989 resultados para SENSORY PROPERTIES


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Quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) is used to describe the nature and the intensity of sensory properties from a single evaluation of a product, whereas temporal dominance of sensation (TDS) is primarily used to identify dominant sensory properties over time. Previous studies with TDS have focused on model systems, but this is the first study to use a sequential approach, i.e. QDA then TDS in measuring sensory properties of a commercial product category, using the same set of trained assessors (n = 11). The main objectives of this study were to: (1) investigate the benefits of using a sequential approach of QDA and TDS and (2) to explore the impact of the sample composition on taste and flavour perceptions in blackcurrant squashes. The present study has proposed an alternative way of determining the choice of attributes for TDS measurement based on data obtained from previous QDA studies, where available. Both methods indicated that the flavour profile was primarily influenced by the level of dilution and complexity of sample composition combined with blackcurrant juice content. In addition, artificial sweeteners were found to modify the quality of sweetness and could also contribute to bitter notes. Using QDA and TDS in tandem was shown to be more beneficial than each just on its own enabling a more complete sensory profile of the products.


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El interés creciente en encontrar alimentos precocinados congelados que se asemejen a productos naturales, capaces de superar un procesado con el menor daño, ha generado un aumento en el estudio de nuevos productos en este campo de la investigación. Las características de cada matriz alimentaria, la composición y estructura de los ingredientes, así como el efecto de las interacciones entre ellos, modifica la textura, estructura y las propiedades físicas y sensoriales del alimento, así como su aceptación por el consumidor. En este contexto, la investigación realizada en esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo en puré de patata considerado como una matriz alimentaria semisólida y se ha centrado en analizar los efectos de la concentración y modificación de la composición en las propiedades reológicas y de textura, en las propiedades físico-químicas y estructurales, así como en los atributos sensoriales de los purés de patata cuando a estos se le añaden diferentes ingredientes funcionales como fibra de guisante, inulina, aceite de oliva, aislado de proteína de soja, ácidos grasos omega 3 y/o sus mezclas. Para ello, se han realizado cuatro estudios donde se determinan las propiedades reológicas mediante ensayos dinámicos oscilatorios y en estado estacionario, los parámetros instrumentales de textura mediante ensayos de extrusión inversa y de penetración cónica, además de los cambios estructurales a través de cromatografía iónica con detector de pulsos amperométrico, cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de llama y microscopía electrónica de barrido. Conjuntamente, se han evaluado los atributos sensoriales de los diferentes purés generando los descriptores que mejor definen la calidad sensorial del producto, utilizando un panel de jueces entrenados y valorándose la aceptación global de los nuevos productos mediante un panel de consumidores. En un primer estudio, el puré de patata natural congelado elaborado con crioprotectores se enriqueció con fibra dietética insoluble (fibra de guisante), fibra dietética soluble (inulina) y sus mezclas. La fibra de guisante influyó significativa y negativamente en la textura del puré de patata, percibiéndose en el producto un incremento de la dureza y de la arenosidad, mientras que la inulina produjo un ablandamiento del sistema. En un segundo estudio, el puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado elaborado con y sin crioprotectores, se enriqueció con fibra dietética soluble (inulina), aceite de oliva virgen extra y sus mezclas. La adición de estos dos ingredientes generó un ablandamiento de la matriz del sistema, produciéndose, sin embargo, un efecto sinérgico entre ambos ingredientes funcionales. La inulina tuvo un efecto más significativo en la viscosidad aparente del producto, mientras que el aceite de oliva virgen extra afectó más significativamente a la pseudoplasticidad, al índice de consistencia y a la viscosidad plástica del mismo. El proceso de congelación y descongelación utilizado favoreció la reducción del tamaño de las partículas de inulina haciéndolas imperceptibles al paladar, obteniéndose productos más cremosos y con mayor aceptabilidad global que sus homólogos frescos. En un tercer estudio, el puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado elaborado con crioprotectores se enriqueció con mezclas de fibra dietética soluble (inulina) y aislado de proteína de soja. Los resultados demostraron que el ciclo de congelación y descongelación realizado no afecta el grado de polimerización de la inulina. La estructura química de la inulina tampoco se vio afectada por la incorporación de la soja. El proceso de congelación/descongelación, así como la adición de concentraciones altas de inulina y bajas de aislado de proteína de soja, favorecen la disminución de la contribución de la componente viscosa en las propiedades viscoelásticas del puré de patata. La cremosidad fue el único atributo sensorial que presentó una correlación lineal significativa entre las puntuaciones otorgadas por panelistas entrenados y no entrenados. Por último, se elaboró un puré de patata natural fresco y congelado/descongelado optimizado con crioprotectores y enriquecido con la suma de ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA, C22:6 n-3) y ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA, C20:5 n-3) y con ácido α-linolénico (ALA, C18:3 n-3) microencapsulados. El ciclo de congelación y descongelación no afectó al perfil de ácidos grasos del puré de patata. La adición de omega 3 procedente de aceites de lino y pescado microencapsulados mejora los indicadores nutricionales que definen la calidad de la grasa, obteniéndose un producto más saludable. ABSTRACT The growing interest in finding frozen precooked products that are like a natural product and capable of withstanding initial processing with minimum damage and remaining stable during preservation and reheating prior to consumption has generated an increase in studies of new products in this field of research. The characteristics of each food matrix, the composition and structure of the ingredients and the effect of interactions between them alter the texture, structure and physical and sensory properties of the food product and its acceptance by the consumer. In this context, the research conducted in this doctoral thesis was carried out on mashed potato, considered as a semi-solid food matrix, and focused on analysing the effects of concentration and modification of the composition of the mashed potato matrix on the rheological and textural properties, physicochemical and structural properties and sensory attributes of mashed potato when various functional ingredients are added to it, such as pea fibre, inulin, olive oil, soy protein isolate, omega 3 fatty acids and/or mixtures of these ingredients. Four studies were conducted for this purpose. Rheological properties were determined by oscillatory dynamic tests and stationary state tests, and instrumental texture parameters by backward extrusion and cone penetration tests. Structural changes were studied by ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detector, gas chromatography with flame ionisation detector and scanning electron microscopy. The sensory attributes of the various mashed potato mixtures were evaluated by generating the descriptors that best defined the sensory quality of the products and using a panel of trained judges, and overall acceptance of the new products was evaluated by a panel of consumers. In the first study, frozen natural mashed potato incorporating cryoprotectants was enriched with insoluble dietary fibre (pea fibre), soluble dietary fibre (inulin) and mixtures of the two. Pea fibre had a significant negative influence on the texture of the mashed potato, producing an increase in hardness and granularity, whereas inulin produced a softening of the system. In the second study, fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato prepared with and without cryoprotectants was enriched with soluble dietary fibre (inulin), extra virgin olive oil and mixtures of the two. The addition of these two ingredients generated softening of the matrix of the system, but a synergic effect between the two functional ingredients was produced. Inulin had a more significant effect on the apparent viscosity of the product, whereas extra virgin olive oil had a more significant effect on its pseudoplasticity, consistency index and plastic viscosity. The freezing and thawing process that was used contributed to a reduction in the size of the inulin particles, making them imperceptible to the palate and producing creamier products with greater overall acceptability than their fresh equivalents. In the third study, the fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato incorporating cryoprotectants was enriched with mixtures of soluble dietary fibre (inulin) and soy protein isolate. The results showed that the freezing and thawing process that was performed did not affect the degree of polymerisation of the inulin. The chemical structure of the inulin was also not affected by the incorporation