Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
New polymer electrolytes (PEs) based on chitosan and three ionic liquid (IL) families ([C2mim][CnSO3], [C2mim][CnSO4] and [C2mim][diCnPO4]) were synthesized by the solvent casting method. The effect of the length of the alkyl chain of the IL anion on the thermal, morphological and electrochemical properties of the PEs was studied. The solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) membranes were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), polarized optical microscopy (POM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), complex impedance spectroscopy (ionic conductivity) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The obtained results evidenced an influence of the alkyl chain length of the IL anion on the temperature of degradation, birefringence, surface roughness and ionic conductivity of the membranes. The DSC, XRD and CV results showed independency from the length of the IL-anion-alkyl chain. The PEs displayed an predominantly amorphous morphology, a minimum temperature of degradation of 135 °C, a room temperature (T = 25 °C) ionic conductivity of 7.78 × 10−4 S cm−1 and a wide electrochemical window of ∼ 4.0 V.
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia de Plantas
BACKGROUND: Advances in nebulizer design have produced both ultrasonic nebulizers and devices based on a vibrating mesh (vibrating mesh nebulizers), which are expected to enhance the efficiency of aerosol drug therapy. The aim of this study was to compare 4 different nebulizers, of 3 different types, in an in vitro model using albuterol delivery and physical characteristics as benchmarks. METHODS: The following nebulizers were tested: Sidestream Disposable jet nebulizer, Multisonic Infra Control ultrasonic nebulizer, and the Aerogen Pro and Aerogen Solo vibrating mesh nebulizers. Aerosol duration, temperature, and drug solution osmolality were measured during nebulization. Albuterol delivery was measured by a high-performance liquid chromatography system with fluorometric detection. The droplet size distribution was analyzed with a laser granulometer. RESULTS: The ultrasonic nebulizer was the fastest device based on the duration of nebulization; the jet nebulizer was the slowest. Solution temperature decreased during nebulization when the jet nebulizer and vibrating mesh nebulizers were used, but it increased with the ultrasonic nebulizer. Osmolality was stable during nebulization with the vibrating mesh nebulizers, but increased with the jet nebulizer and ultrasonic nebulizer, indicating solvent evaporation. Albuterol delivery was 1.6 and 2.3 times higher with the ultrasonic nebulizer and vibrating mesh nebulizers devices, respectively, than with the jet nebulizer. Particle size was significantly higher with the ultrasonic nebulizer. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro model was effective for comparing nebulizer types, demonstrating important differences between nebulizer types. The new devices, both the ultrasonic nebulizers and vibrating mesh nebulizers, delivered more aerosolized drug than traditional jet nebulizers.
The aim of this study was to compare two nucleic acid extraction methods for the recovery of enteric viruses from activated sludge. Test samples were inoculated with human adenovirus (AdV), hepatitis A virus (HAV), poliovirus (PV) and rotavirus (RV) and were then processed by an adsorption-elution-precipitation method. Two extraction methods were used: an organic solvent-based method and a silica method. The organic-based method was able to recoup 20% of the AdV, 90% of the RV and 100% of both the PV and HAV from seeded samples. The silica method was able to recoup 1.8% of the AdV and 90% of the RV. These results indicate that the organic-based method is more suitable for detecting viruses in sewage sludge.
