755 resultados para SENSORIMOTOR STRIATUM


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Background: It is well established that phonological awareness, print knowledge and rapid naming predict later reading difficulties. However, additional auditory, visual and motor difficulties have also been observed in dyslexic children. It is examined to what extent these difficulties can be used to predict later literacy difficulties. Method: An unselected sample of 267 children at school entry completed a wide battery of tasks associated with dyslexia. Their reading was tested 2, 3 and 4 years later and poor readers were identified (n = 42). Logistic regression and multiple case study approaches were used to examine the predictive validity of different tasks. Results: As expected, print knowledge, verbal short-term memory, phonological awareness and rapid naming were good predictors of later poor reading. Deficits in visual search and in auditory processing were also present in a large minority of the poor readers. Almost all poor readers showed deficits in at least one area at school entry, but there was no single deficit that characterised the majority of poor readers. Conclusions: Results are in line with Pennington’s (2006) multiple deficits view of dyslexia. They indicate that the causes of poor reading outcome are multiple, interacting and probabilistic, rather than deterministic. Keywords: Dyslexia; educational attainment; longitudinal studies; prediction; phonological processing.


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Humans and animals have remarkable capabilities in keeping time and using time as a guide to orient their learning and decision making. Psychophysical models of timing and time perception have been proposed for decades and have received behavioral, anatomical and pharmacological data support. However, despite numerous studies that aimed at delineating the neural underpinnings of interval timing, a complete picture of the neurobiological network of timing in the seconds-to-minutes range remains elusive. Based on classical interval timing protocols and proposing a Timing, Immersive Memory and Emotional Regulation (TIMER) test battery, the author investigates the contributions of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus as well as the dorsolateral and the dorsomedial striatum to interval timing by comparing timing performances in mice after they received cytotoxic lesions in the corresponding brain regions. On the other hand, a timing-based theoretical framework for the emergence of conscious experience that is closely related to the function of the claustrum is proposed so as to serve both biological guidance and the research and evolution of “strong” artificial intelligence. Finally, a new “Double Saturation Model of Interval Timing” that integrates the direct- and indirect- pathways of striatum is proposed to explain the set of empirical findings.


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Two novel studies examining the capacity and characteristics of working memory for object weights, experienced through lifting, were completed. Both studies employed visually identical objects of varying weight and focused on memories linking object locations and weights. Whereas numerous studies have examined the capacity of visual working memory, the capacity of sensorimotor memory involved in motor control and object manipulation has not yet been explored. In addition to assessing working memory for object weights using an explicit perceptual test, we also assessed memory for weight using an implicit measure based on motor performance. The vertical lifting or LF and the horizontal GF applied during lifts, measured from force sensors embedded in the object handles, were used to assess participants’ ability to predict object weights. In Experiment 1, participants were presented with sets of 3, 4, 5, 7 or 9 objects. They lifted each object in the set and then repeated this procedure 10 times with the objects lifted either in a fixed or random order. Sensorimotor memory was examined by assessing, as a function of object set size, how lifting forces changed across successive lifts of a given object. The results indicated that force scaling for weight improved across the repetitions of lifts, and was better for smaller set sizes when compared to the larger set sizes, with the latter effect being clearest when objects were lifting in a random order. However, in general the observed force scaling was poorly scaled. In Experiment 2, working memory was examined in two ways: by determining participants’ ability to detect a change in the weight of one of 3 to 6 objects lifted twice, and by simultaneously measuring the fingertip forces applied when lifting the objects. The results showed that, even when presented with 6 objects, participants were extremely accurate in explicitly detecting which object changed weight. In addition, force scaling for object weight, which was generally quite weak, was similar across set sizes. Thus, a capacity limit less than 6 was not found for either the explicit or implicit measures collected.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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To assess the location of hard gelatin capsules in the pharyngeal phase triggering among asymptomatic adults. The location of the bolus during the pharyngeal phase triggering provides information about the sensorimotor model of the beginning of deglutition onset. To evaluate the location of hard gelatin capsules in the pharyngeal phase triggering among asymptomatic adults. A videofluoroscopy swallowing study was carried out in 60 subjects (14 male and 46 female participants) aged between 27 and 55 years, who were evaluated with hard gelatin capsules #00 and #3 containing barium sulfate, swallowed with liquid food and pudding, in free volume. The first laryngeal elevation movement was the criterion to locate the pharyngeal phase triggering. Statistical analysis was based on the McNemar test. Capsule #3 presented higher percentage of location in the tongue dorsum compared to capsule #00, and capsule #00 presented higher percentage of location in the tongue base and vallecula compared to capsule #3. There was a difference between different capsules swallowed with liquid (p=0.016) and pudding (p=0.037). The capsule size influenced the location of the pharyngeal phase triggering. Smaller capsules started pharyngeal phase in the most anterior region (tongue dorsum) compared to larger capsules.


