123 resultados para Reformulations implicites
Initially, the text handles the theories of ancient classical and changes with the emerging of the debates of the schools of economic of Keynes and Kalecki. Over the years, from 1930 onwards, investment theories were debated and modified by various schools of economic thought. One of the debates that stands out in this work are the theories of Minsky that will bring new reformulations to Keynesian theory and a greater focus on psychological factors as determinants of investment decisions. Through financial instability hypothesis Minsky explains how the decisions to invest and the access to credit cause instability to financial system. Finally the work will show how access to credit is material when companies decide to invest and how these investments are often handled due to information asymmetries in the market. The financial institutions seek to maximize their profits while dribbling moral hazard and adverse selection, and thus the government needs to intervene once in a while as a regulator to maintain the solvency of the system
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
D’après Greimas (2002), le sens se concrétise par le changement de rythme ou par une oscillation construite dans la linéarité du langage. L’étrange et l’imprévu, considérés comme des événements qui troublent la pratique habituelle d’une vie dans son parcours, entrent ainsi dans le domaine d’études de la sémiotique française. Le sujet a été discuté plus tard par Claude Zilberberg, avec la venue de la sémiotique tensive, pour qui l’appréhension d’un événement se donne dans le survenir. De plus, selon les observations de Greimas, pour la sémiotique, une forme de vie caractérise des manières par lesquelles les individus ressentent et expriment leur compréhension de l’existence à travers des façons de faire, d’être, d’organiser l’espace dans lequel ils vivent, etc. Devant ces présuppositions théoriques, nous analysons le reportage “Eu pego mas não me apego”, publié dans Atrevida, une revue dirigée vers un public féminin dont la tranche d’âge est de 15 à 19 ans, et nous discutons la manière dont l’énonciateur a configuré le simulacre de l’acteur “ado branchée”. Il en ressort que l’énonciateur a utilisé des stratégies verbales et qu’il met ainsi en discours l’idée d’un comportement qui parait transgresseur au niveau de la manifestation, ce que l’on peut caractériser comme un événement. Cependant, on notera la présence de marques textuelles implicites qui rendent possible un discours qui se réfère au comportement féminin traditionnel et qui caractérise une routine.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
The profile of students has changed a lot, mainly due to the advent of new technologies, which in attractiveness has attracted the attention of students, and becoming a difficulty the teacher to attract the attention of the student to class. In this sense, it is needed reformulations in pedagogical practice so that the student's attention turns to science, arousing their curiosity. Thus, in Chemistry and Science Teaching, and lectures must encourage discussions about science, and one of the possible ways to insert dynamic classes is by inserting the trial. Thus, this present course conclusion work aims at presenting and discussing the ways in which Experimentation in Chemistry and Science Teaching has been applied in classrooms, the difficulties of its implementation as a teaching methodology, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of their use depending on the type of approach, training teachers, among other factors
Ce mémoire propose la traduction de certains passages du livre « Per dieci minuti » de Chiara Gamberale. Ce roman raconte l’histoire de Chiara, une fille qui, pendant un période de troubles de sa vie où elle croit avoir perdu tous ses points de repère, décide d’essayer une thérapie-jeu: tous les jours, pendant dix minutes, elle doit faire quelque chose de nouveau, qu’elle n’a jamais expérimenté avant. Ce traitement thérapeutique s’inspire de la théorie des six exercices de Rudolf Steiner, un pédagogue autrichien qui décrit les six étapes fondamentales pour retrouver l’équilibre intérieur. D’un côté, ce mémoire veut souligner l’importance de se consacrer à la traduction d’un genre qui semble avoir de plus en plus du succès de nos jours: la littérature sur le développement personnel et le bien-être. De l’autre, il présente une analyse de l’histoire de la traduction, surtout en ce qui concerne la traduction des référents culturels, à travers une comparaison entre l’approche « normalisante » et l’approche « exotisante ». De plus, il traite le sujet épineux, puisque complexe et fascinant en même temps, des « intraduisibles », c’est-à-dire les implicites culturels. Il s’agit de mots pour lesquels il est impossible de trouver un équivalent direct dans les autres langues puisqu’ils décrivent les habitudes spécifiques d’une certaine communauté ou ils sont le fruit d’une vision spécifique et unique du monde de la part d’une culture. Moi-même, à travers cette traduction, j’ai dû me confronter avec toute une série de défis au niveau traductif , liés surtout au contexte culturel et au style de l’écrivain: j’ai traduit par exemple des parties en dialecte, des passages en rimes et j’ai dû même reproduire volontairement des erreurs de grammaire afin de m’adapter au registre linguistique de certains personnages.
