1000 resultados para Ritmo nictimeral


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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One of the most controversial issues in the history of Phonetics is the discussion about the typology of speech rhythm. Out of the Greek and Latin tradition on poetry versification, the notion of rhythm has been misunderstood as speech rate. In the early years of the 20th century, a dichotomy merged classifying the speech rhythm into stress-timed and syllable-timed languages, inspired by the old theory of poetic versification. Following the same old pattern, later on, a third type of language were proposed: the moraic languages, initially attributed only to Japanese. With the facilities to carry on acoustic research, in the second half of the 20th century, the typology of language rhythm came to a dead end. Different types of language were set out. This paper discusses these ideas, showing a great misunderstanding among researchers in relation to the characterization of a syllable-timed language. The notion of mora is revisited and its role in the study of speech rhythm is better defined.


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The language typology of speech rhythm has been investigated by many researchers in different languages. However, they have not reached a unanimous conclusion. Part of the misunderstanding is due to the methodology they used. In addition, there is some theoretical confusion on the definition of a syllable timed language. This paper refers to the last question, but without discussing others people works and theories. Instead, it points out some essential questions that have not been taken into consideration in the discussion.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Understanding dance in all its educational aspects, creative and liberating, this of course work completion back motivating information for new studies and reflections. This study did a literature review to contextualize and detail reach the story and how it perpetuates in practice the dance style Waacking, sought the understanding of how the body is inserted in our society, made notes on the Sport Psychology regarding the topic fear and shame, and pledged to address the conflicting issues of gender and sexuality, to then be possible to develop what has been objectified. This study sought to establish whether there are national publications on the Waacking dance style and what their contributions to the Brazilian context, verifying the presence of stereotypes and prejudices to males in it are inserted. As used method, the survey was conducted in online databases having the following sites as a source of scientific academic content to nationwide: Google Scholar (like the filter to search only in Portuguese language - as the focus of the research is to gather national publications); Journals Portal CAPES / MEC; and SciELO - (Scientific Electronic Library Online). The review process took place using the categorization model, which was essential to be able to extract the information that met relevant from the criteria that have been pre-established, thus enabling the completion of this work Completion of course


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Hyperkalemia is a common electrolyte imbalance in cats with obstructive feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). The effects of serum potassium elevation in heart rhythm are serious and potentially lethal. The clinical manifestations reflect changes in the excitability of the cell membrane. Increased potassium levels lead to a reduction of the resting membrane potential of heart muscle cells, making them less excitable and resulting in cardiac arrhythmias. The sinoventricular rhythm with atrial arrest is among the types of arrhythmias caused by hyperkalemia. The purpose of this report was to highlight the importance of electrocardiographic monitoring for the early detection of potentially lethal arrhythmias in cats with obstructive FLUTD. We hereby describe the occurrence of three cases treated at the Small Animal Clinic of FMVZ/Unesp, Botucatu Campus.


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La tesi è incentrata sull'analisi dell'organizzazione retorica della prosa di Giorgio Manganelli, indagando il sistema ritmico attraverso il quale l'autore è in grado di creare un fluire sintattico che sfugge alle classificazioni di genere. Per Manganelli, infatti, il linguaggio è solamente organizzazione di se stesso, e perciò la scrittura ruota attorno a un centro narrativo vuoto, dissimulando l'assenza di necessità. Egli è un retore puntuale dotato di una straordinaria abilità compositiva, che gli consente di mettere in scena l'ambiguità insita nella retorica. Per affrontare questa analisi è stato opportuno avvalersi della critique du rythme ideata da Henri Meschonnic, a partire dalle riflessioni di Emile Benveniste sul concetto eracliteo di ritmo, poiché essa fornisce una prospettiva duttile, dinamica e svincolata da pregiudizi critici. Meschonnic infatti considera il ritmo non come schema metrico ma in quanto organizzazione del senso nel discorso, volto alla signifiance del testo. In quest'ottica si è tentato di costruire un percorso attraverso le opere di Manganelli per descrivere il sistema retorico su cui si fonda la sua scrittura, a partire dai materiali del suo laboratorio (poesie, prose, appunti di diario, scambi epistolari) fino all'ideazione di discorsi pseudo-teologici che si presentano come allegoria stessa della scrittura. Si sono analizzati in particolare la trasposizione letteraria della tecnica musicale della variazione in Nuovo commento (1969), e il ritmo del periodo ipotetico in Rumori o voci (1987), testo emblematico della ricerca di Manganelli sulle potenzialità del linguaggio. Infine la prosa manganelliana è stata messa a confronto con quella di altri importanti autori italiani del Novecento (Pavese, Gadda, Camporesi, Celati), al fine di comparare tra loro diverse organizzazioni ritmiche del linguaggio, e ricollocando così Manganelli al centro del panorama letterario italiano con tutta la sua eversiva marginalità.


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