978 resultados para SENSITIVE PROPERTIES


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Schinus molle L. is commonly known as pink pepper or American pepper, of Anacardiaceae family, from subtropical regions of South America, introduced and naturalized in South Europe, including Portugal. In folk medicine, plant extracts and essential oil has related as having antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antitumoral, antispasmodic, analgesic and antidepressive properties. The aim of present study was to evaluate the chemical composition and biological activities of essential oil extracted from leaves and fruits of S. molle. For this purpose, the essential oils were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC/FID) and antioxidant properties were evaluated by the free radical DPPH and by system β-carotene/linoleic acid methods. The antimicrobial activities were screened against pathogenic bacteria and fungi and food spoiling fungi by the disc diffusion assay and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for sensitive strains. Toxicity of essential oils were carried out by the brine shrimp mortality test (EC50) and acute lethal dose (DL50) determination after oral administration in Swiss mice The major components in leaf essential oil were α-phellandrene, β-phellandrene and limonene, while myrcene, α-phellandrene and 1,8-cineole are the main components in the fruit essential oil. The essential oils of leaf and fruit of S. molle showed antioxidant activity through the two mechanisms: the ability to capture free radicals and protection of lipid peroxidation. These oils exhibited also a broad microbial activity spectrum, against pathogenic bacteria Gram-positive and Gram-negative and Candida spp. The fruit essential oil showed high cytotoxicity against Artemia salina. Essential oils of leaves and fruits of S. molle showed significant antioxidant and microbial properties, so the studies continue to clarify more in deep its toxicity, including hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity, and to evaluate its medicinal or nutraceutical potential.


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In life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) models, the sorption of the ionic fraction of dissociating organic chemicals is not adequately modeled because conventional non-polar partitioning models are applied. Therefore, high uncertainties are expected when modeling the mobility, as well as the bioavailability for uptake by exposed biota and degradation, of dissociating organic chemicals. Alternative regressions that account for the ionized fraction of a molecule to estimate fate parameters were applied to the USEtox model. The most sensitive model parameters in the estimation of ecotoxicological characterization factors (CFs) of micropollutants were evaluated by Monte Carlo analysis in both the default USEtox model and the alternative approach. Negligible differences of CFs values and 95% confidence limits between the two approaches were estimated for direct emissions to the freshwater compartment; however the default USEtox model overestimates CFs and the 95% confidence limits of basic compounds up to three orders and four orders of magnitude, respectively, relatively to the alternative approach for emissions to the agricultural soil compartment. For three emission scenarios, LCIA results show that the default USEtox model overestimates freshwater ecotoxicity impacts for the emission scenarios to agricultural soil by one order of magnitude, and larger confidence limits were estimated, relatively to the alternative approach.


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Position sensitive particle detectors are needed in high energy physics research. This thesis describes the development of fabrication processes and characterization techniques of silicon microstrip detectors used in the work for searching elementary particles in the European center for nuclear research, CERN. The detectors give an electrical signal along the particles trajectory after a collision in the particle accelerator. The trajectories give information about the nature of the particle in the struggle to reveal the structure of the matter and the universe. Detectors made of semiconductors have a better position resolution than conventional wire chamber detectors. Silicon semiconductor is overwhelmingly used as a detector material because of its cheapness and standard usage in integrated circuit industry. After a short spread sheet analysis of the basic building block of radiation detectors, the pn junction, the operation of a silicon radiation detector is discussed in general. The microstrip detector is then introduced and the detailed structure of a double-sided ac-coupled strip detector revealed. The fabrication aspects of strip detectors are discussedstarting from the process development and general principles ending up to the description of the double-sided ac-coupled strip detector process. Recombination and generation lifetime measurements in radiation detectors are discussed shortly. The results of electrical tests, ie. measuring the leakage currents and bias resistors, are displayed. The beam test setups and the results, the signal to noise ratio and the position accuracy, are then described. It was found out in earlier research that a heavy irradiation changes the properties of radiation detectors dramatically. A scanning electron microscope method was developed to measure the electric potential and field inside irradiated detectorsto see how a high radiation fluence changes them. The method and the most important results are discussed shortly.


