989 resultados para SEMEN CRYOPRESERVATION


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Animal) UANL


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Le lait écrémé est utilisé depuis plus d’un demi-siècle comme diluant protecteur des spermatozoïdes de mammifères. Depuis quelques années, il existe une demande grandissante pour des diluants exempts de produits d’origine animale. Toutefois, le mécanisme par lequel le lait protège les spermatozoïdes n’est pas connu, ce qui rend difficile de lui trouver un substitut. Les protéines majeures du plasma séminal de taureau, les protéines « Binder of SPerm » (BSP), sont néfastes lors de la conservation de la semence. Les spermatozoïdes sont en contact avec une grande concentration de protéines BSP qui stimulent une extraction continuelle de cholestérol/phospholipides de leur membrane plasmique. Les lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDL) du jaune d’oeuf, un autre composé utilisé dans les diluants, empêcheraient les protéines BSP de se lier à la membrane des spermatozoïdes de taureaux et de stimuler un efflux des lipides membranaires, ce qui les protégerait durant la conservation. Notre hypothèse était que les protéines du lait protègent les spermatozoïdes durant la conservation en séquestrant les protéines BSP. Premièrement, nous avons démontré par filtration sur gel qu’il y a une interaction entre les protéines BSP bovines et les protéines du lait. Le lait écrémé a été fractionné en trois fractions : F1 (alpha-lactalbumine, bêta-lactoglobuline et caséine kappa), F2 (toutes les protéines du lait) et F3 (sels, sucres et petits peptides). Les protéines BSP1 et BSP5 ont une affinité plus grande pour F1 que BSP3, tandis que toutes les protéines BSP ont une affinité pour F2. Le titrage calorimétrique isotherme a permis de confirmer l’interaction entre les protéines BSP et les protéines du lait. L’association entre la protéine BSP1 bovine et les micelles de caséines est caractérisée par une constante d’affinité (Ka) de 3.5 × 10^5 M-1 et un paramètre stoichiométrique (n) de 4,5 BSP1 pour une caséine. L’association entre la protéine BSP1 bovine et l’alpha-lactalbumine (une protéine du sérum principale), est caractérisée par un Ka de 2.4 × 10^5 M-1 et une valeur “n” de 0,8. Ces résultats indiquent que le lait protège les spermatozoïdes bovins en séquestrant les protéines BSP grâce à une interaction protéine : protéine, tandis que le jaune d’oeuf les protège grâce à une interaction protéine : lipoprotéine. Deuxièmement, nous avons démontré par filtration sur gel que les protéines homologues aux BSP bovines retrouvées dans le plasma séminal de porc, d’étalon et de bélier ont une affinité avec les protéines du lait, ce qui suggère que le mécanisme de protection des spermatozoïdes par le lait pourrait être le même chez ces espèces. Troisièmement, nous avons caractérisé l’interaction entre BSP1 bovine et les LDL du jaune d’oeuf qui a un Ka de 3.4 ± 0.4 × 10^6 M-1 et une valeur de « n » de 104 BSP1 pour une particule de LDL, indiquant qu’il existe des différences entre le mécanisme de protection des spermatozoïdes par le lait et le jaune d’oeuf. Nous croyons que les résultats présentés dans cette thèse aideront à créer de nouveaux diluants ne contenant pas de produits d’origine animale afin de cryoconserver les spermatozoïdes des mammifères.


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Garra surendranathanii is a hill stream cyprinid endemic to Kerala. According to IUCN based classification, G. surendranathanii is grouped under the threatened category. This endemic fish is having highly restricted and fragmented distribution and reported only from 5 river systems viz. Chalakudy, Periyar, Pamba, Achenkoil and Bharathapuzha. Categorization of this fish as a potential ornamental candidate can invariably add more pressure on the threat status of this particular species. Hence, this species is considered as one which requires foremost attention for conservation. Hitherto, no infomiation is available on the bionomics, resource characteristics and any conservation attempts of G. surendranathanii. Studies on detailed life history traits and development of captive breeding technique are indispensable for successful fishery management.The present study was undertaken with the following obj ectives: To study the Length-weight relationship and condition factor to ascertain the relationship between length and weight and general wellbeing ofthe fish To study the age and growth to understand the age composition of the exploited stock, age at first maturation and life span of the species. To study the reproductive biology of G. surendranathanii to gain insights in the process of gametogenesis, spawning, sex ratio, fecundity and other related aspects which are essential for developing captive breeding technology of this species. To develop captive breeding technology and cryopreservation ofgametes of G. surendranathanii for conservation


