984 resultados para Risk Stratification


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Periferal vascular disease usually results from a systemic entity in which atherothrombosis develops in different vascular territories, having common risk factors. It is hence usual to find coexistent, often subclinical, coronary artery disease, which is responsible for most of perioperatory morbidity and mortality in patients submitted to vascular surgery. An adequate preoperatory risk stratification must be accomplished, having in mind the clinical manifestations, risk factors, comorbidities, functional capacity and global left ventricular systolic function of the patient. He should be included in one of three different subgroups: low, high or intermediate risk, which might reinforce the need for further testing, most often aiming at the detection of coronary artery disease and foresee the short, medium and long term outcome. This strategy is very important and it is in part due to it and to better medical/surgical and anesthetic care that the surgical results have markedly improved in recent years. In this paper a state of the art is done of the guidelines to follow and the results of several studies performed on this subject. The role of methods to detect coronary ischemia is remarked, using either nuclear or echocardiographic techniques for this purpose.


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OBJECTIVE: Intensive image surveillance after endovascular aneurysm repair is generally recommended due to continued risk of complications. However, patients at lower risk may not benefit from this strategy. We evaluated the predictive value of the first postoperative computed tomography angiography (CTA) characteristics for aneurysm-related adverse events as a means of patient selection for risk-adapted surveillance. METHODS: All patients treated with the Low-Permeability Excluder Endoprosthesis (W. L. Gore & Assoc, Flagstaff, Ariz) at a tertiary institution from 2004 to 2011 were included. First postoperative CTAs were analyzed for the presence of endoleaks, endograft kinking, distance from the lowermost renal artery to the start of the endograft, and for proximal and distal sealing length using center lumen line reconstructions. The primary end point was freedom from aneurysm-related adverse events. Multivariable Cox regression was used to test postoperative CTA characteristics as independent risk factors, which were subsequently used as selection criteria for low-risk and high-risk groups. Estimates for freedom from adverse events were obtained using Kaplan-Meier survival curves. RESULTS: Included were 131 patients. The median follow-up was 4.1 years (interquartile range, 2.1-6.1). During this period, 30 patients (23%) sustained aneurysm-related adverse events. Seal length <10 mm and presence of endoleak were significant risk factors for this end point. Patients were subsequently categorized as low-risk (proximal and distal seal length ≥10 mm and no endoleak, n = 62) or high-risk (seal length <10 mm or presence of endoleak, or both; n = 69). During follow-up, four low-risk patients (3%) and 26 high-risk patients (19%) sustained events (P < .001). Four secondary interventions were required in three low-risk patients, and 31 secondary interventions in 23 high-risk patients. Sac growth was observed in two low-risk patients and in 15 high-risk patients. The 5-year estimates for freedom from aneurysm-related adverse events were 98% for the low-risk group and 52% for the high-risk group. For each diagnosis, 81.7 image examinations were necessary in the low-risk group and 8.2 in the high-risk group. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the first postoperative CTA provides important information for risk stratification after endovascular aneurysm repair when the Excluder endoprosthesis is used. In patients with adequate seal and no endoleaks, the risk of aneurysm-related adverse events was significantly reduced, resulting in a large number of unnecessary image examinations. Adjusting the imaging protocol beyond 30 days and up to 5 years, based on individual patients' risk, may result in a more efficient and rational postoperative surveillance.


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The quality of care can be improved by the development and implementation of evidence-based treatment guidelines. Different national guidelines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exist in Europe and relevant differences may exist among them.This was an evaluation of COPD treatment guidelines published in Europe and Russia in the past 7 years. Each guideline was reviewed in detail and information about the most important aspects of patient diagnosis, risk stratification and pharmacotherapy was extracted following a standardised process. Guidelines were available from the Czech Republic, England and Wales, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain and Sweden. The treatment goals, criteria for COPD diagnosis, consideration of comorbidities in treatment selection and support for use of long-acting bronchodilators, were similar across treatment guidelines. There were differences in measures used for stratification of disease severity, consideration of patient phenotypes, criteria for the use of inhaled corticosteroids and recommendations for other medications (e.g. theophylline and mucolytics) in addition to bronchodilators.There is generally good agreement on treatment goals, criteria for diagnosis of COPD and use of long-acting bronchodilators as the cornerstone of treatment among guidelines for COPD management in Europe and Russia. However, there are differences in the definitions of patient subgroups and other recommended treatments.