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The perovskite crystal structure is host to many different materials from insulating to superconducting providing a diverse range of intrinsic character and complexity. A better fundamental description of these materials in terms of their electronic, optical and magnetic properties undoubtedly precedes an effective realization of their application potential. SmTiOa, a distorted perovskite has a strongly localized electronic structure and undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition at 50 K in its nominally stoichiometric form. Sr2Ru04 is a layered perovskite superconductor (ie. Tc % 1 K) bearing the same structure as the high-tem|>erature superconductor La2_xSrrCu04. Polarized reflectance measurements were carried out on both of these materials revealing several interesting features in the far-infrared range of the spectrum. In the case of SmTiOa, although insulating, evidence indicates the presence of a finite background optical conductivity. As the temperature is lowered through the ordering temperature a resonance feature appears to narrow and strengthen near 120 cm~^ A nearby phonon mode appears to also couple to this magnetic transition as revealed by a growing asymmetry in the optica] conductivity. Experiments on a doped sample with a greater itinerant character and lower Neel temperature = 40 K also indicate the presence of this strongly temperature dependent mode even at twice the ordering temperature. Although the mode appears to be sensitive to the magnetic transition it is unclear whether a magnon assignment is appropriate. At very least, evidence suggests an interesting interaction between magnetic and electronic excitations. Although Sr2Ru04 is highly anisotropic it is metallic in three-dimensions at low temperatures and reveals its coherent transport in an inter-plane Drude-like component to the highest temperatures measured (ie. 90 K). An extended Drude analysis is used to probe the frequency dependent scattering character revealing a peak in both the mass enhancement and scattering rate near 80 cm~* and 100 cm~* respectively. All of these experimental observations appear relatively consistent with a Fermi-liquid picture of charge transport. To supplement the optical measurements a resistivity station was set up with an event driven object oriented user interface. The program controls a Keithley Current Source, HP Nano-Voltmeter and Switching Unit as well as a LakeShore Temperature Controller in order to obtain a plot of the Resistivity as a function of temperature. The system allows for resistivity measurements ranging from 4 K to 290 K using an external probe or between 0.4 K to 295 K using a Helium - 3 Cryostat. Several materials of known resistivity have confirmed the system to be robust and capable of measuring metallic samples distinguishing features of several fiQ-cm.