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L'ús d'esperma criopreservada en la inseminació artificial (IA) d'espècies d'interès productiu permet un major control sanitari i la creació de bancs de germoplasma d'alt valor genètic, entre d'altres avantatges. En el mercat porcí la major part de les inseminacions són encara realitzades amb semen refrigerat degut a l'èxit de l'aplicació de diluents de llarga durada i també a causa de la sensibilitat de l'esperma porcina a la criopreservació. Malgrat que aquesta sensibilitat ve donada per característiques particulars de la fisiologia espermàtica en l'espècie, algunes ejaculacions mantenen els paràmetres de qualitat espermàtica després de la criopreservació (ejaculacions amb bona "congelabilitat", GFEs) enfront d'altres que no sobreviuen al procés (ejaculacions amb mala "congelabilitat", PFEs). El primer objectiu de l'estudi va ser comparar ambdós grups en termes de fertilitat in vivo. El segon objectiu va ser testar l'eficiència de la inseminació postcervical (post-CAI) amb l'esperma criopreservada. El tercer objectiu va ser buscar predictors de la congelabilitat de les ejaculacions, tant en les GFEs com en les PFEs i en tres passos del procés de criopreservació (a 17ºC, a 5ºC i a 240 min postdescongelació). Aquest objectiu es va dur a terme mitjançant l'avaluació de paràmetres convencionals de qualitat espermàtica i a través de l'estudi de la localització i la reactivitat sota el microscopi de tres proteïnes (GLUT3, HSP90AA1 i Cu/ZnSOD) relacionades amb la fisiologia espermàtica i amb possibles rols en la congelabilitat. El quart objectiu va ser quantificar l'expressió de les tres proteïnes per transferència western, tant en espermatozoides d'ejaculacions GFEs com en els d'ejaculacions PFEs i en els tres passos abans esmentats, per tal de determinar el seu potencial com a predictores de la congelabilitat. Pel primer i el segon objectiu, 86 truges van ser inseminades per post-CAI amb 26 ejaculacions de mascles Piétrain dividides en una porció refrigerada a 17ºC (tractament control) i una porció criopreservada, ambdues porcions classificades alhora com a GFEs o PFEs. Els resultats més rellevants van demostrar que les probabilitats d'embaràs eren dues vegades menors en inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions PFEs (P < 0.05) que en inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions GFEs, fet que indica que les ejaculacions amb percentatges elevats d'espermatozoides mòbils progressius i d'integritat de membrana (per sobre del 40% en les GFEs) són més favorables a provocar embarassos que no pas aquelles ejaculacions amb una pobra funció espermàtica in vitro (PFEs). Ni el nombre de truges que van donar a llum, ni la quantitat de garrins, ni el risc de reflux espermàtic van ser significativament diferents entre les inseminacions amb esperma criopreservada d'ejaculacions GFEs i les inseminacions control amb semen refrigerat, la qual cosa demostra la bona aplicabilitat de la inseminació post-CAI amb l'esperma criopreservada. Finalment, pel tercer i quart objectius van ser criopreservades 29 i 11 ejaculacions de mascles Piétrain, respectivament. Dos paràmetres cinètics espermàtics, la linealitat (LIN) i la rectitud (STR), van mostrar una hiperactivació de la mobilitat superior en les ejaculacions PFEs que en les GFEs després de 30 min a 5ºC durant la criopreservació. A més, la combinació d'ambdós paràmetres va donar una fiabilitat propera al 72% en la predicció de la congelabilitat de les ejaculacions porcines. Tot i que no va ser possible predir la congelabilitat mitjançant l'avaluació de les tres proteïnes al microscopi, els resultats de transferència western van revelar diferències en l'expressió de la HSP90AA1 en l'esperma a 17ºC, molt possiblement relacionades amb la millor supervivència a la criopreservació dels espermatozoides d'ejaculacions GFEs. Aquests resultats suggereixen que la promoció de la criopreservació d'esperma porcina per la seva aplicació en IA passa pel desenvolupament de tests per la predicció de la congelabilitat en semen refrigerat.