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PURPOSE: In this prospective, multicenter, 14-day inception cohort study, we investigated the epidemiology, patterns of infections, and outcome in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) as a result of severe acute respiratory infections (SARIs). METHODS: All patients admitted to one of 206 participating ICUs during two study weeks, one in November 2013 and the other in January 2014, were screened. SARI was defined as possible, probable, or microbiologically confirmed respiratory tract infection with recent onset dyspnea and/or fever. The primary outcome parameter was in-hospital mortality within 60 days of admission to the ICU. RESULTS: Among the 5550 patients admitted during the study periods, 663 (11.9 %) had SARI. On admission to the ICU, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were found in 29.6 and 26.2 % of SARI patients but rarely atypical bacteria (1.0 %); viruses were present in 7.7 % of patients. Organ failure occurred in 74.7 % of patients in the ICU, mostly respiratory (53.8 %), cardiovascular (44.5 %), and renal (44.6 %). ICU and in-hospital mortality rates in patients with SARI were 20.2 and 27.2 %, respectively. In multivariable analysis, older age, greater severity scores at ICU admission, and hematologic malignancy or liver disease were independently associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death, whereas influenza vaccination prior to ICU admission and adequate antibiotic administration on ICU admission were associated with a lower risk. CONCLUSIONS: Admission to the ICU for SARI is common and associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. We identified several risk factors for in-hospital death that may be useful for risk stratification in these patients.