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Le ligand nacnacxylH (xyl = C6Me2H3) et les ligands dikétimines N-alkyle substitués (nacnacCH(Me)PhH, nacnacBnH and nacnaciPrH) ont été préparés avec de bons rendements à l’exception du nacnaciPrH (23%) en utilisant un protocole en une étape et à l’aide d’un montage Dean-Stark. La réaction du S,S-nacnacCH(Me)PhH et du nacnacBnH avec le nBuLi dans le THF conduit au S,S-nacnacCH(Me)PhLi(THF) et au nacnacBnLi(THF). Les tentatives de bromation de ces composés par le N-bromosuccinimide conduisent plutôt aux ligands S,S-succnacnacCH(Me)PhH et succnacnacBnH (succ = succinimido) substitués par un groupement succinimido sur le carbone  La chloration par le N-chlorosuccinimide conduit au produit désiré, mais avec des impuretés. La réaction de ces ligands avec le CuOtBu (ou bien MesCu, où Mes = C6Me3H2, et une quantité catalytique de CuOtBu) en présence de bases de Lewis donne les (nacnacxylCu)2(-toluène), nacnacxylCuCNC6H3(Me)2, nacnacCH(Me)PhCuL (L = PPh3, PMe3, CNC6H3(Me)2, DMAP, lutidine, Py, MeCN), nacnacBnCuL (L = PPh3, CNC6H3(Me)2, styrène, trans-stilbene, phenylvinylether, acrylonitrile, diphenylacetylène), nacnaciPrCuL (L = PPh3, CNC6H3(Me)2, MeCN) et le succnacnacCH(Me)PhCuL (PPh3, CNC6H3(Me)2, pyridine). Tous ces complexes sont jaunes et sensibles à l’air et à l’humidité. En l’absence de fortes bases de Lewis, on n’observe pas de réaction entre les précurseurs de cuivre et les ligands N-alkyle substitués. Les études RMN des complexes dans le C6D6 ne présentent pas de complexe de toluène mais un mélange à l’équilibre du (nacnacxylCu)2(-C6D6) et nacnacxylCu(C6D6) dans une proportion de 2 pour 1. Alors que l’addition de plus de cinquante équivalents soit de THF, soit de toluène n’induit aucun changement des spectres RMN, l’addition de 2 équivalents de MeCN conduit instantanément au complexe nacnacxylCu(MeCN). De plus, le (nacnacxylylCu)2(-C6D6) ne se coordone ni ne réagit avec le N2O, même après avoir été chauffé à 60°C pendant treize jours. En présence de DPA (diphenylacétylène), la réaction du nacnacBnH avec le CuOtBu conduit au dimère ponté (nacnacBnCu)2(µ-DPA). L’addition d’un excès de DPA (10-12 équivalents) transforme le dimère ponté en complexe lié en position terminale nacnacBnCuDPA. Les nacnacRH (R = CH(Me)Ph et i-Pr) ne forment pas de complexe ni avec les oléfines ni avec le DPA. Une réactivité similaire a été observée avec les complexes de nacnacCH(Me)PhCu(NCMe) et nacnaci-PrCu(NCMe). Tandis que le complexe lié en position terminale par MeCN a été isolé et caractérisé, l’équilibre en solution nous laisse suspecter la formation d’un complexe d’acétonitrile ponté. Des études de réactivité comparatives ont été menées sur quelques complexes de cuivre. La Morpholine ne réagit pas avec le nacnacBnCu(acrylonitrile) contrairement à l’acrylonitrile libre. L’expérience de l’échange d’oléfine montre que l’acrylonitrile (une oléfine électro-attractrice) se lie plus fortement que les autres oléfines, mettant ainsi en évidence l’importance de la rétrodonation  face à la donation La rétrodonation est cependant faible comparée aux autres complexes de styrène structurellement caractérisés. Les complexes nacnacCH(Me)PhCuL (L = PPh3 et MeCN) ont été employés dans la cyclopropanation catalytique du styrène et dans l’addition conjuguée du ZnEt2 sur la 2-cyclohexénone, mais les résultats indiquent que le ligand dikétimine est éliminé avant son entrée dans le cycle catalytique. Par conséquent, il n’y a pas d’induction chirale. Les complexes tétra coordinées de cuivre avec les nacnacRCu(phen) (R = Bn, CH(Me)Ph et Phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, 2-Mes-1,10-phenanthroline, 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (dmp) et 2,9-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (dpp)) ont été synthétisés. Ces complexes sont d’une intense couleur bleue et des interactions d’empilement entre l’un des cycles phényle des ligands nacnac et la phénanthroline ont été observées dans les structures à l’état solide. Les mesures en absorption UV-visible ont été effectuées dans le toluène et les bandes MLCT sont déplacées vers le rouge par rapport à celles des complexes de cuivre et bisphénanthroline. Tous ces composés émettent à l’état solide mais les complexes 1,10-phenanthroline et 2-Mes-1,10-phenanthroline n’émettent pas en solution. Pour renforcer les interactions d’empilement , les nouveaux ligands nacnacRH (R = CH2C6H2(OMe)3, CH2C6F5) et leurs complexes de cuivre respectifs ont été préparés avec du dmp et dpp. Afin de permettre la comparaison, le nacnaciBuCu(dmp) a été synthétisé. Alors que les complexes dmp montrent une augmentation des interactions intramoléculaires - avec les substituants phényle du ligand dikétimine et de la phénanthroline, les complexes dpp ne révèlent pas de telles interactions. Les complexes perfluorés montrent, en absorption et en émission, un déplacement significatif vers le bleu, alors que les complexes substitués par un groupements isobutyle présentent des transitions déplacées vers le rouge. Alors que les intensités de luminescence et les durées de vie sont faibles, les déplacements réduits de Stokes et les pics étroits de luminescence comparables indiquent une réduction des distorsions de l’état excité.


