969 resultados para STOCHASTIC PROCESSES
We study risk-sensitive control of continuous time Markov chains taking values in discrete state space. We study both finite and infinite horizon problems. In the finite horizon problem we characterize the value function via Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation and obtain an optimal Markov control. We do the same for infinite horizon discounted cost case. In the infinite horizon average cost case we establish the existence of an optimal stationary control under certain Lyapunov condition. We also develop a policy iteration algorithm for finding an optimal control.
The goal of this work is to reduce the cost of computing the coefficients in the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) expansion. The KL expansion serves as a useful and efficient tool for discretizing second-order stochastic processes with known covariance function. Its applications in engineering mechanics include discretizing random field models for elastic moduli, fluid properties, and structural response. The main computational cost of finding the coefficients of this expansion arises from numerically solving an integral eigenvalue problem with the covariance function as the integration kernel. Mathematically this is a homogeneous Fredholm equation of second type. One widely used method for solving this integral eigenvalue problem is to use finite element (FE) bases for discretizing the eigenfunctions, followed by a Galerkin projection. This method is computationally expensive. In the current work it is first shown that the shape of the physical domain in a random field does not affect the realizations of the field estimated using KL expansion, although the individual KL terms are affected. Based on this domain independence property, a numerical integration based scheme accompanied by a modification of the domain, is proposed. In addition to presenting mathematical arguments to establish the domain independence, numerical studies are also conducted to demonstrate and test the proposed method. Numerically it is demonstrated that compared to the Galerkin method the computational speed gain in the proposed method is of three to four orders of magnitude for a two dimensional example, and of one to two orders of magnitude for a three dimensional example, while retaining the same level of accuracy. It is also shown that for separable covariance kernels a further cost reduction of three to four orders of magnitude can be achieved. Both normal and lognormal fields are considered in the numerical studies. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with the economics of gasification facilities in general and IGCC power plants in particular. Regarding the prospects of these systems, passing the technological test is one thing, passing the economic test can be quite another. In this respect, traditional valuations assume constant input and/or output prices. Since this is hardly realistic, we allow for uncertainty in prices. We naturally look at the markets where many of the products involved are regularly traded. Futures markets on commodities are particularly useful for valuing uncertain future cash flows. Thus, revenues and variable costs can be assessed by means of sound financial concepts and actual market data. On the other hand, these complex systems provide a number of flexibility options (e.g., to choose among several inputs, outputs, modes of operation, etc.). Typically, flexibility contributes significantly to the overall value of real assets. Indeed, maximization of the asset value requires the optimal exercise of any flexibility option available. Yet the economic value of flexibility is elusive, the more so under (price) uncertainty. And the right choice of input fuels and/or output products is a main concern for the facility managers. As a particular application, we deal with the valuation of input flexibility. We follow the Real Options approach. In addition to economic variables, we also address technical and environmental issues such as energy efficiency, utility performance characteristics and emissions (note that carbon constraints are looming). Lastly, a brief introduction to some stochastic processes suitable for valuation purposes is provided.
In a probabilistic assessment of the performance of structures subjected to uncertain environmental loads such as earthquakes, an important problem is to determine the probability that the structural response exceeds some specified limits within a given duration of interest. This problem is known as the first excursion problem, and it has been a challenging problem in the theory of stochastic dynamics and reliability analysis. In spite of the enormous amount of attention the problem has received, there is no procedure available for its general solution, especially for engineering problems of interest where the complexity of the system is large and the failure probability is small.
The application of simulation methods to solving the first excursion problem is investigated in this dissertation, with the objective of assessing the probabilistic performance of structures subjected to uncertain earthquake excitations modeled by stochastic processes. From a simulation perspective, the major difficulty in the first excursion problem comes from the large number of uncertain parameters often encountered in the stochastic description of the excitation. Existing simulation tools are examined, with special regard to their applicability in problems with a large number of uncertain parameters. Two efficient simulation methods are developed to solve the first excursion problem. The first method is developed specifically for linear dynamical systems, and it is found to be extremely efficient compared to existing techniques. The second method is more robust to the type of problem, and it is applicable to general dynamical systems. It is efficient for estimating small failure probabilities because the computational effort grows at a much slower rate with decreasing failure probability than standard Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation methods are applied to assess the probabilistic performance of structures subjected to uncertain earthquake excitation. Failure analysis is also carried out using the samples generated during simulation, which provide insight into the probable scenarios that will occur given that a structure fails.
36 p.
146 p.