The Talea Ori unit is the lowermost known tectonic unit of Crete and the most external part of the Hellenides. Its stratigraphy ranges from Late Carboniferous to Oligocene and outcrops of the lower part are only known in the Talea Ori mountains (central Crete). In this area, a black sandstone at the base of the Galinos Beds, thought to be the oldest formation, contains zircons which were dated using the single grain evaporation method. The majority of these grains yielded Late Carboniferous ages (Variscan), while a small group yielded Early Proterozoic ages. The age distribution of these zircons suggests that, at the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, not much of the older North Gondwanan basement was exposed and that a river system carried detrital material from the Variscan belt towards the forming Neotethyan rift. Additionally, higher up in the stratigraphy benthic foraminifers (miliolids) were found in clasts from a conglomerate which was so far thought to be of Early Triassic age [Epting, M., Kudrass, H.-R., Leppig, U., Schaffer, A., 1972. Geologie der Talea Ori/Kreta. N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 141, 259-285.]. These miliolids belong to the species Hoyenella inconstans [Michalik, J., Jendrejakova, O., Borza, K., 1979. Some new foraminifera species of the Fatra-Formation (Uppermost Triassic) in the West Carpathians. Geol. Carpath. 30 (1), 61-91.], thus attributing a Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian?) maximal age to this conglomerate. The carbonate platform from which the miliolids-bearing clasts come is not known. The presence to the north of a continuous hemipelagic record from the Carboniferous to the Triassic (Phyllite-Quartzite and Tripali units), attributed to the Palaeotethys realm, allows the Talea Ori unit and its lateral equivalents (the Ionian zone) to be assigned to the westward continuation of the Cimmerian block and therefore to the northern margin of the East Mediterranean Neotethys ocean. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The evaluation of radioactivity accidentally released into the atmosphere involves determining the radioactivity levels of rainwater samples. Rainwater scavenges atmospheric airborne radioactivity in such a way that surface contamination can be deduced from rainfall rate and rainwater radioactivity content. For this purpose, rainwater is usually collected in large surface collectors and then measured by gamma-spectrometry after such treatments as evaporation or iron hydroxide precipitation. We found that collectors can be adapted to accept large surface (diameter 47mm) cartridges containing a strongly acidic resin (Dowex AG 88) which is able to quantitatively extract radioactivity from rainwater, even during heavy rainfall. The resin can then be measured by gamma-spectrometry. The detection limit is 0.1Bq per sample of resin (80g) for (137)Cs. Natural (7)Be and (210)Pb can also be measured and the activity ratio of both radionuclides is comparable with those obtained through iron hydroxide precipitation and air filter measurements. Occasionally (22)Na has also been measured above the detection limit. A comparison between the evaporation method and the resin method demonstrated that 2/3 of (7)Be can be lost during the evaporation process. The resin method is simple and highly efficient at extracting radioactivity. Because of these great advantages, we anticipate it could replace former rainwater determination methods. Moreover, it does not necessitate the transportation of large rainwater volumes to the laboratory.
Conventional chemotherapy of ovarian cancer often fails because of initiation of drug resistance and/or side effects and trace of untouched remaining cancerous cells. This highlights an urgent need for advanced targeted therapies for effective remediation of the disease using a cytotoxic agent with immunomodulatory effects, such as shikonin (SHK). Based on preliminary experiments, we found SHK to be profoundly toxic in ovarian epithelial cancer cells (OVCAR-5 and ID8 cells) as well as in normal ovarian IOSE-398 cells, endothelial MS1 cells, and lymphocytes. To limit its cytotoxic impact solely to tumor cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME), we aimed to engineer SHK as polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) with targeting moiety toward tumor microvasculature. To this end, using single/double emulsion solvent evaporation/diffusion technique with sonication, we formulated biodegradable NPs of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) loaded with SHK. The surface of NPs was further decorated with solubilizing agent polyethylene glycol (PEG) and tumor endothelial marker 1 (TEM1)/endosialin-targeting antibody (Ab) through carbodiimide/N-hydroxysuccinimide chemistry. Having characterized the physicochemical and morphological properties of NPs, we studied their drug-release profiles using various kinetic models. The biological impact of NPs was also evaluated in tumor-associated endothelial MS1 cells, primary lymphocytes, and epithelial ovarian cancer OVCAR-5 cells. Based on particle size analysis and electron microscopy, the engineered NPs showed a smooth spherical shape with size range of 120 to 250 nm and zeta potential value of -30 to -40 mV. Drug entrapment efficiency was ~80%-90%, which was reduced to ~50%-60% upon surface decoration with PEG and Ab. The liberation of SHK from NPs showed a sustained-release profile that was best fitted with Wagner log-probability model. Fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry analysis showed active interaction of Ab-armed NPs with TEM1-positive MS1 cells, but not with TEM1-negative MS1 cells. While exposure of the PEGylated NPs for 2 hours was not toxic to lymphocytes, long-term exposure of the Ab-armed and PEGylated NPs was significantly toxic to TEM1-positive MS1 cells and OVCAR-5 cells. Based on these findings, we propose SHK-loaded Ab-armed PEGylated PLGA NPs as a novel nanomedicine for targeted therapy of solid tumors.
A method based on matrix solid-phase dispersion and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine procymidone, malathion, bifenthrin and pirimicarb in honey is described. The best results were obtained using 1.0 g of honey, 1.0 g of silica-gel as dispersant sorbent and acetonitrile as eluting solvent. The method was validated by fortified honey samples at three concentration levels (0.2, 0.5 to 1.0 mg kg-1). Average recoveries (n=7) ranged from 54 to 84%, with relative standard deviations between 3.7 and 8.5%. Detection and quantification limits attained by the developed method ranged from 0.02 to 0.08 mg kg-1 and 0.07 to 0.25 mg kg-1 for the honey, respectively.
