991 resultados para Reflectance measurements


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Radiation-use efficiency (RUE, g/MJ) and the harvest index (HI, unitless) are two helpful characteristics in interpreting crop response to environmental and climatic changes. They are also increasingly important for accurate crop yield simulation, but they are affected by various environmental factors. In this study, the RUE and HI of winter wheat and their relationships to canopy spectral reflectance were investigated based on the massive field measurements of five nitrogen (N) treatments. Crop production can be separated into light interception and RUE. The results indicated that during a long period of slow growth from emergence to regreening, the effect of N on crop production mainly showed up in an increased light interception by the canopy. During the period of rapid growth from regreening to maturity, it was present in both light interception and RUE. The temporal variations of RUEAPAR (aboveground biomass produced per unit of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy) during the period from regreening to maturity had different patterns corresponding to the N deficiency, N adequacy and N-excess conditions. Moreover, significant relationships were found between the RUEAPAR and the accumulative normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) in the integrated season (R-2 = 0.68), between the HI and the accumulative NDVI after anthesis (R-2 = 0.89), and between the RUEgrain (ratio of grain yield to the total amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy) and the accumulative NDVI of the whole season (R-2 = 0.89) and that after anthesis (R-2 = 0.94). It suggested that canopy spectral reflectance has the potential to reveal the spatial information of the RUEAPAR, HI and RUEgrain. It is hoped that this information will be useful in improving the accuracy of crop yield simulation in large areas.


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This report explores the relation between image intensity and object shape. It is shown that image intensity is related to surface orientation and that a variation in image intensity is related to surface curvature. Computational methods are developed which use the measured intensity variation across surfaces of smooth objects to determine surface orientation. In general, surface orientation is not determined locally by the intensity value recorded at each image point. Tools are needed to explore the problem of determining surface orientation from image intensity. The notion of gradient space , popularized by Huffman and Mackworth, is used to represent surface orientation. The notion of a reflectance map, originated by Horn, is used to represent the relation between surface orientation image intensity. The image Hessian is defined and used to represent surface curvature. Properties of surface curvature are expressed as constraints on possible surface orientations corresponding to a given image point. Methods are presented which embed assumptions about surface curvature in algorithms for determining surface orientation from the intensities recorded in a single view. If additional images of the same object are obtained by varying the direction of incident illumination, then surface orientation is determined locally by the intensity values recorded at each image point. This fact is exploited in a new technique called photometric stereo. The visual inspection of surface defects in metal castings is considered. Two casting applications are discussed. The first is the precision investment casting of turbine blades and vanes for aircraft jet engines. In this application, grain size is an important process variable. The existing industry standard for estimating the average grain size of metals is implemented and demonstrated on a sample turbine vane. Grain size can be computed form the measurements obtained in an image, once the foreshortening effects of surface curvature are accounted for. The second is the green sand mold casting of shuttle eyes for textile looms. Here, physical constraints inherent to the casting process translate into these constraints, it is necessary to interpret features of intensity as features of object shape. Both applications demonstrate that successful visual inspection requires the ability to interpret observed changes in intensity in the context of surface topography. The theoretical tools developed in this report provide a framework for this interpretation.


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We conducted a pilot study on 10 patients undergoing general surgery to test the feasibility of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in the visible wavelength range as a noninvasive monitoring tool for blood loss during surgery. Ratios of raw diffuse reflectance at wavelength pairs were tested as a first-pass for estimating hemoglobin concentration. Ratios can be calculated easily and rapidly with limited post-processing, and so this can be considered a near real-time monitoring device. We found the best hemoglobin correlations were when ratios at isosbestic points of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin were used, specifically 529/500 nm. Baseline subtraction improved correlations, specifically at 520/509 nm. These results demonstrate proof-of-concept for the ability of this noninvasive device to monitor hemoglobin concentration changes due to surgical blood loss. The 529/500 nm ratio also appears to account for variations in probe pressure, as determined from measurements on two volunteers.


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We developed a ratiometric method capable of estimating total hemoglobin concentration from optically measured diffuse reflectance spectra. The three isosbestic wavelength ratio pairs that best correlated to total hemoglobin concentration independent of saturation and scattering were 545/390, 452/390, and 529/390 nm. These wavelength pairs were selected using forward Monte Carlo simulations which were used to extract hemoglobin concentration from experimental phantom measurements. Linear regression coefficients from the simulated data were directly applied to the phantom data, by calibrating for instrument throughput using a single phantom. Phantoms with variable scattering and hemoglobin saturation were tested with two different instruments, and the average percent errors between the expected and ratiometrically-extracted hemoglobin concentration were as low as 6.3%. A correlation of r = 0.88 between hemoglobin concentration extracted using the 529/390 nm isosbestic ratio and a scalable inverse Monte Carlo model was achieved for in vivo dysplastic cervical measurements (hemoglobin concentrations have been shown to be diagnostic for the detection of cervical pre-cancer by our group). These results indicate that use of such a simple ratiometric method has the potential to be used in clinical applications where tissue hemoglobin concentrations need to be rapidly quantified in vivo.


