928 resultados para SOLUTE CONCENTRATIONS
To evaluate the influence of dentifrice pH and fluoride (F) concentration on F uptake by plaque and nails, two sets of 5-to 6-year-old children were randomly allocated into four groups, according to the type of dentifrice they had been using for 1 year: (1) experimental liquid dentifrice (ELD), 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0; (2) ELD, 1,100 ppm F, pH 4.5; (3) ELD, 550 ppm F, pH 4.5, and (4) commercial toothpaste, 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0. In one set of children, nails were clipped. In the second, plaque samples were collected 1 h after the last use of dentifrice. F concentration in plaque and nails was analyzed. Plaque F concentration was significantly lower in group 4 than in groups 1-3. Nail F concentration was significantly higher in group 4, and significantly lower in group 3, than in group 1 or 2. Plaque F uptake was influenced significantly by dentifrice consistency and nonsignificantly by pH and F concentration. Reduction of dentifrice pH did not affect nail F concentration. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
This study investigated the variations in human plasma fluoride concentrations ([F]) and sought to determine the causes. Five subjects (27-33 years old) received a low-F diet during the 5 days of the study. Plasma samples and urine were collected every 3 h from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. F, PTH, Ca and P were analyzed with the electrode, by chemiluminescence, AAS and colorimetry, respectively. A trend for the plasma [F] was found. The peak [F], 0.55 +/- 0.11 mu mol L(-1), occurred at 11 a.m. and the lowest [F], 0.50 +/- 0.06 mu mol L(-1) occurred between 5 and 8 p.m. Plasma [F] were positively correlated with urinary F excretion rates and with serum PTH levels, but not with the Ca or P levels. Serum PTH levels were positively correlated with urinary F excretion rates and negatively correlated with plasma Ca. The results suggest that the renal system seems to control the daily fluctuations in plasma [F]. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This in situ/ex vivo study assessed the effect of different concentrations of fluoride in dentifrices on dentin subjected to erosion or to erosion plus abrasion. Ten volunteers took part in this crossover and double-blind study performed in 3 phases (7 days). They wore acrylic palatal appliances containing 4 bovine dentin blocks divided in two rows: erosion and erosion plus abrasion. The blocks were subjected to erosion by immersion ex vivo in a cola drink (60 s, pH 2.6) 4 times daily. During this step, the volunteers brushed their teeth with one of three dentifrices D (5,000 ppm F, NaF, silica); C (1,100 ppm F, NaF, silica) and placebo (22 ppm F, silica). Then, the respective dentifrice slurry (1: 3) was dripped on dentin surfaces. While no further treatment was performed in one row, the other row was brushed using an electric toothbrush for 30 s ex vivo. The appliances were replaced in the mouth and the volunteers rinsed with water. Dentin loss was determined by profilometry and analyzed by 2-way ANOVA/Bonferroni test (alpha = 0.05). Dentin loss after erosive-abrasive wear was significantly greater than after erosion alone. Wear was significantly higher for the placebo than for the D and C dentifrices, which were not significantly different from each other. It can be concluded that the presence of fluoride concentrations around 1,100 ppm in dentifrices is important to reduce dentin wear by erosion and erosion + abrasion, but the protective effect does not increase with fluoride concentration. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.
The influence that trace concentrations Of SiO2 have on improving grain-boundary conduction via precursor scavenging using additional heat treatment at 1200 degreesC for 40 h before sintering was investigated. At a SiO2-impurity level (SIL) less than or equal to 160 ppm by weight, the grain-boundary resistivity (p(gb)) decreased to 20% of its value, while no improvement in grain-boundary conduction was found at a SIL greater than or equal to 310 ppm. The correlation between the resistance per unit grain-boundary area, p(gb), and average grain size indicated that the inhomogeneous distribution of the siliceous phase in the sample with a SIL greater than or equal to 310 ppm. hampered the scavenging reaction.
