923 resultados para Resistência à Tração


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O módulo de resiliência (MR) é hoje um dos parâmetros-chave para o dimensionamento empírico-mecanístico de pavimentos flexíveis. Há, entretanto, algumas peculiaridades no ensaio de tração indireta com cargas cíclicas que ocasionam variações na sua determinação. A investigação de tais fatores é necessária para que a magnitude do seu efeito sobre o valor de MR seja quantificada. Para isto, esta pesquisa avaliou, através de uma análise paramétrica, os algoritmos apresentados pelo Protocolo P07 do LTPP, análogo ao método correntemente utilizado pelas instituições brasileiras de pesquisa em pavimentação, e pela pesquisa NCHRP 1-28/1-28A para determinação dos deslocamentos resilientes, bem como o efeito do pulso e freqüência de carregamento e níveis de tensão de tração (%RT) em duas misturas asfálticas: uma mistura com ligante asfáltico convencional e outra com ligante asfáltico modificado por adição de borracha. Foram necessárias adaptações no equipamento de compressão diametral cíclica utilizado na pesquisa, e também a montagem de um sistema de posicionamento de sensores que permitisse a gravação de deslocamentos horizontais e verticais viabilizando a determinação do coeficiente do Poisson. Realizaram-se ensaios de MR e resistência à tração (RT) às temperaturas de 10°, 25° e 35°C e, complementarmente, ensaio de fadiga (tensão controlada) a 25°C. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a alta sensibilidade do valor de MR aos algoritmos de cálculo dos deslocamentos resilientes; o algoritmo apresentado pela pesquisa 1-28/ 1-28A do NCHRP foi considerado adequado. Observou-se a dependência do MR ao pulso de carga, à freqüência de ensaio e também ao nível de tensão aplicado durante o ensaio. A magnitude desta dependência, entretanto, é função do tipo de mistura e da temperatura sob a qual o ensaio foi realizado. A determinação do coeficiente de Poisson pareceu ser bastante suscetível ao sistema de medição utilizado, tendo apresentando uma grande variabilidade. Nos ensaios de vida de fadiga sob tensão controlada pode-se evidenciar a redução dos valores de MR dentro da zona de condicionamento. Propõe-se ainda que a defasagem medida entre o pulso de carga e o pulso de deslocamento no ensaio de MR, possa ser usada como indicador do comportamento visco-elástico das misturas, uma vez que apresentou comportamento análogo ao do ângulo de fase.


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Esta pesquisa de mestrado analisa, através de um estudo experimental, o comportamento mecânico de misturas em concreto asfáltico, utilizando agregados siderúrgicos (Escória de Aciaria) e Resíduo Areia de Fundição (R.A.F) em combinação com agregados minerais (Basalto). A reutilização destes resíduos industriais traz benefícios ambientais, pois auxilia a questão de deposição destes rejeitos, além de diminuir a degradação ambiental em áreas de extração de agregados pétreos. Foi realizada a dosagem de quatro misturas através da Metodologia Marshall, sendo uma mistura de Referência composta de agregados minerais. Para caracterização e verificação do desempenho das misturas asfálticas foi realizada a moldagem dos corpos-de-prova através da Metodologia Marshall, com uso de CAP 50/60, sendo determinado, além das propriedades Marshall, ensaios de módulo de resiliência à compressão diametral (Mr), resistência à tração (Rt), resistência à fadiga (tensão controlada), deformação permanente sob carga repetida, abrasão (Cântabro) e adesividade (Metodologia Lottman Modificada) das quatro misturas estudadas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a adição dos resíduos industriais estudados ao concreto asfáltico aumenta o consumo de ligante da mistura. A incorporação de escória de aciaria à mistura em concreto asfáltico apresentou desempenho superior ao da mistura com agregados convencionais nas propriedades mecânicas e de durabilidade. A adição de Resíduo Areia de Fundição (R.A.F) em combinação com escória de aciaria não apresentou desempenho satisfatório neste estudo, uma vez que apresentou consumo de ligante elevado e propriedades mecânicas com desempenho inferior. Através do estudo ficou evidente a viabilidade da incorporação da escória de aciaria em misturas asfálticas apresentando melhora nas características mecânicas e de adesividade.


