140 resultados para Reparation


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Most athletic horses nowadays suffer injuries on their locomotor system, needing a long period of rest during the year, meaning a big economic loss. Because of that, this kind of injury has become extremely important for the Veterinary Medicine. Among this injuries, tendinitis of the flexors tendons must be mentioned, since its reparation is essential for the animal return to exercise. Many methods of treatment for this injury have been employed, but few have provided satisfactory results. So the objective of this study is to analyze the present concepts of equine tendinitis to better understand its mechanism, adequate treatment and prevention


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The mechanical garages do varied types to activities related to the reparation from vehicles such as change from Motor oil, change and cleaning from car pieces, motor rectification, among others. These activities generate different kinds of waste and wastewater that when disposed in an inappropriate way can pollute the environmentand cause risks to the public health. Despite the environmental issues that involves these enterprises, they aren´t object of environmental licensing and there are any rules that regularizes their activities with the goal of these possible environmental impacts mitigation. The environmental diagnosis proposed by the present work has as goal the knowledge of the possible environmental aspects and their effects in the environment, for establishing control measures and from that to generate subsidy for environmental normatization of the sector in the municipal level. Furthermore, it should also define practices as waste production reduction, separation of them at the generator source and convenient final disposal, as well as wastewater production reduction and treatment of them before its launching in the wastewater network. The environmental diagnosis was based on a survey realized in garages from the city of São Carlos – SP, in order to define the more important characteristics of this activity that are related to the environment and public health. From the obtained information from the survey and the interpretation of the data, subsidy for the municipal environment management of the mechanical garages were generated.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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It was performed a study to examine the cutaneous cicatrization of infected wound of skin after daily topic application of Nebacetin and Gingilone. Following clinical observations the animals were sacrificed after 4, 10 and 17 post-operative days. The pieces were treated, analyzed, in an optical microscope. The topic application of Nebacetin showed to be more efficient in the epithelial reparation comparatively to the Gingilone and control group.


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Autologous fibrin gel is commonly used as a scaffold for filling defects in articular cartilage. This biomaterial can also be used as a sealant to control small hemorrhages and is especially helpful in situations where tissue reparation capacity is limited. In particular, fibrin can act as a scaffold for various cell types because it can accommodate cell migration, differentiation, and proliferation. Despite knowledge of the advantages of this biomaterial and mastery of the techniques required for its application, the durability of several types of sealant at the site of injury remains questionable. Due to the importance of such data for evaluating the quality and efficiency of fibrin gel formulations on its use as a scaffold, this study sought to analyze the heterologous fibrin sealant developed from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus using studies in ovine experimental models. The fibrin gel developed from the venom of this snake was shown to act as a safe, stable, and durable scaffold for up to seven days, without causing adverse side effects. Fibrin gel produced from the venom of the Crotalus durissus terrificus snake possesses many clinical and surgical uses. It presents the potential to be used as a biomaterial to help repair skin lesions or control bleeding, and it may also be used as a scaffold when applied together with various cell types. The intralesional use of the fibrin gel from the venom of this snake may improve surgical and clinical treatments in addition to being inexpensive and adequately consistent, durable, and stable. The new heterologous fibrin sealant is a scaffold candidate to cartilage repair in this study.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Esta pesquisa teve por finalidade avaliar a ação da vitamina E como radioprotetora no processo de reparação tecidual em ratos, após sofrerem um procedimento cirúrgico, que consistiu da produção de uma ferida na região dorsal anterior. Os animais foram divididos em cinco grupos: grupo CO (controle) - constituído de animais em que foi produzida somente a ferida; grupo VE - pré-tratamento com vitamina E (90 UI); grupo IR - irradiação três dias após a cirurgia; grupo VEIR - pré-tratamento com 90 UI de vitamina E e irradiação de suas bordas três dias após a cirurgia; grupo OIR - pré-tratamento com óleo de oliva e irradiação de suas bordas três dias após a cirurgia. A ação radioprotetora da vitamina E foi avaliada pela coloração por hematoxilina-eosina para análise morfológica do tecido de granulação, aos 4, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a cirurgia. A análise dos resultados mostrou que o retardo no processo de reparação tecidual causado por 6 Gy de radiação de elétrons com feixe de 6 MeV não ocorreu no grupo de animais que recebeu vitamina E, mostrando-se esta substância efetiva como radioprotetora.