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Co-electrolysis of carbon dioxide and steam has been shown to be an efficient way to produce syngas, however further optimisation requires detailed understanding of the complex reactions, transport processes and degradation mechanisms occurring in the solid oxide cell (SOC) during operation. Whilst electrochemical measurements are currently conducted in situ, many analytical techniques can only be used ex situ and may even be destructive to the cell (e.g. SEM imaging of microstructure). In order to fully understand and characterise co-electrolysis, in situ monitoring of the reactants, products and SOC is necessary. Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) is ideal for in situ monitoring of co-electrolysis as both gaseous and adsorbed CO and CO2 species can be detected, however it has previously not been used for this purpose. The challenges of designing an experimental rig which allows optical access alongside electrochemical measurements at high temperature and operates in a dual atmosphere are discussed. The rig developed has thus far been used for symmetric cell testing at temperatures from 450[degree]C to 600[degree]C. Under a CO atmosphere, significant changes in spectra were observed even over a simple Au|10Sc1CeSZ|Au SOC. The changes relate to a combination of CO oxidation, the water gas shift reaction and carbonate formation and decomposition processes, with the dominant process being both potential and temperature dependent.


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A new Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV) reflectance spectrometer was successfully designed, making use of a Janis Industries ST-400 sample cryostat, IR Labs bolometer, and Briiker IFS 66 v/S spectrometer. Two of the noteworthy features include an in situ gold evaporator and internal reference path, both of which allow for the experiment to progress with a completely undisturbed sample position. As tested, the system was designed to operate between 4.2 K and 325 K over a frequency range of 60 - 670 cm~^. This frequency range can easily be extended through the addition of appUcable detectors. Tests were performed on SrTiOa, a highly ionic incipient ferroelectric insulator with a well known reflectance. The presence and temperatmre dependence of the lowest frequency "soft" mode were measured, as was the presence of the other two infrared modes. During the structural phase transition from cubic to tetragonal perovskite, the splitting of the second phonon mode was also observed. All of the collected data indicate good agreement with previous measurements, with a minor discrepency between the actual and recorded sample temperatures.


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Summary: Productivity, botanical composition and forage quality of legume-grass swards are important factors for successful arable farming in both organic and conventional farming systems. As these attributes can vary considerably within a field, a non-destructive method of detection while doing other tasks would facilitate a more targeted management of crops, forage and nutrients in the soil-plant-animal system. This study was undertaken to explore the potential of field spectral measurements for a non destructive prediction of dry matter (DM) yield, legume proportion in the sward, metabolizable energy (ME), ash content, crude protein (CP) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of legume-grass mixtures. Two experiments were conducted in a greenhouse under controlled conditions which allowed collecting spectral measurements which were free from interferences such as wind, passing clouds and changing angles of solar irradiation. In a second step this initial investigation was evaluated in the field by a two year experiment with the same legume-grass swards. Several techniques for analysis of the hyperspectral data set were examined in this study: four vegetation indices (VIs): simple ratio (SR), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and red edge position (REP), two-waveband reflectance ratios, modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression and stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR). The results showed the potential of field spectroscopy and proved its usefulness for the prediction of DM yield, ash content and CP across a wide range of legume proportion and growth stage. In all investigations prediction accuracy of DM yield, ash content and CP could be improved by legume-specific calibrations which included mixtures and pure swards of perennial ryegrass and of the respective legume species. The comparison between the greenhouse and the field experiments showed that the interaction between spectral reflectance and weather conditions as well as incidence angle of light interfered with an accurate determination of DM yield. Further research is hence needed to improve the validity of spectral measurements in the field. Furthermore, the developed models should be tested on varying sites and vegetation periods to enhance the robustness and portability of the models to other environmental conditions.


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The diffuse and regular reflectances of five optically absorbing coatings frequently used in optical systems, were measured over the 0.32-14.3 mu m wavelength range, before and after exposure to heat and intense optical radiation. The measured coatings included Nextel Velvet Black, an anodised coating and NPL Super Black. The anodised coating exhibited substantial variations in its diffuse and regular reflectance values after thermal and simulated solar ageing. Solar and thermal ageing of the Nextel Velvet Black resulted in increases of its reflectance. However, thermal ageing tended to decrease the reflectance of the other paint samples examined. Thermal and solar ageing of the NPL Super Black resulted in only minor changes in its reflectance characteristics. All measurements are traceable to the UK National Standards.