of soy. The freezing and thawing process and the addition of high concentrations of inulin and low concentrations of soy protein isolate favoured a decrease in the contribution of the viscous component to the viscoelastic properties of the mashed potato. Creaminess was the only sensory attribute that presented a significant linear correlation between the scores given by trained and untrained panellists. Lastly, fresh and frozen/thawed natural mashed potato optimised with cryoprotectants was prepared and enriched with the sum of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6 n-3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5 n-3) and with α-linolenic acid (ALA, C18:3 n-3), microencapsulated. The freezing and thawing process did not affect the fatty acid profile of the mashed potato. The addition of omega 3 obtained from microencapsulated linseed and fish oils improved the nutritional indicators that define the quality of the fat, producing a healthier product.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificação da viabilidade da aplicação de gelatina de pés de frango em spread de chocolate como substituto parcial de gordura. Inicialmente apresentou-se uma revisão de literatura sobre os principais aspectos que envolvem a pesquisa. Após relatou-se a metodologia de extração e caracterização físico-química da gelatina obtida de pés de frango por meio de análises de composição centesimal, de cor, força de gel e análise de perfil de textura (TPA). Posteriormente abordou-se os efeitos da aplicação de gelatina como substituto de gordura nas propriedades físico-químicas e reológicas de spread de chocolate. Por último investigou-se a influência da concentração de gelatina e substituição de gordura na espalhabilidade, estabilidade (shelf life), custos e propriedades sensoriais dos spreads de chocolate. Para tanto, foi utilizado planejamento experimental Central Composto Rotacional e metodologia de superfície de resposta. Os resultados da extração de gelatina de subproduto de frango indicaram que as peles e tendões dos pés de frango possuem rendimento (7,83 %) e conteúdo mineral (1,92 %), apresentando alto teor proteico (84,96 %) próximo das gelatinas comerciais. Em concentração de 6,67 % a gelatina demonstrou elevada força de gel (294,78 g), comportando-se na análise de perfil de textura como um sólido. Os dados relacionados às formulações de spread de chocolate demonstraram que tanto o nível de substituição de gordura quanto a concentração de gelatina exerceram efeitos significativos (p<0,05) sobre a cor, volume, densidade e comportamento reológico dos produtos, exceto a atividade de água que foi influenciada apenas pelo primeiro fator. Sob a perspectiva reológica apenas a amostra com maior nível de substituição de gordura foi classificada como pseudoplástica. A gelatina contribuiu no aumento do teor proteico das formulações. A consistência foi significativamente (p<0,05) influenciada pelas propriedades da fase de gelatina, apresentando ampla faixa de plasticidade nas diferentes temperaturas (10, 20 e 30 °C). A consistência dos spreads aumentou em todas as temperaturas durante os 90 dias de armazenamento. Observou-se por meio da análise sensorial que os fatores em estudo provocaram alterações nos atributos sensoriais do produto suficiente para a percepção dos provadores. A formulação com 75 % de substituição de gordura seguida pelas formulações com 50 % e 0,8 % de concentração de gelatina apresentaram a maior aceitabilidade. Com o máximo de substituição de gordura chegou-se a 53 % de redução de custos. Contudo, os resultados obtidos sugerem que a aplicação de gelatina de pés de frango pode ser vantajosa, já que contribuiu com a formulação de spreads de chocolate menos calóricos e com propriedades físico-químicas e sensoriais adequadas para uma possível comercialização.


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The bulk of the world's goat population is found in South-East Asia and Africa, where goats are the major source of meat production. Unfortunately, lack of an organized goat meat industry and marketing structure in developing countries is primarily responsible for their poor export earnings compared to those in developed countries such as Australia and New Zealand. Goat meat is leaner than meat from other domestic red meat species as well as being comparable in terms of its nutritional constituents. Furthermore, there are few, if any, religious or cultural taboos limiting the consumption of goat meat. Development of a carcass grading system and a suitable infrastructure in developing countries are some of the key requirements needed to establish a sustainable goat meat industry in the world. With an increase in demand by consumers for low-fat red meat alternatives, the future of the goat meat industry looks promising.