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), nanoemulsions (NE), and microemulsions (ME) were prepared by the hot solvent diffusion method, using tristearin or castor oil as oily phase, and soy lecithin and Solutol HS 15 as surfactants. Mean particle sizes ranged from 20 to 215 nm and negative zeta potentials were obtained for all nanocarriers. A HPLC method used to determine resveratrol was specific, linear, exact and precise. The entrapment efficiency was high for all formulations. However, resveratrol content was significantly varied among the lipid nanocarriers. Lipid nanocarrier containing hydrogels exhibiting pseudoplastic behavior were obtained after incorporation of hydroxyethylcellulose in the colloidal dispersions.
Solid lipid nanoparticles have been extensively investigated as drug delivery systems. These colloidal systems have major advantages compared to others more traditional. Reported advantages include sustained release, ability to solubilize lipophilic drugs, increased physical and chemical stability of labile molecules, decreased unwanted side-effects showing lower toxicity, and scale up facilities. This paper aims at reviewing the traditional methods of solid lipid nanoparticles production, such as fusion-emulsification (hot and cold), solvent evaporation-emulsification and microemulsion, dealing with the main technological parameters that influence the quality properties of solid lipid nanoparticles.
To choose among the variety of oleaginous plants for biodiesel production, the oil content of several matrices was determined through different low-field ¹H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments with varied pulse sequences, namely single-pulse, spin-echo, CPMG, and CWFP. The experiments that involved the first three sequences showed high correlation with each other and with the solvent extraction method. The quality of the vegetable oils was also evaluated on the basis of the existing correlation between the T2 values of the oils and their properties, such as viscosity, iodine index, and cetane index. These analyses were performed using HCA and PCA chemometric tools. The results were sufficiently significant to allow separation of the oleaginous matrices according to their quality. Thus, the low-field ¹H NMR technique was confirmed as an important tool to aid in the selection of oleaginous matrices for biodiesel production.
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been studied for biomedical applications due to their unique properties. However, pristine CNT have structural features and impurities that can cause toxicity to biological systems. In this work, we describe a method to purify multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) by chemical modification and subsequent attachment of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups to improve dispersion and to decrease toxic effects. Nanocomposites from poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) and nanotubes were produced by the solvent casting method and characterized and evaluated for cytocompatibility with Vero cells. The nanocomposite interactions with Vero cells demonstrated that the cells were able to adhere and sustain proliferation and showed favorable cytocompatibility. In vitro studies also revealed an increase in fibroblast cell viability in the nanocomposites, compared with neat PLLA.
The influence of some process variables on the productivity of the fractions (liquid yield times fraction percent) obtained from SCFE of a Brazilian mineral coal using isopropanol and ethanol as primary solvents is analyzed using statistical techniques. A full factorial 23 experimental design was adopted to investigate the effects of process variables (temperature, pressure and cosolvent concentration) on the extraction products. The extracts were analyzed by the Preparative Liquid Chromatography-8 fractions method (PLC-8), a reliable, non destructive solvent fractionation method, especially developed for coal-derived liquids. Empirical statistical modeling was carried out in order to reproduce the experimental data. Correlations obtained were always greater than 0.98. Four specific process criteria were used to allow process optimization. Results obtained show that it is not possible to maximize both extract productivity and purity (through the minimization of heavy fraction content) simultaneously by manipulating the mentioned process variables.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties of avocado pulp of four different varieties (Avocado, Guatemala, Dickinson, and Butter pear) and to identify which has the greatest potential for oil extraction. Fresh avocado pulp was characterized by moisture, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrates and energy contents were determined. The carotenoids and chlorophyll contents were determined by the organic solvent extraction method. The results showed significant differences in the composition of the fruit when varieties are compared. However, the striking feature in all varieties is high lipid content; Avocado and Dickinson are the most suitable varieties for oil extraction, taking into account moisture content and the levels of lipids in the pulp. Moreover, it could be said that the variety Dickinson is the most affected by the parameters evaluated in terms of overall quality. Chlorophyll and carotenoids, fat-soluble pigments, showed a negative correlation with respect to lipids since it could be related to its function in the fruit. The varieties Avocado and Dickinson are an alternative to oil extraction having great commercial potential to be exploited thus avoiding waste and increasing farmers income.