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Modelos experimentais baseados no aumento da neurotransmissão dopaminérgica mimetizam aspectos comportamentais e neuroquímicos característicos da esquizofrenia. Psicoestimulantes, como a anfetamina, são utilizados com esta finalidade, pois aumentam os níveis de dopamina extracelular nas vias mesocorticolímbica e mesoestriatal. As limitações da manipulação direta do sistema dopaminérgico nos modelos animais incentivam abordagens complementares. O óxido nítrico (NO), um neurotransmissor atípico que inibe a recaptação de dopamina e estimula sua liberação, parece modular comportamentos controlados pelo sistema dopaminérgico. O teste de inibição pré-pulso revela uma deficiência no filtro sensório-motor, verificada em esquizofrênicos ou após tratamentos com psicotomiméticos, podendo ser prevenida pela inibição do NO. Esta revisão apresenta evidências da interação do NO com o sistema dopaminérgico em modelos para o estudo da esquizofrenia como uma nova ferramenta de investigação desta patologia.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of reproductive experience on dopaminergic profile in three different brain tissues, hypothalamus, striatum and cortex in rats on 7th-8th day of pregnancy during the light-dark shift (between 1700-1900h). Results showed that in hypothalamus, dopamine levels increased and DOPAC/DA decreased as a function of parity. In cortex, no differences were observed. In striata, the haloperidol-induced HVA and HVA/DA increases were less intense in experienced animals. These findings suggested that reproductive experience produced functional central changes during pregnancy, with different neurochemical responses depending on the brain region.


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Introduction: The successful integration of stem cells in adult brain has become a central issue in modern neuroscience. In this study we sought to test the hypothesis that survival and neurodifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be dependent upon microenvironmental conditions according to the site of implant in the brain. Methods: MSCs were isolated from adult rats and labeled with enhanced-green fluorescent protein (eGFP) lentivirus. A cell suspension was implanted stereotactically into the brain of 50 young rats, into one neurogenic area (hippocampus), and into another nonneurogenic area (striatum). Animals were sacrificed 6 or 12 weeks after surgery, and brains were stained for mature neuronal markers. Cells coexpressing NeuN (neuronal specific nuclear protein) and GFP (green fluorescent protein) were counted stereologically at both targets. Results: The isolated cell population was able to generate neurons positive for microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN), and neurofilament 200 (NF200) in vitro. Electrophysiology confirmed expression of voltage-gated ionic channels. Once implanted into the hippocampus, cells survived for up to 12 weeks, migrated away from the graft, and gave rise to mature neurons able to synthesize neurotransmitters. By contrast, massive cell degeneration was seen in the striatum, with no significant migration. Induction of neuronal differentiation with increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the culture medium before implantation favored differentiation in vivo. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that survival and differentiation of MSCs is strongly dependent upon a permissive microenvironment. Identification of the pro-neurogenic factors present in the hippocampus could subsequently allow for the integration of stem cells into nonpermissive areas of the central nervous system.


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Objective: The striatum, including the putamen and caudate, plays an important role in executive and emotional processing and may be involved in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. Few studies have examined structural abnormalities of the striatum in pediatric major depressive disorder (MDD) patients. We report striatal volume abnormalities in medication-naive pediatric MDD compared to healthy comparison subjects. Method: Twenty seven medication-naive pediatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4(th) edition (DSM-IV) MDD and 26 healthy comparison subjects underwent volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The putamen and caudate volumes were traced manually by a blinded rater, and the patient and control groups were compared using analysis of covariance adjusting for age, sex, intelligence quotient, and total brain volumes. Results: MDD patients had significantly smaller right striatum (6.0% smaller) and right caudate volumes (7.4% smaller) compared to the healthy subjects. Left caudate volumes were inversely correlated with severity of depression in MDD subjects. Age was inversely correlated with left and right putamen volumes in MDD patients but not in the healthy subjects. Conclusions: These findings provide fresh evidence for abnormalities in the striatum of medication-naive pediatric MDD patients and suggest the possible involvement of the striatum in the pathophysiology of MDD.


