998 resultados para SPIN-GLASS MODELS
Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline NiFe(2)O(4) spinel mechanically processed for 350 h have been studied using temperature dependent from both zero-field and in-field (57)Fe Mossbauer spectrometry and magnetization measurements. The hyperfine structure allows us to distinguish two main magnetic contributions: one attributed to the crystalline grain core, which has magnetic properties similar to the NiFe(2)O(4) spinel-like structure (n-NiFe(2)O(4)) and the other one due to the disordered grain boundary region, which presents topological and chemical disorder features(d-NiFe(2)O(4)). Mossbauer spectrometry determines a large fraction for the d-NiFe(2)O(4) region(62% of total area) and also suggests a speromagnet-like structure for it. Under applied magnetic field, the n-NiFe(2)O(4) spins are canted with angle dependent on the applied field magnitude. Mossbauer data also show that even under 120 kOe no magnetic saturation is observed for the two magnetic phases. In addition, the hysteresis loops, recorded for scan field of 50 kOe, are shifted in both field and magnetization axes, for temperatures below about 50 K. The hysteresis loop shifts may be due to two main contributions: the exchange bias field at the d-NiFe(2)O(4)/n-NiFe(2)O(4) interfaces and the minor loop effect caused by a high magnetic anisotropy of the d-NiFe(2)O(4) phase. It has also been shown that the spin configuration of the spin-glass like phase is modified by the consecutive field cycles, consequently the n-NiFe(2)O(4)/d-NiFe(2)O(4) magnetic interaction is also affected in this process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We show that a broad class of quantum critical points can be stable against locally correlated disorder even if they are unstable against uncorrelated disorder. Although this result seemingly contradicts the Harris criterion, it follows naturally from the absence of a random-mass term in the associated order parameter field theory. We illustrate the general concept with explicit calculations for quantum spin-chain models. Instead of the infinite-randomness physics induced by uncorrelated disorder, we find that weak locally correlated disorder is irrelevant. For larger disorder, we find a line of critical points with unusual properties such as an increase of the entanglement entropy with the disorder strength. We also propose experimental realizations in the context of quantum magnetism and cold-atom physics. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011
As a laboratory for loop quantum gravity, we consider the canonical quantization of the three-dimensional Chern-Simons theory on a noncompact space with the topology of a cylinder. Working within the loop quantization formalism, we define at the quantum level the constraints appearing in the canonical approach and completely solve them, thus constructing a gauge and diffeomorphism invariant physical Hilbert space for the theory. This space turns out to be infinite dimensional, but separable.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this article we present a concise report on our studies on the magnetic behavior and structural arrangements of the inverse spinel Zn7-xMxSb2O12 system (M = Ni, Co). Studies on the temperature dependence of the magnetization (M) of several samples in this system showed the occurrence of a spin-glass-like state in temperatures around 10 K. The capability of this system to hold magnetic ions in either octahedral and/or tetrahedral positions is responsible for the occurrence of competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions. This condition is likely to cause the appearance of the observed spin-glass-like behavior. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Polycrystalline Co7Sb2O12 compounds have been synthesized by a chemical route, which is based on a modified polymeric precursor method. In order to study the physical properties of the samples, X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analyses (TG and DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IR), specific surface area (BET), and magnetization measurements were performed on these materials. Characterization through XRD revealed that the samples are single-phase after a heat-treatment at 1100degreesC for 2h, while the X-ray patterns of the samples heat-treated at lower temperatures revealed the presence of additional Bragg reflections belonging to the Co6Sb2O6 phase. These data were analyzed by means of Rietveld refinement and further analyze showed that Co7Sb2O12 displays an inverse spinel crystalline structure. In this structure, the Co2+ ions occupy the eight tetrahedral positions, and the sixteen octahedral positions are randomly occupied by the Sb5+ and Co2+ ions. IR studies disclosed two strong absorption bands, v(1) and v(2), in the expected spectral range for a spinel-type binary oxide with space group Fd3m. Exploratory studies concerning the magnetic properties indicated that this sample presents a spin-glass transition at T-f similar to 64 K. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is possible to show that there are three independent families of models describing a massive spin-2 particle via a rank-2 tensor. One of them contains the massive Fierz-Pauli model, the only case described by a symmetric tensor. The three families have different local symmetries in the massless limit and can not be interconnected by any local field redefinition. We show here, however, that they can be related with the help of a decoupled and nondynamic (spectator) field. The spectator field may be either an antisymmetric tensor B μν=-Bνμ, a vector Aμ or a scalar field φ, corresponding to each of the three families. The addition of the extra field allows us to formulate master actions which interpolate between the symmetric Fierz-Pauli theory and the other models. We argue that massive gravity models based on the Fierz-Pauli theory are not expected to be equivalent to possible local self-interacting theories built up on top of the two new families of massive spin-2 models. The approach used here may be useful to investigate dual (nonsymmetric) formulations of higher-spin particles. © 2013 American Physical Society.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work, we present a supersymmetric extension of the quantum spherical model, both in components and also in the superspace formalisms. We find the solution for short- and long-range interactions through the imaginary time formalism path integral approach. The existence of critical points (classical and quantum) is analyzed and the corresponding critical dimensions are determined.
