736 resultados para Reticulata Hirschmann


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Methanolic extracts of the leaves of Atlantia monophylla (Rutaceae) were evaluated for mosquitocidal activity against immature stages of three mosquito species, Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles stephensi, and Aedes aegypti in the laboratory.Larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus and pupae of An. stephensi were found more susceptible, with LC50 values of 0.14 mg/l and 0.05 mg/l, respectively. Insect growth regulating activity of this extract was more pronounced against Ae. aegypti, with EI50 value 0.002 mg/l. The extract was found safe to aquatic mosquito predators Gambusia affinis, Poecilia reticulata, and Diplonychus indicus, with the respective LC50 values of 23.4, 21.3, and 5.7 mg/l. The results indicate that the mosquitocidal effects of the extract of this plant were comparable to neem extract and certain synthetic chemical larvicides like fenthion, methoprene, etc.


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The pathology induced by the nematode Camallanus cotti in the aquarium fishes Beta splendens (beta fish) and Poecilia reticulata (guppy) consisted of gross and microscopic lesions, the former characterized by abdominal swelling with reddish parasites protruding from the anus in both fish hosts and the latter, similar in the beta fishes and guppies, by hemorrhage, congestion, edema, a few glandular elements, and extensive erosion areas in the rectum mucosa, with a marked thickening of the wall and absence of inflammatory infiltrate. Lesions were associated with the presence of several worms attached to the wall or free in the rectal lumen. This is the second reference of the parasite in Brazil and the first report of pathological findings related to this nematode species that is also briefly redescribed and illustrated for the first time on the basis of Brazilian samples.


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Antibacterial and antifungal properties of wax and hexane extracts of Citrus spp. peels were tested using bioautographic and microdilution techniques against three plant pathogenic fungi (Penicillium digitatum, Curvularia sp., and Colletotrichum sp.), two human pathogens (Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis), and two opportunistic bacteria (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus). Two polymethoxylated flavonoids and a coumarin derivative, were isolated and identified from peel extracts, which presented antimicrobial activity especially against M. canis and T. mentagrophytes: 4',5,6,7,8-pentamethoxyflavone (tangeritin) and 3',4',5,6,7,8-hexamethoxyflavone (nobiletin) from C. reticulata; and 6,7-dimethoxycoumarin (also known as escoparone, scoparone or scoparin) from C. limon.


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The antimicrobial activity of copaiba oils was tested against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast, and dermatophytes. Oils obtained from Copaifera martii, Copaifera officinalis, and Copaifera reticulata (collected in the state of Acre) were active against Gram-positive species (Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus subtilis, and Enterococcus faecalis) with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 31.3-62.5 µg/ml. The oils showed bactericidal activity, decreasing the viability of these Gram-positive bacteria within 3 h. Moderate activity was observed against dermatophyte fungi (Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum canis). The oils showed no activity against Gram-negative bacteria and yeast. Scannning electron microscopy of S. aureus treated with resin oil from C. martii revealed lysis of the bacteria, causing cellular agglomerates. Transmission electron microscopy revealed disruption and damage to the cell wall, resulting in the release of cytoplasmic compounds, alterations in morphology, and a decrease in cell volume, indicating that copaiba oil may affect the cell wall.


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The biodistribution of transgene expression in the CNS after localized stereotaxic vector delivery is an important issue for safety of gene therapy for neurological diseases. The cellular specificity of transgene expression from rAAV2/1 vectors using the tetON expression cassette in comparison with the CMV promoter was investigated in the rat nigrostriatal pathway. After intrastriatal injection, although GFP was mainly expressed into neurons with both vectors, the relative proportions of DARPP-32+ projection neurons and parvalbumin+ interneurons were respectively 13:1 and 2:1 for the CMV and tetON vectors. DARP32+ neurons projecting to the globus pallidus were strongly GFP+ with both vectors, whereas those projecting to the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) were efficiently labeled by the CMV but poorly by the tetON vector. Numerous GFP+ cells were evidenced in the subventricular zone with both vectors. However, in the olfactory bulb (OB), GFP+ neurons were observed with the CMV but not the tetON vector. We conclude that the absence of significant amounts of transgene product in distant regions (SN and OB) constitutes a safety advantage of the AAV2/1-tetON vector for striatal gene therapy. Midbrain injections resulted in selective GFP expression in tyrosine hydroxylase+ neurons by the tetON vector whereas with the CMV vector, GFP+ cells covered a widespread area of the midbrain. The biodistribution of GFP protein corresponded to that of the transcripts and not of the viral genomes. We conclude that the rAAV2/1-tetON vector constitutes an interesting tool for specific transgene expression in midbrain dopaminergic neurons.