Os processos estocásticos com ruído branco multiplicativo são objeto de atenção constante em uma grande área da pesquisa científica. A variedade de prescrições possíveis para definir matematicamente estes processos oferece um obstáculo ao desenvolvimento de ferramentas gerais para seu tratamento. Na presente tese, estudamos propriedades de equilíbrio de processos markovianos com ruído branco multiplicativo. Para conseguirmos isto, definimos uma transformação de reversão temporal de tais processos levando em conta que a distribuição estacionária de probabilidade depende da prescrição. Deduzimos um formalismo funcional visando obter o funcional gerador das funções de correlação e resposta de um processo estocástico multiplicativo representado por uma equação de Langevin. Ao representar o processo estocástico neste formalismo (de Grassmann) funcional eludimos a necessidade de fixar uma prescrição particular. Neste contexto, analisamos as propriedades de equilíbrio e estudamos as simetrias ocultas do processo. Mostramos que, usando uma definição apropriada da distribuição de equilíbrio e considerando a transformação de reversão temporal adequada, as propriedades usuais de equilíbrio são satisfeitas para qualquer prescrição. Finalmente, apresentamos uma dedução detalhada da formulação supersimétrica covariante de um processo markoviano com ruído branco multiplicativo e estudamos algumas das relações impostas pelas funções de correlação através das identidades de Ward-Takahashi.
Plant community ecologists use the null model approach to infer assembly processes from observed patterns of species co-occurrence. In about a third of published studies, the null hypothesis of random assembly cannot be rejected. When this occurs, plant ecologists interpret that the observed random pattern is not environmentally constrained - but probably generated by stochastic processes. The null model approach (using the C-score and the discrepancy index) was used to test for random assembly under two simulation algorithms. Logistic regression, distance-based redundancy analysis, and constrained ordination were used to test for environmental determinism (species segregation along environmental gradients or turnover and species aggregation). This article introduces an environmentally determined community of alpine hydrophytes that presents itself as randomly assembled. The pathway through which the random pattern arises in this community is suggested to be as follows: Two simultaneous environmental processes, one leading to species aggregation and the other leading to species segregation, concurrently generate the observed pattern, which results to be neither aggregated nor segregated - but random. A simulation study supports this suggestion. Although apparently simple, the null model approach seems to assume that a single ecological factor prevails or that if several factors decisively influence the community, then they all exert their influence in the same direction, generating either aggregation or segregation. As these assumptions are unlikely to hold in most cases and assembly processes cannot be inferred from random patterns, we would like to propose plant ecologists to investigate specifically the ecological processes responsible for observed random patterns, instead of trying to infer processes from patterns
É conhecido que derivações microscópicas obtidas através de métodos de teoria quântica de campos (TQC) podem conduzir a complicadas equações de movimento (EdM) que possuem um termo dissipativo com memória e um termo de ruído colorido. Um caso particularmente interessante é o modelo que escreve a interação entre um sistema e um banho térmico a temperatura T. Motivado por isso, usamos uma prescrição que nos permite reescrever EdMs não-markovianas semelhantes as obtidas em TQC em termos de um sistema de equações locais, para então confrontarmos a solução desse sistema com a solução aproximada usada correntemente na literatura, a chamada aproximação markoviana. A pergunta chave a qual se pretende responder aqui é: dado um conjunto de parâmetros que descrevem o modelo, a aproximação markoviana é suficientemente boa para descrever a dinâmica do sistema se comparada a dinâmica obtida atravéS da EdM não-markoviana? Além disso, consideramos uma versão linear da ELG de forma que pudéssemos determinar o nível de confiança da nossa metodologia numérica, procedimento este realizado comparando-se a solução analítica com a solução numérica. Como exemplo de aplicação prática do tema discutido aqui, comparamos a evolução não-markoviana do inflaton com a evolução markoviana do mesmo num modelo de universo primordial denominado inflação não-isentrópica (warm inflation).
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Jurate Landwehr discussed the use of surrogate hydrologic records, specifically dendrochronologic records, to study the nature of persistence which is characteristic of hydrologic phenomenon. These proxy records are generally considered to correspond to such hydrologic measures as mean annual discharge but are much longer in length than directly measured hydrologic records. Consequently, they allow one to explore questions pertaining to the structure of candidate stochastic processes with greater validity than permitted by the latter.
We consider the general problem of constructing nonparametric Bayesian models on infinite-dimensional random objects, such as functions, infinite graphs or infinite permutations. The problem has generated much interest in machine learning, where it is treated heuristically, but has not been studied in full generality in non-parametric Bayesian statistics, which tends to focus on models over probability distributions. Our approach applies a standard tool of stochastic process theory, the construction of stochastic processes from their finite-dimensional marginal distributions. The main contribution of the paper is a generalization of the classic Kolmogorov extension theorem to conditional probabilities. This extension allows a rigorous construction of nonparametric Bayesian models from systems of finite-dimensional, parametric Bayes equations. Using this approach, we show (i) how existence of a conjugate posterior for the nonparametric model can be guaranteed by choosing conjugate finite-dimensional models in the construction, (ii) how the mapping to the posterior parameters of the nonparametric model can be explicitly determined, and (iii) that the construction of conjugate models in essence requires the finite-dimensional models to be in the exponential family. As an application of our constructive framework, we derive a model on infinite permutations, the nonparametric Bayesian analogue of a model recently proposed for the analysis of rank data.
