962 resultados para SOUTH EQUATORIAL CURRENT


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During leg 1 of Meteor cruise 10 in March/April 1989 at 18°N, 30°W, the high spatial and temporal resolution of hydrographic CTD-stations indicated that the study site was in a hydrographically complex region in the transition zone between the Canary Current and the North Equatorial Current at the southern boundary of the subtropical gyre. Strong variability was found within the upper 120 m due to interleavings of warmer and saltier subtropical salinity maximum water with colder and less saline upper thermocline water. The interleavings caused unexpected nose-like temperature, salinity, nitrate and oxygen profiles yet not described in the literature. A second variability source was found in the Central Water area, because the study area was situated in the vicinity of the Central Water Boundary dividing North and South Atlantic Central Water. Hydrographic analysis of the study shows that interpretations of biological and chemical data can only be done in conjunction with high resolution CTD-profiling.


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High-resolution, well-dated calcareous dinoflagellate cyst and organic carbon records from a 58 kyr sediment core (M35003-4) located southeast of the island of Grenada show that rapid and pronounced changes in cyst association and accumulation and organic carbon deposition occurred, controlled by (1) a significant southward shift in the position of the North Equatorial Current during the last glacial period and the Younger Dryas cold interval and (2) rapid changes in local productivity in marine isotopic stage 3 that are associated with variations in Orinoco River nutrient discharge and coastal upwelling strength. Prominent cyst accumulation peaks representing extremely oligotrophic and stratified thermocline conditions mimic the Greenland ice core and northern Atlantic Dansgaard/Oeschger stadials and Heinrich events. We provide new evidence for a coupled tropical/high-latitude Atlantic climate system during the last glacial period and suggest that changes in the zonality of the low-latitude winds may play an important role in modulating rapid interhemispheric climate variability.


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A strong El Niño developed in early 2015. Measurements from a research cruise on the RV Sonne in October 2015 near the equator east of the Galapagos Islands and off the shelf of Peru, are used to investigate changes related to El Niño in the upper ocean in comparison with earlier cruises in this region. At the equator at 85°30' W, a clear temperature increase leading to lower densities in the upper 350 m, despite a concurrent salinity increase from 40 to 350 m, developed in October 2015. Lower nutrient concentrations were also present in the upper 200 m, and higher oxygen concentrations were observed between 40 and 130 m. Except for the upper 60 m at 2°30' S, however, there was no obvious increase in oxygen concentrations at sampling stations just north (1° N) and south (2°30' S) of the equator at 85°30' W. In the equatorial current field, the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) east of the Galapagos Islands almost disappeared in October 2015, with a transport of only 0.02 Sv in the equatorial channel between 1° S and 1° N, and a weak current band of 0.78 Sv located between 1° S and 2°30' S. Such near-disappearances of the EUC in the eastern Pacific seem to occur only during strong El Niño events. Off the Peruvian shelf at ~9° S, where the sea surface temperature (SST) was elevated, upwelling was modified, and warm, saline and oxygen rich water was upwelled. Despite some weak El Niño related SST increase at ~12 to 16° S, the upwelling of cold, low salinity and oxygen-poor water was still active at the easternmost stations at three sections at ~12° S, ~14° S and ~16° S, while further west on these sections a transition to El Niño conditions appeared. Although in early 2015 the El Niño was strong and in October 2015 showed a clear El Niño influence on the EUC, in the eastern tropical Pacific the measurements only showed developing El Niño water mass distributions. In particular the oxygen distribution indicated the ongoing transition from 'typical' to El Niño conditions progressing southward along the Peruvian shelf.