902 resultados para Role Models


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This paper investigates the role of institutions in determining per capita income levels and growth. It contributes to the empirical literature by using different variables as proxies for institutions and by developing a deeper analysis of the issues arising from the use of weak and too many instruments in per capita income and growth regressions. The cross-section estimation suggests that institutions seem to matter, regardless if they are the only explanatory variable or are combined with geographical and integration variables, although most models suffer from the issue of weak instruments. The results from the growth models provides some interesting results: there is mixed evidence on the role of institutions and such evidence is more likely to be associated with law and order and investment profile; government spending is an important policy variable; collapsing the number of instruments results in fewer significant coefficients for institutions.


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Fixed delays in neuronal interactions arise through synaptic and dendritic processing. Previous work has shown that such delays, which play an important role in shaping the dynamics of networks of large numbers of spiking neurons with continuous synaptic kinetics, can be taken into account with a rate model through the addition of an explicit, fixed delay. Here we extend this work to account for arbitrary symmetric patterns of synaptic connectivity and generic nonlinear transfer functions. Specifically, we conduct a weakly nonlinear analysis of the dynamical states arising via primary instabilities of the stationary uniform state. In this way we determine analytically how the nature and stability of these states depend on the choice of transfer function and connectivity. While this dependence is, in general, nontrivial, we make use of the smallness of the ratio in the delay in neuronal interactions to the effective time constant of integration to arrive at two general observations of physiological relevance. These are: 1 - fast oscillations are always supercritical for realistic transfer functions. 2 - Traveling waves are preferred over standing waves given plausible patterns of local connectivity.


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Eosinophils play a central role in the establishment and outcome of bronchial inflammation in asthma. Animal models of allergy are useful to answer questions related to mechanisms of allergic inflammation. We have used models of sensitized and boosted guinea pigs to investigate the nature of bronchial inflammation in allergic conditions. These animals develop marked bronchial infiltration composed mainly of CD4+ T-lymphocytes and eosinophils. Further provocation with antigen leads to degranulation of eosinophils and ulceration of the bronchial mucosa. Eosinophils are the first cells to increase in numbers in the mucosa after antigen challenge and depend on the expression of alpha 4 integrin to adhere to the vascular endothelium and transmigrate to the mucosa. Blockage of alpha4 integrin expression with specific antibody prevents not only the transmigration of eosinophils but also the development of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) to agonists in sensitized and challenged animals, clearly suggesting a role for this cell type in this altered functional state. Moreover, introduction of antibody against Major Basic Protein into the airways also prevents the development of BHR in similar model. BHR can also be suppressed by the use of FK506, an immunosuppressor that reduces in almost 100% the infiltration of eosinophils into the bronchi of allergic animals. These data support the concept that eosinophil is the most important pro-inflammatory factor in bronchial inflammation associated with allergy.


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Chemokines are a superfamily of low-molecular-weight cytokines that were initially described for their chemoattractant activity. It is now clear chemokines have several other activities that modulate immune processes. More than 50 chemokines ligands and at least 19 receptors have been described to date. Depending on the number of N-terminal cysteine residues, chemokines are grouped in the subfamilies CXC, CC, C or CX3C. A growing body of evidence suggests a role for chemokines in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory diseases. Our studies involving mice and humans infected with Schistosoma mansoni suggest an important role of the chemokine CCL3 and its receptors (CCR1 and CCR5) in the pathogenesis of severe schistosomiasis. We suggest that the differential activation of CCR1 or CCR5 during the course of schistosomiasis may dictate the outcome of the disease.