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We report a photoacoustic (PA) study of the thermal and transport properties of a GaAs epitaxial layer doped with Si at varying doping concentration, grown on GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. The data are analyzed on the basis of Rosencwaig and Gersho’s theory of the PA effect. The amplitude of the PA signal gives information about various heat generation mechanisms in semiconductors. The experimental data obtained from the measurement of the PA signal as a function of modulation frequency in a heat transmission configuration were fitted with the phase of PA signal obtained from the theoretical model evaluated by considering four parameters—viz., thermal diffusivity, diffusion coefficient, nonradiative recombination time, and surface recombination velocity—as adjustable parameters. It is seen from the analysis that the photoacoustic technique is sensitive to the changes in the surface states depend on the doping concentration. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the photoacoustic technique as a noninvasive and nondestructive method to measure and evaluate the thermal and transport properties of epitaxial layers.


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Among the large number of photothcrmal techniques available, photoacoustics assumes a very significant place because of its essential simplicity and the variety of applications it finds in science and technology. The photoacoustic (PA) effect is the generation of an acoustic signal when a sample, kept inside an enclosed volume, is irradiated by an intensity modulated beam of radiation. The radiation absorbed by the sample is converted into thermal waves by nonradiative de-excitation processes. The propagating thermal waves cause a corresponding expansion and contraction of the gas medium surrounding the sample, which in tum can be detected as sound waves by a sensitive microphone. These sound waves have the same frequency as the initial modulation frequency of light. Lock-in detection method enables one to have a sufficiently high signal to noise ratio for the detected signal. The PA signal amplitude depends on the optical absorption coefficient of the sample and its thermal properties. The PA signal phase is a function of the thermal diffusivity of the sample.Measurement of the PA amplitude and phase enables one to get valuable information about the thermal and optical properties of the sample. Since the PA signal depends on the optical and thennal properties of the sample, their variation will get reflected in the PA signal. Therefore, if the PA signal is collected from various points on a sample surface it will give a profile of the variations in the optical/thennal properties across the sample surface. Since the optical and thermal properties are affected by the presence of defects, interfaces, change of material etc. these will get reflected in the PA signal. By varying the modulation frequency, we can get information about the subsurface features also. This is the basic principle of PA imaging or PA depth profiling. It is a quickly expanding field with potential applications in thin film technology, chemical engineering, biology, medical diagnosis etc. Since it is a non-destructive method, PA imaging has added advantages over some of the other imaging techniques. A major part of the work presented in this thesis is concemed with the development of a PA imaging setup that can be used to detect the presence of surface and subsmface defects in solid samples.Determination of thermal transport properties such as thermal diffusivity, effusivity, conductivity and heat capacity of materials is another application of photothennal effect. There are various methods, depending on the nature of the sample, to determine these properties. However, there are only a few methods developed to determine all these properties simultaneously. Even though a few techniques to determine the above thermal properties individually for a coating can be found in literature, no technique is available for the simultaneous measurement of these parameters for a coating. We have developed a scanning photoacoustic technique that can be used to determine all the above thermal transport properties simultaneously in the case of opaque coatings such as paints. Another work that we have presented in this thesis is the determination of thermal effusivity of many bulk solids by a scanning photoacoustic technique. This is one of the very few methods developed to determine thermal effiisivity directly.