The welfare sector has seen considerable changes in its operational context. Welfare services respond to an increasing number of challenges as citizens are confronted with life’s uncertainties and a variety of complex situations. At the same time the service-delivery system is facing problems of co-operation and the development of staff competence, as well as demands to improve service effectiveness and outcomes. In order to ensure optimal user outcomes in this complex, evolving environment it is necessary to enhance professional knowledge and skills, and to increase efforts to develop the services. Changes are also evident in the new emergent knowledge-production models. There has been a shift from knowledge acquisition and transmission to its construction and production. New actors have stepped in and the roles of researchers are subject to critical discussion. Research outcomes, in other words the usefulness of research with respect to practice development, is a topical agenda item. Research is needed, but if it is to be useful it needs to be not only credible but also useful in action. What do we know about different research processes in practice? What conceptions, approaches, methods and actor roles are embedded? What is the effect on practice? How does ‘here and now’ practice challenge research methods? This article is based on the research processes conducted in the institutes of practice research in social work in Finland. It analyses the different approaches applied by elucidating the theoretical standpoints and the critical elements embedded in them, and reflects on the outcomes in and for practice. It highlights the level of change and progression in practice research, arguing for diverse practice research models with a solid theoretical grounding, rigorous research processes, and a supportive infrastructure.
El presente artículo se propone como objetivo analizar el derrotero seguido por FORJA desde su formación en 1935 hasta su autodisolución, decidida diez años más tarde. El trabajo presenta, en primer lugar, una breve reconstrucción de los orígenes de la agrupación. Avanza, en segundo término, en un análisis de las reformulaciones que FORJA introdujo en la identidad radical, prestando particular atención al modo en que los forjistas reinterpretaron el legado yrigoyenista. Expone luego los elementos centrales del programa forjista, examinando tanto las ideas esbozadas en dicho programa como las prácticas de difusión y propaganda de las que la agrupación se valió para divulgar su prédica; analiza, asimismo, el modo en que FORJA arraigó en distintos puntos del territorio nacional. Finalmente, el trabajo hace referencia a la compleja relación que la agrupación mantuvo con el peronismo en la coyuntura crítica en que éste hizo su aparición en el escenario político argentino
This paper sets out to report on findings about features of task-specific reformulation observed in university students in the middle stretch of the Psychology degree course (N=58) and in a reference group of students from the degree courses in Modern Languages, Spanish and Library Studies (N=33) from the National University of La Plata (Argentina). Three types of reformulation were modeled: summary reformulation, comprehensive and productive reformulation.The study was based on a corpus of 621 reformulations rendered from different kinds of text. The versions obtained were categorised according to the following criteria: presence or absence of normative, morphosyntactic and semantic difficulties. Findings show that problems arise particularly with paraphrase and summary writing. Observation showed difficulties concerning punctuation, text cohesion and coherence , and semantic distortion or omission as regards extracting and/or substituting gist, with limited lexical resources and confusion as to suitability of style/register in writing. The findings in this study match those of earlier, more comprehensive research on the issue and report on problems experienced by a significant number of university students when interacting with both academic texts and others of a general nature. Moreover, they led to questions, on the one hand, as to the nature of such difficulties, which appear to be production-related problems and indirectly account for inadequate text comprehension, and on the other hand, as to the features of university tuition when it comes to text handling.
El presente artículo se propone como objetivo analizar el derrotero seguido por FORJA desde su formación en 1935 hasta su autodisolución, decidida diez años más tarde. El trabajo presenta, en primer lugar, una breve reconstrucción de los orígenes de la agrupación. Avanza, en segundo término, en un análisis de las reformulaciones que FORJA introdujo en la identidad radical, prestando particular atención al modo en que los forjistas reinterpretaron el legado yrigoyenista. Expone luego los elementos centrales del programa forjista, examinando tanto las ideas esbozadas en dicho programa como las prácticas de difusión y propaganda de las que la agrupación se valió para divulgar su prédica; analiza, asimismo, el modo en que FORJA arraigó en distintos puntos del territorio nacional. Finalmente, el trabajo hace referencia a la compleja relación que la agrupación mantuvo con el peronismo en la coyuntura crítica en que éste hizo su aparición en el escenario político argentino
This paper sets out to report on findings about features of task-specific reformulation observed in university students in the middle stretch of the Psychology degree course (N=58) and in a reference group of students from the degree courses in Modern Languages, Spanish and Library Studies (N=33) from the National University of La Plata (Argentina). Three types of reformulation were modeled: summary reformulation, comprehensive and productive reformulation.The study was based on a corpus of 621 reformulations rendered from different kinds of text. The versions obtained were categorised according to the following criteria: presence or absence of normative, morphosyntactic and semantic difficulties. Findings show that problems arise particularly with paraphrase and summary writing. Observation showed difficulties concerning punctuation, text cohesion and coherence , and semantic distortion or omission as regards extracting and/or substituting gist, with limited lexical resources and confusion as to suitability of style/register in writing. The findings in this study match those of earlier, more comprehensive research on the issue and report on problems experienced by a significant number of university students when interacting with both academic texts and others of a general nature. Moreover, they led to questions, on the one hand, as to the nature of such difficulties, which appear to be production-related problems and indirectly account for inadequate text comprehension, and on the other hand, as to the features of university tuition when it comes to text handling.