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RESUMO- Introdução: A obesidade e a Síndrome Metabólica (SM) são atualmente um importante problema de saúde pública, com prevalências crescentes, que se acompanham também por aumento da prevalência de Diabetes Mellitus (DM).Estudos prévios demonstram associação destas entidades com o aumento de risco de eventos cardiovasculares, em particular a DM. A SM tem sido uma entidade muito debatida nos últimos anos, com aparecimento de diversas definições, contribuindo para resultados díspares no que diz respeito à influência da SM nas doenças cardiovasculares. Também têm sido descritas variações étnicas e regionais. Para além de alguns estudos epidemiológicos na população geral, a informação relativamente à sua influência na presença de doença cardiovascular é desconhecida em Portugal, em particular em populações com suspeita de doença coronária. Objetivos - Esclarecimento de questões relacionadas com a prevalência de SM e a sua influência na evolução de doença ateroclerótica arterial por avaliação de uma população com suspeita de doença coronária. População e Métodos - Estudo observacional, transversal, com inclusão prospetiva de indivíduos admitidos letivamente para realização de angiografia coronária por suspeita de doença coronária, tendo sido também efetuadas análises laboratoriais e ecografia carotidea para avaliação da espessura intima-média carotidea (EIMc) e da presença de placas carotídeas. Efetuou-se avaliação dos parâmetros demográficos, antropométricos, determinação do perfil lipídico, glicémia e insulinémia. Os exames angiográficos foram analisados por análise quantitativa semi-automática. Foram excluídos indivíduos com antecedentes conhecidos de doença cardíaca. Resultados - Incluíram-se 300 doentes, com idade média de 64 ± 9 anos, 59% do género masculino. A prevalência de SM de acordo com a definição da AHA/NHLBI foi 48,4% (ajustada para idade e género da população portuguesa) e a prevalência de DM foi 14,8% (ajustada). A concordância global das três definições mais recentes de SM foi de apenas 43%. A prevalência de SM aumenta com a idade e é também mais elevada no género feminino. O componente mais frequente foi a hipertensão arterial, seguido pela obesidade abdominal, a elevação da glicémia e por fim as alterações dos triglicéridos e do colesterol HDL. Por outro lado, a presença de doença coronária significativa (lesões ≥50%) ocorreu em apenas 51,3% dos doentes, sendo ainda mais baixa no género feminino. Demonstrou-se também uma baixa capacidade preditiva para doença coronária dos testes não invasivos clássicos, em particular no género feminino. A prevalência de doença coronária significativa foi idêntica nos indivíduos com SM comparativamente com indivíduos sem alterações metabólicas (46,3% vs. 48,2%, respectivamente), sendo mais elevado nos diabéticos (65,2%). Os fatores predizentes independentes de doença coronária significativa foram a idade, o género masculino, a elevação da glicémia e dos triglicéridos. Pelo contrário, o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) mostrou uma associação protetora relativamente à presença de doença coronária. A SM não é fator predizente de doença coronária. Relativamente às dimensões dos vasos coronários, o IMC correlaciona-se positivamente e a glicémia / DM correlacionam-se negativamente. A EIMc aumenta com o aumento da idade e no género masculino. A EIMc foi intermédia nos doentes com SM (0,88 ± 0,31 mm) comparativamente com os doentes diabéticos (0,97 ± 0,34 mm) e os indivíduos “Normais” (0,85 ± 0,34 mm). Os fatores predizentes independentes de EIMc foram a idade, o género masculino, o colesterol HDL e a insulinémia. A EIMc permite predizer com uma acuidade moderada a presença de doença coronária significativa (AUC 0,638), em particular no género feminino, sendo um fator predizente independente de presença de doença coronária (OR 2,35, IC 95% 1,04-5,33. p=0,04). Apesar de não se correlacionar com o número de vasos coronários com doença, correlacionou-se com a gravidade da doença (pelo score de Gensini). A insulinémia e o índice HOMA aumentam diretamente com a idade e com o IMC, sendo contudo sobreponíveis em ambos os géneros. Os fatores predizentes de índice HOMA (resistência à insulina) foram o IMC, bem como os restantes componentes de SM, estando o índice HOMA relacionado com a presença de SM e o número dos seus componentes presentes. O limiar para resistência à insulina foi de 2,66 e para SM foi 2,41. Ao contrário das restantes definições de SM, a definição da AHA/NHLBI não é predizente da presença de DM no género masculino. A associação da resistência à insulina com doença coronária foi limiar (OR 1,13, IC 95% 1,00-1,28, p=0,045). Conclusões - Numa população com suspeita de doença coronária, a prevalência de SM é muito elevada (superior a 50%), sendo a prevalência de DM de 23%. Também a obesidade e o excesso de peso foram extremamente prevalentes nesta população. A concordância entre definições de SM é baixa. A hipertensão arterial e a obesidade abdominal são os componentes mais frequentes de SM, sendo menos prevalentes as alterações lipídicas. Pelo contrário, a presença de doença coronária significativa foi muito baixa, em particular nas mulheres. A SM não se associou à presença de doença coronária significativa, estando esta mais dependente das alterações do metabolismo glicídico e dos triglicéridos, bem como de outros fatores de risco não modificáveis, nomeadamente a idade e o género. A EIMc da carótida comum e a presença de placas carotídeas é mais elevada nos indivíduos diabéticos, estando também ligeiramente aumentada nos doentes com SM, sendo os fatores predizentes de EIMc apenas a idade, o género, a hiperinsulinémia bem como os níveis baixos de colesterol HDL. A utilização da avaliação da EIMc na estratificação de risco