805 resultados para Reduce preconceived stigmas


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Prequantization has been forwarded as a means to improve the performance of double phase holograms (DPHs). We show here that any improvement (even under the best of conditions) is not large enough to help the DPH to compete favourably with other holograms.


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Commercial and recreational harvesting of pigs is often encouraged by pest managers because it is essentially a ‘free’ reduction in pest density. However, the reduction in numbers may provide minimal damage mitigation and may be inappropriately allocated in space and time. Additionally, more effective control (e.g. baiting) may not occur because of the incorrect perception that harvesting is effective or because pigs are valued for recreational use.


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To experimentally investigate the effect of the “SKIM” mechanical foam fractionator on suspended material and the nutrient levels in prawn farm effluent, a series of standardised short-term treatments were applied to various effluent types in a static 10,000-litre water body. Prawn pond effluents were characterised by watercolour and dominance of phytoplankton species. Three effluent types were tested, namely 1) particulate-rich effluent with little apparent phytoplankton, 2) green mircoalgal bloom predominately made up of single celled phytoplankton, and 3) brown microalgal bloom with higher prevalence of diatoms. The effluent types were similar (P>0.05) in non-volatile particulate material, and nitrate/nitrite but varied from each other in the following ways: 1) The particulate-rich effluents were lower (P<0.05) in volatile solids (compared to brown blooms), total Kjeldahl nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, dissolved organic phosphorus and chlorophyll a (compared to both green and brown blooms). 2) The brown blooms were higher (P<0.05) in ammonia (compared to green blooms), total nitrogen and total phosphorus (compared to both green and particulate-rich effluent), but were lower (P<0.05) in inorganic phosphorus (compared to both green and particulate-rich effluent). 3) The green blooms were higher (P<0.05) in dissolved (both organic and inorganic) phosphorus (compared to both brown and particulate-rich effluents). Although the effluent types varied significantly in these aspects the effect of the Skim treatment was similar for all parameters measured except total phosphorus. Bloom type and Skim-treatment period significantly (P<0.05) affected total Kjeldahl phosphorus concentrations. For all effluent types there was a continuous significant reduction (P<0.05) in total Kjeldahl phosphorus during the initial 6-hour treatment period. Levels of total suspended solids and volatile suspended solids in all effluent types were significantly (P<0.05) reduced in the first 2 hours but not thereafter. Non-volatile suspended solids were also significantly (P<0.05) reduced in the first 2 hours (30 to 40 % reduction) and a further 40% reduction occurred in the particulate-rich effluent over the next 2 hours. Mean values for total ammonia, dissolved organic nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a and dissolved organic or inorganic phosphorus levels were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by the Skim unit in any bloom type during the initial 6 hours of testing. Nevertheless, non-significant nitrogen reductions did occur. Foam production by the Skim unit varied with different blooms, resulting in different concentrate volumes and different end points for separate experiments. Concentrate volumes were generally high for the particulate-rich and green blooms (175 – 370 litres) and low for the brown blooms (25 – 80 litres). This was due to the low tendency of the brown bloom to produce foam. This generated higher nutrient concentrations in the associated condensed foam, but may have limited the treatment efficiency. The results suggest that in this application, the Skim unit did not remove micro-algae as effectively as was anticipated. However, it was effective at removing other suspended solids. Considering these attributes and the other uses of this machinery documented by the manufactures, the unit’s oxygenation mixing capacities coupled with inorganic solids removal may provide a suitable mechanism for construction of a continuously mixed bioreactor that utilises the filtration and profit making abilities of bivalves.