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Este trabalho apresenta estudo sobre a viabilidade técnica para execução da pavimentação de uma pista experimental em via urbana a fim de comprovar o potencial da incorporação de borracha reciclada de pneus ao concreto asfáltico, pelo processo Via Seca, visando contribuir para a compreensão e otimização do desempenho dos pavimentos. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar as etapas principais de projeto, produção e do processo executivo de estruturas de pavimentos submetidas à aplicação das cargas de tráfego em escala real; e o uso e manuseio dos materiais que constituem borracha-agregado, de maneira a obter benefícios e o incremento da durabilidade e redução da manutenção. Para tal foi construída uma pista experimental com revestimentos constituídos por um trecho em concreto asfáltico convencional e outro trecho com incorporação de borracha reciclada de pneus. Para a análise do comportamento, as misturas asfálticas foram caracterizadas segundos ensaios tradicionais, avaliando as diversas variáveis de projetos tais como: granulometria da borracha e do agregado, teor de ligante, tempo de digestão da borracha e percentual de borracha. Para caracterização e verificação de desempenho, realizaram-se os ensaios da Metodologia Marshall, ensaios de resistência à tração, módulo de resiliência à compressão diâmetral, fadiga à tensão controlada e deformação permanente (creep dinâmico). Ficou evidente a viabilidade técnica para execução de revestimentos com a utilização de borracha reciclada de pneus adicionada ao concreto asfáltico com o emprego do processo Via Seca, verificando durante a execução aspectos relevantes tais como: dosagem do silo com borracha; homogeneidade da massa; controle de temperatura; utilização e aplicabilidade das técnicas e equipamentos tradicionais para execução do concreto asfáltico, com a finalidade de prolongar a vida útil dos pavimentos e reduzir seu custo de manutenção.


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O investimento na produção de artigos que requerem maior tecnologia é um passo importante na conquista do mercado. Assim, as empresas fabricantes de couro buscam processos mais eficientes, reduzindo desperdícios e aprimorando a qualidade do produto final. Para a fabricação de artigos, como couros para vestuário e estofamento, o engraxe é uma etapa fundamental, já que confere ao couro características como maciez, toque e resistência. Os produtos de engraxe são ofertados ao couro em forma de emulsão, e são incorporados à estrutura, influenciando suas propriedades. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo da etapa de engraxe, visando avaliar a fixação dos óleos na pele, atingindo níveis elevados de maciez. Foram utilizadas formulações específicas de produção de couros para estofamento mobiliário, que devido aos requisitos de toque e maciez, requerem uma grande quantidade de produtos engraxantes. Os óleos de engraxe comerciais foram caracterizados de acordo com as seguintes análises: teor de emulsionantes e emulsionados; estabilidade da emulsão à água, ácidos e sais; teor de cinzas; teor de matéria volátil; teor de água e de substância ativa. Na aplicação dos óleos ao couro, foram avaliadas as influências do tempo de engraxe e da adição do pré-engraxe para cada óleo estudado, bem como para a mistura entre eles. Foi observado que uma emulsão de maior estabilidade requer um tempo de processo maior para melhor absorção. O pré-engraxe influencia de maneira positiva a absorção e as propriedades físicas. A partir desses resultados, foi estudada a influência de algumas variáveis de processo no engraxe, como temperatura, grau de neutralização, grau de acidez na fixação e tempo de fixação. As variáveis de resposta analisadas foram: teor de óleo no couro, concentração de óleo no banho residual, DQO, turbidez, maciez, resistência à tração (tensão de ruptura e alongamento na ruptura) e rasgamento progressivo. As variáveis não se mostraram influentes para os ensaios de resistência físico-mecânica. No entanto, a temperatura apresentou uma significativa contribuição no aumento do teor de óleo no couro, no aumento da maciez, na diminuição da concentração de óleo, DQO e turbidez dos banhos residuais. O pH de fixação também se mostrou significativo, para o aumento do teor de óleo no couro e na diminuição da concentração de óleo e DQO dos banhos. O conhecimento do processo e das características dos produtos permite estabelecer critérios para a aplicação destes, gerando melhoria no aproveitamento dos insumos e redução do desperdício para o efluente.