pré-angiografia coronária, poderá ser útil no género feminino. A hiperinsulinémia e o índice HOMA (índice de resistência à insulina), estão relacionados com o IMC e consequentemente com a presença de obesidade, embora também se correlacione de forma independente com os outros componentes de SM. A resistência à insulina associou-se à presença de SM. Relativamente à capacidade preditiva da coexistência com DM, verificou-se associação com a definição da NCEP-ATP III e da IDF, contudo, a definição da AHA/NHLBI só foi predizente de DMnas mulheres. -------------ABSTRACT - Introduction: Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (MS) are a major public health problem, with increasing prevalence, that follows the increase in diabetes prevalence. Previous studies showed an association of both entities with increased cardiovascular risk, particularly diabetes. MS has been debated in the last few years, with several definitions and different results when analysed the influence of MS on cardiovascular diseases. There are also some regional and ethnical variations. Beyond general population epidemiological studies, information about the influence on cardiovascular disease in Portugal is unknown, particularly in patients with suspected coronary disease. Objectives- To clarify several questions regarding the prevalence of MS and the influence in arterial atherosclerotic disease by evaluation of a population with suspected coronary artery disease. Population and Methods- Observational, cross-sectional study with prospective inclusion of individuals admitted electively for coronary angiography with suspicion of coronary artery disease. All individuals also performed laboratorial evaluation and carotid ultrasound to evaluate carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) and carotid plaques. We also evaluated demographic, anthropometric parameters, lipid profile, blood glucose and blood insulin. Angiographic data was obtained by semi-automated quantitation. Individuals with previously known cardiac history were excluded from the study. Results- We included 300 individuals with a mean age of 64 ± 9 years, 59% males. MS prevalence according to AHA/NHLBI definition was 48.4% (adjusted for age and gender of the Portuguese population) and the adjusted prevalence of diabetes was 14.8%. Global agreement between the more recent three definitions of MS was only 43%. MS prevalence increases with age and is also higher in women. The most frequent components were hypertension and abdominal obesity, followed by elevated glucose and triglicerides and low HDL-cholesterol. Significant coronary artery disease (stenosis ≥50%) was present in only 51.3% of patients, being lower in females. Non-invasive tests also had a low predictive capacity, particularly in females. The prevalence of significant coronary disease was identical in patients with MS compared with normal metabolism individuals (46.3% vs. 48.2%, respectively), being higher in diabetics (65.2%). Independent predictive factors for coronary disease were age, male gender, high blood glucose and triglycerides. On the contrary, Body Mass Index (BMI) was a protective factor for coronary disease. MS wasn’t a predictor of coronary disease. BMI showed a positive correlation with coronary vessel diameter and glucose /diabetes had a negative correlation. CIMT increased with age and was higher in males. CIMT was intermediate in patients with MS (0.88 ± 0.31 mm) when compared to diabetic patients (0.97 ± 0.34 mm) and “Normal” individuals (0.85 ± 0.34 mm). Independent predictors for cIMT were age, male gender, HDL-cholesterol and insulin. CIMT had a moderate predictive accuracy for coronary disease (AUC 0,638), particularly in females and is an independent predictor of the presence of significant coronary disease (OR 2.35, 95% CI 1.04-5.33. p=0.04). Although it did not correlate with the number of diseased coronary arteries, it correlated with coronary disease severity by the Gensini score. Insulin and HOMA index increase directly with age and BMI, but were identical in both genders. Predictive factors for HOMA index (insulin resistance) were BMI as well as the other MS components. HOMA index is related to MS and the number of its components. The cut-off for insulin resistance was 2.66 and for MS 2.41. Unlike other MS definitions, AHA/NHLBI definition is not a predictor of diabetes in males. There was a borderline association between insulin resistance and coronary disease (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.00-1.28, p=0.045). Conclusions - In a population of patients with suspected coronary disease, MS prevalence is extremely high (above 50%) with a diabetes prevalence of 23%. Also obesity and overweight are very prevalent in this population. Global agreement between MS definitions is however low. Hypertension and abdominal obesity are the most frequent components, with a lower prevalence of lipid abnormalities. Coronary disease prevalence was low, particularly in women. MS wasn’t associated with coronary disease. Coronary disease was related to glucose and triglycerides, as well as with other non-modifiable factors such as age and gender. CIMT and carotid plaques are increased in diabetic patients, and also slightly elevated in patients with MS, but cIMT independent predictors were age, male gender, insulin and HDLcholesterol. CIMT can be useful in risk stratification before coronary angiography particularly in women. Elevated insulin and HOMA index (an insulin resistance index) are related with BMI and consequently with obesity, and it was also correlated with other MS components. Insulin resistance was associated with MS. The presence of diabetes was associated with the presence of MS by NCEP-ATP III and IDF definitions; however, AHA/NHLBI definition was only predictive of diabetes in females.