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Summary : The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the inflammasome in human and experimental murine models (such as ΑΙΑ and K/BxN) of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)RA, affecting 1% of the population is the most frequent inflammatory disease characterized by synovial hyperplasia and cartilage and bone erosion, leading to joint destruction. In general, women are 3 times more affected by RA suggesting a role of estrogen in this disease. The inflammasome is a multiproteic complex triggering the activation of caspase-1 leading to the activation of IL-1 β, an important pro-inflammatory cytokine implicated in arthritis. The inflammasome has been implicated in several inflammatory diseases and particularly in gout. To highlight a possible role of the inflammasome in murine arthritis, we obtained ASC, caspase-1 and NALP3 +/+ and -/- littermate mice to perform ΑΙΑ and K/BxN arthritis. NALP3 -/- and caspase-1 -/- mice were as arthritic as wild type littermate mice in both ΑΙΑ and K/BxN models implicating that the NALP3 inflammasome is not involved in experimental arthritis. By contrast, ΑΙΑ severity was significantly diminished in ASC- deficient male and female mice, and in the K/BxN model, in ASC-deficient female mice. These results were supported by histological scoring and acute phase protein serum amyloid A (SAA) levels that were equivalent between NALP+/+ and NALP3-/- mice and diminished in ASC -/- mice. In ΑΙΑ and K/BxN murine experimental models, we observed a sexdependent phenotype. We studied the role of estradiol in both the ALA and the K/BxN models. Castrated female or male ASC -/- mice that received estradiol had a decreased arthritis severity. This implies a protective role of estrogen in the absence of ASC. In the ΑΙΑ model, proliferation assay were performed using splenocytes from mBSA- immunized ASC +/+ and -/- mice. The mBSA-induced proliferation was significantly lower in ASC-/- splenocytes. Moreover the CD3-specific proliferation of purified splenic Τ cells was significantly lower in ASC-/- cells. Finally, Τ cells from ASC-/- mice produced significantly decreased levels of IFN-gamma associated with increased levels of IL-10. These results imply a possible role of ASC in the TCR-signaling pathway and Τ cell cytokine production. In parallel the expression of the different inflammasome components were analyzed in biopsies from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) patiens. The expression of the 14 different NALPs, their effector protein ASC, and caspase-1 and -5 was readily measurable by RT-PCR in a similar proportion in RA and OA synovial samples, with the exception of NALP-5 and NALP-13, which weren't found in samples from either disease. The corresponding NALP1, -3, -12 and ASC proteins were expressed at similar levels in both OA and RA biopsies, as determined by immunohistochemistry and Western-blot analysis. By contrast, caspase-1 levels were significantly enhanced in RA synovial tissues compared to those from OA patients. NALP-1, -2, -3, -10, -12 and -14, as well as ASC, caspase-1, and -5 were detected in RNA from unstimulated and stimulated RA synoviocytes. In FLS, only ASC and caspase-1 were expressed at the protein level. NALP1, 3 and 12 were not detected. However, upon stimulation, no secreted IL-Ιβ was detectable in either RA or in OA synoviocytes culture medium. Résumé : Le but de ce projet était d'étudier le rôle de l'inflammasome dans des modèles expérimentaux d'arthrite tels que les modèles ΑΙΑ et K/BxN ainsi que dans la polyarthrite humaine (RA). La polyarthrite est une maladie inflammatoire très fréquente avec 1 % de la population affectée et touche 3 fois plus les femmes que les hommes, suggérant un rôle des hormones sexuelles dans cette pathologie. L'inflammasome est un complexe multiprotéique qui permet l'activation de la caspase-1, une cystéine protéase qui va ensuite cliver et activer rinterleukine-ΐβ (IL-Ιβ). L'inflammasome a été impliqué ces dernières années dans de nombreuses maladies inflammatoires notamment dans la goutte. Pour mettre en évidence un éventuel rôle de l'inflammasome dans l'arthrite expérimentale nous avons obtenu des souris déficientes pour certains des composants de l'inflammasome tels que ASC, NALP3 et caspase-1. Les souris NALP3 déficientes et caspase-1 déficientes sont aussi arthritiques que les souris wild type correspondantes que ce soit dans le modèle ΑΙΑ ou K/BxN. Par contre les souris mâles et femelles ASC-déficientes sont moins arthritiques que les souris +/+ correspondantes dans le modèle ΑΙΑ. Dans le modèle KRN, le même phénotype (diminution de la sévérité de l'arthrite) est observé uniquement chez les femelles ASC-/- Ce phénotype est corrélé avec l'histologie ainsi qu'avec le dosage du serum amyloid A (SAA) qui reflète l'inflammation systémique et qui est diminué chez les souris ASC-déficientes. Nous avons ensuite étudié le rôle de Γ estradiol (une des formes active des estrogènes) dans les modèles K/BxN et ΑΙΑ. Les souris castrées maies ou femelles déficientes pour ASC ayant reçu de l'estradiol ont une arthrite moins sévère ce qui implique que les estradiol ont un effet protecteur en l'absence de ASC. Dans le modèle ΑΙΑ, nous nous sommes aussi intéressés à la réponse immune. Des tests de prolifération ont été effectués sur des splénocytes en présence de mBSA (qui est l'antigène utilisé dans le modèle ΑΙΑ). Les splénocytes ASC -/- ont une proliferation qui est diminuée en présence de l'antigène. De plus la proliferation de cellules Τ spléniques purifiées en présence d'anti-CD3 est diminuée chez les cellules Τ ASC-/-. Ces résultats nous indiquent une éventuelle implication de ASC dans la signalisation par le récépteur des cellules T. En parallèle l'expression des différents composants de l'inflammasome a été analysée dans des biopsies de patients atteints de polyarthrite rhumatoide (RA) et d'arthrose (OA). L'expression des 14 différents NALPs, de l'adaptateur ASC, ainsi que des caspase-1 et -5 était similaires dans les échantillons RA et OA, à l'exception de NALP5 et 13 qui n'étaient pas détéctables. L'expression protéique de NALP1, 3, 12 et ASC effectuée par Western blot et immunohistochimie était similaire dans les biopsies RA et OA. Par contre la quantité de la caspase-1 mesurée par ELISA était augmentée de façon significative dans les extraits protéiques de biopsies RA. NALP-1, -2. -3, -10, -12, and -14 ainsi que ASC, caspase-1 et -5 étaient exprimés de façon similaire par les synoviocytes RA non stimulés et stimulés. Dans les synoviocytes seuls ASC et caspase-1 étaient détéctable au niveau protéique. NALP-1, -3 et -12 n'était pas détéctables. Cependant après stimulation il n'y avait d'IL-Ιβ sécrété que ce soit dans les surnageants de cultures de synoviocytes RA ou OA.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells in the human lung and are now recognized as crucial initiators of immune responses in general. They are arranged as sentinels in a dense surveillance network inside and below the epithelium of the airways and alveoli, where thet are ideally situated to sample inhaled antigen. DCs are known to play a pivotal role in maintaining the balance between tolerance and active immune response in the respiratory system. It is no surprise that the lungs became a main focus of DC-related investigations as this organ provides a large interface for interactions of inhaled antigens with the human body. During recent years there has been a constantly growing body of lung DC-related publications that draw their data from in vitro models, animal models and human studies. This review focuses on the biology and functions of different DC populations in the lung and highlights the advantages and drawbacks of different models with which to study the role of lung DCs. Furthermore, we present a number of up-to-date visualization techniques to characterize DC-related cell interactions in vitro and/or in vivo.


