994 resultados para SM-140
A blend of 50% Potato Starch (PS), 35% Quality Protein Maize (QPM), and 15% Soybean Meal (SM) were used in the preparation of expanded pellets utilizing a laboratory extruder with a 1.5 × 20.0 × 100.0 mm die-nozzle. The independent variables analyzed were Barrel Temperature (BT) (75-140 °C) and Feed Moisture (FM) (16-30%). The effect of extrusion variables was investigated in terms of Expansion Index (EI), apparent density (ApD), Penetration Force (PF) and Specific Mechanical Energy (SME), viscosity profiles, DSC, crystallinity by X-ray diffraction, and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). The PF decreased from 30 to 4 kgf with the increase of both independent variables (BT and FM). SME was affected only by FM, and decreased with the increase in this variable. The optimal region showed that the maximum EI was found for BT in the range of 123-140 °C and 27-31% for FM, respectively. The extruded pellets obtained from the optimal processing region were probably not completely degraded, as shown in the structural characterization. Acceptable expanded pellets could be produced using a blend of PS, QPM, and SM by extrusion cooking.
Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar o efeito da temperatura e do estresse hídrico na germinação das sementes e na formação de plântulas normais de Amburana acreana. Foram realizados dois ensaios. No primeiro, as sementes foram colocadas para germinar nas temperaturas de 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40°C. No segundo, as sementes foram dispostas em substrato umedecido com soluções de polietilenoglicol 6000 nos seguintes potenciais hídricos: zero (testemunha), -0,2, -0,4, -0,8, -1,0 e -1,2MPa, a 30°C. A germinação das sementes e a formação de plântulas normais foi avaliada durante 30 dias, em cinco repetições de 20 sementes, sendo consideradas germinadas aquelas que apresentaram emissão de raiz primária com no mínimo 5mm de comprimento e curvatura geotrópica positiva. Os melhores resultados, no primeiro ensaio, foram encontrados nas temperaturas de 30 e 35°C, com maiores valores de porcentagens de germinação, sendo os tratamentos onde o processo germinativo ocorreu em menor tempo. A porcentagem de germinação, no segundo ensaio, diminuiu à medida que se reduziu a disponibilidade de água no substrato, a partir de -0,4MPa, e foi nula entre -1,0 e -1,2MPa. A formação de plântulas foi reduzida já no potencial -0,2MPa, sendo totalmente inibida entre -0,4 e -0,8MPa. Conclui-se que a temperatura de 30°C é mais recomendada para a condução do teste de germinação por propiciar melhores condições para o processo germinativo, com maior porcentagem de plântulas normais e menores porcentagens de plântulas anormais e de sementes deterioradas. A redução na disponibilidade hídrica diminui a germinação das sementes e a formação de plântulas de cerejeira e os limites para germinação ocorrem na faixa de zero a -1,0MPa e, para formação de plântulas, de zero a -0,4MPa.
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Servicios registrales
Servicios registrales
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con orientación en Química de los Materiales) UANL, 2014.
Ce mémoire vise à appliquer l’étude des oracles en Grèce au cas longtemps malmené de l’oracle du rempart de bois. Alors que les historiens modernes deviennent de plus en plus critiques face à la littérature oraculaire grâce aux découvertes de l’épigraphie, cet oracle semble résister à cette nouvelle vague : tout et son contraire ont été allégué afin de le préserver de l’étiquette de post eventum. À la lumière du cadre historique dans lequel Hérodote a conçu ses Histoires, nous serons en mesure de décortiquer les éléments constitutifs de cet oracle qui prédit l’issue de la Seconde Guerre médique et selon lequel les Athéniens trouvèrent leur salut derrière le désormais célèbre « rempart de bois ». Nous nous attarderons finalement au dit « Décret de Thémistocle », trouvé à Trézène et commandant l’évacuation d’Athènes. Au terme de ce mémoire, l’épisode du rempart de bois apparaîtra définitivement comme post eventum.
Dielectric resonator ceramics with composition formula Ba[(D3+0.3 Bi0.2)Nb0.5]O3,where D3+=Y,Pr,Sm,Gd,Dy and Er,were prepared by the conventional ceramic preparation route
Microwave ceramic dielectric resonators (DRs) based on RETiNbO6 (RE = Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Y, and Yb) have been prepared using the conventional solid -state ceramic route. The DR samples are characterized using XRD and SEM methods. The microwave dielectric properties are measured using resonant methods and a net work analyzer . The ceramics based on Ce, Pr, Nd, and Sin have dielectric constants in the range 32-54 and positive coefficient of thermal variation of resonant frequency (r,). The ceramics based on Gd, Tb, Dy, Y. and Yb have dielectric constants in the range 19-22 and negative Tf
Microwave dielectric ceramics based on RETiTaO6 (RE = La, Cc, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Y, Er, Yb, Al, and In) were prepared using a conventional solid-state ceramic route. The structure and microstructure of the samples were analyzed using x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The sintered samples were characterized in the microwave frequency region. The ceramics based on Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, and Dy, which crystallize in orthorhombic aeschynite structure, had a relatively high dielectric constant and positive T f while those based on Ho, Er, and Yb, with orthorhombic euxenite structure, had a low dielectric constant and negative Tf. The RETiTaO6 ceramics had a high-quality factor. The dielectric constant and unit cell volume of the ceramics increased with an increase in ionic radius of the rare-earth ions, but density decreased with it. The value of Tf increased with an increase in RE ionic radii, and a change in the sign of Tf occurred when the ionic radius was between 0.90 and 0.92 A. The results indicated that the boundary of the aeschynite to euxenite morphotropic phase change lay between DyTiTaO6 and HoTiTaO6. Low-loss ceramics like ErTiTaO6 (Er = 20.6, Qxf = 85,500), EuTiTaO6 (Er = 41.3, Qxf = 59,500), and YTiTaO6 (Er = 22.1, Q„xf = 51,400) are potential candidates for dielectric resonator applications