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Design and study of molecular receptors capable of mimicking natural processes has found applications in basic research as well as in the development of potentially useful technologies. Of the various receptors reported, the cyclophanes are known to encapsulate guest molecules in their cavity utilizing various non–covalent interactions resulting in significant changes in their optical properties. This unique property of the cyclophanes has been widely exploited for the development of selective and sensitive probes for a variety of guest molecules including complex biomolecules. Further, the incorporation of metal centres into these systems added new possibilities for designing receptors such as the metallocyclophanes and transition metal complexes, which can target a large variety of Lewis basic functional groups that act as selective synthetic receptors. The ligands that form complexes with the metal ions, and are capable of further binding to Lewis-basic substrates through open coordination sites present in various biomolecules are particularly important as biomolecular receptors. In this context, we synthesized a few anthracene and acridine based metal complexes and novel metallocyclophanes and have investigated their photophysical and biomolecular recognition properties.


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A finitely generated group is called a Church-Rosser group (growing context-sensitive group) if it admits a finitely generated presentation for which the word problem is a Church-Rosser (growing context-sensitive) language. Although the Church-Rosser languages are incomparable to the context-free languages under set inclusion, they strictly contain the class of deterministic context-free languages. As each context-free group language is actually deterministic context-free, it follows that all context-free groups are Church-Rosser groups. As the free abelian group of rank 2 is a non-context-free Church-Rosser group, this inclusion is proper. On the other hand, we show that there are co-context-free groups that are not growing context-sensitive. Also some closure and non-closure properties are established for the classes of Church-Rosser and growing context-sensitive groups. More generally, we also establish some new characterizations and closure properties for the classes of Church-Rosser and growing context-sensitive languages.


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The combination of radar and lidar in space offers the unique potential to retrieve vertical profiles of ice water content and particle size globally, and two algorithms developed recently claim to have overcome the principal difficulty with this approach-that of correcting the lidar signal for extinction. In this paper "blind tests" of these algorithms are carried out, using realistic 94-GHz radar and 355-nm lidar backscatter profiles simulated from aircraft-measured size spectra, and including the effects of molecular scattering, multiple scattering, and instrument noise. Radiation calculations are performed on the true and retrieved microphysical profiles to estimate the accuracy with which radiative flux profiles could be inferred remotely. It is found that the visible extinction profile can be retrieved independent of assumptions on the nature of the size distribution, the habit of the particles, the mean extinction-to-backscatter ratio, or errors in instrument calibration. Local errors in retrieved extinction can occur in proportion to local fluctuations in the extinction-to-backscatter ratio, but down to 400 m above the height of the lowest lidar return, optical depth is typically retrieved to better than 0.2. Retrieval uncertainties are greater at the far end of the profile, and errors in total optical depth can exceed 1, which changes the shortwave radiative effect of the cloud by around 20%. Longwave fluxes are much less sensitive to errors in total optical depth, and may generally be calculated to better than 2 W m(-2) throughout the profile. It is important for retrieval algorithms to account for the effects of lidar multiple scattering, because if this is neglected, then optical depth is underestimated by approximately 35%, resulting in cloud radiative effects being underestimated by around 30% in the shortwave and 15% in the longwave. Unlike the extinction coefficient, the inferred ice water content and particle size can vary by 30%, depending on the assumed mass-size relationship (a problem common to all remote retrieval algorithms). However, radiative fluxes are almost completely determined by the extinction profile, and if this is correct, then errors in these other parameters have only a small effect in the shortwave (around 6%, compared to that of clear sky) and a negligible effect in the longwave.


