867 resultados para Role of population size
The pressures for land use change have led to an increasing isolation of habitat remnants throughout the world. The goal of this study was to estimate the population size and density of some endemic and threatened species in a nature reserve in the Cerrado biome. One hundred and thirty four point transects were undertaken at the Estacao Ecologica de Itirapina (EEI), one of the last natural grassland savannah remnants in Sao Paulo state, in the south-east of Brazil between September and December 2006 and densities estimated for seven species (four endemic to the Cerrado, one near-endemic and two grassland specialists). Neither species reached the minimum viable population size of 500-5000 individuals. Four species, White-banded Tanager, White-rumped Tanager, Black-throated Saltator and Sharp-tailed Tyrant have populations ranging from 112 to 248 individuals, while the other species have a low population (< 60 individuals). The mean densities of Sharp-tailed Tyrant and Cock-tailed Tyrant in the EEI grassland showed similar values to those observed in larger areas of the Cerrado, which may indicate that the EEL grassland area is well conserved. In spite of the restricted size of the EEI, small areas can maintain some endemic and threatened bird populations, thus contributing to local biodiversity and the ecological processes in the region. The capacity of fragments of Cerrado (similar to 2,000 ha) to maintain populations of endemic and threatened bird species is unlikely to be effective in the long term.
This thesis focuses on the role of B cells in mCMV and Leishmania major infection. B cells are an essential component of the adaptive immune system and play a key role in the humoral immune response. In mCMV infection we analyzed the influence of B cells on the virus-specific CD8 T cell response, in detail the role of B cells as IL-10 secreting cells, as source of immunoglobulin (Ig) and as antigen presenting cells. In Leishmania major infection we investigated the role of Ig in Th1 and Th2 directed disease.rnWe found in mCMV infection that the B cell secreted IL-10 suppresses effectively the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, while the IL-10 secreted by dendritic cell has no obvious effect. Ig has no effect in the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, but in memory response Ig is essential. If Ig is missing the CD8 T cell population remains high in memory response 135 days post infection. The complete absence of B cells dramatically reduces the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, while B cell reconstitution just partially rescues this dramatic reduction. A comparison of this reduction in a B cell free organism to an organism with depleted dendritic cells gave a similar result. To exclude a malfunction of the CD8 T cells in the B cell deficient mice, the decreased virus-specific CD8 T cell population was confirmed in a B cell depletion model. Further, bone marrow chimeras with a B cell compartment deficient for CD40-/- showed a decrease of the virus-specific response and an involvement of CD40 on B cells. Taken together these results suggest a role for B cells in antigen presentation during mCMV infection.rnFurther we took advantage of the altered mCMV specific CD8 T cell memory response in mice without Ig to investigate the memory inflation of CD8 T cells specific for distinct mCMV specifc peptides. Using a SIINFEKL-presenting virus system, we were able to shorten the time until the memory inflation occurs and show that direct presentation stimulates the memory inflation. rnIn Leishmania major infection, Ig of Th2 balanced BALB/c mice has a central role in preventing a systemic infection, although the ear lesions are smaller in IgMi mice without specific Ig. Here the parasite loads of ears and spleen are elevated, and an IMS-reconstitution does not affect the parasite load. In contrast in Th1 balanced C57BL/6 mice, reconstitution of IgMi mice with serum of either untreated or immunized mice decreased the parasite load of spleen and ear, further IMS treatment reduces the size of the spleen and the cytokine-levels of IL-10, IL-4, IL-2 and IFN-γ to a level comparable to wt mice. rn
In einem Ökosystem beeinflussen sich Tiere gegenseitig in erster Linie durch direkte Interaktionen. Ihr Verhalten kann aber auch indirekt durch chemotaktile Stoffe die andere Tiere in der Umwelt hinterlassen beeinflusst werden. Vergleichbar zu direkten Interaktionen können indirekt ausgelöste Verhaltensänderungen einen starken Einfluss auf Populationsdynamiken und Gemeinschaftsstrukturen eines Ökosystems haben. Obwohl das daran gehegte Interesse der Ökologen in den letzten Jahrzenten stark gestiegen ist, fehlen immer noch Studien, welche über mehrere Arten hinweg versuchen die übergreifende Relevanz von chemotaktilen Stoffen herauszufinden. Im Rahmen meiner Doktorarbeit untersuchte ich daher wie sich mehrere mitteleuropäische Arthropodenarten, abhängig von deren interspezifischen Räuber-Beute- und Konkurrenzbeziehungen, mittels chemotaktiler Stoffe beeinflussen können. Mithilfe unterschiedlicher Verhaltensversuche konnte ich empirisch nachweisen, dass verschiedene Arthropoden chemotaktile Stoffe zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil nutzen können. Außerdem zeigen meine Ergebnisse, dass die Verhaltensänderungen artspezifisch und abhängig von den jeweiligen Lebenszyklen und den damit verbundenen Eigenschaften (z.B. Körpergröße, Häufigkeit oder Rangordnung) der beteiligten Arten sind. Ich vermute daher, dass Arthropoden chemotaktile Stoffe ihrer Gegenspieler wahrnehmen und interpretieren können. Eine Verhaltensänderung scheint jedoch nur dann statt zu finden wenn ein Nichtreagieren starke Fitnesskosten mit sich führen würde. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse meiner Doktorarbeit, wie wichtig es ist, die Bedeutung von chemotaktilen Stoffen innerhalb vieler Arten einer Gemeinschaft zu testen, um die den Verhaltensänderungen zugrundeliegenden Ursachen identifizieren zu können. Dies wiederum stellt die Grundlage, um die ökologische Relevanz von chemotaktilen Stoffen und deren mögliche Effekte auf Ökosystemfunktionen besser zu verstehen.