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This project built upon the successful outcomes of a previous project (TU02005) by adding to the database of salt tolerance among warm season turfgrass cultivars, through further hydroponic screening trials. Hydroponic screening trials focussed on new cultivars or cultivars that were not possible to cover in the time available under TU02005, including: 11 new cultivars of Paspalum vaginatum; 13 cultivars of Cynodon dactylon; six cultivars of Stenotaphrum secundatum; one accession of Cynodon transvaalensis; 12 Cynodon dactylon x transvaalensis hybrids; two cultivars of Sporobolus virginicus; five cultivars of Zoysia japonica; one cultivar of Z. macrantha, one common form of Z. tenuifolia and one Z. japonica x tenuifolia hybrid. The relative salinity tolerance of different turfgrasses is quantified in terms of their growth response to increasing levels of salinity, often defined by the salt level that equates to a 50% reduction in shoot yield, or alternatively the threshold salinity. The most salt tolerant species in these trials were Sporobolus virginicus and Paspalum vaginatum, consistent with the findings from TU02005 (Loch, Poulter et al. 2006). Cynodon dactylon showed the largest range in threshold values with some cultivars highly sensitive to salt, while others were tolerant to levels approaching that of the more halophytic grasses. Coupled with the observational and anecdotal evidence of high drought tolerance, this species and other intermediately tolerant species provide options for site specific situations in which soil salinity is coupled with additional challenges such as shade and high traffic conditions. By recognising the fact that a salt tolerant grass is not the complete solution to salinity problems, this project has been able to further investigate sustainable long-term establishment and management practices that maximise the ability of the selected grass to survive and grow under a particular set of salinity and usage parameters. Salt-tolerant turf grasses with potential for special use situations were trialled under field conditions at three sites within the Gold Coast City Council, while three sites, established under TU02005 within the Redland City Council boundaries were monitored for continued grass survival. Several randomised block experiments within Gold Coast City were established to compare the health and longevity of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum), Manila grass (Zoysia matrella), as well as the more tolerant cultivars of other species like buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and green couch (Cynodon dactylon). Whilst scientific results were difficult to achieve in the field situation, where conditions cannot be controlled, these trials provided valuable observational evidence of the likely survival of these species. Alternatives to laying full sod such as sprigging were investigated, and were found to be more appropriate for areas of low traffic as the establishment time is greater. Trials under controlled and protected conditions successfully achieved a full cover of Paspalum vaginatum from sprigs in a 10 week time frame. Salt affected sites are often associated with poor soil structure. Part of the research investigated techniques for the alleviation of soil compaction frequently found on saline sites. Various methods of soil de-compaction were investigated on highly compacted heavy clay soil in Redlands City. It was found that the heavy duplex soil of marine clay sediments required the most aggressive of treatments in order to achieve limited short-term effects. Interestingly, a well constructed sports field showed a far greater and longer term response to de-compaction operations, highlighting the importance of appropriate construction in the successful establishment and management of turfgrasses on salt affected sites. Fertiliser trials in this project determined plant demand for nitrogen (N) to species level. This work produced data that can be used as a guide when fertilising, in order to produce optimal growth and quality in the major turf grass species used in public parkland. An experiment commenced during TU02005 and monitored further in this project, investigated six representative warm-season turfgrasses to determine the optimum maintenance requirements for fertiliser N in south-east Queensland. In doing so, we recognised that optimum level is also related to use and intensity of use, with high profile well-used parks requiring higher maintenance N than low profile parks where maintaining botanical composition at a lower level of turf quality might be acceptable. Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) seemed to require the greatest N input (300-400 kg N/ha/year), followed by the green couch (Cynodon dactylon) cultivars ‘Wintergreen’ and ‘FLoraTeX’ requiring approximately 300 kg N/ha/year for optimal condition and growth. ‘Sir Walter’ (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and ‘Sea Isle 1’ (Paspalum vaginatum) had a moderate requirement of approximately 200 kg/ha/year. ‘Aussiblue’ (Digitaria didactyla)maintained optimal growth and quality at 100-200 kg N/ha/year. A set of guidelines has been prepared to provide various options from the construction and establishment of new grounds, through to the remediation of existing parklands by supporting the growth of endemic grasses. They describe a best management process through which salt affected sites should be assessed, remediated and managed. These guidelines, or Best Management Practices, will be readily available to councils. Previously, some high salinity sites have been turfed several times over a number of years (and Council budgets) for a 100% failure record. By eliminating this budgetary waste through targeted workable solutions, local authorities will be more amenable to investing appropriate amounts into these areas. In some cases, this will lead to cost savings as well as resulting in better quality turf. In all cases, however, improved turf quality will be of benefit to ratepayers, directly through increased local use of open space in parks and sportsfields and indirectly by attracting tourists and other visitors to the region bringing associated economic benefits. At the same time, environmental degradation and erosion of soil in bare areas will be greatly reduced.


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This project tested modified gillnets designed by commercial net fishers in the Queensland East Coast Inshore Finfish Fishery (ECIFF) to try and identify gears that would mitigate and/or improve interactions between fishing nets and Species of Conservation Interest (SOCI). The study also documents previously unrecognised initiatives by pro-active commercial net fishers that reflect a conservation-minded approach to their fishing practices, which is the opposite of what is perceived publicly. Between 2011 and 2014, scientists from James Cook University and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries teamed with commercial fishers representing the Queensland Seafood Industry Association and the Moreton Bay Seafood Industry Association to conduct field trials of various modified net designs under normal fishery conditions. Trials were conducted in Moreton Bay (southern part of the fishery) and Bowling Green Bay (northern) and tested different net designs developed by fishers to improve the nature of interactions between net fishing gear and SOCI.


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Increase water use efficiency and productivity, and reduce energy and water usage and costs, of dairy and fodder enterprises, to reduce costs of milk production.


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Feeding to increase productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


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Using kangaroo bacteria to reduce emissions of methane and increase productivity.


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Develops and extends DEEDI and partner technologies, improves yields and quality by removing virus diseases and some pests. Objectives: 1.Develop and test sweet potato pest and disease control strategies 2.Increase dissemination and adoption of pathogen tested and Integrated Pest Management strategy for pest and disease control.


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Assess establishment and management of salt tolerant turf grasses on salt affected parklands.


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Wildfire represents a major risk to pine plantations. This risk is particularly great for young plantations (generally less than 10 m in height) where prescribed fire cannot be used to manipulate fuel biomass, and where flammable grasses are abundant in the understorey. We report results from a replicated field experiment designed to determine the effects of two rates of glyphosate (450 g L–1) application, two extents of application (inter-row only and inter-row and row) with applications being applied once or twice, on understorey fine fuel biomass, fuel structure and composition in south-east Queensland, Australia. Two herbicide applications (~9 months apart) were more effective than a once-off treatment for reducing standing biomass, grass continuity, grass height, percentage grass dry weight and the density of shrubs. In addition, the 6-L ha–1 rate of application was more effective than the 3-L ha–1 rate of application in periodically reducing grass continuity and shrub density in the inter-rows and in reducing standing biomass in the tree rows, and application in the inter-rows and rows significantly reduced shrub density relative to the inter-row-only application. Herbicide treatment in the inter-rows and rows is likely to be useful for managing fuels before prescribed fire in young pine plantations because such treatment minimised tree scorch height during prescribed burns. Further, herbicide treatments had no adverse effects on plantation trees, and in some cases tree growth was enhanced by treatments. However, the effectiveness of herbicide treatments in reducing the risk of tree damage or mortality under wildfire conditions remains untested.


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Road safety is a significant public health issue - 1.24m killed each year, 20-50m injured, 91% in rapidly motorising low/mid income countries Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020: - National and local actions: “strengthening the management infrastructure and capacity for technical implementation of road safety activities at the national, regional and global levels” - Capacity as a constraint on a country’s action - Emphasis on knowledge/training – understand principles, promote training and education etc


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Pratylenchus thornei is a major pathogen of wheat crops in the northern grain region of Eastern Australia with an estimated annual yield loss of $38 million. Damaged crops show symptoms of water and nutrient stress that suggest uptake is significantly affected. In order to understand the mechanisms involved in reducing water uptake and consequently plant yield, detailed measurements of water extraction and leaf area were conducted on a range of wheat cultivars with differing levels of tolerance and resistance to P. thornei.