977 resultados para Ribeiro, Paulo 1960-. Vitrola dos ausentes


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Populational biology of Imparfinis minutus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) in the Ribeirao Grande microbasin, eastern Mantiqueira mountain range, São Paulo State. The aim of the work was to analyze biological aspects and distribution of Imparfinis minutus in the Ribeirao Grande microbasin (22[degree]4708[minute]''S, 45[degree]28[minute]17''W), in eastern Mantiqueira mountain range, from July 2001 to April 2002. Among the 37 species sampled, I. minutus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae), was distributed from the piedmont to the plains of the Vale do Paraiba. The occurrence of this species was associated with the environments of small water volume, bottom with stones and gravel. The amplitude length of I. minutus was 4.75 to 12.75 cm. The length-weight relationship of the population was estimated at W = 0.0052 L3,13. Analyzing the alometric (Ka) and relative (Kr) condition factors, both indexes presented similar values. The lowest value was obtained in July, increasing gradually in October and January, and peaking in April. The analysis of the gonadossomatic relationship (GSR) of females showed higher values in July and January. The reproductive period of I. minutus occurred on spring/summer (October to January), as suggested by the gonadossomatic relationship and condition factor results. Feeding activity was constant, with fat visceral deposition concentrated in April and July. Imparfinis minutus is an aquatic insectivore opportunist species, consuming Diptera and Trichoptera larvae as secondary items. Most ingested food items were autochthonous resources.


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The ichthyofauna of ribeirão Grande microbasin that runs through one of the few remaining fragments of Atlantic Forest (in Mantiqueira mountain range, Valley of Paraíba) was studied. Fish samples were obtained with an electric fishing powered by a maximum capacity generator of 155 V and 60-Hz alterning current, gill-nets and traps. In three collecting days, during July/2001, October/2001, January/2002 and April/2002, 2865 fishes were sampled. These fishes belonged to 12 families, 23 genera and 37 species. The species were more abundant between the piedmont and the plain of the Valley of Paraíba. The Characidium, Trichomycterus genera and the Imparfinis minutus species presented only one ovary or testis and no swim bladder. The ecological significance of morphological features in stream mountain fishes was used to predict the niche adaptation for those conditions, towards K-strategy.


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In low-order streams, the high and variable water flow rates offer both advantages and disadvantages to the life cycle of fishes. Even closely related species living in similar habitats can show differences in life history patterns. Based on oocyte-size distributions, C. lauroi was classified into the fractional spawning type, and C. alipioi into the total spawning type. The absolute fecundity of C. lauroi ranged from 1,313 to 2,925 oocytes; in C. alipioi the absolute fecundity ranged from 2,213 to 25,550 oocytes. The nonparametric Spearman correlation test showed statistical significance between the gonadosomatic index and fecundity for both species. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for females of C. lauroi were: K = 0.68 yr -1, L ∞ = 8.7 cm, t max = 4.4 years, M= 1.62 yr -1, S = 19.79%, and for males: K = 0.78 yr -1, L ∞ = 6.9 cm, t max = 3.8 years, M = 1.89 yr -1, S = 15.11%. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for females of C. alipioi were: K = 0.90 yr -1, L ∞ = 12.2 cm, t max = 3.3 years, M = 1.81 yr -1, S = 16.37%, and for males: K = 0.76 yr -1, L ∞ = 10.1 cm, t max = 3.9 years, M = 1.71 yr -1, S = 18.10%.


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Multiple resistances to antimicrobial drugs arising in Escherichia coli isolates may complicate therapeutic management of urinary tract infection (UTI) by this organism. In order to assess the multidrug resistance (MDR) among urinary E. coli isolates, we have tested 11 antimicrobial drugs against 67 isolates from outpatients attended in a tertiary-care teaching hospital and of 78 isolates from a municipal health unit, respectively in Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Seventy-six percent and 22% of the isolates from the tertiary-care hospital and the municipal unit, respectively, were resistant to three or more different classes of agents, and were considered to present MDR. Among the isolates from the hospital patients, 73.0%, 65.0%, 58.0%, 58.0% and 31.0% were resistant to tetracycline, ampicillin, cephalothin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and norfloxacin, respectively; resistance from the municipal unit patients were 31.0%, 37.0%, 8.0%, 29.0% and 12.0% respectively, to the same drugs. The predominant phenotype among the MDR isolates presented is ampicillin, TMP/SMX and tetracycline resistance. The high prevalence of drug resistance among UTI patients calls for continuous surveillance to assure effective control of this infection. © 2007 by The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Contexto Publishing. All rights reserved.


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Leptospirosis may affect all domestic and wild animals as well as human beings. Some serological studies have shown the involvement of wild species in the epidemiology of the disease. Once captive wild animals are not much studied, especially in Brazil, the present study aimed to detect anti- Leptospira spp. antibodies in animals from Ribeirão Preto city zoo, in São Paulo state, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from captive birds, fish, reptiles and mammals, sinanthropics and free-living animals and also from employees between March and October, 2006. Four hundred and three blood samples were obtained, 388 animals' samples (110 reptiles, 143 birds, 110 mammals and 25 fish) and 15 humans'. The sera were analysed by Microscopic Agglutination Test using 22 serovars from pathological leptospiras and two from non-pathological serovars. Among the animal samples, 339 were from captive animals, and 49 from free-living ones, captured with traps inside the zoo. One hundred and three (103/388 = 26.5%) samples reacted to leptospirosis, ninety-two (92/339 = 27.1%) samples were from captive animals and eleven (11/49 = 22.4%) from free-living ones. All humans' samples were negative. Serological titles varied from 40 to 5.120, with predominance of titles between 40 and 80 and the most frequent serovars were Patoc, Andamana, Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae and Panama.


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A few examples of supergene ore formation and their interaction with morphogenesis (palaeosurfaces) and weathering mineralogy are discussed. Geomorphological and mineralogical records to characterize palaeosurfaces associate the weathering of primary minerals and their relationship with concentrations of cooper and iron ore deposits in southeastern state of São Paulo, Brazil. We have distinguished two palaeosurfaces generated by several weathering phases and controlled by the geological framework. The first and oldest upper palaeosurfaces (900 - 1000 m a.s.l.), situated in Riberão Branco (Alto do Brancal), were developed on silico-limestones. It is formed by typical iron laterites enriched by secondary products of cooper. The second and younger level palaeosurfaces located in Itapeva (Santa Blandina and Bairro do Sambra). This palaeosurface is formed by copper percolating through the weathered rock (saprolite). Other features can be observed like neo-formed products in laterites. They are classified into two types: clay like silico- cupriferous products (with noticeable amounts of iron) and copper minerals (crysocolla, in their flat slopes). These features allowed the presence of copper ores and their morphogenesis control will help in the exploration and prospecting of supergene ore mineral.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)