963 resultados para SEMICONDUCTOR LASER
We propose a pulse shaping and shortening technique for pulses generated from gain switched single mode semiconductor lasers, based on a Mach Zehnder interferometer with variable delay. The spectral and temporal characteristics of the pulses obtained with the proposed technique are investigated with numerical simulations. Experiments are performed with a Distributed Feedback laser and a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser, emitting at 1.5 µm, obtaining pulse duration reduction of 25-30%. The main asset of the proposed technique is that it can be applied to different devices and pulses, taking advantage of the flexibility of the gain switching technique.
The use of laser beams as excitation sources for the characterization of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) is largely extended. Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) are currently applied to the study of NWs. However, NWs are systems with poor thermal conductivity and poor heat dissipation, which result in unintentional heating under the excitation with a focused laser beam with microscopic size, as those usually used in microRaman and microPL experiments. On the other hand, the NWs have subwavelength diameter, which changes the optical absorption with respect to the absorption in bulk materials. Furthermore, the NW diameter is smaller than the laser beam spot, which means that the optical power absorbed by the NW depends on its position inside the laser beam spot. A detailed analysis of the interaction between a microscopic focused laser beam and semiconductor NWs is necessary for the understanding of the experiments involving laser beam excitation of NWs. We present in this work a numerical analysis of the thermal transport in Si NWs, where the heat source is the laser energy locally absorbed by the NW. This analysis takes account of the optical absorption, the thermal conductivity, the dimensions, diameter and length of the NWs, and the immersion medium. Both free standing and heat-sunk NWs are considered. Also, the temperature distribution in ensembles of NWs is discussed. This analysis intends to constitute a tool for the understanding of the thermal phenomena induced by laser beams in semiconductor NWs.
En el presente trabajo se propone un método para la medida y la estimación del error de la misma en la caracterización del factor de ensanchamiento de línea (parámetro α) de los láseres de semiconductor. La técnica propuesta se basa en el cálculo del parámetro α a partir de la medida de la intensidad y de la frecuencia instantánea de los pulsos generados por un laser de semiconductor conmutado en ganancia. El error de medida se estima mediante la comparación entre el espectro medido y el reconstruido utilizando los perfiles temporales de amplitud y fase de los pulsos generados. El método se ha aplicado a un laser DFB, obteniendo un error de medida menor del 5 %.
Fully integrated semiconductor master-oscillator power-amplifiers (MOPA) with a tapered power amplifier are attractive sources for applications requiring high brightness. The geometrical design of the tapered amplifier is crucial to achieve the required power and beam quality. In this work we investigate by numerical simulation the role of the geometrical design in the beam quality and in the maximum achievable power. The simulations were performed with a Quasi-3D model which solves the complete steady-state semiconductor and thermal equations combined with a beam propagation method. The results indicate that large devices with wide taper angles produce higher power with better beam quality than smaller area designs, but at expenses of a higher injection current and lower conversion efficiency.
We show that a quasi-two dimensional condensate of optically active excitons emits coherent light even in the absence of population inversion. This allows an unambiguous and clear experimental detection of the condensed phase. We prove that, due to the exciton–photon coupling, quantum and thermal fluctuations do not destroy condensation at finite temperature. Suitable conditions to achieve condensation are temperatures of a few K for typical exciton densities and the use of a pulsed and preferably circularly polarized, laser.
A Laser Scanner System (LSS) produces a photoresponse map and can be used for the nondestructive detection of nonuniformities in the photoresponse of a semiconductor device. At SERI the photoresponse maps are used to identify solar cell faults including microcracks, metallization breaks, regions of poor contact between metallization and the underlying emitter surface, and variations in emitter sheet resistance.
Widely tunable gain switching of a grating-coupled surface-emitting laser (GCSEL) has been demonstrated in a simple external cavity configuration for the first time. Pulse duration in range of 40-100ps and wavelength tuning over 100nm have been achieved. High power, tail-free optical pulses have been observed at 980nm.
Self-seeded, gain-switched operation of an InGaN multi-quantum-well laser diode has been demonstrated for the first time. An external cavity comprising Littrow geometry was implemented for spectral control of pulsed operation. The feedback was optimized by adjusting the external cavity length and the driving frequency of the laser. The generated pulses had a peak power in excess of 400mW, a pulse duration of 60ps, a spectral linewidth of 0.14nm and maximum side band suppression ratio of 20dB. It was tunable within the range of 3.6nm centered at a wavelength of 403nm.
We study experimentally the dynamics of quantum-dot (QD) passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers under external optical injection. The lasers demonstrated multiple dynamical states, with bifurcation boundaries that depended upon the sign of detuning variation. The area of the hysteresis loops grew monotonically at small powers of optical injection and saturated at moderate powers. At high injection levels the hysteresis decreased and eventually disappeared.