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Lactic acid bacteria expolysaccharides (LAB-EPS), in particular those formed from sucrose have the potential to improve food and beverage rheology and enhance their sensory properties potentially replacing or reducing expensive hydrocolloids currently used as improvers in food and beverage industries. Addition of sucrose not only enables EPS formation but also affects organic acid formation, thus influencing the sensory properties of the resulting food/beverage products. The first part of the study the organoleptic modulation of barley malt derived wort fermented using in situ produced bacterial polysaccharides has been investigated. Weisella cibaria MG1 was capable to produce exopolysaccharides during sucrosesupplemented barley malt derived wort fermentation. Even though the strain dominated the (sucrose-supplemented) wort fermentation, it was found to produce EPS (14.4 g l-1) with lower efficiency than in SucMRS (34.6 g l-1). Higher maltose concentration in wort led to the increased formation of oligosaccharide (OS) at the expense of EPS. Additionally, small amounts of organic acids were formed and ethanol remained below 0.5% (v/v). W. cibaria MG1 fermented worts supplemented with 5 or 10% sucrose displayed a shear-thinning behaviour indicating the formation of polymers. This report showed how novel and nutritious LAB fermented wort-base beverage with prospects for further advancements can be formulated using tailored microbial cultures. In the next step, the impact of exopolysaccharide-producing Weissella cibaria MG1 on the ability to improve rheological properties of fermented plant-based milk substitute plant based soy and quinoa grain was evaluated. W. cibaria MG1 grew well in soy milk, exceeding a cell count of log 8 cfu/g within 6 h of fermentation. The presence of W. cibaria MG1 led to a decrease in gelation and fermentation time. EPS isolated from soy yoghurts supplemented with sucrose were higher in molecular weight (1.1 x 108 g/mol vs 6.6 x 107 g/mol), and resulted in reduced gel stiffness (190 ± 2.89 Pa vs 244 ± 15.9 Pa). Soy yoghurts showed typical biopolymer gels structure and the network structure changed to larger pores and less cross-linking in the presence of sucrose and increasing molecular weight of the EPS. In situ investigation of Weissella cibaria MG1 producing EPS on quinoa-based milk was performed. The production of quinoa milk, starting from wholemeal quinoa flour, was optimised to maximise EPS production. On doing that, enzymatic destructuration of protein and carbohydrate components of quinoa milk was successfully achieved applying alpha-amylase and proteases treatments. Fermented wholemeal quinoa milk using Weissella cibaria MG1 showed high viable cell counts (>109 cfu/mL), a pH of 5.16, and significantly higher water holding capacity (WHC, 100 %), viscosity (> 0. 5 Pa s) and exopolysaccharide (EPS) amount (40 mg/L) than the chemically acidified control. High EPS (dextran) concentration in quinoa milk caused earlier aggregation because more EPS occupy more space, and the chenopodin were forced to interact with each other. Direct observation of microstructure in fermented quinoa milk indicated that the network structures of EPS-protein could improve the texture of fermented quinoa milk. Overall, Weissella cibaria MG1 showed favorable technology properties and great potential for further possible application in the development of high viscosity fermented quinoa milk. The last part of the study investigate the ex-situ LAB-EPS (dextran) application compared to other hydrocolloids as a novel food ingredient to compensate for low protein in biscuit and wholemeal wheat flour. Three hydrocolloids, xanthan gum, dextran and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, were incorporated into bread recipes based on high-protein flours, low-protein flours and coarse wholemeal flour. Hydrocolloid levels of 0–5 % (flour basis) were used in bread recipes to test the water absorption. The quality parameters of dough (farinograph, extensograph, rheofermentometre) and bread (specific volume, crumb structure and staling profile) were determined. Results showed that xanthan had negative impact on the dough and bread quality characteristics. HPMC and dextran generally improved dough and bread quality and showed dosage dependence. Volume of low-protein flour breads were significantly improved by incorporation of 0.5 % of the latter two hydrocolloids. However, dextran outperformed HPMC regarding initial bread hardness and staling shelf life regardless the flour applied in the formulation.