This report studies when and why two Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) may represent the same stochastic process. HMMs are characterized in terms of equivalence classes whose elements represent identical stochastic processes. This characterization yields polynomial time algorithms to detect equivalent HMMs. We also find fast algorithms to reduce HMMs to essentially unique and minimal canonical representations. The reduction to a canonical form leads to the definition of 'Generalized Markov Models' which are essentially HMMs without the positivity constraint on their parameters. We discuss how this generalization can yield more parsimonious representations of stochastic processes at the cost of the probabilistic interpretation of the model parameters.
Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are a crucial component in modern communications systems. Comprising of a phase-detector, linear filter, and controllable oscillator, they are widely used in radio receivers to retrieve the information content from remote signals. As such, they are capable of signal demodulation, phase and carrier recovery, frequency synthesis, and clock synchronization. Continuous-time PLLs are a mature area of study, and have been covered in the literature since the early classical work by Viterbi [1] in the 1950s. With the rise of computing in recent decades, discrete-time digital PLLs (DPLLs) are a more recent discipline; most of the literature published dates from the 1990s onwards. Gardner [2] is a pioneer in this area. It is our aim in this work to address the difficulties encountered by Gardner [3] in his investigation of the DPLL output phase-jitter where additive noise to the input signal is combined with frequency quantization in the local oscillator. The model we use in our novel analysis of the system is also applicable to another of the cases looked at by Gardner, that is the DPLL with a delay element integrated in the loop. This gives us the opportunity to look at this system in more detail, our analysis providing some unique insights into the variance `dip' seen by Gardner in [3]. We initially provide background on the probability theory and stochastic processes. These branches of mathematics are the basis for the study of noisy analogue and digital PLLs. We give an overview of the classical analogue PLL theory as well as the background on both the digital PLL and circle map, referencing the model proposed by Teplinsky et al. [4, 5]. For our novel work, the case of the combined frequency quantization and noisy input from [3] is investigated first numerically, and then analytically as a Markov chain via its Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. The resulting delay equation for the steady-state jitter distribution is treated using two separate asymptotic analyses to obtain approximate solutions. It is shown how the variance obtained in each case matches well to the numerical results. Other properties of the output jitter, such as the mean, are also investigated. In this way, we arrive at a more complete understanding of the interaction between quantization and input noise in the first order DPLL than is possible using simulation alone. We also do an asymptotic analysis of a particular case of the noisy first-order DPLL with delay, previously investigated by Gardner [3]. We show a unique feature of the simulation results, namely the variance `dip' seen for certain levels of input noise, is explained by this analysis. Finally, we look at the second-order DPLL with additive noise, using numerical simulations to see the effects of low levels of noise on the limit cycles. We show how these effects are similar to those seen in the noise-free loop with non-zero initial conditions.
In a stochastic environment, long-term fitness can be influenced by variation, covariation, and serial correlation in vital rates (survival and fertility). Yet no study of an animal population has parsed the contributions of these three aspects of variability to long-term fitness. We do so using a unique database that includes complete life-history information for wild-living individuals of seven primate species that have been the subjects of long-term (22-45 years) behavioral studies. Overall, the estimated levels of vital rate variation had only minor effects on long-term fitness, and the effects of vital rate covariation and serial correlation were even weaker. To explore why, we compared estimated variances of adult survival in primates with values for other vertebrates in the literature and found that adult survival is significantly less variable in primates than it is in the other vertebrates. Finally, we tested the prediction that adult survival, because it more strongly influences fitness in a constant environment, will be less variable than newborn survival, and we found only mixed support for the prediction. Our results suggest that wild primates may be buffered against detrimental fitness effects of environmental stochasticity by their highly developed cognitive abilities, social networks, and broad, flexible diets.
Clearance of anogenital and oropharyngeal HPV infections is attributed primarily to a successful adaptive immune response. To date, little attention has been paid to the potential role of stochastic cell dynamics in the time it takes to clear an HPV infection. In this study, we combine mechanistic mathematical models at the cellular level with epidemiological data at the population level to disentangle the respective roles of immune capacity and cell dynamics in the clearing mechanism. Our results suggest that chance-in form of the stochastic dynamics of basal stem cells-plays a critical role in the elimination of HPV-infected cell clones. In particular, we find that in immunocompetent adolescents with cervical HPV infections, the immune response may contribute less than 20% to virus clearance-the rest is taken care of by the stochastic proliferation dynamics in the basal layer. In HIV-negative individuals, the contribution of the immune response may be negligible.