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Balance problems in hemiparetic patients after stroke can be caused by different impairments in the physiological systems involved in Postural control, including sensory afferents, movement strategies, biomechanical constraints, cognitive processing, and perception of verticality. Balance impairments and disabilities must be appropriately addressed. This article reviews the most common balance abnormalities in hemiparetic patients with stroke and the main tools used to diagnose them.


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Managing schizophrenia has never been a trivial matter. Furthermore, while classical antipsychotics induce extrapyramidal side effects and hyperprolactinaemia, atypical antipsychotics lead to diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, and weight gain. Moreover, even with newer drugs, a sizable proportion of patients do not show significant improvement. Alstonine is an indole alkaloid identified as the major component of a plant-based remedy used in Nigeria to treat the mentally ill. Alstonine presents a clear antipsychotic profile in rodents, apparently with differential effects in distinct dopaminergic pathways. The aim of this study was to complement the antipsychotic profile of alstonine, verifying its effects on brain amines in mouse frontal cortex and striatum. Additionally, we examined if alstonine induces some hormonal and metabolic changes common to antipsychotics. HPLC data reveal that alstonine increases serotonergic transmission and increases intraneuronal dopamine catabolism. In relation to possible side effects, preliminary data suggest that alstonine does not affect prolactin levels, does not induce gains in body weight, but prevents the expected fasting-induced decrease in glucose levels. Overall, this study reinforces the proposal that alstonine is a potential innovative antipsychotic, and that a comprehensive understanding of its neurochemical basis may open new avenues to developing newer antipsychotic medications.


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Aging is known to have a degrading influence on many structures and functions of the human sensorimotor system. The present work assessed aging-related changes in postural sway using fractal and complexity measures of the center of pressure (COP) dynamics with the hypothesis that complexity and fractality decreases in the older individuals. Older subjects (68 +/- 4 years) and young adult subjects (28 +/- 7 years) performed a quiet stance task (60 s) and a prolonged standing task (30 min) where subjects were allowed to move freely. Long-range correlations (fractality) of the data were estimated by the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA); changes in entropy were estimated by the multi-scale entropy (MSE) measure. The DFA results showed that the fractal dimension was lower for the older subjects in comparison to the young adults but the fractal dimensions of both groups were not different from a 1/f noise, for time intervals between 10 and 600 s. The MSE analysis performed with the typically applied adjustment to the criterion distance showed a higher degree of complexity in the older subjects, which is inconsistent with the hypothesis that complexity in the human physiological system decreases with aging. The same MSE analysis performed without adjustment showed no differences between the groups. Taken all results together, the decrease in total postural sway and long-range correlations in older individuals are signs of an adaptation process reflecting the diminishing ability to generate adequate responses on a longer time scale.


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Manual asymmetries were analyzed in 18- to 63-year-old right-handers in different motor tasks. This analysis aimed at describing the asymmetry profile for each task and assessing their stability across ages. For this purpose, performance of the right and left hands were analyzed in the following aspects: simple reaction time, rate of sequential finger movements, maximum grip force, accuracy in anticipatory timing, rate of repetitive tapping, and rate of drawing movements. In addition, stability of manual preference across ages was assessed through the Edinburgh inventory (Oldfield, 1971). The results indicated different profiles of manual asymmetry, with identification of three categories across tasks: symmetric performance (asymmetry indices close to zero), inconsistent asymmetry (asymmetry indices variable in magnitude and direction), and consistent asymmetry (asymmetry indices favoring a single hand). The different profiles observed in the young adults were stable across ages with two exceptions: decreased lateral asymmetry for maximum grip force and increased asymmetry for sequential drawing in older individuals. These results indicate that manual asymmetries are task specific. Such task specificity is interpreted to be the result of different sensorimotor requirements imposed by each motor task in association with motor experiences accumulated over the lifetime. Analysis of manual preference showed that strength of preference for the right hand was greater in older individuals. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson Srl. All rights reserved.