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Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) is increasingly being used to predict numerous soil physical, chemical and biochemical properties. However, soil properties and processes vary at different scales and, as a result, relationships between soil properties often depend on scale. In this paper we report on how the relationship between one such property, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and the DRS of the soil depends on spatial scale. We show this by means of a nested analysis of covariance of soils sampled on a balanced nested design in a 16 km × 16 km area in eastern England. We used principal components analysis on the DRS to obtain a reduced number of variables while retaining key variation. The first principal component accounted for 99.8% of the total variance, the second for 0.14%. Nested analysis of the variation in the CEC and the two principal components showed that the substantial variance components are at the > 2000-m scale. This is probably the result of differences in soil composition due to parent material. We then developed a model to predict CEC from the DRS and used partial least squares (PLS) regression do to so. Leave-one-out cross-validation results suggested a reasonable predictive capability (R2 = 0.71 and RMSE = 0.048 molc kg− 1). However, the results from the independent validation were not as good, with R2 = 0.27, RMSE = 0.056 molc kg− 1 and an overall correlation of 0.52. This would indicate that DRS may not be useful for predictions of CEC. When we applied the analysis of covariance between predicted and observed we found significant scale-dependent correlations at scales of 50 and 500 m (0.82 and 0.73 respectively). DRS measurements can therefore be useful to predict CEC if predictions are required, for example, at the field scale (50 m). This study illustrates that the relationship between DRS and soil properties is scale-dependent and that this scale dependency has important consequences for prediction of soil properties from DRS data


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The precision of quasioptical null-balanced bridge instruments for transmission and reflection coefficient measurements at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths is analyzed. A Jones matrix analysis is used to describe the amount of power reaching the detector as a function of grid angle orientation, sample transmittance/reflectance and phase delay. An analysis is performed of the errors involved in determining the complex transmission and reflection coefficient after taking into account the quantization error in the grid angle and micrometer readings, the transmission or reflection coefficient of the sample, the noise equivalent power of the detector, the source power and the post-detection bandwidth. For a system fitted with a rotating grid with resolution of 0.017 rad and a micrometer quantization error of 1 μm, a 1 mW source, and a detector with a noise equivalent power 5×10−9 W Hz−1/2, the maximum errors at an amplitude transmission or reflection coefficient of 0.5 are below ±0.025.


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[1] High-elevation forests represent a large fraction of potential carbon uptake in North America, but this uptake is not well constrained by observations. Additionally, forests in the Rocky Mountains have recently been severely damaged by drought, fire, and insect outbreaks, which have been quantified at local scales but not assessed in terms of carbon uptake at regional scales. The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment was carried out in 2007 partly to assess carbon uptake in western U.S. mountain ecosystems. The magnitude and seasonal change of carbon uptake were quantified by (1) paired upwind-downwind airborne CO2 observations applied in a boundary layer budget, (2) a spatially explicit ecosystem model constrained using remote sensing and flux tower observations, and (3) a downscaled global tracer transport inversion. Top-down approaches had mean carbon uptake equivalent to flux tower observations at a subalpine forest, while the ecosystem model showed less. The techniques disagreed on temporal evolution. Regional carbon uptake was greatest in the early summer immediately following snowmelt and tended to lessen as the region experienced dry summer conditions. This reduction was more pronounced in the airborne budget and inversion than in flux tower or upscaling, possibly related to lower snow water availability in forests sampled by the aircraft, which were lower in elevation than the tower site. Changes in vegetative greenness associated with insect outbreaks were detected using satellite reflectance observations, but impacts on regional carbon cycling were unclear, highlighting the need to better quantify this emerging disturbance effect on montane forest carbon cycling.


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Recent advances in thermal infrared remote sensing include the increased availability of airborne hyperspectral imagers (such as the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer, HyTES, or the Telops HyperCam and the Specim aisaOWL), and it is planned that an increased number spectral bands in the long-wave infrared (LWIR) region will soon be measured from space at reasonably high spatial resolution (by imagers such as HyspIRI). Detailed LWIR emissivity spectra are required to best interpret the observations from such systems. This includes the highly heterogeneous urban environment, whose construction materials are not yet particularly well represented in spectral libraries. Here, we present a new online spectral library of urban construction materials including LWIR emissivity spectra of 74 samples of impervious surfaces derived using measurements made by a portable Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectrometer. FTIR emissivity measurements need to be carefully made, else they are prone to a series of errors relating to instrumental setup and radiometric calibration, which here relies on external blackbody sources. The performance of the laboratory-based emissivity measurement approach applied here, that in future can also be deployed in the field (e.g. to examine urban materials in situ), is evaluated herein. Our spectral library also contains matching short-wave (VIS–SWIR) reflectance spectra observed for each urban sample. This allows us to examine which characteristic (LWIR and) spectral signatures may in future best allow for the identification and discrimination of the various urban construction materials, that often overlap with respect to their chemical/mineralogical constituents. Hyperspectral or even strongly multi-spectral LWIR information appears especially useful, given that many urban materials are composed of minerals exhibiting notable reststrahlen/absorption effects in this spectral region. The final spectra and interpretations are included in the London Urban Micromet data Archive (LUMA; http://LondonClimate.info/LUMA/SLUM.html).