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BRAF V600E is an emerging drug target in lung cancer, but the clinical significance of non-V600 BRAF mutations in lung cancer and other malignancies is less clear. Here, we report the case of a patient with metastatic lung adenocarcinoma with BRAF G469L mutation refractory to vemurafenib. We calculated a structure model of this very rare type of mutated BRAF kinase to explain the molecular mechanism of drug resistance. This information may help to develop effective targeted therapies for cancers with non-V600 BRAF mutations.


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Dysdercus maurus Distant, 1901 (Hemiptera, Pyrrhocoridae) é uma importante praga de Gossypium spp. (algodoeiro), Citrus Sinensis Osbeck (Rutaceae) (laranjeira) e Citrus reticulata (Rutaceae) (tangerineira), além de sementes de Chorisia speciosa St. Hil. (paineira). Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da temperatura e do alimento no desenvolvimento de D. maurus. Foram realizados oito tratamentos, seis em que os percevejos foram alimentados com sementes de paineira e mantidos a 15, 18, 20, 25 e 30 ± 1ºC, UR 80 ± 3% e fotofase de 12 h ou em condições ambientais de laboratório (23,5 ± 2,6ºC, UR 73,3 ± 9,9 %), e dois em que foram alimentados com sementes de algodão variedade IAC-22 e mantidos a 25 e 30ºC. Em todos os tratamentos foram observados cinco estágios imaturos. O aumento da temperatura proporcionou diminuição do tempo de desenvolvimento. A temperatura de 15ºC foi letal para ovos e ninfas de D. maurus. A menor mortalidade de ninfas ocorreu quando os percevejos foram alimentados com sementes de algodão a 25ºC (24,07%). A menor temperatura base (Tb) foi obtida para o 1º ínstar (11,54ºC) e a maior para o 2º ínstar (15,33ºC). As fêmeas de D. maurus necessitam de maior quantidade de graus-dias (329,93 graus-dias) que os machos (300,49 graus-dias) para atingir o estádio adulto.


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The biodistribution of transgene expression in the CNS after localized stereotaxic vector delivery is an important issue for the safety of gene therapy for neurological diseases. The cellular specificity of transgene expression from rAAV2/1 vectors (recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors pseudotyped with viral capsids from serotype 1) using the tetracycline-inducible (TetON) expression cassette in comparison with the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter was investigated in the rat nigrostriatal pathway. After intrastriatal injection, although green fluorescent protein (GFP) was expressed mainly in neurons with both vectors, the relative proportions of DARPP-32-positive projection neurons and parvalbumin-positive interneurons were, respectively, 13:1 and 2:1 for the CMV and TetON vectors. DARP32-positive neurons projecting to the globus pallidus were strongly GFP positive with both vectors, whereas those projecting to the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) were efficiently labeled by the CMV vector but poorly by the TetON vector. Numerous GFP-positive cells were evidenced in the subventricular zone with both vectors. However, in the olfactory bulb (OB), GFP-positive neurons were observed with the CMV vector but not the TetON vector. We conclude that the absence of significant amounts of transgene product in distant regions (SN and OB) constitutes a safety advantage of the AAV2/1-TetON vector for striatal gene therapy. Midbrain injections resulted in selective GFP expression in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons by the TetON vector whereas with the CMV vector, GFP-positive cells covered a widespread area of the midbrain. The biodistribution of GFP protein corresponded to that of the transcripts and not of the viral genomes. We conclude that the rAAV2/1-TetON vector constitutes an interesting tool for specific transgene expression in midbrain dopaminergic neurons.