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Pipelines for the transport of crude oil from the production wells to the collecting stations are named production lines . These pipes are subjected to chemical and electrochemical corrosion according to the environment and the type of petroleum transported. Some of these lines, depending upon the composition of the fluid produced, may leak within less than one year of operation due to internal corrosion. This work aims at the development of composite pipes with an external protecting layer of high density polyurethane for use in production lines of onshore oil wells, meeting operational requirements. The pipes were manufactured using glass fibers, epoxy resin, polyester resin, quartz sand and high density polyurethane. The pipes were produced by filament winding with the deposition of high density polyurethane on the external surface and threaded ends (API 15 HR/PM-VII). Three types of pipes were manufactured: glass/epoxy, glass/epoxy with an external polyurethane layer and glass/epoxy with an intermediate layer of glass fiber, polyester, sand and with an external polyurethane layer. The three samples were characterized by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) and for the determination of constituent content. In addition, the following tests were conducted: hydrostatic test, instant rupture, shorttime failure pressure, Gardner impact, transverse stiffness and axial tension. Field tests were conducted in Mossoró RN (BRAZIL), where 1,677 meters of piping were used. The tests results of the three types of pipes were compared in two events: after two months from manufacturing of the samples and after nine months of field application. The results indicate that the glass/epoxy pipes with an intermediate layer of fiber glass composite, polyester e sand and with an external layer of high density polyurethane showed superior properties as compared to the other two and met the requirements of pressure class, axial tensile strength, transverse stiffness, impact and environmental conditions, for onshore applications as production lines


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Current environmental concerns include the excessive consumption and inefficient use of non-renewable natural resources. The construction industry is considered one of the largest consumers of natural raw materials, significantly contributing to the environmental degradation of the planet. The use of calcareous quarry (RPPC) and porcelain tile polishing residues (RPP) as partial replacements of the cement in mortars is an interesting alternative to minimize the exploration of considerably large amounts of natural resources. The present study aimed at investigating the properties of fresh and hardened mortars produced using residues to replace cement. The residues used were fully characterized to determine their specific mass, unitary mass, particle size distribution and morphology, and composition. The performance of the mortars was compared to that of reference compositions, prepared without residues. A total of 18 compositions were prepared, 16 using residues and 2 reference ones. The mortars were prepared using Portland CP II F 32 cement, CH I hydrated lime, river sand and tap water. The compositions of the mortars were 1:1:6 and 1:0.5:4.5 (vol%), and water to cement ratios of 1.87 and 1.45 were used, respectively. The mortars in the fresh state were evaluated by consistency index, water retention, density of mass and incorporated air content tests. In their hardened state, the mortars were evaluated by apparent mass density, modulus of elasticity, flexural tensile strength, compressive strength and water absorption by capillarity. The mortars were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence. Finally, they were classified according to NBR 13281 standards. The mortars prepared using residues partially replacing the cement exhibited lower modulus of elasticity compared to the reference compositions, thus improving the performance in their intended use. On the downside, the water absorption by capillarity was affected by the presence of residues and both the tensile and compressive strength were reduced. However, from the overall standpoint, the replacement of cement by calcareous quarry or porcelain tile polishing residues did not result in significant changes in the properties of the mortars. Therefore, compositions containing these residues can be used in the construction industry


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This research is about the use of the coconut´s endocarp (nucifera linn) and the waste of derivatives of wood and furniture as raw material to technological use. In that sense, the lignocellulosic waste is used for manufacture of homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS) and lignocellulosic load which take part of a polymeric composite with fiber glass E (GFRP-WC). In the manufacturing of the homogeneous wood sheet agglomerate (LHWS), it was used mamona´s resin as waste s agglutinating element. The plates were taken up in a hydraulic press engine, heated, with temperature control, where they were manufactured for different percentage of waste wood and coconuts nucífera linn. Physical tests were conducted to determine the absorption of water, density, damp grade (in two hours and twenty-four hours), swelling thickness (in two hours and twenty-four hours), and mechanical tests to evaluate the parallel tensile strength (internal stick) and bending and the static (steady) flexural. The physical test´s results indicate that the LHWS can be classified as bonded wood plate of high-density and with highly water resistant. In the mechanical tests it was possible to establish that LHWS presents different characteristics when submitted to uniaxial tensile and to the static (steady) flexural, since brittle and elasticity module had a variation according to the amount of dry endocarp used to manufacture each trace of LHWS. The GFRP-WC was industrially manufactured by a hand-lay-up process where the fiber glass E was used as reinforcement the lignocellulósic´s waste as load. The matrix was made with ortofitalic unsaturated polyester resin. Physical and mechanical tests were performed in presence of saturated humidity and dry. The results indicated good performance of the GFRP-WC, as traction as in flexion in three points. The presence of water influenced the modules obtained in the flexural and tensile but there were no significant alteration in the properties analyzed. As for the fracture, the analysis showed that the effects are more harmful in the presence of damp, under the action of loading tested, but despite this, the fracture was well defined starting in the external parts and spreading to the internal regions when one when it reaches the hybrid load


