990 resultados para Recombinant Antigen


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Bordetella pertussis secretes a calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclase toxin, CyaA, that is able to deliver its N-terminal catalytic domain (400-aa residues) into the cytosol of eukaryotic target cells, directly through the cytoplasmic membrane. We have previously shown that CyaA can be used as a vehicle to deliver T cell epitopes, inserted within the catalytic domain of the toxin, into antigen-presenting cells and can trigger specific class I-restricted CD8+ cytotoxic T cell responses in vivo. Here, we constructed a series of recombinant toxins harboring at the same insertion site various peptide sequences of 11–25 amino acids, corresponding to defined CD8+ T cell epitopes and differing in the charge of the inserted sequence. We show that inserted peptide sequences containing net negative charges (−1 or −2) decreased or completely blocked (charge of −4) the internalization of the toxin into target cells in vitro and abolished the induction of cytotoxic T cell responses in vivo. The blocking of translocation due to the inserted acidic sequences can be relieved by appropriate mutations in the flanking region of CyaA that counterbalance the inserted charges. Our data indicate that (i) the electrostatic charge of the peptides inserted within the catalytic domain of CyaA is critical for its translocation into eukaryotic cells and (ii) the delivery of T cell epitopes into the cytosol of antigen-presenting cells by recombinant CyaA toxins is essential for the in vivo stimulation of specific cytotoxic T cells. These findings will help to engineer improved recombinant CyaA vectors able to stimulate more efficiently cellular immunity.


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Mice immunized with heat shock proteins (hsps) isolated from mouse tumor cells (donor cells) produce CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that recognize donor cell peptides in association with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I proteins of the responding mouse. The CTL are induced apparently because peptides noncovalently associated with the isolated hsp molecules can enter the MHC class I antigen processing pathway of professional antigen-presenting cells. Using a recombinant heat shock fusion protein with a large fragment of ovalbumin covalently linked to mycobacterial hsp70, we show here that when the soluble fusion protein was injected without adjuvant into H-2b mice, CTL were produced that recognized an ovalbumin-derived peptide, SIINFEKL, in association with Kb. The peptide is known to arise from natural processing of ovalbumin in H-2b mouse cells, and CTL from the ovalbumin-hsp70-immunized mice and a highly effective CTL clone (4G3) raised against ovalbumin-expressing EL4 tumor cells (EG7-OVA) were equally effective in terms of the concentration of SIINFEKL required for half-maximal lysis in a CTL assay. The mice were also protected against lethal challenge with ovalbumin-expressing melanoma tumor cells. Because large protein fragments or whole proteins serving as fusion partners can be cleaved into short peptides in the MHC class I processing pathway, hsp fusion proteins of the type described here are promising candidates for vaccines aimed at eliciting CD8 CTL in populations of MHC-disparate individuals.


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High-affinity binding was demonstrated between suppressor-T-cell-derived bioactive glycosylation-inhibiting factor (GIF) and helper T hybridomas and natural killer cell line cells. Inactive GIF present in cytosol of suppressor T cells and Escherichia coli-derived recombinant human GIF (rhGIF) failed to bind to these cells. However, affinity of rhGIF for the target cells was generated by replacement of Cys-57 in the sequence with Ala or of Asn-106 with Ser or binding of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid to Cys-60 in the molecule. Such mutations and the chemical modification of rhGIF synergistically increased the affinity of GIF molecules for the target cells. The results indicated that receptors on the target cells recognize conformational structures of bioactive GIF. Equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of the specific binding between bioactive rGIF derivatives and high-affinity receptors was 10–100 pM. Receptors for bioactive GIF derivatives were detected on Th1 and Th2 T helper clones and natural killer NK1.1+ cells in normal spleen but not on naive T or B cells. Neither the inactive rGIF nor bioactive rGIF derivatives bound to macrophage and monocyte lines or induced macrophages for tumor necrosis factor α production.


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Vaccines harboring genes that encode functional oncoproteins are intrinsically hazardous, as their application may lead to introduction of these genes into normal cells and thereby to tumorigenesis. On the other hand, oncoproteins are especially attractive targets for immunotherapy of cancer, as their expression is generally required for tumor growth, making the arisal of tumor variants lacking these antigens unlikely. Using murine tumor models, we investigated the efficacy of polyepitope recombinant adenovirus (rAd) vaccines, which encode only the immunogenic T cell epitopes derived from several oncogenes, for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity. We chose to employ rAd, as these are safe vectors that do not induce the side effects associated with, for example, vaccinia virus vaccines. A single polyepitope rAd was shown to give rise to presentation of both H-2 and human leukocyte antigen-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. Moreover, vaccination with a rAd encoding H-2-restricted CTL epitopes, derived from human adenovirus type 5 early region 1 and human papilloma virus type 16-induced tumors, elicited strong tumor-reactive CTL and protected the vaccinated animals against an otherwise lethal challenge with either of these tumors. The protection induced was superior compared with that obtained by vaccination with irradiated tumor cells. Thus, vaccination with polyepitope rAd is a powerful approach for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity that allows simultaneous immunization against multiple tumor-associated T cell epitopes, restricted by various major histocompatibility complex haplotypes.