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The suitability of cryopreservation for the secure, long-term storage of the rare and endangered species Cosmos atrosanguineus was investigated. Using encapsulation/dehydration of shoot tips in alginate strips, survival rates of up to 100 % and shoot regeneration of up to 35 % were achieved. Light and electron microscopy studies indicated that cellular damage to some regions of the shoot tip during the freeze/thaw procedure was high, although cell survival in and around the meristematic region allowed shoot tip regeneration. The genetic fingerprinting technique, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), showed that no detectable genetic variation was present between material of C. atrosanguineus at the time of initiation into tissue culture and that which had been cryopreserved, stored in liquid nitrogen for 12 months and regenerated. Wearied plantlets that were grown under glasshouse conditions exhibited no morphological variation from non-frozen controls. (C) 2003 Annals of Botany Company.


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The inability to conserve cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) germplasm via sced storage and the vulnerability of field collections make the establishment of cryopreserved genebanks for the crop a priority. An effective encapsulation-dehydration based cryopreservation system has been developed for cocoa but because the somatic embryos used for freezing arise after a protracted period of callus culture there is concern about maintenance of genetic fidelity during the process. Microsatellite markers for seven of the 10 cocoa linkage groups were used to screen a population of 189 primary somatic embryo-derived emblings and the 43 secondary somatic embryos they gave rise to. Of the primary somatic embryos, 38.1% exhibited polymorphic microsatellite profiles while for secondary somatic embryos the frequency was 23.3%. The same microsatellite markers used to screen another population of 44 secondary somatic embryos cryopreserved through encapsulation-dehydration revealed no polymorphisms. Scanning electron microscopy showed the secondary somatic embryos were derived from cotyledonary epidermal cells rather than callus. The influence of embryo ontogeny on somaclonal variation is discussed.


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The mechanisms that reduce the viability of plant somatic embryos following cryopreservation are not known. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) somatic embryos at different stages of an encapsulation-dehydration protocol using stress-related volatile hydrocarbons as markers of injury and recovery. The plant stress hormone ethylene and volatile hydrocarbons derived from hydroxyl radicals (methane) and lipid peroxidation (ethane) were determined using gas chromatography headspace analysis. Ethylene and methane were the only volatiles detected, with both being produced after each step of the cryogenic protocol. Ethylene production was significantly reduced following exposure to liquid nitrogen, but then increased in parallel with embryo recovery. In contrast, the production of methane was cyclic during recovery, with the first cycle occurring earlier for embryos recovered from liquid nitrogen and desiccation than those recovered from earlier steps in the protocol. These results suggest that loss of somatic embryo viability during cryopreservation may be related to the oxidative status of the tissue, and its capacity to produce ethylene. This study has demonstrated that headspace volatile analysis provides a robust non-destructive analytical approach for assessing the survival and recovery of plant somatic embryos following cryopreservation.


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Cryopreservation using encapsulation-dehydration was developed for the long-term conservation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) germplasm. Survival of individually encapsulated somatic embryos after desiccation and cryopreservation was achieved through optimization of cryoprotectants (abscisic acid (ABA) and sugar), duration of osmotic and evaporative dehydration, and embryo development stage. Up to 63% of the genotype SPA4 early-cotyledonary somatic embryos survived cryopreservation following 7 days preculture with 1 M sucrose and 4 h silica exposure (16% moisture content in bead). This optimized protocol was successfully applied to three other genotypes, e.g. EET272, IMC14 and AMAZ12, with recovery frequencies of 25, 40 and 72%, respectively (but the latter two genotypes using 0.75 M sucrose). Recovered SPA4 somatic embryos converted to plants at a rate of 33% and the regenerated plants were phenotypically comparable to non-cryopreserved somatic embryo-derived plants.


