673 resultados para Rhasis, Mohammed
Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease remains an important cause of morbidity after kidney transplantation and has been associated with acute rejection, graft loss and other indirect effects. A 3-month course of VGC prophylaxis reduces the incidence of CMV disease. However, little is known about the indirect effects of lateonset CMV disease after VGC prophylaxis. Objective: To evaluate the impact and indirect consequences of late-onset CMV disease after VGC prophylaxis in kidney transplant recipients. Methods: Retrospective analysis of 61 consecutive adult kidney transplant recipient with positive CMV serology (donor or recipient) who received VGC prophylaxis for 3 months and completed a follow-up of at least 2 years post-transplantation. Patients who developed CMV disease within 1 year after transplantation were compared to CMV disease-free patients for renal function (plasma creatinine values) at 1, 6, 12 and 24 months and for the incidence of graft loss, acute rejection, diabetes, cancer and opportunistic infections. Results: 8/61 (13%) patients developed CMV disease at a median of 131 days after transplantation (range: 98-220). The CMV incidence in D+/R- high risk patients was 6/18 (33%), while it was 2/43 (5%) in intermediate-risk patients (p < 0.01). All 8 patients were treated by oral valganciclovir (median 39 days; range: 19-119) with a complete resolution of CMV disease. As shown in the figure, there was no difference in creatinine values between the two groups at any time during follow-up. There was no graft loss, and the incidence of acute rejection, cancer and opportunistic infections did not differ between the two groups. The incidence of post-transplant diabetes was higher (38% vs 15%) in patients with CMV disease, but this difference was not significant (p = 0.4). Conclusions: An incidence of 13% of late-onset CMV disease was observed despite 3 months VGC prophylaxis. However, no indirect consequences were found. Moreover, therapy of CMV disease by oral VGC was effective and safe. Larger trials are needed to study whether late-onset CMV disease is associated with indirect consequences, as described with early-onset CMV.
Entre l’11 i el 27 de març va tenir lloc l’expedició “Savage Islands Botanical Expedition 2013 – Expedição Botânica Ilhas Selvagens 2013”, que va constituir un dels moments més àlgids i alhora emocionants del projecte “Conservation of the critically endangered endemic flora of the Selvagens Islands, Atlantic Ocean”, finançat per The Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (http://www.speciesconservation.org/). Aquest projecte se centra en l’estudi de tres endemismes exclusius de l’arxipèlag de les Salvatges greument amenaçats, amb l’objectiu final d’implementar mesures efectives per a la seva conservació (vegeu http://www.speciesconservation.org/case‐studies‐projects//1651 per a més informació). Aquests tres endemismes (Euphorbia anachoreta, Asparagus nesiotes subsp. nesiotes i Argyranthemum thalassophilum) compten amb molts pocs efectius (abans de l’expedició s’estimava una mida poblacional inferior a la cinquantena per als dos primers, i de menys de 250 per al darrer) i tenen un gran interès des del punt de vista biogeogràfic atesos l’aïllament de l’arxipèlag (el territori terrestre més proper són les Illes Canàries, situades a uns 165 quilòmetres al sud) i la seva antiguitat geològica (prop de 30 milions d’anys, essent l’arxipèlag més antic de tota la Macaronèsia; Geldmacher et al., 2001).
This article reports on a lossless data hiding scheme for digital images where the data hiding capacity is either determined by minimum acceptable subjective quality or by the demanded capacity. In the proposed method data is hidden within the image prediction errors, where the most well-known prediction algorithms such as the median edge detector (MED), gradient adjacent prediction (GAP) and Jiang prediction are tested for this purpose. In this method, first the histogram of the prediction errors of images are computed and then based on the required capacity or desired image quality, the prediction error values of frequencies larger than this capacity are shifted. The empty space created by such a shift is used for embedding the data. Experimental results show distinct superiority of the image prediction error histogram over the conventional image histogram itself, due to much narrower spectrum of the former over the latter. We have also devised an adaptive method for hiding data, where subjective quality is traded for data hiding capacity. Here the positive and negative error values are chosen such that the sum of their frequencies on the histogram is just above the given capacity or above a certain quality.
In this paper we introduce a highly efficient reversible data hiding system. It is based on dividing the image into tiles and shifting the histograms of each image tile between its minimum and maximum frequency. Data are then inserted at the pixel level with the largest frequency to maximize data hiding capacity. It exploits the special properties of medical images, where the histogram of their nonoverlapping image tiles mostly peak around some gray values and the rest of the spectrum is mainlyempty. The zeros (or minima) and peaks (maxima) of the histograms of the image tiles are then relocated to embed the data. The grey values of some pixels are therefore modified.High capacity, high fidelity, reversibility and multiple data insertions are the key requirements of data hiding in medical images. We show how histograms of image tiles of medical images can be exploited to achieve these requirements. Compared with data hiding method applied to the whole image, our scheme can result in 30%-200% capacity improvement and still with better image quality, depending on the medical image content. Additional advantages of the proposed method include hiding data in the regions of non-interest and better exploitation of spatial masking.
Recently, pathogenic variants in the MLL2 gene were identified as the most common cause of Kabuki (Niikawa-Kuroki) syndrome (MIM#147920). To further elucidate the genotype-phenotype correlation, we studied a large cohort of 86 clinically defined patients with Kabuki syndrome (KS) for mutations in MLL2. All patients were assessed using a standardized phenotype list and all were scored using a newly developed clinical score list for KS (MLL2-Kabuki score 0-10). Sequencing of the full coding region and intron-exon boundaries of MLL2 identified a total of 45 likely pathogenic mutations (52%): 31 nonsense, 10 missense and four splice-site mutations, 34 of which were novel. In five additional patients, novel, i.e. non-dbSNP132 variants of clinically unknown relevance, were identified. Patients with likely pathogenic nonsense or missense MLL2 mutations were usually more severely affected (median 'MLL2-Kabuki score' of 6) as compared to the patients without MLL2 mutations (median 'MLL2-Kabuki score' of 5), a significant difference (p < 0.0014). Several typical facial features such as large dysplastic ears, arched eyebrows with sparse lateral third, blue sclerae, a flat nasal tip with a broad nasal root, and a thin upper and a full lower lip were observed more often in mutation positive patients.