This study evaluated the cytotoxic effects of a carbamide peroxide (CP) bleaching gel at different concentrations on odontoblast-like cells. Immortalized cells of the MDPC-23 cell line (30,000 cells/cm(2)) were incubated for 48 h. The bleaching gel was diluted in DMEM culture medium originating extracts with different CP concentrations. The amount (mu g/mL) of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) released from each extract was measured by the leukocrystal violet/horseradish peroxidase enzyme assay. Five groups (n = 10) were formed according to the CP concentration in the extracts: G1-DMEM (control); G2-0.0001 % CP (0.025 mu g/mL H(2)O(2)); G3-0.001% CP (0.43 mu g/mL H(2)O(2)); G4-0.01% CP (2.21 mu g/mL H(2)O(2)); and G5-0.1 % CP (29.74 mu g/mL H(2)O(2)). MDPC-23 cells were exposed to the bleaching gel extracts for 60 min and cell metabolism was evaluated by the NITT assay. Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Cell morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The percentages of viable cells were as follows: G1, 100%; G2, 89.41%; G3, 82.4%; G4, 61.5%; and G5, 23.0%. G2 and G3 did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) from G1. The most severe cytotoxic effects were observed in G3 and G4. In conclusion, even at low concentrations, the CP gel extracts presented cytotoxic effects. This cytotoxicity was dose-dependent, and the 0.1% CP concentration caused the most intense cytopathic effects to the MDPC-23 cells. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 9013: 907-912, 2009
Project: Serum samples may not be appropriate to assess lead (Pb) concentrations because they may contain artificially higher Pb concentrations compared with those measured in plasma samples. Here, we compared Pb concentrations in serum versus heparin plasma separated from blood collected with or without vacuum. We have also examined the effects of sample standing time on Pb concentrations measured in serum, heparin plasma, and EDTA plasma. Procedure: We studied plasma and serum samples from twelve healthy subjects. Blood samples were collected via venous drainage phlebotomy with and without vacuum into trace metal free tubes containing no anticoagulants (serum), or lithium heparin, or EDTA (to obtain plasma). Variable sample standing times (0, 5, and 30 min) prior to centrifugation were allowed. Plasma and serum Pb and iron concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Plasma and serum cell-free hemoglobin concentrations were measured. Results: Pb concentrations in serum and in heparin plasma from blood samples collected with or without vacuum were similar and not associated with significant changes in iron or hemoglobin concentrations. The sample standing time (up to 30 min) did not affect Pb concentrations in serum or in heparin plasma, which were approximately 50% lower than those found in EDTA plasma. Conclusions: Serum or heparin plasma separated from blood samples collected via venous phlebotomy with or without vacuum are appropriate medium to assess Pb concentrations, independently of the sample standing time. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
To evaluate the effect of low and highly concentrated bleaching agents on microhardness and surface roughness of bovine enamel and root dentin. According to a randomized complete block design, 100 specimens of each substrate were assigned into five groups to be treated with bleaching agents containing carbamide peroxide (CP) at 10% (CP10); hydrogen peroxide (HP) at 7.5% (HP7.5) or 38% (HP38), or the combination of 18% of HP and 22% of CP (HP18/CP22), for 3 weeks. The control group was left untreated. Specimens were immersed in artificial saliva between bleaching treatments. Knoop surface microhardness (SMH) and average surface roughness (Ra) were measured at baseline and post-bleaching conditions. For enamel, there were differences between bleaching treatments for both SMH and Ra measurements (p = 0.4009 and p = 0.7650, respectively). SMH significantly increased (p < 0.0001), whereas Ra decreased (p = 0.0207) from baseline to post-bleaching condition. For root dentin, the group treated with CP10 exhibited the significantly highest SMH value differing from those groups bleached with HP18/CP22, HP7.5, which did not differ from each other. Application of HP38 resulted in intermediate SMH values. No significant differences were found for Ra (p = 0.5975). Comparing the baseline and post-bleaching conditions, a decrease was observed in SMH (p < 0.0001) and an increase in Ra (p = 0.0063). Bleaching agents with varying concentrations of CP and/or HP are capable of causing mineral loss in root dentin. Enamel does not perform in such bleaching agent-dependent fashion when one considers either hardness or surface roughness evaluations. Bleaching did not alter the enamel microhardness and surface roughness, but in root dentin, microhardness seems to be dependent on the bleaching agent used.
Purpose. In the present study we examined the relationship between solvent uptake into a model membrane (silicone) with the physical properties of the solvents (e.g., solubility parameter, melting point, molecular weight) and its potential predictability. We then assessed the subsequent topical penetration and retention kinetics of hydrocortisone from various solvents to define whether modifications to either solute diffusivity or partitioning were dominant in increasing permeability through solvent-modified membranes. Methods. Membrane sorption of solvents was determined from weight differences following immersion in individual solvents, corrected for differences in density. Permeability and retention kinetics of H-3-hydrocortisone, applied as saturated solutions in the various solvents, were determined over 48 h in horizontal Franz-type glass diffusion cells. Results. Solvent sorption into the membrane could be related to differences in solubility parameters, MW and hydrogen bonding (r(2) = 0.76). The actual and predicted volume of solvent sorbed into the membrane was also found to be linearly related to Log hydrocortisone flux, with changes in both diffusivity and partitioning of hydrocortisone observed for the different solvent vehicles. Conclusions. A simple structure-based predictive model can be applied to the sorption of solvents into silicone membranes. Changes in solute diffusivity and partitioning appeared to contribute to the increased hydrocortisone flux observed with the various solvent vehicles. The application of this predictive model to the more complex skin membrane remains to be determined.