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L’objectif principal de cette maîtrise était de développer des formulations d’épices capables de remplacer les nitrites et nitrates dans les produits carnés tout en gardant la même durée de conservation que ces derniers ainsi que leurs propriétés organoleptiques, antibactériennes et antioxydantes. Un criblage qualitatif puis quantitatif des épices a été réalisé et trois épices ont été sélectionnées, les clous de girofle, le cumin et la cannelle. Puis, des poudres de fruits ont été testées pour approcher la couleur rosée que donnent les échantillons contenant les nitrites. L’analyse sensorielle effectuée par la suite a fait ressortir le caractère sucré de la poudre de fruit et des propriétés très intéressantes de certaines formulations par rapport à l’ajout des nitrites. Enfin, une analyse technico-économique a été réalisée et a montré une très faible augmentation du coût de production des produits carnés en utilisant nos formulations d’épices et de poudre de fruit.


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Introdução e objectivos: A saúde oral em atletas é parte essencial para a saúde geral, sendo um factor determinante para a qualidade de vida e desempenho desportivo. Logo, um bom estado de saúde só existirá se a cavidade oral se encontrar ausente de patologias. Os desequilíbrios nutricionais possuem efeitos sobre a cavidade oral, condicionando assim a qualidade de vida e desempenho do atleta. Desta forma, o excesso de ingestão de alguns alimentos podem ser factores de risco para a saúde, tendo conta em que, a etiologia da cárie dentária está relacionada com a ação de microorganismos orais que produzem ácidos orgânicos, a partir do metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a saúde oral bem como os hábitos alimentares e o uso de protetores bucais durante a prática desportiva. Participantes e Métodos: Foram observados 55 atletas de voleibol entre os 15 e 18 anos de ambos os géneros, do clube de voleibol Academia José Moreira e Leixões. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, no qual foi realizado exame clínico intraoral (índice de cárie CPOd, indice de erosão dentária BEWE) e preenchimento de questinário, em que os indivíduos foram caracterizados em 5 componentes: dados sociodemográficos (idade, peso e estatura), dados sobre perceção de saúde, dados sobre comportamentos de saúde oral, dados sobre prática desportiva e dados sobre comportamentos alimentares (questionário semi-quantitativo de frequência alimentar). A análise estatística descritiva e inferencial dos dados recolhidos foi realizada com o auxílio do programa informático SPSS, versão 23.0. Resultados: Os hábitos de saúde oral não são os mais adequados e a percentagem de atletas que visita o médico dentista é elevada para “só quando tem dores” ou “ocasionalmente”. A média do CPOD geral foi de 4,22 ± 4,55. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) entre o CPOD geral e o IMC. Nenhum dos atletas usa protetor bucal durante a prática desportiva. Os alimentos mais consumidos foram a carne, fruta, leite, peixe e, biscoitos, bolos e bolachas; e os menos consumidos foram as bebidas alcoólicas, mel ou compotas e café. Conclusão: Os hábitos de higiene oral são um melhor indicador do que o IMC para a presença de cárie. Não há relação direta entre índice CPOD e IMC. Seria importante prestar mais informação sobre vantagens do uso de protetores bucais junto dos atletas e de treinadores bem como, esclarecer que a consistência e as propriedades sensoriais ligadas à textura e à consistência dos alimentos na superfície dentária interferem com a cárie.


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In Australia, sweetpotato production has grown remarkably (1700%) in the last 16 years. Growers currently market 75 000 t per annum, worth $80-90 million at farm gate. The orange-fleshed cultivars are the most familiar to consumers, but other cultivars with varying flesh colour and properties also have potential for the consumer market. Given that Australian sweetpotato growers desire alternative cultivars to promote market demand, it is important to articulate the characteristics of sweetpotatoes that are most and least desirable for consumers. Research indicates that consumer acceptability of the new cultivar 'Evangeline' may assist sweetpotato growers and marketers in understanding the impact of both sensory properties, such as colour and the importance of flavour and texture of sweetpotatoes, and an awareness of the potential health benefits of sweetpotato consumption. In addition, whilst consumer preferences (regarding size, colour, texture, skin tone) and nutritional knowledge of sweet potato (regarding glycaemic index) is increasing, there is limited research investigating consumers understanding of health messages of sweetpotato attributes. This industry and consumer research review highlights the potential for promoting innovative strategies to improve adoption of new cultivars in the marketplace.


