998 resultados para Rural conflicts
Introduction. The diagnosis and the treatment of transsexualism, particularly during adolescence, generate considerable discussion among specialists. Many health and legal professionals have not yet reached a strong consensus on medical treatment for juvenile transsexuals. Hormonal therapy cannot only represent a medical procedure to adjust the somatic sex to the psychological gender, but can also be a reasonable means of preventing some juvenile transsexuals from engaging in undesirable and risky behavior. Aim. To report the cases of two transsexual adolescents who resorted to prostitution to afford hormonal medications when treatment was denied because of age criteria. Results. Hormonal medications were not recommended by the endocrinology staff because specific laws regulating this medical procedure for juvenile transsexuals in Brazil are lacking. In response, these adolescents chose to use illegally obtained sex hormones to treat themselves. Conclusions. We propose ""harm reduction"" as a means of coping with this dilemma in some cases. Baltieri DA, Cortez FCP, and de Andrade AG. Ethical conflicts over the management of transsexual adolescents-report of two cases. J Sex Med 2009;6:3214-3220.
Many studies have used genetic markers to understand global migration patterns of our species. However, there are only few studies of human migration on a local scale. We, therefore, researched migration dynamics in three Afro-Brazilian rural communities, using demographic data and ten Ancestry Informative Markers. In addition to the description of migration and marriage structures, we carried out genetic comparisons between the three populations, as well as between locals and migrants from each community. Genetic admixture analyses were conducted according to the gene-identity method, with Sub-Saharan Africans, Amerindians, and Europeans as parental populations. The three analyzed Afro-Brazilian rural communities consisted of 16% to 30% of migrants, most of them women. The age pyramid revealed a gap in the segment of men aged between 20 to 30 yrs. While endogamous marriages predominated, exogamous marriages were mainly patrilocal. Migration dynamics are apparently associated with matrimonial customs and other social practices of such communities. The impact of migration upon the populations` genetic composition was low but showed an increase in European alleles with a concomitant decrease in the Amerindian contribution. Admixture analysis evidenced a higher African contribution to the gene pool of the studied populations, followed by the contribution of Europeans and Amerindians, respectively.
Background: Brazilian Quilombos are Afro-derived communities founded mainly by fugitive slaves between the 16(th) and 19(th) centuries; they can be recognized today by ancestral and cultural characteristics. Each of these remnant communities, however, has its own particular history, which includes the migration of non-African derived people. Methods: The present work presents a proposal for the origin of the male founder in Brazilian quilombos based on Y-haplogroup distribution. Y haplogroups, based on 16 binary markers (92R7, SRY2627, SRY4064, SRY10831.1 and .2, M2, M3, M09, M34, M60, M89, M213, M216, P2, P3 and YAP), were analysed for 98 DNA samples from genetically unrelated men from three rural Brazilian Afro-derived communities-Mocambo, Rio das Ras and Kalunga-in order to estimate male geographic origin. Results: Data indicated significant differences among these communities. A high frequency of non-African haplogroups was observed in all communities. Conclusions: This observation suggested an admixture process that has occurred over generations and directional mating between European males and African female slaves that must have occurred on farms before the slaves escaped. This means that the admixture occurred before the slaves escaped and the foundation of the quilombo.