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Oil wells subjected to cyclic steam injection present important challenges for the development of well cementing systems, mainly due to tensile stresses caused by thermal gradients during its useful life. Cement sheath failures in wells using conventional high compressive strength systems lead to the use of cement systems that are more flexible and/or ductile, with emphasis on Portland cement systems with latex addition. Recent research efforts have presented geopolymeric systems as alternatives. These cementing systems are based on alkaline activation of amorphous aluminosilicates such as metakaolin or fly ash and display advantageous properties such as high compressive strength, fast setting and thermal stability. Basic geopolymeric formulations can be found in the literature, which meet basic oil industry specifications such as rheology, compressive strength and thickening time. In this work, new geopolymeric formulations were developed, based on metakaolin, potassium silicate, potassium hydroxide, silica fume and mineral fiber, using the state of the art in chemical composition, mixture modeling and additivation to optimize the most relevant properties for oil well cementing. Starting from molar ratios considered ideal in the literature (SiO2/Al2O3 = 3.8 e K2O/Al2O3 = 1.0), a study of dry mixtures was performed,based on the compressive packing model, resulting in an optimal volume of 6% for the added solid material. This material (silica fume and mineral fiber) works both as an additional silica source (in the case of silica fume) and as mechanical reinforcement, especially in the case of mineral fiber, which incremented the tensile strength. The first triaxial mechanical study of this class of materials was performed. For comparison, a mechanical study of conventional latex-based cementing systems was also carried out. Regardless of differences in the failure mode (brittle for geopolymers, ductile for latex-based systems), the superior uniaxial compressive strength (37 MPa for the geopolymeric slurry P5 versus 18 MPa for the conventional slurry P2), similar triaxial behavior (friction angle 21° for P5 and P2) and lower stifness (in the elastic region 5.1 GPa for P5 versus 6.8 GPa for P2) of the geopolymeric systems allowed them to withstand a similar amount of mechanical energy (155 kJ/m3 for P5 versus 208 kJ/m3 for P2), noting that geopolymers work in the elastic regime, without the microcracking present in the case of latex-based systems. Therefore, the geopolymers studied on this work must be designed for application in the elastic region to avoid brittle failure. Finally, the tensile strength of geopolymers is originally poor (1.3 MPa for the geopolymeric slurry P3) due to its brittle structure. However, after additivation with mineral fiber, the tensile strength became equivalent to that of latex-based systems (2.3 MPa for P5 and 2.1 MPa for P2). The technical viability of conventional and proposed formulations was evaluated for the whole well life, including stresses due to cyclic steam injection. This analysis was performed using finite element-based simulation software. It was verified that conventional slurries are viable up to 204ºF (400ºC) and geopolymeric slurries are viable above 500ºF (260ºC)


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The cobalt-chromium alloy is extensively used in the Odontology for the confection of metallic scaffolding in partial removable denture. During the last few years, it has been reported an increasing number of premature imperfections, with a few months of prosthesis use. The manufacture of these components is made in prosthetic laboratories and normally involves recasting, using parts of casting alloy and parts of virgin alloy. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the mechanical properties of a commercial cobalt-chromium alloy of odontological use after successive recasting, searching information to guide the dental prosthesis laboratories in the correct manipulation of the cobalt-chromium alloy in the process of casting and the possible limits of recasting in the mechanical properties of this material. Seven sample groups were confectioned, each one containing five test bodies, divided in the following way: G1: casting only with virgin alloy; G2: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G1 + 50% of virgin alloy; G3: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G2 + 50% of virgin alloy; G4: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G3 + 50% of virgin alloy; G5: 50% of alloy of the G4 + 50% of virgin alloy; G6: 50% of alloy of the G5 + 50% of virgin alloy and finally the G7, only with recasting alloy. The modifications in the mechanical behavior of the alloy were evaluated. Moreover, it was carried the micro structural characterization of the material by optic and electronic scanning microscopy, and X ray diffraction.and fluorescence looking into the correlatation of the mechanical alterations with structural modifications of the material caused by successive recasting process. Generally the results showed alterations in the fracture energy of the alloy after successive recasting, resulting mainly of the increasing presence of pores and large voids, characteristic of the casting material. Thus, the interpretation of the results showed that the material did not reveal significant differences with respect to the tensile strength or elastic limit, as a function of successive recasting. The elastic modulus increased from the third recasting cycle on, indicating that the material can be recast only twice. The fracture energy of the material decreased, as the number of recasting cycles increased. With respect to the microhardness, the statistical analyses showedno significant differences. Electronic scanning microscopy revealed the presence of imperfections and defects, resulting of the recasting process. X ray diffraction and fluorescence did not show alterations in the composition of the alloy or the formation of crystalline phases between the analyzed groups. The optical micrographs showed an increasing number of voids and porosity as the material was recast. Therefore, the general conclusion of this study is that the successive recasting of of Co-Cr alloys affects the mechanical properties of the material, consequently leading to the failure of the prosthetic work. Based on the results, the best recommendadition is that the use of the material should be limited to two recasting cycles