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RESUMO: Este trabalho tentou contribuir para a caracterização da fisiopatologia da microcirculação coronária em diferentes formas de patologia com o auxílio da ecocardiografia transtorácica. Com a aplicação da ecocardiografia Doppler transtorácica foi efectuado o estudo da reserva coronária da artéria descendente anterior e com a ecocardiografia de contraste do miocárdio foram analisados parâmetros de perfusão do miocárdio como a velocidade da microcirculação coronária, o volume de sangue miocárdico e a reserva de fluxo miocárdico. Estas técnicas foram utilizadas em diferentes situações fisiopatológicas com particular interesse na hipertrofia ventricular esquerda de diferentes etiologias como a hipertensão arterial, estenose aórtica e cardiomiopatia hipertrófica. Também na diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e na doença coronária aterosclerótica, estudámos as alterações da microcirculação coronária. Com a mesma técnica de ecocardiografia de contraste do miocárdio foi analisada a perfusão do miocárdio num modelo experimental animal sujeito a uma dieta aterogénica. Além das conclusões específicas em relação a cada um dos trabalhos efectuados há a referir como conclusões gerais a sua fácil aplicabilidade e exequibilidade em âmbito clínico, a sua reprodutibilidade e precisão. Quando comparadas com técnicas consideradas de referência mostraram resultados com significativa correlação estatística. Em todos os doentes e nos grupos controle foi possível comprovar e quantificar o gradiente de perfusão transmural em repouso e durante a acção de stress vasodilatador, relevando a importância da perfusão sub-endocárdica na função do ventrículo esquerdo. O estudo da microcirculação coronária no grupo de doentes com hipertrofia ventricular esquerda revelou que no grupo com hipertensão arterial existe disfunção da microcirculação coronária ainda antes de se observar aumento de massa do ventrículo esquerdo, e que esta disfunção é diferente em função da geometria ventricular. Nos doentes com estenose aórtica foi demonstrado que além da disfunção da microcirculação coronária, explicada pelo fenómeno de hipertrofia, existe outro componente extrínseco que depois de corrigido através de cirurgia de substituição valvular, conduziu a uma parcial normalização dos valores de reserva coronária. Na cardiomiopatia hipertrófica observou-se uma grande heterogeneidade de perfusão transmural e foi documentado, em imagens de ecocardiografia de contraste do miocárdio e após análise paramétrica, a ausência de perfusão do miocárdio na região sub-endocárdica durante o stress vasodilatador de reserva coronária diminuídos em fases precoces de evolução da doença. Foi demonstrado que a reserva coronária na DM2 em fases mais avançadas estava significativamente diminuída. Descrevemos também em doentes com DM2 e sem doença coronária angiográfica a existência de disfunção da microcirculação coronária. Durante o stress vasodilatador, observámos e documentámos neste grupo de doentes, a existência de defeitos de perfusão transitórios ou de diminuição da velocidade da microcirculação coronária. No grupo de doentes com doença coronária confirmámos o interesse da avaliação da reserva coronária após intervenção percutânea na definição de prognóstico pós EAM, em termos de recuperação funcional do ventrículo esquerdo. Em doentes com BCRE e de difícil estratificação de risco, foi possível calcular o valor de reserva coronária e estratificar o risco de doença coronária. Num modelo experimental animal demonstrámos a exequibilidade da técnica de ECM, e verificámos que nessas condições experimentais, uma sobrecarga aterogénica na dieta, ao fim de 6 semanas, comprometia severamente a reserva coronária. Estes resultados foram parcialmente reversíveis quando à dieta foi adicionada uma estatina. Estas técnicas pela sua não invasibilidade, fácil acesso, repetibilidade e inocuidade perspectivam-se de grande utilidade na caracterização de doentes com disfunção da microcirculação coronária, nas diferentes áreas de diagnóstico, terapêutica e prevenção. A possibilidade de adaptar a técnica em modelos experimentais animais também nos parece poder vir a ter grande utilidade em investigação.----------------ABSTRACT: This work is intended to be a contribution to the study of coronary microcirculation applying new echocardiographic techniques as transthoracic Doppler echocardiography of coronary arteries and myocardial contrast echocardiography. Coronary flow reserve may be assessed by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography, and important functional microcirculation parameters as microcirculation flow velocity, myocardial blood volume and myocardial flow reserve may be evaluated through myocardial contrast echocardiography. Microcirculation was analysed in different pathophysiological settings. We addressed situations with increased left ventricular mass as systemic arterial hypertension, aortic stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Also coronary microcirculation was studied in type 2 Diabetes and in different clinical forms of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Specific and detailed conclusions were withdrawn from each experimental work. In the overall it was concluded that these two techniques were important tools to easily assess specific pathophysiological information about coronary microcirculation at bed side which would be difficult to get through other techniques. When compared with gold standard techniques, similar sensibility and specificity was found. Because of their better temporal and spatial resolution it was possible to analyse the importance of transmural perfusion gradients, both in basal and during vasodilatation, and their relation to ischemia, and mechanical wall kinetics, as wall thickening and motion. Coronary microcirculation dysfunction was found in systemic arterial hypertension early evolution stages, also related to different left ventricular geometric patterns. Different etiopathogenical explanations for aortic stenosis coronary microcirculation dysfunction were analysed and compared after aortic valve replacement. Transmural myocardial perfusion heterogeneity pattern was observed in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which was aggravated during adenosine challenge. Coronary microcirculation dysfunction was diagnosed in type 2 diabetes both with coronary artery disease and with normal angiographic coronary arteries. Dynamic transitory subendocardial perfusion defects with adenosine vasodilatation were visualized in these patients.In patients with left branch block, transthoracic Doppler echocardiography was able to suggest a coronary reserve cut-off value for risk stratification. Also it was possible with this technique to calculate coronary flow reserve and predict restenosis after PTCA Again, in an experimental animal model, applying myocardial contrast echocardiography technique it was possible to study the consequences of an atherogenic diet and statins action on the coronary microcirculation function. Because these techniques are easily performed at bed side, are harmless, use no ionizing radiation and because of their repeatability, reproducibility and accuracythey are promissory tools to assess coronary microcirculation. Both in clinic and research areas these techniques will probably have a role in clinical diagnosis, prevention and therapeutically decision.