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The suitability of cryopreservation for the secure, long-term storage of the rare and endangered species Cosmos atrosanguineus was investigated. Using encapsulation/dehydration of shoot tips in alginate strips, survival rates of up to 100 % and shoot regeneration of up to 35 % were achieved. Light and electron microscopy studies indicated that cellular damage to some regions of the shoot tip during the freeze/thaw procedure was high, although cell survival in and around the meristematic region allowed shoot tip regeneration. The genetic fingerprinting technique, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), showed that no detectable genetic variation was present between material of C. atrosanguineus at the time of initiation into tissue culture and that which had been cryopreserved, stored in liquid nitrogen for 12 months and regenerated. Weaned plantlets that were grown under glasshouse conditions exhibited no morphological variation from non-frozen controls.


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An unknown Gram-positive, catalase-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium originating from semen of a pig was characterized using phenotypic, molecular chemical and molecular phylogenetic methods. Chemical studies revealed the presence of a directly cross-linked cell wall murein based on L-lysine and a DNA G + C content of 39 mol%. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the unidentified rod-shaped organism formed a hitherto unknown subline related, albeit loosely, to Alkalibacterium olivapovliticus, Alloiococcus otitis, Dolosigranulum pigrum and related organisms, in the low-G + C-content Gram-positive bacteria. However, sequence divergence values of > 11 % from these recognized taxa. clearly indicated that the novel bacterium represents a separate genus. Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium from pig semen be classified as a new genus and species, Allofustis seminis gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is strain 01-570-1(T) (=CCUG 45438(T)=CIP 107425(T)).


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The widely-adopted protocol for the cryopreservation of winter buds of fruit trees, such as Malus and Pyrus, was developed in a region with a continental climate, that provides relatively hard winters with a consequent effect on adaptive plant hardiness. In this study the protocol was evaluated in a typical maritime climate (eastern Denmark) where milder winters can be expected. The survival over two winters was evaluated, looking at variation between seasons and cultivars together with the progressive reduction in survival due to individual steps in the protocol. The study confirms that under such conditions significant variation in survival can be expected and that an extended period of imposed dehydration at -4oC is critical for bud survival. The occurrence of freezing events during this treatment suggests that cryodehydration may be involved, as well as evaporative water loss. To optimize the protocol for maritime environments, further investigation into the water status of the explants during cryopreservation is proposed. Keywords: Malus x domestica, cryopreservation, dormant bud, survival, grafting


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Abstract In a continuing study to improve the efficiency of dormant bud cryopreservation for tissues hardened in maritime climates, the water status of dormant buds was monitored between -4°C and recovery from liquid nitrogen (LN). Measurement of water content, simple thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry were employed. Buds did not lose water during cooling to, or holding at -30°C indicating that cryodehydration and/or other adaptive responses contributed during this essential step. A bud exotherm that was an artefact of warming was detected due to necessary handling at -4°C before cooling to -30°C. There were no significant differences between cultivars with respect to water status at -30°C or immediately upon rewarming from LN despite significant differences in post-LN survival. Buds rehydrated in 5 days, but up to 14 days may be needed for recovery for some cultivars. In some instances buds could be grafted without rehydration, taking up water across the early graft union.


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Abstract The established protocol for the cryopreservation of winter-dormant Malus buds requires that stem explants, containing a single, dormant bud are desiccated at -4°C, for up to 14 days, to reduce their water content to 25-30% of fresh weight. Using three apple cultivars, with known differences in response to cryopreservation, the pattern of evaporative water loss has been characterised, including early freezing events in the bud and cortical tissues that allow further desiccation by water migration to extracellular ice. There were no significant differences between cultivars in this respect or in the proportions of tissue water lost during the desiccation process. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (to -90°C) of intact buds indicated that bud tissues of the cultivar with the poorest response to cryopreservation had the highest residual water content at the end of the desiccation process and froze at the highest temperature Keywords: Malus, cryopreservation, dormant bud, dehydration