998 resultados para SCHISTOSOMA-MANSONI


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Tentou-se obter imunoproteção contra infecção cercariana pela inoculação de vermes vivos na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos. Embora os vermes sobrevivessem bem nestas condições e não ocorresse postura de ovos, não foi possível obter imunoproteção, Também a inoculação de ovos viáveis por via sangüínea e peritoneal não propiciou o aparecimento de imunoproteção nos camundongos com vermes na cavidade peritoneal.


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Crossed immunoelectrophoresis (IEC) was used for detection of free and complexed circulating polisaccharide anodic antigen (AgCA) of Schistosoma mansoni in sera of infected hamsters. An attempt was also done to detect AgCA in human sera from patients infected with S. mansoni. The conditions for isolation and detection of complexed AgCA were established. The sensitivity of IEC was increased by incorporation of 2% polyethylene glicol (PEG) to the agarose and by maintaining the system at 4°C during the electrophoretic run. Free AgCA was detected in 12 and the complexed in 30 of the 37 hamsters sera analysed. Correlation between AgCA (free and complexed) and the parasite load was observed. AgCA was not detected, under the experimental conditions used, in human sera from 7 patients in the acute and 23 in the chronic phase of infection.


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The BH strain of Schistosoma mansoni was found to be highly susceptible, to hy cant hone (1 x 80 mg/kg), oxamniquine (1 x 100 mg/kg) niridazole (5 x 100 mg/kg), praziquantel (1 x 100 mg/kg), oltipraz (5 x 125 mg/kg) and amoscanate (1 x 300 mg/kg) and is therefore a good reference strain for chemotherapeutic trials. By contrast, the MPR-1 strain was shown to have developed resistance to oxamniquine without ever having been dosed with oxamniquine. Other oxamniquine/hycanthone resistant strains were shown to have maintained their resistance and a strain believed to be partially resistant to oltipraz was evaluated.


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Five strains of Schistosoma mansoni resistant and susceptible to schistosomicides were studied for infectivity of 2 strains of Biomphalaria glabrata one of Puerto Rican origin and the other of Brazilian origin. Puerto Rican strains of S. Mansoni developed more slowly and had a lower infectivity in Brazilian B. glabrata than did the Brazilian S. mansoni. However, Brazilian S. Mansoni developed as well in Puerto Rican snails as in Brazilian snails, indicating that drug resistant strains could easily be moved by travel of infected persons from one area to another.


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The interrelation between schistosomiasis and the retinol blood levels was studied in a double blind method, by comparing the serum vitamin A of the infected and non-infected group of an endemic area of Schistosoma mansoni infection. The infected group was characterized by 106 parasitized persons in the intestinal and hepatointestinal forms, who eliminated less than 500 eggs/gram of feces (Modified Kato's method); the non-infected group was characterized by 112 inhabitants of this endemic area without eggs in the stools and presenting negative intradermal reactions, and absence of previous specific treatment. The blood levels of retinol was determinated using trifluoracetic acid method, regarding the normal levels > 20,0mg/100ml. The results of this study point out the absence of correlation between S. mansoni infection and blood levels of vitamin A.


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Foi estudada a migração do Schistosoma mansoni (cepas LE e SJ) em oito grupos de camundongos albinos (Mus musculus) não isogênicos, infectados transcutaneamente com cerca de 450 cercarias não irradiadas (grupos controles) e irradiadas com 3 Krad, 20 Krad e 40 Krad de radiação gama proveniente de cobalto-60, Na pele, observou-se uma diminuição progressiva das taxas de recuperação em função do tempo e, nos pulmões e sistema porta, verificou-se uma relação inversa significativa entre as taxas de recuperação total e as doses de irradiação. A dose de 20 Krad praticamente impede a migração dos parasites, de ambas as cepas, dos pulmões até o sistema porta, enquanto a de 40 Krad praticamente impede a migração dos mesmos da pele para os pulmões.