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Reaction of a group of N-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)benzaldimines, derived from 2-aminophenol and five para-substituted benzaldehydes (the para substituents are OCH3, CH3, H, Cl and NO2), with [Rh(PPh3)(3)Cl] in refluxing toluene in the presence of a base (NEW afforded a family of organometallic complexes of rhodium(III). The crystal structure of one complex has been determined by X-ray crystallography. In these complexes the benzaldimine ligands are coordinated to the metal center, via dissociation of the phenolic proton and the phenyl proton at the ortho position of the phenyl ring in the imine fragment, as dianionic tridentate C,N,O-donors, and the two PPh3 ligands are trans. The complexes are diamagnetic (low-spin d(6), S = 0) and show intense MLCT transitions in the visible region. Cyclic voltammetry shows a Rh(III)-Rh(IV) oxidation within 0.63-0.93 V vs SCE followed by an oxidation of the coordinated benzaldimine ligand. A reduction of the coordinated benzaldimine is also observed within -0.96 to -1.04 V vs SCE. Potential of the Rh(Ill)-Rh(IV) oxidation is found to be sensitive to the nature of the para-substituent. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, data from spaceborne radar, lidar and infrared radiometers on the “A-Train” of satellites are combined in a variational algorithm to retrieve ice cloud properties. The method allows a seamless retrieval between regions where both radar and lidar are sensitive to the regions where one detects the cloud. We first implement a cloud phase identification method, including identification of supercooled water layers using the lidar signal and temperature to discriminate ice from liquid. We also include rigorous calculation of errors assigned in the variational scheme. We estimate the impact of the microphysical assumptions on the algorithm when radiances are not assimilated by evaluating the impact of the change in the area-diameter and the density-diameter relationships in the retrieval of cloud properties. We show that changes to these assumptions affect the radar-only and lidar-only retrieval more than the radar-lidar retrieval, although the lidar-only extinction retrieval is only weakly affected. We also show that making use of the molecular lidar signal beyond the cloud as a constraint on optical depth, when ice clouds are sufficiently thin to allow the lidar signal to penetrate them entirely, improves the retrieved extinction. When infrared radiances are available, they provide an extra constraint and allow the extinction-to-backscatter ratio to vary linearly with height instead of being constant, which improves the vertical distribution of retrieved cloud properties.


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Sensitive optical detection of nitroaromatic vapours with diketo-pyrrolopyrrole thin films is reported for the first time and the impact of thin film crystal structure and morphology on fluorescence quenching behaviour demonstrated.


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In this work, the effect of glycerol on the physical properties of edible films were identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared (FTIR) and microwave spectroscopy. According to XRD diffractograms, films with 0 and 15% glycerol displayed an amorphous character, and a tendency to semicrystallization, for films with 30% and 45% glycerol. From DSC thermograms, the glass transition (Tg) of the films decreased with glycerol content. However, two Tgs were observed for samples with 30% and 45% glycerol, due to a phase separation. The intensity and positions of the peaks in FTIR fingerprint region presented slight variations due to new interactions arising between glycerol and biopolymer. Microwave measurements were sensitive to moisture content in the films, due to hydrophilic nature of the glycerol. The effect of plasticizer plays, then, an important rule on the physical and functional properties of these films, for applications in food technology.


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We have used P19 embryonal carcinoma cells as in vitro model for early neurogenesis to study ionotropic P2X and metabotropic P2Y receptor-induced Ca2+ transients and their participation in induction of proliferation and differentiation. In embryonic P19 cells, P2Y(1), P2Y(2) and P2X(4) receptors or P2X-heteromultimers with similar P2X4 pharmacology were responsible for ATP and ATP analogue-induced Ca2+ transients. In neuronal-differentiated cells, P2Y(2), P2Y(6), P2X(2) and possibly P2X(2)/P2X(6) heteromeric receptors were the major mediators of the elevations in intracellular free calcium concentration [Ca2+](i). We have collected evidence for the involvement of metabotropic purinergic receptors in proliferation induction of undifferentiated and neural progenitor cells by using a BrdU-incorporation assay. ATP-, UTP-, ADP-, 2-MeS-ATP- and ADP-beta S-induced proliferation in P19 cells was mediated by P2Y, and P2Y2 receptors as judged from pharmacological profiles of receptor responses. ATP-provoked acceleration of neuronal differentiation, determined by analysis of nestin and neuron-specific enolase gene and protein expression, also resulted from P2Y, and P2Y2 receptor activation. Proliferation- and differentiation-induction involved the activation of inositol-trisphosphate sensitive intracellular Ca2+ stores. (C) 2008 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.