This paper sets out to report on findings about features of task-specific reformulation observed in university students in the middle stretch of the Psychology degree course (N=58) and in a reference group of students from the degree courses in Modern Languages, Spanish and Library Studies (N=33) from the National University of La Plata (Argentina). Three types of reformulation were modeled: summary reformulation, comprehensive and productive reformulation.The study was based on a corpus of 621 reformulations rendered from different kinds of text. The versions obtained were categorised according to the following criteria: presence or absence of normative, morphosyntactic and semantic difficulties. Findings show that problems arise particularly with paraphrase and summary writing. Observation showed difficulties concerning punctuation, text cohesion and coherence , and semantic distortion or omission as regards extracting and/or substituting gist, with limited lexical resources and confusion as to suitability of style/register in writing. The findings in this study match those of earlier, more comprehensive research on the issue and report on problems experienced by a significant number of university students when interacting with both academic texts and others of a general nature. Moreover, they led to questions, on the one hand, as to the nature of such difficulties, which appear to be production-related problems and indirectly account for inadequate text comprehension, and on the other hand, as to the features of university tuition when it comes to text handling.
El presente artículo se propone como objetivo analizar el derrotero seguido por FORJA desde su formación en 1935 hasta su autodisolución, decidida diez años más tarde. El trabajo presenta, en primer lugar, una breve reconstrucción de los orígenes de la agrupación. Avanza, en segundo término, en un análisis de las reformulaciones que FORJA introdujo en la identidad radical, prestando particular atención al modo en que los forjistas reinterpretaron el legado yrigoyenista. Expone luego los elementos centrales del programa forjista, examinando tanto las ideas esbozadas en dicho programa como las prácticas de difusión y propaganda de las que la agrupación se valió para divulgar su prédica; analiza, asimismo, el modo en que FORJA arraigó en distintos puntos del territorio nacional. Finalmente, el trabajo hace referencia a la compleja relación que la agrupación mantuvo con el peronismo en la coyuntura crítica en que éste hizo su aparición en el escenario político argentino
A expectativa sobre o que acontece a uma pessoa após sua morte circunda a imaginação humana desde tempos muito antigos. Por este motivo, não poucos sistemas religiosos buscaram e ainda buscam dar uma resposta sobre o que uma pessoa pode esperar para além de sua morte. Esta resposta por vezes reflete as situações vivenciadas no cotidiano, de modo que expectativas de justiça, descanso e felicidade, entre outras, estão no centro da esperança de existência depois da vida no mundo como o temos. Mas como idéias, crenças e épocas são sempre diversas, escolhemos o campo imagético judaico para acompanhar suas elaborações e desenvolvimentos das suas noções de vida após a morte. Desta maneira, tencionamos observar algumas sutilezas que permeiam o aparecimento desta crença no Judaísmo do Segundo Templo e de que modo ela e suas reformulações responderam a certos anseios dos que recorreram às suas sugestões, o que fazemos trazendo para este campo também as crenças de outros povos/culturas com os quais Israel manteve contado ao longo de alguns períodos de sua história. Ao procedermos assim, estamos pressupondo uma troca de elementos religioso-culturais que, relidos à luz de expectativas próprias, tenham propiciado ao Judaísmo do Segundo Templo uma gama de conceitos e opções que não estava disponível na época mais antiga.
A expectativa sobre o que acontece a uma pessoa após sua morte circunda a imaginação humana desde tempos muito antigos. Por este motivo, não poucos sistemas religiosos buscaram e ainda buscam dar uma resposta sobre o que uma pessoa pode esperar para além de sua morte. Esta resposta por vezes reflete as situações vivenciadas no cotidiano, de modo que expectativas de justiça, descanso e felicidade, entre outras, estão no centro da esperança de existência depois da vida no mundo como o temos. Mas como idéias, crenças e épocas são sempre diversas, escolhemos o campo imagético judaico para acompanhar suas elaborações e desenvolvimentos das suas noções de vida após a morte. Desta maneira, tencionamos observar algumas sutilezas que permeiam o aparecimento desta crença no Judaísmo do Segundo Templo e de que modo ela e suas reformulações responderam a certos anseios dos que recorreram às suas sugestões, o que fazemos trazendo para este campo também as crenças de outros povos/culturas com os quais Israel manteve contado ao longo de alguns períodos de sua história. Ao procedermos assim, estamos pressupondo uma troca de elementos religioso-culturais que, relidos à luz de expectativas próprias, tenham propiciado ao Judaísmo do Segundo Templo uma gama de conceitos e opções que não estava disponível na época mais antiga.