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OBJECTIVE: Risk stratification of patients with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) and chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (CCC). METHODS: Seventy eight patients with CCC and NSVT were consecutively and prospectively studied. All patients underwent to 24-hour Holter monitoring, radioisotopic ventriculography, left ventricular angiography, and electrophysiologic study. With programmed ventricular stimulation. RESULTS: Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) was induced in 25 patients (32%), NSVT in 20 (25.6%) and ventricular fibrillation in 4 (5.1%). In 29 patients (37.2%) no arrhythmia was inducible. During a 55.7-month-follow-up, 22 (28.2%) patients died, 16 due to sudden death, 2 due to nonsudden cardiac death and 4 due to noncardiac death. Logistic regression analysis showed that induction was the independent and main variable that predicted the occurrence of subsequent events and cardiac death (probability of 2.56 and 2.17, respectively). The Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test showed that survival probability was significantly lower in the inducible group than in the noninductible group. The percentage of patients free of events was significantly higher in the noninducible group. CONCLUSION: Induction of SMVT during programmed ventricular stimulation was a predictor of arrhythmia occurrence cardiac death and general mortality in patients with CCC and NSVT.


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PURPOSE - To evaluate diastolic dysfunction (DD) in essential hypertension and the influence of age and cardiac geometry on this parameter. METHODS - Four hundred sixty essential hypertensive patients (HT) underwent Doppler echocardiography to obtain E/A wave ratio (E/A), atrial deceleration time (ADT), and isovolumetric relaxation time (IRT). All patients were grouped according to cardiac geometric patterns (NG - normal geometry; CR - concentric remodeling; CH- concentric hypertrophy; EH - eccentric hypertrophy) and to age (<40; 40 - 60; >60 years). One hundred six normotensives (NT) persons were also evaluated. RESULTS - A worsening of diastolic function in the HT compared with the NT, including HT with NG (E/A: NT - 1.38±0.03 vs HT - 1.27±0.02, p<0.01), was observed. A higher prevalence of DD occurred parallel to age and cardiac geometry also in the prehypertrophic groups (CR). Multiple regression analysis identified age as the most important predictor of DD (r²=0.30, p<0.01). CONCLUSION - DD was prevalent in this hypertensive population, being highly affected by age and less by heart structural parameters. DD is observed in incipient stages of hypertensive heart disease, and thus its early detection may help in the risk stratification of hypertensive patients.


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Background: The classification or index of heart failure severity in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was proposed by Killip and Kimball aiming at assessing the risk of in-hospital death and the potential benefit of specific management of care provided in Coronary Care Units (CCU) during the decade of 60. Objective: To validate the risk stratification of Killip classification in the long-term mortality and compare the prognostic value in patients with non-ST-segment elevation MI (NSTEMI) relative to patients with ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI), in the era of reperfusion and modern antithrombotic therapies. Methods: We evaluated 1906 patients with documented AMI and admitted to the CCU, from 1995 to 2011, with a mean follow-up of 05 years to assess total mortality. Kaplan-Meier (KM) curves were developed for comparison between survival distributions according to Killip class and NSTEMI versus STEMI. Cox proportional regression models were developed to determine the independent association between Killip class and mortality, with sensitivity analyses based on type of AMI. Results: The proportions of deaths and the KM survival distributions were significantly different across Killip class >1 (p <0.001) and with a similar pattern between patients with NSTEMI and STEMI. Cox models identified the Killip classification as a significant, sustained, consistent predictor and independent of relevant covariables (Wald χ2 16.5 [p = 0.001], NSTEMI) and (Wald χ2 11.9 [p = 0.008], STEMI). Conclusion: The Killip and Kimball classification performs relevant prognostic role in mortality at mean follow-up of 05 years post-AMI, with a similar pattern between NSTEMI and STEMI patients.