Effective population size is an important parameter for the assessment of genetic diversity within a livestock population and its development over time. If pedigree information is not available, linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis might offer an alternative perspective for the estimation of effective population size. In this study, 128 individuals of the Swiss Eringer breed were genotyped using the Illumina BovineSNP50 beadchip. We set bin size at 50 kb for LD analysis, assuming that LD for proximal single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-pairs reflects distant breeding history while LD from distal SNP-pairs would reflect near history. Recombination rates varied among different regions of the genome. The use of physical distances as an approximation of genetic distances (e.g. setting 1 Mb = 0.01 Morgan) led to an upward bias in LD-based estimates of effective population size for generations beyond 50, while estimates for recent history were unaffected. Correction for restricted sample size did not substantially affect these results. LD-based actual effective population size was estimated in the range of 87-149, whereas pedigree-based effective population size resulted in 321 individuals. For conservation purposes, requiring knowledge of recent history (<50 generations), approximation assuming constant recombination rate seemed adequate.
Background Levels of differentiation among populations depend both on demographic and selective factors: genetic drift and local adaptation increase population differentiation, which is eroded by gene flow and balancing selection. We describe here the genomic distribution and the properties of genomic regions with unusually high and low levels of population differentiation in humans to assess the influence of selective and neutral processes on human genetic structure. Methods Individual SNPs of the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP) showing significantly high or low levels of population differentiation were detected under a hierarchical-island model (HIM). A Hidden Markov Model allowed us to detect genomic regions or islands of high or low population differentiation. Results Under the HIM, only 1.5% of all SNPs are significant at the 1% level, but their genomic spatial distribution is significantly non-random. We find evidence that local adaptation shaped high-differentiation islands, as they are enriched for non-synonymous SNPs and overlap with previously identified candidate regions for positive selection. Moreover there is a negative relationship between the size of islands and recombination rate, which is stronger for islands overlapping with genes. Gene ontology analysis supports the role of diet as a major selective pressure in those highly differentiated islands. Low-differentiation islands are also enriched for non-synonymous SNPs, and contain an overly high proportion of genes belonging to the 'Oncogenesis' biological process. Conclusions Even though selection seems to be acting in shaping islands of high population differentiation, neutral demographic processes might have promoted the appearance of some genomic islands since i) as much as 20% of islands are in non-genic regions ii) these non-genic islands are on average two times shorter than genic islands, suggesting a more rapid erosion by recombination, and iii) most loci are strongly differentiated between Africans and non-Africans, a result consistent with known human demographic history.
The prognosis of even early-stage esophageal cancer is poor. Because there is not a consensus on how to manage T2 N0 disease, we examined survival after resection of T2 N0 esophageal cancer, with or without radiation therapy.
Models of population dynamics generally neglect the presence of males. While this assumption holds under many circumstances, behavioural ecology increasingly tells us that the presence (or absence) of males may have an impact on female fitness, and hence population sizes. Here we ask the question of whether males matter to population dynamics, operationally defined as a dependency of population growth on the relative density of males. We provide simple models, and evaluate the current empirical evidence for them, that illustrate various mechanisms of such male influence: mate searching behavior, male resource use (including effects of sexual dimorphism), sexual harassment and sexual segregation. In each case, theory predicts that males can have an effect on population densities, and in some extreme cases a positive feedback between an increasingly male-biased sex ratio and the effects on female harassment may theoretically even bring about population extinction. The results of this study, and the literature reviewed, show that the males can have a substantial effect on population dynamics, particularly so when human influences result in biased sex ratios.
According to life-history theory age-dependent investments into reproduction are thought to co-vary with survival and growth of animals. In polygynous species, in which size is an important determinant of reproductive success, male reproduction via alternative mating tactics at young age are consequently expected to be the less frequent in species with higher survival. We tested this hypothesis in male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), a highly sexually dimorphic mountain ungulate whose males have been reported to exhibit extremely high adult survival rates. Using data from two offspring cohorts in a population in the Swiss Alps, the effects of age, dominance and mating tactic on the likelihood of paternity were inferred within a Bayesian framework. In accordance with our hypothesis, reproductive success in male Alpine ibex was heavily biased towards older, dominant males that monopolized access to receptive females by adopting the 'tending' tactic, while success among young, subordinate males via the sneaking tactic 'coursing' was in general low and rare. In addition, we detected a high reproductive skew in male Alpine ibex, suggesting a large opportunity for selection. Compared with other ungulates with higher mortality rates, reproduction among young male Alpine ibex was much lower and more sporadic. Consistent with that, further examinations on the species level indicated that in polygynous ungulates the significance of early reproduction appears to decrease with increasing survival. Overall, this study supports the theory that survival prospects of males modulate the investments into reproduction via alternative mating tactics early in life. In the case of male Alpine ibex, the results indicate that their life-history strategy targets for long life, slow and prolonged growth and late reproduction.
