1000 resultados para Revolució industrial -- Sant Pere de Vilamajor (Catalunya)


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Plataforma d'entitats i veïns/es del barri de La Mina


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Aquest projecte deriva d'alguns dels resultats del conjunt de tallers de participació que, amb el nom de Cartografies de La Mina vàrem desenvolupar entre el 2002 i el 2005 amb diversos grups de veïns i veïnes del barri i que queden sintetitzats en el Pla d¿accions de barri en Espai Públic, que vàrem lliurar al Consorci del Barri de La Mina l'abril del 2006.


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Este documento desarrolla el conjunto de planteamientos abordados en el proceso de participación ciudadana: Cartografies de La Mina 2002-2006. http://www.ub.edu/escult/mina


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Report of the workshop developed in 2005 under the process of public participation: Mapping La Mina (http://www.ub.edu/escult/mina)


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Report of one of the workshops developed in 2005 under the process of public participation: Mapping La Mina (2002-2006). http://www.ub.edu/escult/mina


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Report of one of the workshops developed in 2005 under the process of public participation: Mapping La Mina (2002-2006). http://www.ub.edu/escult/mina


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Report of one of the workshops developed in 2005 under the process of public participation: Mapping La Mina (2002-2006). http://www.ub.edu/escult/mina


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[eng] Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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[eng] Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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[eng] Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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Catalonia was the only Mediterranean region among the early followers of the British Industrial Revolution in the second third of the nineteenth century. The roots of this industrialisation process can be traced back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Catalan economy became successfully integrated in international trade and the region enjoyed an intensification of its agrarian and proto-industrial activities. These capitalist developments were subsequently reinforced by a successful printed calico manufacturing business concentrated in the city of Barcelona. Although the factory system was largely adopted by the cotton industry in the 1840s, the diffusion of the spinning jenny had occurred earlier in the 1790s. In this paper, in line with Allen (2009a, 2009b), we explore whether relative factor prices played a role in the widespread adoption of the spinning jenny in Catalonia.


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Aquest projecte deriva d'alguns dels resultats del conjunt de tallers de participació que, amb el nom de Cartografies de La Mina vàrem desenvolupar entre el 2002 i el 2005 amb diversos grups de veïns i veïnes del barri i que queden sintetitzats en el Pla d¿accions de barri en Espai Públic, que vàrem lliurar al Consorci del Barri de La Mina l'abril del 2006.


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L"ACTIVITAT INDUSTRIAL INCLOU PROCESSOS molt diversos que sovint generen productes potencialment contaminants, que s"han estat abocant al medi ambient amb més o menys control des de l"inici de la Revolució Industrial. Alguns d"aquests productes poden ser reciclats pels mateixos cicles naturals, geoquímics i biològics, però d"altres es van acumulant, com és el cas del mercuri. Un estudi publicat a la revista Nature, encapçalat per Carl H. Lamborg, de la Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution de Massachusetts, als EUA, indica que la quantitat de mercuri als oceans s"ha triplicat des de la Revolució Industrial i, malgrat que el nivell actual encara és raonablement lluny de ser considerat tòxic per a les persones, pot començar a alterar els ecosistemes marins. A més, com assenyalen els autors del treball, la capacitat dels oceans per dissoldre el mercuri acumulat es podria estar esgotant, la qual cosa implicaria que, si no es prenen mesures que evitin els abocaments incontrolats, el seu ritme de penetració dins els ecosistemes i, a la llarga, en l"alimentació humana, podria augmentar de manera exponencial.