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Buckler sorrel (Rumex induratus Boiss. & Reut.) is an underutilized leafy vegetable with peculiar sensory properties and potential as a gourmet food. In the food industry, different packaging methods have been used for shelf-life extension, but it is important to know how the quality of minimally processed vegetable is affected by these treatments. Recently, nitrogen and argon have been used for food packaging. Nitrogen is low soluble in water and other food constituents and does not support the growth of aerobic microbes. In turn, argon is biochemically active and appears to interfere with enzymatic oxygen receptor sites. In this study, modified atmospheres enriched with nitrogen and argon were evaluated for shelf-life extension of buckler sorrel leaves. Wild samples were gathered in Bragança, Portugal, considering local consumers’ sites and criteria. Healthy and undamaged leaves were selected, rinsed in tap water, and a portion was immediately analyzed (non-stored control). The remaining fresh material was packaged in polyethylene bags under nitrogen- and argon-enriched atmospheres and a conventional control atmosphere (air). All packaged samples were stored at 4 ºC for 12 days and then analyzed. The headspace gas composition was monitored during storage. Different quality attributes were evaluated, including visual (colour), nutritional (macronutrients, individual sugars and fatty acids) and bioactive (hydrophilic and lipophilic molecules and antioxidant properties) parameters. Different statistical tools were used; the one-way analysis of variance (ANO VA) was applied for analyse the differences among treatments and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA ) was used to evaluate the effects on the overall postharvest quality. The argon-enriched atmosphere better prevent the samples yellowing. The proximate composition did not change significantly during storage. Samples in control atmosphere revealed higher protein and ash contents and lower levels of lipids. The non-stored control samples presented the higher amounts of fructose, glucose and trehalose. The storage time increased the palmitic acid levels and decreased the content in α-linolenic and linoleic acids. The γ- e δ-tocopherols were higher after the 12 days of cold storage. Probably, the synthesis of these lipophilic compounds was a plant strategy to fight against the abiotic stress induced by storage. Higher levels of total phenolics and flavonoids and increased reducing power and β-carotene bleaching inhibition capacity were also found in the stored control samples. Once again, this result may be attributed to the intrinsic plant-protection mechanisms. Overall, the argon atmosphere was more suitable for quality preservation and shelf-life extension of buckler sorrel.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a inclusão de carne mecanicamente separada (CMS) (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100%), obtido de resíduos de filetagem de tilápias do Nilo, em salsichas e determinar suas propriedades físico-químicas, nutricionais e sensoriais. As salsichas apresentaram diminuição de proteína e aumento de lipídeos com a inclusão de CMS. A qualidade nutricional dos produtos foi alta, com digestibilidade acima de 85%. Os parâmetros de textura e cor instrumental amarela (b*) diminuíram com inclusão crescente de CMS. A avaliação sensorial da cor mostrou que o nível máximo de inclusão de CMS não foi bem aceito pelos provadores. As salsichas com melhor aceitação do atributo sabor foram aquelas com 60% de CMS. Os resultados demonstraram a boa qualidade nutricional das salsichas utilizando CMS de resíduos de filetagem de tilápias do Nilo e de acordo com avaliação sensorial, a porcentagem máxima de inclusão é de 60%.