This report illustrates a comparative study of various joining methods involved in sheet metal production. In this report it shows the selection of joining methods, which includes comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a method over the other ones and choosing the best method for joining. On the basis of various joining process from references, a table is generated containing set of criterion that helps in evaluation of various sheet metal joining processes and in selecting the most suitable process for a particular product. Three products are selected and a comprehensive study of the joining methods is analyzed with the help of various parameters. The table thus is the main part of the analysis process of this study and can be advanced with the beneficial results. It helps in a better and easy understanding and comparing the various methods, which provides the foundation of this study and analysis. The suitability of the joining method for various types of cases of different sheet metal products can be tested with the help of this table. The sections of the created table display the requirements of manufacturing. The important factor has been considered and given focus in the table, as how the usage of these parameters is important in percentages according to particular or individual case. The analysis of the methods can be extended or altered by changing the parameters according to the constraint. The use of this table is demonstrated by pertaining the cases from sheet metal production.
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Coraebus undatus is the main insect pest of cork oak worldwide. The larvae tunnel in the cortical cambium filling the bark with galleries and causing the cork to break at harvest. The first objective of this study was to test the effect of purple traps in the attraction of C. undatus because this colour is attractive to other buprestid beetles. The second objective was to develop a diet in which field-collected larvae could be reared to adulthood. Pairs of purple and clear (control) sticky traps were placed in a cork oak forest in Girona, Spain in the summer of 2008
Reference collections of multiple Drosophila lines with accumulating collections of "omics" data have proven especially valuable for the study of population genetics and complex trait genetics. Here we present a description of a resource collection of 84 strains of Drosophila melanogaster whose genome sequences were obtained after 12 generations of full-sib inbreeding. The initial rationale for this resource was to foster development of a systems biology platform for modeling metabolic regulation by the use of natural polymorphisms as perturbations. As reference lines, they are amenable to repeated phenotypic measurements, and already a large collection of metabolic traits have been assayed. Another key feature of these strains is their widespread geographic origin, coming from Beijing, Ithaca, Netherlands, Tasmania, and Zimbabwe. After obtaining 12.5× coverage of paired-end Illumina sequence reads, SNP and indel calls were made with the GATK platform. Thorough quality control was enabled by deep sequencing one line to >100×, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms and indels were validated using ddRAD-sequencing as an orthogonal platform. In addition, a series of preliminary population genetic tests were performed with these single-nucleotide polymorphism data for assessment of data quality. We found 83 segregating inversions among the lines, and as expected these were especially abundant in the African sample. We anticipate that this will make a useful addition to the set of reference D. melanogaster strains, thanks to its geographic structuring and unusually high level of genetic diversity.
INTRODUCTION: Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus is a very rare malignancy and it can be difficult to make a pre-operative diagnosis. CASE PRESENTATION: A 72-year-old Caucasian woman presented to our facility with an isolated right-side epistaxis that had been present for three months, with the results of a computed tomography scan showing a soft tissue mass in the right maxillary sinus with an impacted tooth. The results of a transnasal endoscopic biopsy were compatible with a lymphoepithelial carcinoma, following which our patient underwent a radical excision of the mass. The final histology results revealed lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus with negative assays for Epstein-Barr virus. Our patient was given post-operative external radiotherapy and has remained disease-free at three-year follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: This report details the diagnosis and management of a case of lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the maxillary sinus, which is a very rare malignant tumor with very little mention in the literature. Only a strong suspicion with systematic use of various patho-immunological tests helps to arrive at a definitive diagnosis by excluding other better-known tumors.
BACKGROUND: Plasmodium and soil transmitted helminth infections (STH) are a major public health problem, particularly among children. There are conflicting findings on potential association between these two parasites. This study investigated the Plasmodium and helminth co-infections among children aged 2 months to 9 years living in Bagamoyo district, coastal region of Tanzania. METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1033 children. Stool, urine and blood samples were examined using a broad set of quality controlled diagnostic methods for common STH (Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, Strongyloides stercoralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichura), schistosoma species and Wuchereria bancrofti. Blood slides and malaria rapid diagnostic tests (mRDTs) were utilized for Plasmodium diagnosis. RESULTS: Out of 992 children analyzed, the prevalence of Plasmodium infection was 13% (130/992), helminth 28.5% (283/992); 5% (50/992) had co-infection with Plasmodium and helminth. The prevalence rate of Plasmodium, specific STH and co-infections increased significantly with age (p < 0.001), with older children mostly affected except for S. stercoralis monoinfection and co-infections. Spatial variations of co-infection prevalence were observed between and within villages. There was a trend for STH infections to be associated with Plasmodium infection [OR adjusted for age group 1.4, 95% CI (1.0-2.1)], which was more marked for S. stercoralis (OR = 2.2, 95% CI (1.1-4.3). Age and not schooling were risk factors for Plasmodium and STH co-infection. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that STH and Plasmodium infections tend to occur in the same children, with increasing prevalence of co-infection with age. This calls for an integrated approach such as using mass chemotherapy with dual effect (e.g., ivermectin) coupled with improved housing, sanitation and hygiene for the control of both parasitic infections.