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Background: The investigation of stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and its treatment depend on risk stratification for decision-making on the need for cardiac catheterization and revascularization. Objective: To analyze the procedures used in the diagnosis and invasive treatment of patients with CAD, at the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) in the cities of Curitiba, São Paulo and at InCor-FMUSP. Methods: Retrospective, descriptive, observational study of the diagnostic and therapeutic itineraries of the Brazilian public health care system patient, between groups submitted or not to prior noninvasive tests to invasive cardiac catheterization. Stress testing, stress echocardiography, perfusion scintigraphy, catheterization and percutaneous or surgical revascularization treatment procedures were quantified and the economic impact of the used strategies. Results: There are significant differences in the assessment of patients with suspected or known CAD in the metropolitan region in the three scenarios. Although functional testing procedures are most often used the direct costs of these procedures differ significantly (6.1% in Curitiba, 20% in São Paulo and 27% in InCor-FMUSP). Costs related to the procedures and invasive treatments represent 59.7% of the direct costs of SUS in São Paulo and 87.2% in Curitiba. In InCor-FMUSP, only 24.3% of patients with stable CAD submitted to CABG underwent a noninvasive test before the procedure. Conclusion: Although noninvasive functional tests are the ones most often requested for the assessment of patients with suspected or known CAD most of the costs are related to invasive procedures/treatments. In most revascularized patients, the documentation of ischemic burden was not performed by SUS.


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Background:Recent studies have suggested that B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) is an important predictor of ischemia and death in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome. Increased levels of BNP are seen after episodes of myocardial ischemia and may be related to future adverse events.Objectives:To determine the prognostic value of BNP for major cardiac events and to evaluate its association with ischemic myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS).Methods:This study included retrospectively 125 patients admitted to the chest pain unit between 2002 and 2006, who had their BNP levels measured on admission and underwent CPM for risk stratification. BNP values were compared with the results of the MPS. The chi-square test was used for qualitative variables and the Student t test, for quantitative variables. Survival curves were adjusted using the Kaplan-Meier method and analyzed by using Cox regression. The significance level was 5%.Results:The mean age was 63.9 ± 13.8 years, and the male sex represented 51.2% of the sample. Ischemia was found in 44% of the MPS. The mean BNP level was higher in patients with ischemia compared to patients with non-ischemic MPS (188.3 ± 208.7 versus 131.8 ± 88.6; p = 0.003). A BNP level greater than 80 pg/mL was the strongest predictor of ischemia on MPS (sensitivity = 60%, specificity = 70%, accuracy = 66%, PPV = 61%, NPV = 70%), and could predict medium-term mortality (RR = 7.29, 95% CI: 0.90-58.6; p = 0.045) independently of the presence of ischemia.Conclusions:BNP levels are associated with ischemic MPS findings and adverse prognosis in patients presenting with acute chest pain to the emergency room, thus, providing important prognostic information for an unfavorable clinical outcome.


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Background: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has been found to be a good predictor of future adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Changes in the QRS terminal portion have also been associated with adverse outcomes following STEMI. Objective: To investigate the relationship between ECG ischemia grade and NLR in patients presenting with STEMI, in order to determine additional conventional risk factors for early risk stratification. Methods: Patients with STEMI were investigated. The grade of ischemia was analyzed from the ECG performed on admission. White blood cells and subtypes were measured as part of the automated complete blood count (CBC) analysis. Patients were classified into two groups according to the ischemia grade presented on the admission ECG, as grade 2 ischemia (G2I) and grade 3 ischemia (G3I). Results: Patients with G3I had significantly lower mean left ventricular ejection fraction than those in G2I (44.58 ± 7.23 vs. 48.44 ± 7.61, p = 0.001). As expected, in-hospital mortality rate increased proportionally with the increase in ischemia grade (p = 0.036). There were significant differences in percentage of lymphocytes (p = 0.010) and percentage of neutrophils (p = 0.004), and therefore, NLR was significantly different between G2I and G3I patients (p < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that only NLR was the independent variable with a significant effect on ECG ischemia grade (odds ratio = 1.254, 95% confidence interval 1.120–1.403, p < 0.001). Conclusion: We found an association between G3I and elevated NLR in patients with STEMI. We believe that such an association might provide an additional prognostic value for risk stratification in patients with STEMI when combined with standardized risk scores.