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We utilized an ecosystem process model (SIPNET, simplified photosynthesis and evapotranspiration model) to estimate carbon fluxes of gross primary productivity and total ecosystem respiration of a high-elevation coniferous forest. The data assimilation routine incorporated aggregated twice-daily measurements of the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) and satellite-based reflectance measurements of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) on an eight-day timescale. From these data we conducted a data assimilation experiment with fifteen different combinations of available data using twice-daily NEE, aggregated annual NEE, eight-day f AP AR, and average annual fAPAR. Model parameters were conditioned on three years of NEE and fAPAR data and results were evaluated to determine the information content from the different combinations of data streams. Across the data assimilation experiments conducted, model selection metrics such as the Bayesian Information Criterion and Deviance Information Criterion obtained minimum values when assimilating average annual fAPAR and twice-daily NEE data. Application of wavelet coherence analyses showed higher correlations between measured and modeled fAPAR on longer timescales ranging from 9 to 12 months. There were strong correlations between measured and modeled NEE (R2, coefficient of determination, 0.86), but correlations between measured and modeled eight-day fAPAR were quite poor (R2 = −0.94). We conclude that this inability to determine fAPAR on eight-day timescale would improve with the considerations of the radiative transfer through the plant canopy. Modeled fluxes when assimilating average annual fAPAR and annual NEE were comparable to corresponding results when assimilating twice-daily NEE, albeit at a greater uncertainty. Our results support the conclusion that for this coniferous forest twice-daily NEE data are a critical measurement stream for the data assimilation. The results from this modeling exercise indicate that for this coniferous forest, average annuals for satellite-based fAPAR measurements paired with annual NEE estimates may provide spatial detail to components of ecosystem carbon fluxes in proximity of eddy covariance towers. Inclusion of other independent data streams in the assimilation will also reduce uncertainty on modeled values.


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This study analyses the influence of vegetation structure (i.e. leaf area index and canopy cover) and seasonal background changes on moderate-resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS)-simulated reflectance data in open woodland. Approximately monthly spectral reflectance and transmittance field measurements (May 2011 to October 2013) of cork oak tree leaves (Quercus suber) and of the herbaceous understorey were recorded in the region of Ribatejo, Portugal. The geometric-optical and radiative transfer (GORT) model was used to simulate MODIS response (red, near-infrared) and to calculate vegetation indices, investigating their response to changes in the structure of the overstorey vegetation and to seasonal changes in the understorey using scenarios corresponding to contrasting phenological status (dry season vs. wet season). The performance of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) is discussed. Results showed that SAVI and EVI were very sensitive to the emergence of background vegetation in the wet season compared to NDVI and that shading effects lead to an opposing trend in the vegetation indices. The information provided by this research can be useful to improve our understanding of the temporal dynamic of vegetation, monitored by vegetation indices.


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[1] The retrieval of aerosol optical depth (Ta) over land by satellite remote sensing is still a challenge when a high spatial resolution is required. This study presents a tool that uses satellite measurements to dynamically identify the aerosol optical model that best represents the optical properties of the aerosol present in the atmosphere. We use aerosol critical reflectance to identify the single scattering albedo of the aerosol layer. Two case studies show that the Sao Paulo region can have different aerosol properties and demonstrates how the dynamic methodology works to identify those differences to obtain a better T a retrieval. The methodology assigned the high single scattering albedo aerosol model (pi o( lambda = 0.55) = 0.90) to the case where the aerosol source was dominated by biomass burning and the lower pi(o) model (pi(o) (lambda = 0.55) = 0.85) to the case where the local urban aerosol had the dominant influence on the region, as expected. The dynamic methodology was applied using cloud-free data from 2002 to 2005 in order to retrieve Ta with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ( MODIS). These results were compared with collocated data measured by AERONET in Sao Paulo. The comparison shows better results when the dynamic methodology using two aerosol optical models is applied (slope 1.06 +/- 0.08 offset 0.01 +/- 0.02 r(2) 0.6) than when a single and fixed aerosol model is used (slope 1.48 +/- 0.11 and offset - 0.03 +/- 0.03 r(2) 0.6). In conclusion the dynamical methodology is shown to work well with two aerosol models. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the methodology in other regions and under different conditions.