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A 6mm segmental defect was performed on the metaphyseal region of the tibia of 12 rabbits and the autoclaved fragmented heterolog cortical bone conserved in glycerin (98%) and methylmethacrylate was used as a bone graft for the reconstruction. The graft was placed in the receptor bed and its integration was evaluated by computed tomography after 30, 60 and 90 days. There was gradual bone graft incorporation in the receptor bed during the time in 100% of the cases. Fragmented cortical bone heterograft and methylmethacrylate was biologically compatible and promotes bone defect reparation without signs of infection, migration and or rejection, featuring a new option of osseous substitute to fill in bone defects.


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Objetivo: Estudar o hemograma e avaliar radiológica e morfológicamente a reparação do calo ósseo após a lesão na diáfise femural de coelhos. Métodos: foram utilizados 48 coelhos independentes do sexo, Nova Zelândia, onde estes foram anestesiados e submetidos à ostectomia do côndilo femoral medial direito e osteossíntese, randomizados e distribuídos em 4 grupos (n = 12 em cada): Grupo Controle (I), Grupo Sulfato de Condroitina-A associado ao Sulfato de Glucosamina (II), sendo que a aplicação de Sulfato de Condroitina-A associado ao Sulfato de Glucosamina (2mL.10Kg -1 ) iniciou no pós-operatório imediato seguido de aplicações a cada 3 dias; Grupo Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica (III): com sessões diárias (3 ATA durante 130 minutos, sendo 90 minutos de pressão absoluta) iniciadas no primeiro dia de pós-operatório; Grupo Sulfato de Condroitina-A associado ao Sulfato de Glucosamina e Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica (IV). Os animais foram eutanasiados após 2 (n=6 de cada grupo) e 6 semanas (n=6 de cada grupo) de pós-operatório. Resultados: Diferenças significantes foram encontradas entre os grupos de 2 e 6 semanas de pós-operatório, quanto à média do comprimento do calo ósseo nos grupos: I (p = 0,001), II (p = 0,012) e IV (p = 0,001). A comparação entre os quatro grupos após 2 semanas mostrou diferença significante (p < 0,001), onde o grupo I apresentou média de comprimento caloso menor que os grupos II (p = 0,001), III (p = 0,001) e IV (p = 0,008), de maneira significante. Os demais grupos não se diferenciaram de forma significante (p > 0,05) nas demais comparações. Entretanto, após 6 semanas a comparação entre os quatro grupos mostrou diferença significante onde: o grupo I apresentou média de comprimento menor que os grupos III (p = 0,006) e IV (p < 0,001); o grupo II apresentou média de comprimento menor que os grupos III (p = 0,001) e IV (p < 0,001). Os demais grupos não se diferenciaram de forma significante (p > 0,05) nas demais comparações. Nos achados radiológicos de até duas semanas encontramos uma formação calosa rápida nos grupos que receberam oxigenoterapia hiperbárica (83% dos animais do grupo III) isoladamente ou em associação com o sulfato de condroitina-a associado ao sulfato de glucosamina (33% dos animais do grupo IV) quando comparados ao grupo controle. Já com seis semanas esta diferença diminui, mas ainda o grupo III (83%) apresenta um maior número de animais com formação calosa do que no grupo IV (67%). Sendo que os resultados radiológicos mostram a possibilidade de uma melhor ação da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica (83% dos animais) de forma isolada, pois quando comparada com o grupo II isolado (67% dos animais) ainda sugere uma superioridade na formação calosa mais rápida ao término do período precoce. Não foram encontradas alterações nos parâmetros hematológicos com as intervenções utilizadas. Conclusões: A oxigenoterapia hiperbárica e o sulfato de condroitina-a associado ao sulfato de glucosamina, isoladas ou em associação promovem aumento do calo ósseo e não promovem alterações nos parâmetros hematológicos dos animais nos tempos estudados.