The purpose of this study was to determine the perception and knowledge of targeted ultrasound in women who screen positive for Down syndrome in the first or second trimester, and to assess the perceived detection rate of Down syndrome by targeted ultrasound in this population. While several studies have reported patient perceptions’ of routine ultrasound, no study has specifically examined knowledge regarding the targeted ultrasound and its role in detecting Down syndrome. A targeted ultrasound is a special ultrasound during the second trimester offered to women who may be at a higher-than-average risk of having a baby with some type of birth defect or complication. The purpose of the ultrasound is to evaluate the overall growth and development of the baby as well as screen for birth defects and genetic conditions. Women under the age of 35 referred for an abnormal first or second trimester maternal serum screen to several Houston area clinics were asked to complete a questionnaire to obtain demographic and ultrasound knowledge information as well as assess perceived detection rate of Down syndrome by ultrasound. Seventy-seven women completed the questionnaire and participated in the study. Our findings revealed that women have limited background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound and its role in detecting Down syndrome. These findings are consistent with other studies that have reported a lack of understanding about the purpose of ultrasound examinations. One factor that seems to increase background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound is individuals having a higher level of education. However, most participants regardless of race, education, income, and exposure to targeted ultrasound information did not know the capabilities of a targeted ultrasound. This study confirmed women lack background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound and do not know enough about the technology to form a perception regarding its ability to detect Down syndrome. Additional studies to identify appropriate education techniques are necessary to determine how to best inform our patient population about targeted ultrasound.
A 272-ha grove of dominant Microberlinia bisulcata (Caesalpinioideae) adult trees greater than or equal to 50 cm stem diameter was mapped in its entirety in the southern part of Korup National Park, Cameroon. The approach used an earlier-established 82.5-ha permanent plot with a new surrounding 50-m grid of transect lines. Tree diameters were available from the plot but trees on the grid were recorded as being greater than or equal to 50 cm. The grove consisted of 1028 trees in 2000. Other species occurred within the grove. including the associated subdominants Tetraberlinia bifoliolata and T. korupensis. Microberlinia bisulcata becomes adult at a stein diameter of c. 50 cm and at an estimated age of 50 y. Three oval-shaped subgroves with dimensions c. 8 50 in x 13 50 in (90 ha) were defined. For two of them (within the plot) tree diameters were available. Subgroves differed in their scales and intensities of spatial tree patterns, and in their size frequency distributions, these suggesting differing past dynamics. The modal scale of clumping was 40-50 m. Seed dispersal by pod ejection (to c. 50 in) was evident from the semi-circles of trees at the grove's edge and from the many internal circles (100-200 m diameter). The grove has the capacity. therefore, to increase at c. 100 m per century. To form its present extent and structure. it is inferred that it expanded and infilled from a possibly smaller area of lower adult-tree density. This possibly happened in three waves of recruitment, each one determined by a period of several intense disturbances. Climate records for Africa show that 1740-50 and 1820-30 were periods of drought, and that 1870-1895 was also regionally very dry. Canopy openings allow the light-demanding and fast-growing ectomycorrhizal M. bisulcata to establish, but successive releases are thought to be required to achieve effective recruitment. Nevertheless, in the last 50 y there were no major events and recruitment in the grove was very poor. This present study leads to a new hypothesis of the role of periods of multiple extreme events being the driving factor for the population dynamics of many large African tree species such as M. bisulcata.
Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) continue to significantly threaten human and animal health. While there has been some progress in identifying underlying proximal driving forces and causal mechanisms of disease emergence, the role of distal factors is most poorly understood. This article focuses on analyzing the statistical association between highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 and urbanization, land-use diversity and poultry intensification. A special form of the urban transition—peri-urbanization—was hypothesized as being associated with ‘hot-spots’ of disease emergence. Novel metrics were used to characterize these distal risk factors. Our models, which combined these newly proposed risk factors with previously known natural and human risk factors, had a far higher predictive performance compared to published models for the first two epidemiological waves in Viet Nam. We found that when relevant risk factors are taken into account, urbanization is generally not a significant independent risk factor. However, urbanization spatially combines other risk factors leading to peri-urban places being the most likely ‘hot-spots’. The work highlights that peri-urban areas have highest levels of chicken density, duck and geese flock size diversity, fraction of land under rice, fraction of land under aquaculture compared to rural and urban areas. Land-use diversity, which has previously never been studied in the context of HPAI H5N1, was found to be a significant risk factor. Places where intensive and extensive forms of poultry production are collocated were found to be at greater risk.