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The use of raw materials from renewable sources for production of materials has been the subject of several studies and researches, because of its potential to substitute petrochemical-based materials. The addition of natural fibers to polymers represents an alternative in the partial or total replacement of glass fibers in composites. In this work, carnauba leaf fibers were used in the production of biodegradable composites with polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) matrix. To improve the interfacial properties fiber / matrix were studied four chemical treatments to the fibers..The effect of the different chemical treatments on the morphological, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the fibers and composites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, tensile and flexural tests, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results of tensile tests indicated an increase in tensile strength of the composites after the chemical treatment of the fibers, with best results for the hydrogen peroxide treated fibers, even though the tensile strength of fibers was slightly reduced. This suggests a better interaction fiber/matrix which was also observed by SEM fractographs. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was reduced for all composites compared to the pure polymer which can be attributed to the absorption of solvents, moisture and other low molecular weight molecules by the fibers


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Studies indicate that a variation in the degree of crystallinity of the components of a polymer blend influences the mechanical properties. This variation can be obtained by subjecting the blend to heat treatments that lead to changes in the spherulitic structure. The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of different heat treatments on the variation of the degree of crystallinity and to establish a relationship between this variation and the mechanical behavior of poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(ethylene terephthalate) recycled (PMMA / PETrec) with and without the use of compatibilizer agent poly(methyl methacrylate-al-glycidyl methacrylate-al-ethyl acrylate) (MMAGMA- EA). All compositions were subjected to two heat treatments. T1 heat treatment the samples were treated at 130 ° C for 30 minutes and cooled in air. In T2, the samples were treated at 230 ° C for 5 minutes and cooled to approximately -10 ° C. The variation of the degree of crystallinity was determined by the proportional relationship between crystallinity and density, with the density measured by pycnometry. The mechanical behavior was verified by tensile tests with and without the presence of notches and pre-cracks, and by method of fracture toughness in plane strain (KIC). We used the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyze the fracture surface of the samples. The compositions subjected to heat treatment T1, in general, showed an increase in the degree of crystallinity in tensile strength and a tendency to decrease in toughness, while compositions undergoing treatment T2 showed that the opposite behavior. Therefore, this work showed that heat treatment can give a polymer blend further diversity of its properties, this being caused by changes in the crystal structure


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Epoxy based nanocomposites with 1 wt % and 3 wt % of nanographite were processed by high shear mixing. The nanographite was obtained by chemical (acid intercalation), thermal (microwave expansion) and mechanical (ultrasonic exfoliation) treatments. The mechanical, electrical and thermal behavior of the nanocomposites was determined and evaluated as a function of the percentage of reinforcement. According to the experimental results, the electrical conductivity of epoxy was not altered by the addition of nanographite in the contents evaluated. However, based on the mechanical tests, nanocomposites with addition of 1 wt.% and 3 wt.% of nanographite showed increase in tensile strength of 16,62 % and 3,20 %, respectively, compared to the neat polymer. The smaller increase in mechanical strength of the nanocomposite with 3 wt.% of nanographite was related to the formation of agglomerates. The addition of 1 wt.% and 3 wt.% of nanographite also resulted in a decrease of 6,25 % and 17,60 %, respectively, in the relative density of the material. Thus, the specific strength of the nanocomposites was approximately 33,33 % greater when compared to the neat polymer. The addition of 1 wt.% and 3 wt.% of nanographite in the material increased the mean values of thermal conductivity in 28,33 % and 132,62 %, respectively, combined with a reduction of 26,11 % and 49,80 % in volumetric thermal capacity, respectively. In summary, it has been determined that an addition of nanographite of the order of 1 wt.% and 3 wt.% produced notable elevations in specific strength and thermal conductivity of epoxy