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Broccoli, a rich source of glucosinolates, is a commonly consumed vegetable of the Brassica family. Hydrolysis products of glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, have been associated with health benefits and contribute to the flavour of Brassica. However, boiling broccoli causes the myrosinase enzyme needed for hydrolysis to denature. In order to ensure hydrolysis, broccoli must either be mildly cooked or active sources of myrosinase, such as mustard seed powder, can be added post-cooking. In this study, samples of broccoli were prepared in six different ways; standard boiling with and without mustard seeds, sous-vide cooking at low temperature (70 °C) and sous-vide cooking at higher temperature (100 ºC) without mustard and with mustard at two different concentrations. The majority of consumers disliked the mildly cooked broccoli samples (70 ºC, 12 min, sous-vide) which had a hard and stringy texture. The highest mean consumer liking was for standard boiled samples (100 ºC, 7 min). Addition of 1% mustard seed powder developed sensory attributes such as pungency, burning sensation, mustard odour and flavour. One cluster of consumers (32%) found mustard seeds to be a good complement to cooked broccoli, however, the majority disliked the mustard-derived sensory attributes. Where the mustard seeds were partially processed, doubling the addition to 2% led to only the same level of mustard flavour and pungency as 1% unprocessed seeds, and mean consumer liking remained unaltered. This suggests that optimisation of the addition level of partially processed mustard seeds may be a route to enhance bioactivity of cooked broccoli without compromising consumer acceptability.


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Oleocanthal is an olive oil phenolic possessing anti-inflammatory activity. Anecdotal evidence suggests that oleocanthal elicits a stinging sensation felt only at the back of the throat (oropharynx). Due to this compound possessing potentially health-benefiting properties, investigation into the sensory aspects of oleocanthal is warranted to aid in future research. The important link between the perceptual aspects of oleocanthal and health benefits is the notion that variation in sensitivity to oleocanthal irritation may relate to potential differences in sensitivity to the pharmacologic action of this compound. The current study assessed the unique irritant attributes of oleocanthal including its location of irritation, temporal profile, and individual differences in the perceived irritation. We show that the irritation elicited by oleocanthal was localized to the oropharynx (P < 0.001) with little or no irritation in the anterior oral cavity. Peak irritation was perceived 15 s postexposure and lasted over 180 s. Oleocanthal irritation was more variable among individuals compared with the irritation elicited by CO2 and the sweetness of sucrose. There was no correlation between intensity ratings of oleocanthal and CO2 and oleocanthal and sucrose (r = –0.15, n = 50, P = 0.92 and r = 0.17, n = 84, P = 0.12, respectively), suggesting that independent mechanisms underlie the irritation of CO2 and oleocanthal. The unusual spatial localization and independence of acid (CO2) sensations suggest that distinct nociceptors for oleocanthal are located in the oropharyngeal region of the oral cavity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effect of adding different ratios of inulin and extra virgin olive oil blends, formulated without (MPA) and with cryoprotectants (MPB), on texture properties of fresh mashed potatoes and frozen/thawed mashed potatoes was studied. Inulin and extra virgin olive oil behaved like soft ?llers, but inulin was associated with increased?brousness and extra virgin olive oil with increased creaminess. In the total dataset and frozen mashed potatoes, frozen/thawed mashed potatoes, and MPA subgroups, component 1 was a contrast between mechanical and surface textural attributes, whereas in MPB samples component 1 was determined by geometrical attributes. Addition of inulin at 30 g/kg and extra virgin olive oil at 45 g/kg is recommended.


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Xath3 encodes a Xenopus neuronal-specific basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor related to the Drosophila proneural factor atonal. We show here that Xath3 acts downstream of X-ngnr-1 during neuronal differentiation in the neural plate and retina and that its expression and activity are modulated by Notch signaling. X-ngnr-1 activates Xath3 and NeuroD by different mechanisms, and the latter two genes crossactivate each other. In the ectoderm, X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 have similar activities, inducing ectopic sensory neurons. Among the sensory-specific markers tested, only those that label cranial neurons were found to be ectopically activated. By contrast, in the retina, X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 overexpression promote the development of overlapping but distinct subtypes of retinal neurons. Together, these data suggest that X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 regulate successive stages of early neuronal differentiation and that, in addition to their general proneural properties, they may contribute, in a context-dependent manner, to some aspect of neuronal identity.