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Background: Physical stress echocardiography is an established methodology for diagnosis and risk stratification of coronary artery disease in patients with physical capacity. In obese (body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2) the usefulness of pharmacological stress echocardiography has been demonstrated; however, has not been reported the use of physical stress echocardiography in this growing population group. Objective: To assess the frequency of myocardial ischemia in obese and non-obese patients undergoing physical stress echocardiography and compare their clinical and echocardiographic differences. Methods: 4,050 patients who underwent treadmill physical stress echocardiography were studied according to the Bruce protocol, divided into two groups: obese (n = 945; 23.3%) and non-obese (n = 3,105; 76.6%). Results: There was no difference regarding gender. Obese patients were younger (55.4 ± 10.9 vs. 57.56 ± 11.67) and had a higher frequency of hypertension (75.2% vs. 57, 2%; p < 0.0001), diabetis mellitus (15.2% vs. 10.9%; p < 0.0001), dyslipidemia (59.5% vs 51.9%; p < 0.0001), family history of coronary artery disease (59.3% vs. 55.1%; p = 0.023) and physical inactivity (71.4% vs. 52.9%, p < 0.0001). The obese had greater aortic dimensions (3.27 vs. 3.14 cm; p < 0.0001), left atrium (3.97 vs. 3.72 cm; p < 0.0001) and the relative thickness of the ventricule (33.7 vs. 32.8 cm; p < 0.0001). Regarding the presence of myocardial ischemia, there was no difference between groups (19% vs. 17.9%; p = 0.41). In adjusted logistic regression, the presence of myocardial ischemia remained independently associated with age, female gender, diabetes and hypertension. Conclusion: Obesity did not behave as a predictor of the presence of ischemia and the physical stress echocardiography. The application of this assessment tool in large scale sample demonstrates the feasibility of the methodology, also in obese.


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Background: Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) is one of the main risk factors for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), in addition to male gender. Differences in coronary artery lesions between hypertensive and normotensive individuals of both genders at the Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) have not been clearly determined. Objective: To Investigate the calcium score (CS), CAD extent and characteristics of coronary plaques at CCTA in men and women with and without SAH. Methods: Prospective cross-sectional study of 509 patients undergoing CCTA for CAD diagnosis and risk stratification, from November 2011 to December 2012, at Instituto de Cardiologia Dante Pazzanese. Individuals were stratified according to gender and subdivided according to the presence (HT +) or absence (HT-) of SAH. Results: HT+ women were older (62.3 ± 10.2 vs 57.8 ± 12.8, p = 0.01). As for the assessment of CAD extent, the HT+ individuals of both genders had significant CAD, although multivessel disease is more frequent in HT + men. The regression analysis for significant CAD showed that age and male gender were the determinant factors of multivessel disease and CS ≥ 100. Plaque type analysis showed that SAH was a predictive risk factor for partially calcified plaques (OR = 3.9). Conclusion: Hypertensive men had multivessel disease more often than women. Male gender was a determinant factor of significant CAD, multivessel disease, CS ≥ 100 and calcified and partially calcified plaques, whereas SAH was predictive of partially calcified plaques.


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AbstractBackground:Patients undergoing arterial vascular surgery are considered at increased risk for post-operative complications.Objective:To assess the incidence and predictors of complications and death, as well as the performance of two models of risk stratification, in vascular surgery.Methods:This study determined the incidence of cardiovascular complications and deaths within 30 days from surgery in adults. Univariate comparison and logistic regression assessed the risk factors associated with the outcomes, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve assessed the discriminatory capacity of the revised cardiac risk index (RCRI) and vascular study group of New England cardiac risk index (VSG-CRI).Results:141 patients (mean age, 66 years; 65% men) underwent the following surgeries: carotid (15); lower limbs (65); abdominal aorta (56); and others (5). Cardiovascular complications and death occurred within 30 days in 28 (19.9%) and 20 (14.2%) patients, respectively. The risk predictors were: age, obesity, stroke, poor functional capacity, altered scintigraphy, surgery of the aorta, and troponin change. The scores RCRI and VSG-CRI had area under the curve of 0.635 and 0.639 for early cardiovascular complications, and 0.562 and 0.610 for death in 30 days.Conclusion:In this small and selected group of patients undergoing arterial vascular surgery, the incidence of adverse events was elevated. The risk assessment indices RCRI and VSG-CRI did not perform well for complications within 30 days.