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The coatings mortars are essential elements of building structures because they execute an important role in protecting walls and are particularly exposed to aggressive action responsible for its degradation over time. The importance of wall coverings has been the subject of discussion and analysis in the conservation and rehabilitation of old buildings. Are sometimes removed and replaced with inappropriate solutions of constructive point of view or architecture. The most commonly used coatings on walls of old buildings is based on traditional hydraulic lime mortars. The present study aims at the formulation of new lime- based mortars and aerial fine aggregate, in order to contribute to a better field of conservation and restoration mortar coating of old buildings. Residue was used for polishing porcelain as fine aggregate, replacing the aggregate (sand), in percentages 05-30% by mass. We conducted a thorough evaluation of the mortar properties in fresh and hardened state by comparing the performance of the same with a reference mortar. The residue used was characterized as the density, bulk density, and particle size laser, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Formulations were produced 7, 6 with residue and one commonly used formulation, which served as a reference. In the formulations of lime mortars air (hydrated lime powder CH-I) has been adopted a stroke volume (1:3) with constant binder, was varied and the water / binder and aggregate and waste. For evaluation of mortars fresh, proceeded to consistency analysis, specific gravity, water retention and air content embedded. In the hardened state assays were performed in specific gravity, water retention, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, water absorption by capillary action, adhesion, tensile strength, resistance to shrinkage and salts by of crystallization trials with resources chloride solution, nitrate and sulfate all sodium in prismatic at 90 days of age, in addition to the micro structural analysis of mortars. Based on the results we can see that the mortar formulated with 10% content of waste and the reference free retraction feature more stable closer to neutrality. The composition of 10% was obtained better performance against the action of the salt crystallization. The mortar with 15% residue obtained better density, lower air content embedded and high capacity for water retention developing good workability. The replacement of 20% of waste generates a satisfactory utilization of resistance to compression, flexion and traction grip the base. And, finally, it can be seen that the mortar with 10, 15 and 20% residual show, in principle, good suitability as coatings, thus enabling a final result consistent with durability, workability and aesthetics developing therefore a material with better performance to repair or replace existing mortars in old buildings


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Realizaram-se testes físico-mecânicos e físico-químicos em couro de tilápia vermelha (Oreochromis spp.) a fim de testar a sua resistência. As amostras foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com dois tratamentos: no T1, procedeu-se à retirada do corpo-de-prova no sentido longitudinal e, no T2, à retirada do corpo-de-prova no sentido transversal. Para os testes de determinação da resistência à tração, alongamento e rasgamento progressivo, foi utilizado o dinamômetro EMIC, com velocidade de afastamento entre as cargas de 100 ± 20mm/min, em ambiente climatizado (± 23ºC e UR do ar de 50%), por 24 horas. A espessura do couro variou de 0,61 a 0,75mm, mas não houve diferença entre os sentidos analisados. O couro apresentou maior resistência à tração no sentido transversal, 25,89N/mm², (P<0,01), comparado ao sentido longitudinal, 14,20 N/mm². O alongamento foi significativamente (P<0,05) maior no sentido longitudinal, 80,8%, em relação ao transversal, 62,6%. Não houve diferença para o rasgamento progressivo entre os tratamentos. O couro apresentou teor de óxido de cromo de 3,8%, graxa de 15,1% e pH e cifra diferencial de 3,5 e 0,5, respectivamente. Os valores nos testes de resistência e físico-químicos apresentados pelo couro indicam que ele pode ser utilizado para a confecção de vestuário e artefatos de couro em geral.


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This works aims at investigating the effects of adding waste from RCBP-polyester button manufacturing to Portland cement concrete, particularly regarding its consistency and mechanic strength. The RCBP used came from a button factory located in Parnamirim, RN, Brazil. The waste was added to the concrete on different ratios: 5 %, 10 %, 15 % and 20 % of the total cement mass. A sample of concrete without the RCBP was used as reference, 1:1,33:2,45:0,50. For the mechanic strength test four samples were tested with different ages (3, 7 and 28 days old) and mixtures. Furthermore, a Slump Test was also conducted in order to verify the concrete s consistency. A tendency to a reduction in the compression resistance was noticed for all samples. For the samples with 5 % and 10 %, there was also an increase in the traction resistance during inflexion, regarding the reference concrete. In the microstructural analysis, the RBCP was observed to show an irregular and porous surface, thus explaining the consistency decrease