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The traditional lime mortar is composed of hydrated lime, sand and water. Besides these constituents it may also contain additives aiming to modify fresh mortar´s properties and/or to improve hardened mortar´s strength and durability. Already in the first civilizations various additives were used to enhance mortar´s quality, among the organic additives, linseed oil was one of the most common. From literature we know that it was used already in Roman period to reduce water permeability of a mortar, but the mechanism and the technology, e.g. effects of different dosages, are not clearly explained. There are only few works studying the effect of oil experimentally. Knowing the function of oil in historical mortars is important for designing a new compatible repair mortar. Moreover, linseed oil addition could increase the sometimes insufficient durability of lime-based mortars used for reparation and it could be a natural alternative to synthetic additives. In the present study, the effect of linseed oil on the properties of six various lime-based mortars has been studied. Mortars´ compositions have been selected with respect to composition of historical mortars, but also mortars used in a modern restoration practise have been tested. Oil was added in two different concentrations – 1% and 3% by the weight of binder. The addition of 1% of linseed oil has proved to have positive effect on mortars´ properties. It improves mechanical characteristics and limits water absorption into mortar without affecting significantly the total open porosity or decreasing the degree of carbonation. On the other hand, the 3% addition of linseed oil is making mortar to be almost hydrophobic, but it markedly decreases mortars´ strength. However, all types of tested lime-based mortars with the oil addition showed significantly decreased water and salt solution absorption by capillary rise. Addition of oil into mortars is also decreasing the proportion of pores which are easily accessible to water. Furthermore, mortars with linseed oil showed significantly improved resistance to salt crystallization and freeze-thaw cycles. On the base of the obtained results, the addition of 1% of linseed oil can be taken into consideration in the design of mortars meant to repair or replace historic mortars.


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La realizzazione di questa ricerca ha come obiettivo principe lo studio approfondito dell’istituto della riabilitazione penale all’interno del panorama legislativo italiano, con riferimento al contesto bolognese, e nella legislazione belga; inoltre si pone come scopo l’analisi dell’interazione autore-vittima del reato, con una particolare attenzione al risarcimento elargito alla persona offesa dal reato e alla figura della vittima prima nel sistema penale, poi nel procedimento specifico che porta alla riabilitazione del condannato. Il punto di partenza del lavoro di ricerca intrapreso è costituito da un’accurata ricerca bibliografica inerente agli argomenti trattati, al fine di poter approfondire una buona parte della letteratura italiana e belga esistente in materia. La fase successiva della ricerca è stata quella di reperire informazioni riguardanti l’ambito di studio da approfondire, cioè la riabilitazione, secondo una direttrice empirica. Pertanto, per quanto concerne la realtà italiana, sono stati analizzati, tramite una griglia di rilevazione costruita ad hoc, i fascicoli processuali relativi alla riabilitazione presenti negli archivi del Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Bologna (2004-2009); la situazione belga è invece stata studiata reperendo dati, riferiti alla réhabilitation pénal, rintracciati presso il “Service Public Fédéral Justice - Bureau Permanent Statistiques et Mesure de la charge de travail (BPSM)” (2008-2009), sia livello nazionale che delle cinque Corti di appello. Inoltre, al fine di ottenere un ulteriore punto di vista empirico riguardante l’istituto della riabilitazione penale, sono state effettuate delle interviste semi-strutturate al Presidente del Tribunale di Sorveglianza Dott. Francesco Maisto e al Sostituto Procuratore Generale di Liège Mr. Nicolas Banneux. Infatti l’esperienza lavorativa e il particolare ruolo ricoperto da questi “osservatori privilegiati”, competenti di riabilitazione e particolarmente sensibili alle tematiche criminologiche e vittimologiche, li pone direttamente in contatto con l’istituto e la procedura della riabilitazione, determinando in loro una profonda padronanza dell’oggetto di ricerca.


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This work analyses the limits that the principle of State liability for damages suffered by individuals because of breach of EU law poses to the procedural autonomy of the Member States of the EU. The introductory part of this work is dedicated to the general character of the limitations EU law poses to the State’s competence in procedural matters. The first part of the research, instead, focuses on the specific limits that european law poses on the rules of procedure related to the legal regime of the right to compensation and its operating conditions; in particular, this first part explores respectively the “substantive” and “procedural” limits that EU law poses to the State’s autonomy to regulate actions for damages for breaches of EU law. The substantial limits concern the conditions of eligibility of liability and the constitutive conditions of the right to compensation; the procedural limits to the action for damages refer to the concrete organization and characteristics of the judicial action. The second part of the research is devoted to rules of procedure governing the relations between judicial remedies explicitly aimed at protecting the right to reparation and other remedies that may be relevant, both europeans and nationals. The first chapter of the second part of this work focuses on the rules governing the relations between the action for damages brought up at the national level and the remedies provided by european Treaties; finally, I explore the relations between the action for damages brought up at the national level and other remedies present in the same national juridical order. I reconstruct all the limits to the procedural autonomy of Member States concerning the right to compensation; consequently, I verify that those limits represent part of the system of internal procedures, able to guarantee the respect of european law.