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BACKGROUND: Although Temozolomide is effective against glioblastoma, the prognosis remains dismal and new regimens with synergistic activity are sought for. METHODS: In this phase-I/II trial, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (Caelyx, PEG-Dox) and prolonged administration of Temozolomide in addition to radiotherapy was investigated in 63 patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. In phase-I, PEG-Dox was administered in a 3-by-3 dose-escalation regimen. In phase-II, 20 mg/m2 PEG-Dox was given once prior to radiotherapy and on days 1 and 15 of each 28-day cycle starting 4 weeks after radiotherapy. Temozolomide was given in a dose of 75 mg/m2 daily during radiotherapy (60 Gy) and 150-200 mg/m2 on days 1-5 of each 28-day cycle for 12 cycles or until disease progression. RESULTS: The toxicity of the combination of PEG-Dox, prolonged administration of Temozolomide, and radiotherapy was tolerable. The progression free survival after 12 months (PFS-12) was 30.2%, the median overall survival was 17.6 months in all patients including the ones from Phase-I. None of the endpoints differed significantly from the EORTC26981/NCIC-CE.3 data in a post-hoc statistical comparison. CONCLUSION: Together, the investigated combination is tolerable and feasible. Neither the addition of PEG-Dox nor the prolonged administration of Temozolomide resulted in a meaningful improvement of the patient's outcome as compared to the EORTC26981/NCIC-CE.3 data.


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Os campos de murundus são fitofisionomias de ocorrência no bioma Cerrado com funções ecológicas importantes para a manutenção da sustentabilidade do solo; e a conversão para sistemas agrícolas pode provocar alterações nos atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos do solo ainda não avaliados, como a redução da biodiversidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar como a conversão dos campos de murundus em áreas de sistema agrícola altera a comunidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs). Os tratamentos constituíram-se de três áreas agrícolas submetidas ao mesmo manejo e uso agrícola em uma cronossequência (7, 11 e 14 anos) e duas na área referência [campo de murundus, em topo (TM) e entre os murundus (EM)]. Os esporos de FMAs foram extraídos, contados, e as espécies de FMAs identificadas pelas características morfológicas. O total de FMAs recuperado foi de 27 espécies, sendo nove espécies da família Acaulosporaceae, uma Ambisporaceae, sete Glomeraceae, duas Claroideoglomeraceae e oito Gigasporaceae. Desse total, as espécies Acaulospora scrobiculata, Glomus macrocarpum, e Gigaspora sp. ocorreram em todas as áreas nos dois anos estudados. As espécies Acaulospora mellea, Acaulospora cavernata, Acaulospora colombiana, Glomus diaphanum, Scutellospora reticulata e Scutellospora sp. só foram encontradas nos campos de murundus. A conversão de campos de murundus em área agrícola modificou a ocorrência e composição da comunidade de FMAs; as espécies Acaulospora scrobiculata, Glomus macrocarpum, Claroideoglomus etunicatus e Gigaspora sp ocorreram em todas as áreas e a não ocorrência de algumas espécies nas áreas de cultivo, como as espécies Acaulospora cavernata, Acaulospora colombiana, Rhizophagus diaphanus, Scutellospora reticulata e Scutellospora sp. representa perda de diversidade desses fungos. Portanto, este estudo tratou-se do primeiro relato da ocorrência e da estrutura da comunidade de FMAs em fitofisionomia de campos de murundus, contribuiu para o maior entendimento dos FMAs no bioma Cerrado e demonstrou que as alterações promovidas pela conversão da área alteraram a ocorrência e a diversidade dos fungos micorrízicos arbusculares.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a freqüência de híbridos de cruzamento entre tangerina 'Cravo' (Citrus reticulata Blanco) e laranja 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), o uso de marcadores morfológicos e moleculares (RAPD) na identificação precoce de plantas zigóticas, e a variabilidade dos híbridos. A porcentagem de híbridos foi maior na população germinada em placas de Petri (19,4%). Verificou-se que quanto maior a competição entre os "seedlings" por espaço e nutrientes, menor a freqüência de plantas híbridas. A identificação dos híbridos não foi possível apenas com o uso de marcadores morfológicos. A análise morfológica dos híbridos revelou elevada variabilidade.


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Marcadores moleculares RAPD foram utilizados para avaliar a diversidade genética em uma população de 94 híbridos de tangerina 'Cravo' (Citrus reticulata Blanco) com laranja 'Pêra' (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck), obtidos por polinização controlada. Nas reações de amplificação foram usados 102 "primers" decâmeros de seqüência arbitrária, que amplificaram 640 fragmentos, sendo 77,2% monomórficos entre os parentais. Utilizou-se o coeficiente de Jaccard para estimar a similaridade genética entre os híbridos, o método UPGMA para gerar o fenograma (NTSYS 1,7) e o software BOOD para determinar a consistência de cada agrupamento. Verificou-se que a laranja 'Pêra' apresenta maior heterozigosidade que a tangerina 'Cravo', sendo, respectivamente, 180 e 126 os números observados de loci em heterozigose. Houve alta similaridade genética entre os parentais, caracterizada pelo baixo polimorfismo de marcadores RAPD. Não houve a formação de agrupamentos estatisticamente significativos dos híbridos entre si e com os parentais, demonstrando que a constituição genética dos híbridos foi originada pela segregação independente das marcas RAPD, sendo quebrado o efeito de ligação em função do tamanho amostral em estudo. Híbridos com maior similaridade genética em relação à tangerina 'Cravo' e laranja 'Pêra' podem ser facilmente selecionados a partir de marcadores RAPD.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the processes of selection in a citrus hybrid population using segregation analysis of RAPD markers. The segregation of 123 RAPD markers between 'Cravo' mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and 'Pêra' sweet orange (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck) was analysed in a F1 progeny of 94 hybrids. Genetic composition, diversity, heterozygosity, differences in chromosomal structure and the presence of deleterious recessive genes are discussed based on the segregation ratios obtained. A high percentage of markers had a skeweness of the 1:1 expected segregation ratio in the F1 population. Many markers showed a 3:1 segregation ratio in both varieties and 1:3 in 'Pêra' sweet orange, probably due to directional selection processes. The distribution analysis of the frequencies of the segregant markers in a hybrid population is a simple method which allows a better understanding of the genetics of citrus group.


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The objective of this work was to construct linkage maps of 'Pêra' sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] and 'Cravo' mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) using RAPD markers and the pseudo-testcross strategy. The parents were chosen according to the resistance/susceptibility to citrus variegate chlorosis (CVC). The segregation of 176 markers was analyzed in 94 progeny of F1 hybrids, which were obtained from controlled crossings. The linkage map of 'Pêra' sweet orange had 117 markers defined by 12 linkage groups, which spanned 612.1 cM. Only six markers could not be linked to the linkage group and 48.7% of the markers showed segregation distortion. The linkage map of 'Cravo' mandarin had 51 markers defined by 12 linkage groups, which spanned 353.3 cM. Only two markers did not link to the groups and 15.7% showed segregation distortion. The construction of linkage maps is relevant to future mapping studies of the inheritance of CVC, citrus canker and leprosis.


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Foram avaliadas as respostas das trocas gasosas à irradiância, à temperatura, ao déficit de pressão de vapor e à concentração interna de CO2 em plantas jovens de laranjeira 'Valência', tangor 'Murcote' e lima ácida 'Tahiti', sob condições controladas. As taxas máximas de assimilação de CO2 foram de 9,8, 12,8 e 13,0 µmol m-2 s-1 em 'Valência', 'Murcote' e 'Tahiti', respectivamente. Diferenças na taxa de assimilação de CO2 foram relacionadas com a condutância estomática e com a eficiência instantânea de carboxilação. A saturação da fotossíntese pela luz foi em torno de 750 µmol m-2 s-1 em 'Valência'. Em 'Murcote' e 'Tahiti', não houve um ponto evidente de saturação lumínica, pois houve pequenos aumentos da assimilação de CO2 acima de 1.000 µmol m-2 s-1. Os pontos de compensação de CO2 foram 4,8, 5,8 e 5,4 Pa em 'Valência', 'Murcote' e 'Tahiti', respectivamente. Temperaturas das folhas entre 25ºC e 30ºC corresponderam à faixa ótima para a fotossíntese em 'Valência' e ao redor de 30ºC em 'Murcote' e 'Tahiti'. Quedas das taxas de assimilação de CO2 em temperaturas acima ou abaixo da ideal ocorreram em razão de quedas parciais na condutância estomática e na eficiência instantânea de carboxilação. A taxa de assimilação de CO2 também decresceu com o aumento do déficit de pressão de vapor de 1,5 para 3,5 kPa. Este efeito foi mais acentuado quando a temperatura aumentou de 28ºC para 35ºC.