963 resultados para S.P.B. Kommercheskoe uchilishche.
The contents of the heavy metals Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Pb, Cd and As were examined in the liver, heart, gills, kidney and muscles of the fish Clarias gariepinus from Eko-Ende dam in Ikirun, the capital of Ifelodun Local Government of Osun State, Nigeria. C. gariepinus is the fish of choice and the most demanded in the southwest of Nigeria. The highest metal concentrations were in the liver and the gills while the lowest was in the muscles. The general deceasing order of metal accumulation in the organs was Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn > Cd. Lead and arsenic were not detected in any organ. The values were of lower concentrations than found in many other dams and rivers in Nigeria and some other countries. The values were also lower than the FAO/WHO recommended maximum limits in fish samples, making the fish to be safe and not of any hazards for the consumers.
The findings are presented of a study conducted to determine the economic feasibility of the pond culture of mud crab (Scylla serrata) at various stocking densities. Investments, costs, and returns are given for a 1 ha crab monoculture at 4 stocking densities - 5000, 10,000, 15,000 and 20,000. Results show that mud crab monoculture in brackishwater ponds is economically feasible at stocking densities of 5000/ha and 10,000/ha.
The idea of mechanised fishing on Lake Victoria is not new. Trawling experiments have been carried out in the past by the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organisation (EAFFRO), the Lake Victoria Fisheries Service and the Uganda Fisheries Department. In 1950 it was recognised by EAFFRO that commercial possibilities existed in the exploitation of Haplochromis by this gear. However, it was not until 1966 that, by a happy collaboration of the Uganda Fisheries Department and EAFFRO, the vessel 'Darter' was converted into a stern trawler and serious and successful experimentation into trawl fishing commenced. Darter has continued to undertake trawling work ever since and this work was augmented by the arrival in 1967 of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project's vessel 'Ibis'.
1999年 6月至 2 0 0 0年 5月对武汉东湖湖球蚬进行了周年研究。湖球蚬年均密度和生物量分别为 10 0 2ind /m2 和12 1g/m2 ,密度和生物量的高峰分别出现在 4月 (2 97ind /m2 )和 3月 (4 3 8g/m2 ) ;湖球蚬为一年一代 ,其种群含有 3个年龄组 ,其中 1999年龄组占绝对优势。利用瞬时增长率法和体长频率法计算湖球蚬的周年生产量为带壳湿重4 2 79g/m2 ,去壳干重 2 4 4g/m2 ,P/B系数为 3 5 5。同时湖球蚬的生产力动态也被研究 ,
采用体长频率法和瞬时生长率法对后湖湖球蚬Sphaerium lacustre的周年生产量进行了测算. 结果表明两种方法得到的生产量较为吻合.生产量的带壳湿重和去壳干重分别是体长频率法1.048 g/(m2a) 0.0599 g/(m2a); 瞬时生长率法1.178 g/(m2a), 0.0673 g/(m2a).对应的P/B系数为3.23.4.
采用两种方法对后湖长角涵螺(Alocinma longicornis)的周年生产量进行了测算,结果表明,两种方法得到的生产量较为吻合.生产量的带壳湿重和去壳干重分别是:体长频率法,2.22 g/(m2·a),0.111 g/(m2·a);瞬时生长率法,2.177 g/(m2·a),0.109 g/(m2·a).对应的P/B系数为4.0,5.4.
采用三种方法对扁担塘长角涵螺的周年生产量进行了测算 ,结果表明 ,三种方法得到的生产量及P/B系数吻合较好。生产量的带壳湿重和去壳干重分别是 :体长频率法 ,2 .0 88g·m 2 ·a 1 ,0 .1 0 3g·m 2 ·a 1 ;Allen曲线法 ,2 .1 2 2g·m 2 ·a 1 ,0 .1 0 6g·m 2 ·a 1 ;瞬时生长率法 ,2 .2 73g·m 2 ·a 1 ,0 .1 1 4g·m 2 ·a 1 。对应的P/B系数为 4.3 ,4.3 ,4.0。
底栖动物是淡水生态系统的一个主要组成部分 ,在渔业和环境科学上均有重要的理论意义和广泛的应用前景 .本文综述了国外在底栖动物次级生产力研究中的理论和方法 ,重点阐述了底栖动物次级生产力的计算方法、P/B系数、生产量以及影响次级生产力的因素 ,并总结了目前该领域的一些新进展 ,以期为国内相关研究提供参考和借鉴 .
在 1 995年 1 0月至 1 996年 1 1月 ,依据有关种群参数估算了保安湖 1 # 试验围拦中麦穗鱼的生产力。月平均瞬时生长率的变化与年龄和季节有关 ,随着年龄增加生长率降低 ,在生活史的早期阶段生长最快 ,生长率一般在春、夏季较高。在研究期间 ,种群平均生物量为1 8 2 7kg·hm- 2 ,周年生产力为 36 53kg·hm- 2 ·a- 1 ,P/B系数为 2 0。 1 996世代对总生产力的贡献为 67 9%。种群月平均生物量及生产力均表现出了较明显的季节变化 ,生物量在秋季(9月 )
采用四种方法对扁担塘纹沼螺的周年生产量进行了测算 ,结果表明 ,四种方法得到的生产量吻合极好。生产量的去壳干重和带壳湿重分别是 :体长频度法 ,1 78.0 7mg·m- 2 ·a- 1 ,4998.40mg·m- 2 ·a- 1 ;减员累计法 ,1 74.50mg·m- 2 ·a- 1 ,4898.2 0mg·m- 2 ·a- 1 ;Allen曲线法 ,1 74 50mg·m- 2 ·a- 1 ,4898.2 0m- 2 ·a- 1 ;瞬时生长率法 ,1 78.1 4mg·m- 2 ·a- 1 ,50
1996-1997年对后湖铜锈环棱螺进行了周年研究,结果表明其种群含三个年龄组,其中1996年组生长最快,其去壳干重瞬时生长率为2.80.采用瞬时生长率法测算其周年生产量为:带壳湿重33.13g m-2a-1;去壳千重1.932g m-2a-1;P/B系数为0 .85.