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Das Vorliegen einer Leistenhernie ist Ausdruck einer Insuffizienz der bindegewebi-gen Stabilisierungsmechanismen der Leistenkanalrückwand. Deshalb können auch nur diejenigen Operationsmethoden, welche die Hinterwand des Leistenkanals stabil verstärken, zu einem dauerhaftem Erfolg führen. Die sogenannten konventionellen Methoden nach Bassini, Mcvay und Shouldice versuchen, durch einen anterioren inguinalen Zugang die Hinterwand des Leisten-kanals mit autologem ortsständigem Gewebe zu verstärken. Dabei wird jedoch durch die Verwendung lokaler Strukturen die erzielte Stabilitätserhöhung mit einem allgemeinen Anstieg der Gewebsspannung in der Leistenregion erkauft. Das Konzept der spannungsfreien Operationsmethoden versucht, auf eine Verstär-kung der Hinterwand des Leistenkanals durch die Raffung lokaler Strukturen zu verzichten und damit verbundene postoperative Schmerzen und spannungsbeding-te Gewebsnekrosen zu minimieren. Die spannungsfreie Verstärkung der Hinter-wand des Leistenkanals wird dabei durch Verwendung synthetischer Fremdmateri-alien erreicht. Diese können sowohl in einem konventionellen anterioren Zugang (z.B. nach Lichtenstein, Rutkow) als auch minimalinvasiv endoskopisch (z.B. TAPP, TEPP) eingebracht werden. Seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre hat die laparoskopische Chirurgie sprunghaft zuge-nommen (Schumpelick et al. 1996), denn durch minimale Invasivität, modernes Instrumentarium und computergestützte Technologie erfüllt sie alle Forderungen der modernen Chirurgie nach Praktikabilität, Gewebeschonung, geringer Schmerz-haftigkeit und schneller Rehabilitation (Mayer et al. 1997). Dabei kam es zu einer vielfältigen Weiterentwicklung der endoskopischen Technik zur Leistenhernioplastik: standen zunächst noch endoskopische Naht- und Klam-mertechniken im Fokus (Ger et al. 1990, Meyer 1991), lag bald schon der Schwer-punkt auf einer spannungsfreien Reparation mit Hilfe alloplastischer Materialien (Arregui et al. 1992, Corbitt 1991, Corbitt et al. 1993), die sowohl als zweidimensi-onale Netze als auch in dreidimensionaler Ausprägung (Röllchen, Schirmchen, Plugs) zum Einsatz kamen (Shultz et al. 1990, Schleef et al. 1992, Amid et al. 19994, Dudai 1995). In der Folgezeit entwickelte sich noch eine Diskussion um den endoskopischen Zugangsweg, als nach zunächst rein laparoskopischem Vorgehen (TAPP) auch ein total extraperitonealer Zugang im präperitonealen Raum (TEPP) beschrieben und mit entsprechend verlässlichem Instrumentarium verfügbar wurde. Allgemein anerkannt sind heute bei den minimal invasiven Verfahren sowohl TAPP als auch TEPP und die Verwendung alloplastischer Netze oder dreidimensionaler Plug-Netz-Kombinationen zur dorsalen Verstärkung der Fascia transversalis (Bitt-ner et al. 1995, Horeyseck et al. 1999). Reine Naht- oder Cliptechniken werden wegen schlechter Ergebnisse nicht mehr empfohlen. Zugleich mit der Laparoskopie hat die offene Netzhernioplastik nach Lichtenstein ihre Aktualität jedoch nicht verloren (Horeyseck et al. 1999), im Gegenteil: durch zunehmende Verlagerung der Leistenhernienchirurgie in den ambulanten Bereich nimmt sie wieder an Umfang deutlich zu.


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The main aim of this work was the synthesis and applications of functionalized-silica-supported gold nanoparticles. The silica-anchored functionalities employed, e.g. amine, alkynyl carbamate and sulfide moieties, possess a notable affinity with gold, so that they could be able to capture the gold precursor, to spontaneously reduce it (possibly at room temperature), and to stabilize the resulting gold nanoparticles. These new materials, potentially suitable for heterogeneous catalysis applications, could represent a breakthrough among the “green” synthesis of supported gold nanoparticles, since they would circumvent the addition of extra reducing agent and stabilizers, also allowing concomitant absorption of the active catalyst particles on the support immediately after spontaneous formation of gold nanoparticles. In chapter 4 of this thesis is also presented the work developed during a seven-months Marco Polo fellowship stay at the University of Lille (France), regarding nanoparticles nucleation and growth inside a microfluidic system and the study of the corresponding mechanism by in situ XANES spectroscopy. Finally, studies regarding the reparation and reactivity of gold decorated nanodiamonds are also described. Various methods of characterization have been used, such as ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-FEG), X-ray Photoionization (XPS), X ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS).