs GANTC sont reméthylés après la fin de la réplication du chromosome lorsque la protéine CcrM est massivement, mais très transitoirement, produite. Par ailleurs, nous identifions dans le chromosome de C. crescentus environ 30 motifs GANTC qui restent en perma-nence non-méthylés dans une grande partie de la population bactérienne; ces motifs sont probable-ment protégés de l'action de CcrM par des protéines qui s'attachent à l'ADN et certains d'entre eux pourraient être impliqués dans des mécanismes de régulation générant une transcription bistable.
Dignity is recognised as both a central and also a contested value in bioethics discourse. The aim of this manuscript is to examine some of the key strands of the extensive body of dignity scholarship and research literature as it relates to nursing ethics and practice. The method is a critical appraisal of selected articles published in Nursing Ethics and other key manuscripts and texts identified by researchers in the UK and Brazil as influential. The results suggest a wide and rather confusing range of perspectives and findings albeit with some overall themes relating to objective and subjective features of dignity. In conclusion, the authors point to the need for more sustained philosophical engagement contextualising human dignity within a plurality of professional values. Future empirical work should explore what matters to patients, families, professionals and citizens in different cultural contexts rather than foregrounding qualitative research with such a contested concept.
This paper studies the apparent contradiction between two strands of the literature on the effects of financial intermediation on economic activity. On the one hand, the empirical growth literature finds a positive effect of financial depth as measured by, for instance, private domestic credit and liquid liabilities (e.g., Levine, Loayza, and Beck 2000). On the other hand, the banking and currency crisis literature finds that monetary aggregates, such as domestic credit, are among the best predictors of crises and their related economic downturns (e.g., Kaminski and Reinhart 1999). The paper accounts for these contrasting effects based on the distinction between the short- and long-run impacts of financial intermediation. Working with a panel of cross-country and time-series observations, the paper estimates an encompassing model of short- and long-run effects using the Pooled Mean Group estimator developed by Pesaran, Shin, and Smith (1999). The conclusion from this analysis is that a positive long-run relationship between financial intermediation and output growth co-exists with a, mostly, negative short-run relationship. The paper further develops an explanation for these contrasting effects by relating them to recent theoretical models, by linking the estimated short-run effects to measures of financial fragility (namely, banking crises and financial volatility), and by jointly analyzing the effects of financial depth and fragility in classic panel growth regressions.
Oral administration of rabbit secretory IgA (sIgA) to adult BALB/c mice induced IgA+, IgM+, and IgG+ lymphoblasts in the Peyer's patches, whose fusion with myeloma cells resulted in hybridomas producing IgA, IgM, and IgG1 antibodies to the secretory component (SC). This suggests that SC could serve as a vector to target protective epitopes into mucosal lymphoid tissue and elicit an immune response. We tested this concept by inserting a Shigella flexneri invasin B epitope into SC, which, following reassociation with IgA, was delivered orally to mice. To identify potential insertion sites at the surface of SC, we constructed a molecular model of the first and second Ig-like domains of rabbit SC. A surface epitope recognized by an SC-specific antibody was mapped to the loop connecting the E and F beta strands of domain I. This 8-amino acid sequence was replaced by a 9-amino acid linear epitope from S. flexneri invasin B. We found that cellular trafficking of recombinant SC produced in mammalian CV-1 cells was drastically altered and resulted in a 50-fold lower rate of secretion. However, purification of chimeric SC could be achieved by Ni2+-chelate affinity chromatoraphy. Both wild-type and chimeric SC bound to dimeric IgA, but not to monomeric IgA. Reconstituted sIgA carrying the invasin B epitope within the SC moiety triggers the appearance of seric and salivary invasin B-specific antibodies. Thus, neo-antigenized sIgA can serve as a mucosal vaccine delivery system inducing systemic and mucosal immune responses.
The use of precast, prestressed concrete piles in the foundation of bridge piers has long been recognized as a valuable option for bridge owners and designers. However, the use of these precast, prestressed concrete piles in integral abutment bridges has not been widespread because of concerns over pile flexibility and the potential for concrete cracking and deterioration of the prestressing strands due to long-term exposure to moisture. This report presents the details of the first integral abutment bridge in the state of Iowa that utilized precast, prestressed concrete piles in the abutment. The bridge, which was constructed in Tama County in 2000, consists of a 110 ft. long, 30 ft. wide, single-span PC girder superstructure with a left-side-ahead 20º skew angle. The bridge was instrumented with a variety of strain gages, displacement sensors, and thermocouples to monitor and help in the assessment of structural behavior. The results of this monitoring are presented, and recommendations are made for future application of precast, prestressed concrete piles in integral abutment bridges. In addition to the structural monitoring data, this report presents the results of a survey questionnaire that had been mailed to each of the 50 state DOT chief bridge engineers to ascertain their current practices for precast, prestressed concrete piles and especially the application of these piles in integral abutment bridges.
This paper studies the apparent contradiction between two strands of the literature on the effects of financial intermediation on economic activity. On the one hand, the empirical growth literature finds a positive effect of financial depth as measured by, for instance, private domestic credit and liquid liabilities (e.g., Levine, Loayza, and Beck 2000). On the other hand, the banking and currency crisis literature finds that monetary aggregates, such as domestic credit, are among the best predictors of crises and their related economic downturns (e.g., Kaminski and Reinhart 1999). The paper accounts for these contrasting effects based on the distinction between the short- and long-run impacts of financial intermediation. Working with a panel of cross-country and time-series observations, the paper estimates an encompassing model of short- and long-run effects using the Pooled Mean Group estimator developed by Pesaran, Shin, and Smith (1999). The conclusion from this analysis is that a positive long-run relationship between financial intermediation and output growth co-exists with a, mostly, negative short-run relationship. The paper further develops an explanation for these contrasting effects by relating them to recent theoretical models, by linking the estimated short-run effects to measures of financial fragility(namely, banking crises and financial volatility), and by jointly analyzing the effects of financial depth and fragility in classic panel growth regressions.