This paper reports on the synthesis (chemical co-precipitation reaction) and characterization (X-ray diffraction, magnetization, and electron paramagnetic resonance) of nanosized Cd1-xMnxS particles with manganese concentration up to x = 0.73. Though the literature reports that nanosized (bulk) CdS can incorporate as much as 30% (50%) of manganese ion within its crystal structure we found manganese segregation at the nanoparticle surface at doping levels as low as 14%. We found that both XRD and magnetization data support the presence of the Mn3O4 phase (observed spin-glass transition around 43 K) at the high manganese doping levels whereas the EPR data strongly suggest preferential incorporation of manganese at the nanoparticle's surface, even at low manganese doping levels. Analyses of the experimental data strongly suggest the preparation of well-defined core/shell (Cd1-xMnxS/Mn3O4) structures at higher levels of manganese doping.
An evolutionary process is simulated with a simple spin-glass-like model of proteins to examine the origin of folding ability. At each generation, sequences are randomly mutated and subjected to a simulation of the folding process based on the model. According to the frequency of local configurations at the active sites, sequences are selected and passed to the next generation. After a few hundred generations, a sequence capable of folding globally into a native conformation emerges. Moreover, the selected sequence has a distinct energy minimum and an anisotropic funnel on the energy surface, which are the imperative features for fast folding of proteins. The proposed model reveals that the functional selection on the local configurations leads a sequence to fold globally into a conformation at a faster rate.
We investigate the critical properties of the four-state commutative random permutation glassy Potts model in three and four dimensions by means of Monte Carlo simulations and a finite-size scaling analysis. By using a field programmable gate array, we have been able to thermalize a large number of samples of systems with large volume. This has allowed us to observe a spin-glass ordered phase in d=4 and to study the critical properties of the transition. In d=3, our results are consistent with the presence of a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, but also with different scenarios: transient effects due to a value of the lower critical dimension slightly below 3 could be very important.
The discovery of very slow pulsations (Pspin =5560 s) has solved the long-standing question of the nature of the compact object in the high-mass X-ray binary 4U 2206+54 but has posed new ones. According to spin evolutionary models in close binary systems, such slow pulsations require a neutron star magnetic field strength larger than the quantum critical value of 4.4 × 1013 G, suggesting the presence of a magnetar. We present the first XMM–Newton observations of 4U 2206+54 and investigate its spin evolution. We find that the observed spin-down rate agrees with the magnetar scenario. We analyse Integral Spacecraft Gamma-Ray Imager (ISGRI)/INTErnational Gamma-RAy Laboratory (INTEGRAL) observations of 4U 2206+54 to search for the previously suggested cyclotron resonance scattering feature at ∼30 keV. We do not find a clear indication of the presence of the line, although certain spectra display shallow dips, not always at 30 keV. The association of these dips with a cyclotron line is very dubious because of its apparent transient nature. We also investigate the energy spectrum of 4U 2206+54 in the energy range 0.3–10 keV with unprecedented detail and report for the first time the detection of very weak 6.5 keV fluorescence iron lines. The photoelectric absorption is consistent with the interstellar value, indicating very small amount of local matter, which would explain the weakness of the florescence lines. The lack of matter locally to the source may be the consequence of the relatively large orbital separation of the two components of the binary. The wind would be too tenuous in the vicinity of the neutron star.