959 resultados para SANA Hotels


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discorso di G. D. Romagnosi


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Governments are working in new policies to slow down total energy consumption and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, promoting the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) in all countries. In order to facilitate this deployment and help to reduce the final costs of their batteries, additional utilization of EVs when those are parked has been proposed. EVs can be used to minimize the total electricity cost of buildings (named vehicle to building applications, V2B). In this paper an economic evaluation of EVs in the Building Energy Management System is shown. The optimal storage capacity and its equivalent number of EVs are determined. This value is then used for determining the optimal charging schedule to be applied to the batteries. From this schedule, the total expected profit is derived for the case of a real hotel in Spain.


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El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado es una puesta en práctica de una planificación deportiva, dentro del ámbito del deporte recreación, fenómeno muy importante en el mundo actual. “Recreación deportiva: planificación de entrenamiento de media maratón aplicado en una mujer adulta sana” es, en primer lugar, una revisión de textos que abordan el tema de la planificación en deportes de resistencia de larga duración, para, a partir de ese punto, y de acuerdo a las características individuales del sujeto a entrenar, llevar a cabo una planificación de 13 semanas para correr la Rock ‘n’ Roll Madrid ½ Maratón, celebrada en Madrid el 28 de Abril de 2013. El trabajo consta de varios apartados, los primeros de orientación teórica y los últimos puramente prácticos, extraídos de la puesta en práctica de la programación inicial. Además, se incluye el software (creado por mí) que se ha utilizado durante toda la planificación, explicado detalladamente.Por último, se incluye un apartado de anexos en el que se completa la información recogida en el texto.


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The main objective of this paper is twofold: on the one hand, to analyse the impact that the announcement of the opening of a new hotel has on the performance of its chain by carrying out an event study, and on the other hand, to compare the results of two different approaches to this method: a parametric specification based on the autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models to estimate the market model, and a nonparametric approach, which implies employing Theil’s nonparametric regression technique, which in turn, leads to the so-called complete nonparametric approach to event studies. The results that the empirical application arrives at are noteworthy as, on average, the reaction to such news releases is highly positive, both approaches reaching the same level of significance. However, a word of caution must be said when one is not only interested in detecting whether the market reacts, but also in obtaining an exhaustive calculation of the abnormal returns to further examine its determining factors.


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El documental “Vida Sana” mostra diverses activitats a l’Escola Infantil Rosa Fernández (Elx) relacionades amb l’educació per a la salut i l’alimentació infantil. En aquest documental ens trobarem fonamentalment amb una eixida a un mercat i una visita al Centre d’Educació Infantil Miguel Hernández (Elx) per a vore el seu hort escolar. Al mateix temps, en el documental apareixen altres propostes didàctiques, comentaris d’educadores, cuineres i aportacions de les directores dels dos centres mostrant el seu estil educatiu. El projecte “Eixida al mercat” està realitzat amb infants de 2 a 3 anys. Aquest projecte porta implícit no solament el coneixement de les normes i rols socials relacionats amb la compra i venda sinó l’aprenentatge de bons hàbits de salut i alimentació i el treball dels valors relacionats amb la cura i millora del medi ambient.


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Purpose – This study aims to examine the relationships between a firm's corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and its performance and risk. The authors hypothesize that industry-level effects are highly determinant of the sign and magnitude of these relationships to establish a ranking of industries to identify the position of the most prominent tourism-related industries: hotels and airlines. Based on the cybernetic model of decision making and the heuristics thereof, shareholders base their investment decisions derived from CSR announcements on the idea that the industries behave differently; their fixed costs being a relevant factor. Design/methodology/approach – The authors estimate the industry-specific effects of CSR initiatives on firms' performance and risk using a sample of 583 announcements from the Spanish Stock Market. Findings – The results show that while CSR announcements have a positive effect on performance when the authors do not account for industry-specific factors, once the authors incorporate these factors into the analysis, the authors find that firm performance and risk vary quite substantially as a function of the industry to which the firm belongs. Interestingly, while the hotel industry presents an average behavior (standing at 9th position in returns, 15th in terms of risk, and 8th according to the ratio returns/volatility), the airline industry presents the worst situation of all industries: last in performance and last in risk. Practical implications – The results help managers assess their decisions and allocate CSR resources optimally. Originality/value – This article is the first attempt to empirically test and comprehensively detect the different relationships between CSR and firm performance across industries.


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Purpose – The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between practices of quality management (QM) and the characteristics of organizational design, and QM and competitive advantage. Design/methodology/approach – The study uses a partial least squares approach to test these relationships in 350 hotels in Spain. Findings – The findings show that QM influences specialization, formalization and interdepartmental interactions, and that QM practices influence both cost and differentiation competitive advantage. The results also indicate the importance of QM strategic and operational systems as practices that have a key impact on the characteristics of organizational design. Similarly, the QM operational system is key in the relationship between QM and cost competitive advantage. Finally, the QM operational, information and strategic systems positively influence differentiation competitive advantage. Practical implications – When hotels adopt QM practices, there will be significant changes in a number of organizational variables, including specialization, formalization and interdepartmental interactions. This paper provides empirical evidence that QM practices improve both cost and differentiation competitive advantage in the hotel industry. Originality/value – There has been little research on the effects of QM on organizational design in the hotel industry. The contribution of this paper is that analyze the effects of QM on organizational design and competitive advantage, extending knowledge about these issues in a specific sector.