Histone H1 in the parasitic protozoan Leishmania is a developmentally regulated protein encoded by two genes, HIS-1.1 and HIS-1.2. These genes are separated by approximately 20 kb of sequence and are located on the same DNA strand of chromosome 27. When Northern blots of parasite RNA were probed with HIS-1 strand-specific riboprobes, we detected sense and antisense transcripts that were polyadenylated and developmentally regulated. When the HIS-1.2 coding region was replaced with the coding region of the neomycin phosphotransferase gene, antisense transcription of this gene was unaffected, indicating that the regulatory elements controlling antisense transcription were located outside of the HIS-1.2 gene, and that transcription in Leishmania can occur from both DNA strands even in the presence of transcription of a selectable marker in the complementary strand. A search for other antisense transcripts within the HIS-1 locus identified an additional transcript (SC-1) within the intervening HIS-1 sequence, downstream of adenine and thymine-rich sequences. These results show that gene expression in Leishmania is not only regulated polycistronically from the sense strand of genomic DNA, but that the complementary strand of DNA also contains sequences that could drive expression of open reading frames from the antisense strand of DNA. These findings suggest that the parasite has evolved in such a way as to maximise the transcription of its genome, a mechanism that might be important for it to maintain virulence.
Recent experiments showed that the linear double-stranded DNA in bacteriophage capsids is both highly knotted and neatly structured. What is the physical basis of this organization? Here we show evidence from stochastic simulation techniques that suggests that a key element is the tendency of contacting DNA strands to order, as in cholesteric liquid crystals. This interaction favors their preferential juxtaposition at a small twist angle, thus promoting an approximately nematic (and apolar) local order. The ordering effect dramatically impacts the geometry and topology of DNA inside phages. Accounting for this local potential allows us to reproduce the main experimental data on DNA organization in phages, including the cryo-EM observations and detailed features of the spectrum of DNA knots formed inside viral capsids. The DNA knots we observe are strongly delocalized and, intriguingly, this is shown not to interfere with genome ejection out of the phage.
Broadly neutralizing antibodies reactive against most and even all variants of the same viral species have been described for influenza and HIV-1 (ref. 1). However, whether a neutralizing antibody could have the breadth of range to target different viral species was unknown. Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) and human metapneumovirus (HMPV) are common pathogens that cause severe disease in premature newborns, hospitalized children and immune-compromised patients, and play a role in asthma exacerbations. Although antisera generated against either HRSV or HMPV are not cross-neutralizing, we speculated that, because of the repeated exposure to these viruses, cross-neutralizing antibodies may be selected in some individuals. Here we describe a human monoclonal antibody (MPE8) that potently cross-neutralizes HRSV and HMPV as well as two animal paramyxoviruses: bovine RSV (BRSV) and pneumonia virus of mice (PVM). In its germline configuration, MPE8 is HRSV-specific and its breadth is achieved by somatic mutations in the light chain variable region. MPE8 did not result in the selection of viral escape mutants that evaded antibody targeting and showed potent prophylactic efficacy in animal models of HRSV and HMPV infection, as well as prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy in the more relevant model of lethal PVM infection. The core epitope of MPE8 was mapped on two highly conserved anti-parallel β-strands on the pre-fusion viral F protein, which are rearranged in the post-fusion F protein conformation. Twenty-six out of the thirty HRSV-specific neutralizing antibodies isolated were also found to be specific for the pre-fusion F protein. Taken together, these results indicate that MPE8 might be used for the prophylaxis and therapy of severe HRSV and HMPV infections and identify the pre-fusion F protein as a candidate HRSV vaccine.
The process of DNA strand exchange during general genetic recombination is initiated within protein-stabilized synaptic filaments containing homologous regions of interacting DNA molecules. The RecA protein in bacteria and its analogs in eukaryotic organisms start this process by forming helical filamentous complexes on single-stranded or partially single-stranded DNA molecules. These complexes then progressively bind homologous double-stranded DNA molecules so that homologous regions of single- and double-stranded DNA molecules become aligned in register while presumably winding around common axis. The topological assay presented herein allows us to conclude that in synaptic complexes containing homologous single- and double-stranded DNA molecules, all three DNA strands have a helicity of approximately 19 nt per turn.
A novel type of triple-stranded DNA structure was proposed by several groups to play a crucial role in homologous recognition between single- and double-stranded DNA molecules. In this still putative structure a duplex DNA was proposed to co-ordinate a homologous single strand in its major groove side. In contrast to the well-characterized pyrimidine-purine-pyrimidine triplexes in which the two like strands are antiparallel and which are restricted to poly-pyrimidine-containing stretches, the homology-specific triplexes would have like strands in parallel orientation and would not be restricted to any particular sequence provided that there is a homology between interacting DNA molecules. For many years the stereo-chemical possibility of forming homology-dependent three- or four-stranded DNA structures during the pairing stage of recombination reactions was seriously considered in published papers. However, only recently has there been a marked increase in the number of papers that have directly tested the formation of triple-stranded DNA structures during the actual pairing stage of the recombination reaction. Unfortunately the results of these tests are not totally clear cut; while some laboratories presented experimental evidence consistent with the formation of triplexes, others studying the same or very similar systems offered alternative explanations. The aim of this review is to present the current state of the central question in the mechanism of homologous recombination, namely, what kind of DNA structure is responsible for DNA homologous recognition. Is it a novel triplex structure or just a classical duplex?