We perform characterization of the pulse shape and noise properties of quantum dot passively mode-locked lasers (PMLLs). We propose a novel method to determine the RF linewidth and timing jitter, applicable to high repetition rate PMLLs, through the dependence of modal linewidth on the mode number. Complex electric field measurements show asymmetric pulses with parabolic phase close to threshold, with the appearance of waveform instabilities at higher currents. We demonstrate that the waveform instabilities can be overcome through optical injection-locking to the continues wave (CW) master laser, leading to time-bandwidth product (TBP) improvement, spectral narrowing, and spectral tunability. We discuss the benefits of single- and dual-tone master sources and demonstrate that dual-tone optical injection can additionally improve the noise properties of the slave laser with RF linewidth reduction below instrument limits (1 kHz) and integrated timing jitter values below 300 fs. Dual-tone injection allowed slave laser repetition rate control over a 25 MHz range with reduction of all modal optical linewidths to the master source linewidth, demonstrating phase-locking of all slave modes and coherence improvement.
Ultrashort-pulse lasers with spectral tuning capability have widespread applications in fields such as spectroscopy, biomedical research and telecommunications1–3. Mode-locked fibre lasers are convenient and powerful sources of ultrashort pulses4, and the inclusion of a broadband saturable absorber as a passive optical switch inside the laser cavity may offer tuneability over a range of wavelengths5. Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors are widely used in fibre lasers4–6, but their operating range is typically limited to a few tens of nanometres7,8, and their fabrication can be challenging in the 1.3–1.5 mm wavelength region used for optical communications9,10. Single-walled carbon nanotubes are excellent saturable absorbers because of their subpicosecond recovery time, low saturation intensity, polarization insensitivity, and mechanical and environmental robustness11–16. Here, we engineer a nanotube–polycarbonate film with a wide bandwidth (>300 nm) around 1.55 mm, and then use it to demonstrate a 2.4 ps Er31-doped fibre laser that is tuneable from 1,518 to 1,558 nm. In principle, different diameters and chiralities of nanotubes could be combined to enable compact, mode-locked fibre lasers that are tuneable over a much broader range of wavelengths than other systems.
A tunable multiwavelength fiber laser with ultra-narrow wavelength spacing and large wavelength number using a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) has been demonstrated. Intensity-dependent transmission induced by nonlinear polarization rotation in the SOA accounts for stable multiwavelength operation with wavelength spacing less than the homogenous broadening linewidth of the SOA. Stable multiwavelength lasing with wavelength spacing as small as 0.08 nm and wavelength number up to 126 is achieved at room temperature. Moreover, wavelength tuning of 20.2 nm is implemented via polarization tuning.
We perform characterization of the pulse shape and noise properties of quantum dot passively mode-locked lasers (PMLLs). We propose a novel method to determine the RF linewidth and timing jitter, applicable to high repetition rate PMLLs, through the dependence of modal linewidth on the mode number. Complex electric field measurements show asymmetric pulses with parabolic phase close to threshold, with the appearance of waveform instabilities at higher currents. We demonstrate that the waveform instabilities can be overcome through optical injection-locking to the continues wave (CW) master laser, leading to time-bandwidth product (TBP) improvement, spectral narrowing, and spectral tunability. We discuss the benefits of single- and dual-tone master sources and demonstrate that dual-tone optical injection can additionally improve the noise properties of the slave laser with RF linewidth reduction below instrument limits (1 kHz) and integrated timing jitter values below 300 fs. Dual-tone injection allowed slave laser repetition rate control over a 25 MHz range with reduction of all modal optical linewidths to the master source linewidth, demonstrating phase-locking of all slave modes and coherence improvement.
Compact CW lasers in the visible spectral region are of great importance for vast number of applications including biophotonics, photomedicine, spectroscopy and confocal microscopy. Currently, commercially available lasers of this spectral region are bulky, expensive and inconvenient in use. Also, there is a lack of diode lasers emitting in the visible spectral range, particularly in the yellow region, where a range of important fluorescent probes are optimally excited. An attractive way to realize a compact yellow laser source is second harmonic generation (SHG) in a periodically poled nonlinear crystal containing a waveguide which allows high-efficient frequency conversion even at moderate power level. In this respect, periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguided crystal is one of the best candidates for efficient SHG. In recent years, the progress made with the fabrication of good quality waveguides in PPLN crystals in combination with availability of low-cost, good quality semiconductor diode lasers, offering the coverage of a broad spectral range between 1 µm and 1.3 µm, allows compact CW laser sources in the visible spectral region to be realized.
The THz optoelectronics field is now maturing and semiconductor-based THz antenna devices are becoming more widely implemented as analytical tools in spectroscopy and imaging. Photoconductive (PC) THz switches/antennas are driven optically typically using either an ultrashort-pulse laser or an optical signal composed of two simultaneous longitudinal wavelengths which are beat together in the PC material at a THz difference frequency. This allows the generation of (photo)carrier pairs which are then captured over ultrashort timescales usually by defects and trapping sites throughout the active material lattice. Defect-implanted PC materials with relatively high bandgap energy are typically used and many parameters such as carrier mobility and PC gain are greatly compromised. This paper demonstrates the implementation of low bandgap energy InAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in standard crystalline GaAs as both the PC medium and the ultrafast capture mechanism in a PC THz antenna. This semiconductor structure is grown using standard MBE methods and allows the device to be optically driven efficiently at wavelengths up to ~1.3 µm, in this case by a single tunable dual-mode QD diode laser.