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Quatro grupos de camundongos albinos (Mus musculus) não isogênicos foram infectados transcutaneamente com cerca de 450 cercárias (das cepas LE e SJ do S. mansoni) não irradiadas (grupos controles) e irradiadas com 3 Krad de radiação gama proveniente de cobalto-60, com a finalidade de observar o efeito da irradiação gama sobre a fertilidade das fêmeas e a sobrevida dos vermes no sistema porta. A partir do 33º dia ocorre uma certa estabilidade na população dos vermes sobreviventes, ficando esta população constante, notadamente em relação à cepa LE, até o final das observações (90º dia). Concluiu-se que esta dose de radiação gama impede a produção de ovos dos vermes em 98,1% dos camundongos infectados, sendo mortos todos os ovos detectados; as fêmeas são mais resistentes à irradiação e o efeito desta sobre a mortalidade dos machos somente se torna estatisticamente significativo a partir do 61º dia de infecção. O longo tempo de permanência de vermes adultos irradiados estéreis no sistema porta de camundongos e o seu provável envolvimento no desenvolvimento de imunoproteção, tipo imunidade concomitante sem as implicações imunopatológicas para o hospedeiro, são discutidos nesse trabalho.


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In the experimental schistosomiasis mansoni glucocorticoids cause a reduction in the worm burden when administered in the week of infection or, the longest, at the next week. In order to determinate the probable(s) site(s) of reduction of the worm burden, mice were infected with cercariae of LE strain of S. mansoni and dexamethasone was administered daily (50 mg/kg, subcutaneously) starting 1 hour before infection until the eighth day. Mice were sacrificed daily starting on the third day after infection until the ninth day, and schistosomula from lungs were collected. Six weeks after infection, the remaining mice were sacrificed and perfused for adult worm recovery. Analysis of the results showed that the non-treated mice presented larger numbers of lung larvae than the treated ones, and this difference was also found later in the worm burden in the portal system. This difference may reflect the early death of larvae in treated animals, before or after reaching the lungs.


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In an attempt to be as close as possible to the infected and treated patients of the endemic areas of schistosomiasis (S. mansoni) and in order to achieve a long period of follow-up, mice were repeatedly infected with a low number of cercariae. Survival data and histological variables such as schistosomal granuloma, portal changes, hepatocellular necrosis, hepatocellular regeneration, schistosomotic pigment, periductal fibrosis and chiefly bile ducts changes were analysed in the infected treated and non treated mice. Oxamniquine chemotherapy in repeatedly infected mice prolonged survival significantly when compared to non-treated animals (chi-square 9.24, p = 0.0024), thus confirming previous results with a similar experimental model but with a shorter term follow-up. Furthermore, mortality decreased rapidly after treatment suggesting an abrupt reduction in the severity of hepatic lesions. A morphological and immunohistochemical study of the liver was carried out. Portal fibrosis, with a pattern resembling human Symmers fibrosis was present at a late phase in the infected animals. Bile duct lesions were quite close to those described in human Mansonian schistosomiasis. Schistosomal antigen was observed in one isolated altered bile duct cell. The pathogenesis of the bile duct changes and its relation to the parasite infection and/or their antigens are discussed.


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Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values of selected clinical signs and symptoms in the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection were evaluated in 403 individuals (69% of inhabitants over 1 year of age) in an endemic area in Brazil (Divino). Highest sensitivity (13%) was found for blood in stools. Specificity over 90% was found for blood in stools, palpable liver with normal consistency and palpable hardened liver at middle clavicular (MCL) or middle sternal lines (MSL). Hardened liver at MSL (83%) or MCL (75%), and blood in stools (78%) presented higher positive predictive values for S. mansoni infection, while palpable liver with normal consistency at MCL (45%) or MSL (48%) presented smaller values. Enlarged liver without specification of its consistency has been traditionally used as an indicator of the infection in areas where malaria or Kalazar are not endemic. Our results demonstrate that the probability that a person with blood in stools or hardened palpable liver is infected is higher than among those with palpable liver with normal consistency.