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Abstract Purpose: Several well-known managerial accounting performance measurement models rely on causal assumptions. Whilst users of the models express satisfaction and link them with improved organizational performance, academic research, of the realworld applications, shows few reliable statistical associations. This paper provides a discussion on the"problematic" of causality in a performance measurement setting. Design/methodology/approach: This is a conceptual study based on an analysis and synthesis of the literature from managerial accounting, organizational theory, strategic management and social scientific causal modelling. Findings: The analysis indicates that dynamic, complex and uncertain environments may challenge any reliance upon valid causal models. Due to cognitive limitations and judgmental biases, managers may fail to trace correct cause-and-effect understanding of the value creation in their organizations. However, even lacking this validity, causal models can support strategic learning and perform as organizational guides if they are able to mobilize managerial action. Research limitations/implications: Future research should highlight the characteristics necessary for elaboration of convincing and appealing causal models and the social process of their construction. Practical implications: Managers of organizations using causal models should be clear on the purposes of their particular models and their limitations. In particular, difficulties are observed in specifying detailed cause and effect relations and their potential for communicating and directing attention. They should therefore construct their models to suit the particular purpose envisaged. Originality/value: This paper provides an interdisciplinary and holistic view on the issue of causality in managerial accounting models.


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Immunoglobulin E (IgE) and mast cells are believed to play important roles in allergic inflammation. However, their contributions to the pathogenesis of human asthma have not been clearly established. Significant progress has been made recently in our understanding of airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness through studies of murine models of asthma and genetically engineered mice. Some of the studies have provided significant insights into the role of IgE and mast cells in the allergic airway response. In these models mice are immunized systemically with soluble protein antigens and then receive an antigen challenge through the airways. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from mice with allergic airway inflammation contains significant amounts of IgE. The IgE can capture the antigen presented to the airways and the immune complexes so formed can augment allergic airway response in a high-affinity IgE receptor (FcepsilonRI)-dependent manner. Previously, there were conflicting reports regarding the role of mast cells in murine models of asthma, based on studies of mast cell-deficient mice. More recent studies have suggested that the extent to which mast cells contribute to murine models of asthma depends on the experimental conditions employed to generate the airway response. This conclusion was further supported by studies using FcepsilonRI-deficient mice. Therefore, IgE-dependent activation of mast cells plays an important role in the development of allergic airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in mice under specific conditions. The murine models used should be of value for testing inhibitors of IgE or mast cells for the development of therapeutic agents for human asthma.


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Background: This study describes a bioinformatics approach designed to identify Plasmodium vivax proteins potentially involved in reticulocyte invasion. Specifically, different protein training sets were built and tuned based on different biological parameters, such as experimental evidence of secretion and/or involvement in invasion-related processes. A profile-based sequence method supported by hidden Markov models (HMMs) was then used to build classifiers to search for biologically-related proteins. The transcriptional profile of the P. vivax intra-erythrocyte developmental cycle was then screened using these classifiers. Results: A bioinformatics methodology for identifying potentially secreted P. vivax proteins was designed using sequence redundancy reduction and probabilistic profiles. This methodology led to identifying a set of 45 proteins that are potentially secreted during the P. vivax intra-erythrocyte development cycle and could be involved in cell invasion. Thirteen of the 45 proteins have already been described as vaccine candidates; there is experimental evidence of protein expression for 7 of the 32 remaining ones, while no previous studies of expression, function or immunology have been carried out for the additional 25. Conclusions: The results support the idea that probabilistic techniques like profile HMMs improve similarity searches. Also, different adjustments such as sequence redundancy reduction using Pisces or Cd-Hit allowed data clustering based on rational reproducible measurements. This kind of approach for selecting proteins with specific functions is highly important for supporting large-scale analyses that could aid in the identification of genes encoding potential new target antigens for vaccine development and drug design. The present study has led to targeting 32 proteins for further testing regarding their ability to induce protective immune responses against P. vivax malaria.


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Several studies using ocean-atmosphere GCMs suggest that the atmospheric component plays a dominant role in the modelled ENSO. To help elucidate these findings, the two main atmosphere feedbacks relevant to ENSO, the Bjerknes positive feedback (µ) and the heat flux negative feedback (), are analysed here in 12 coupled GCMs. We find that the models generally underestimate both feedbacks, leading to an error compensation. The strength of is inversely related to the ENSO amplitude in the models and the latent heat and shortwave flux components of this feedback dominate. Furthermore, the shortwave component could help explain the model diversity in both overall and ENSO amplitude.


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Several studies using ocean–atmosphere general circulation models (GCMs) suggest that the atmospheric component plays a dominant role in the modelled El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). To help elucidate these findings, the two main atmosphere feedbacks relevant to ENSO, the Bjerknes positive feedback (μ) and the heat flux negative feedback (α), are here analysed in nine AMIP runs of the CMIP3 multimodel dataset. We find that these models generally have improved feedbacks compared to the coupled runs which were analysed in part I of this study. The Bjerknes feedback, μ, is increased in most AMIP runs compared to the coupled run counterparts, and exhibits both positive and negative biases with respect to ERA40. As in the coupled runs, the shortwave and latent heat flux feedbacks are the two dominant components of α in the AMIP runs. We investigate the mechanisms behind these two important feedbacks, in particular focusing on the strong 1997–1998 El Niño. Biases in the shortwave flux feedback, α SW, are the main source of model uncertainty in α. Most models do not successfully represent the negative αSW in the East Pacific, primarily due to an overly strong low-cloud positive feedback in the far eastern Pacific. Biases in the cloud response to dynamical changes dominate the modelled α SW biases, though errors in the large-scale circulation response to sea surface temperature (SST) forcing also play a role. Analysis of the cloud radiative forcing in the East Pacific reveals model biases in low cloud amount and optical thickness which may affect α SW. We further show that the negative latent heat flux feedback, α LH, exhibits less diversity than α SW and is primarily driven by variations in the near-surface specific humidity difference. However, biases in both the near-surface wind speed and humidity response to SST forcing can explain the inter-model αLH differences.