The diffusion model for percutaneous absorption is developed for the specific case of delivery to the skin being limited by the application of a finite amount of solute. Two cases are considered; in the first, there is an application of a finite donor (vehicle) volume, and in the second, there are solvent-deposited solids and a thin vehicle with a high partition coefficient. In both cases, the potential effect of an interfacial resistance at the stratum corneum surface is also considered. As in the previous paper, which was concerned with the application of a constant donor concentration, clearance limitations due to the viable eqidermis, the in vitro sampling rate, or perfusion rate in vivo are included. Numerical inversion of the Laplace domain solutions was used for simulations of solute flux and cumulative amount absorbed and to model specific examples of percutaneous absorption of solvent-deposited solids. It was concluded that numerical inversions of the Laplace domain solutions for a diffusion model of the percutaneous absorption, using standard scientific software (such as SCIENTIST, MicroMath Scientific software) on modern personal computers, is a practical alternative to computation of infinite series solutions. Limits of the Laplace domain solutions were used to define the moments of the flux-time profiles for finite donor volumes and the slope of the terminal log flux-time profile. The mean transit time could be related to the diffusion time through stratum corneum, viable epidermal, and donor diffusion layer resistances and clearance from the receptor phase. Approximate expressions for the time to reach maximum flux (peak time) and maximum flux were also derived. The model was then validated using reported amount-time and flux-time profiles for finite doses applied to the skin. It was concluded that for very small donor phase volume or for very large stratum corneum-vehicle partitioning coefficients (e.g., for solvent deposited solids), the flux and amount of solute absorbed are affected by receptor conditions to a lesser extent than is obvious for a constant donor constant donor concentrations. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 90:504-520, 2001.
Objectives: Although monitoring of cyclosporin (CsA) is standard clinical practice postrenal transplantation. mycophenolic acid (MPA) concentrations are not routinely measured. There is evidence that a relationship exists between MPA area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and rejection. In this study, a retrospective analysis was undertaken of 27 adult renal transplant recipients. Methods: Patients received CsA and MPA therapy and had a four-point MPA AUC investigation. The relationship between MPA AUC performed in the first week after transplantation, as well as median trough cyclosporin concentrations, and clinical outcomes in the first month posttransplant were evaluated. Results: A total of 12 patients experienced biopsy proven rejection (44.4%) and 4 patients had gastrointestinal adverse events (14.8%). A statistically significant relationship was observed between the incidence of biopsy proven rejection and both MPA AUC (p = 0.02) and median trough CsA concentration (p = 0.008). No relationship between trough MPA concentration and rejection was observed (p = 0.21). Only 3 of 11 (27%) patients with an MPA AUC > 30 mg.h/L and a median trough CsA > 175 mug/L experienced acute rejection, compared with a 56% incidence of rejection for the remaining 16 patients. Patients who experienced adverse gastrointestinal events had significantly lower MPA AUC (p = 0.04), but median trough CsA concentrations were not significantly different (p = 0.24). Further, 3 of these 4 patients had rejection episodes. Conclusions: in addition to standard CsA monitoring, we propose further investigation of the use of a 4-point sampling strategy to predict MPA AUC in the first week posttransplant, which may facilitate optimization of mycophenolate mofetil dose at a rime when patients are most vulnerable to acute rejection. (C) 2001 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.
A sedimentation equilibrium study of a-chymotrypsin self-association in acetate-chloride buffer, pH 4.1 I 0.05, has been used to illustrate determination of a dimerization constant under conditions where thermodynamic non-ideality is manifested beyond the consequences of nearest-neighbor interactions. Because the expressions for the experimentally determinable interaction parameters comprise a mixture of equilibrium constant and excluded volume terms, the assignment of reasonable magnitudes to the relevant virial coefficients describing non-associative cluster formation is essential for the evaluation of a reliable estimate of the dimerization constant. Determination of these excluded volume parameters by numerical integration over the potential-of-mean-force is shown to be preferable to their calculation by approximate analytical solutions of the integral for this relatively small enzyme monomer with high net charge (+ 10) under conditions of low ionic strength (0.05 M). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.