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Mice infected with 350 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain) were treated with oxamniquine, at the dose of 400 mg/kg, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after infection. Forty days after the treatment, the animals were submitted to a challenge infection with 80 cercariae, through the abdominal and ear skins. The number of immature worms in the animal groups treated 24 and 96 h after the first infection was found to be lower than that in the control group, thus showing that the death of schisto-somes by chemotherapy, at the skin and pulmonary phases, causes an acquired resistance state.


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Derivatives of acridine (9-Acridanone-hydrazones) were tested in Cebus monkeys experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni, at the dosages of 50, 25, and 12.5 mg/kg (p.o., single dose). At least, four compounds seemed to be very promising, promoting alterations in the oogram and reducing the worm burden drastically, even at the lowest dose (12.5 mg/kg). No side effects could be detected after drug administration.


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Associations between socio-demographic factors, water contact patterns and Schistosoma mansoni infection were investigated in 506 individuals (87% of inhabitants over 1 year of age) in an endemic area in Brazil (Divino), aiming at determining priorities for public health measures to prevent the infection. Those who eliminated S. mansoni eggs (n = 198) were compared to those without eggs in the stools (n = 308). The following explanatory variables were considered: age, sex, color, previous treatment with schistosomicide, place of birth, quality of the houses, water supply for the household, distance from houses to stream, and frequency and reasons for water contact. Factors found to be independently associated with the infection were age (10-19 and > 20 yrs old), and water contact for agricultural activities, fishing, and swimming or bathing (Adjusted relative odds = 5.0, 2.4, 3.2, 2.1 and 2.0, respectively). This suggests the need for public health measures to prevent the infection, emphasizing water contact for leisure and agricultural activities in this endemic area.


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Os efeitos do levamisole nas alterações histopatológicas, resistência do hospedeiro e quimiotaxia "in vivo" foram estudados na infecção experimental pelo Schistosoma mansoni em camundongos da linhagem C57B1/10. O tratamento profilático resultou em um aumento no número de vermes adultos obtidos pela perfusão e também em uma taxa de mortalidade maior (p < 0,05). As alterações histopatológicas (fígado e intestino) foram similares em todos os grupos. Uma redução significante da quimiotaxia "in vivo" ocorreu em camundongos controles infectados, assim como naqueles submetidos a tratamento profilático com levamisole. A atividade quimiotática atingiu os mesmos níveis dos camundongos controles normais (não-infectados e não-tratados com levamisole), quando o esquema curativo foi usado. O levamisole parece aumentar a susceptibilidade de camundongos da linhagem C57B1/10 à infecção pelo S. mansoni quando administrado antes da infecção e normaliza a atividade quimiotática, quando dado após a infecção.


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Immunoelectrophoretic studies on common antigens were carried out by using rabbits sera immunized against São Lourenço da Mata and Belo Horizonte strains of Schistosoma mansoni adult worms and antigens of Biomphalaria glabrata pigmented (Jaboatão - PE); B. glabrata albino (Belo Horizonte - MG) and B. straminea (São Lourenço da Mata, PE). Furthermore, the reverse approach was proceeded, namely, sera anti Biomphalaria snails produced in rabbits were tested against both strains of Schistosoma adult worm antigens. The analysis of the common antigens between the SLM strains of S. mansoni adult worm and B. glabrata pigmented showed 8 to 9 precipitin bands, 3 bands with B. glabrata albino and only 1 band with B. straminea crude extracts. On the other hand, the BH strain of S. mansoni adult worm antisera produced 6 to 7 bands with B. glabrata pigmented, 5 bands with B. glabrata albino and 1 band with B. straminea antigenic extract. Biomphalaria snails crude extracts were fractionated by Sephadex G-100 column and three fractions were collected from each snail strain. The fractions were tested with anti SLM and BH strains of S. mansoni adult worm sera by immunoelectrophoresis. The common antigens fractionated from Biomphalaria snails crude extracts and those found for both strains of S. mansoni adult worm mostly existed in the first fraction and they were estimated to have molecular weight over 158,000 daltons. In our laboratory, it was found a relationship between the antigenic similarities and experimental infection rates of S. mansoni towards Biomphalaria snails so that more bands were seen with increasing infection rates of S. mansoni.