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DNA vaccines express antigens intracellularly and effectively induce cellular immune responses. Because only chimpanzees can be used to model human hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, we developed a small-animal model using HLA-A2.1-transgenic mice to test induction of HLA-A2.1-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and protection against recombinant vaccinia expressing HCV-core. A plasmid encoding the HCV-core antigen induced CD8+ CTLs specific for three conserved endogenously expressed core peptides presented by human HLA-A2.1. When challenged, DNA-immunized mice showed a substantial (5–12 log10) reduction in vaccinia virus titer compared with mock-immunized controls. This protection, lasting at least 14 mo, was shown to be mediated by CD8+ cells. Thus, a DNA vaccine expressing HCV-core is a potential candidate for a prophylactic vaccine for HLA-A2.1+ humans.


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The vertebrate immune system has evolved to respond vigorously to microbial infection but to ignore self-antigens. Evidence has emerged that B cell responses to viruses are initiated by immune recognition of ordered arrays of antigen on the viral surface. To test whether autoantibodies against a self-antigen can be induced by placing it in a context that mimics the ordered surface of a viral particle, a peptide representing an extracellular loop of the mouse chemokine receptor CCR5 was incorporated into an immunodominant site of the bovine papillomavirus virus L1 coat protein, which self-assembles into virus-like particles. Mice inoculated with chimeric L1-CCR5 particles generated autoantibodies that bound to native mouse CCR5, inhibited binding of its ligand RANTES, and blocked HIV-1 infection of an indicator cell line expressing a human-mouse CCR5 chimera. These results suggest a general method for inducing autoantibodies against self-antigens, with diverse potential basic research and clinical applications.


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Binding of different regulatory subunits and methylation of the catalytic (C) subunit carboxy-terminal leucine 309 are two important mechanisms by which protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) can be regulated. In this study, both genetic and biochemical approaches were used to investigate regulation of regulatory subunit binding by C subunit methylation. Monoclonal antibodies selectively recognizing unmethylated C subunit were used to quantitate the methylation status of wild-type and mutant C subunits. Analysis of 13 C subunit mutants showed that both carboxy-terminal and active site residues are important for maintaining methylation in vivo. Severe impairment of methylation invariably led to a dramatic decrease in Bα subunit binding but not of striatin, SG2NA, or polyomavirus middle tumor antigen (MT) binding. In fact, most unmethylated C subunit mutants showed enhanced binding to striatin and SG2NA. Certain carboxy-terminal mutations decreased Bα subunit binding without greatly affecting methylation, indicating that Bα subunit binding is not required for a high steady-state level of C subunit methylation. Demethylation of PP2A in cell lysates with recombinant PP2A methylesterase greatly decreased the amount of C subunit that could be coimmunoprecipitated via the Bα subunit but not the amount that could be coimmunoprecipitated with Aα subunit or MT. When C subunit methylation levels were greatly reduced in vivo, Bα subunits were found complexed exclusively to methylated C subunits, whereas striatin and SG2NA in the same cells bound both methylated and unmethylated C subunits. Thus, C subunit methylation is critical for assembly of PP2A heterotrimers containing Bα subunit but not for formation of heterotrimers containing MT, striatin, or SG2NA. These findings suggest that methylation may be able to selectively regulate the association of certain regulatory subunits with the A/C heterodimer.


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CD1 is an MHC class I-like antigen-presenting molecule consisting of a heavy chain and β2-microglobulin light chain. The in vitro refolding of synthetic MHC class I molecules has always required the presence of ligand. We report here the use of a folding method using an immobilized chaperone fragment, a protein disulphide isomerase, and a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (oxidative refolding chromatography) for the fast and efficient assembly of ligand-free and ligand-associated CD1a and CD1b, starting with material synthesized in Escherichia coli. The results suggest that “empty” MHC class I-like molecules can assemble and remain stable at physiological temperatures in the absence of ligand. The use of oxidative refolding chromatography thus is extended to encompass complex multisubunit proteins and specifically to members of the extensive, functionally diverse and important immunoglobulin supergene family of proteins, including those for which a ligand has yet to be identified.


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Ovarian carcinomas are thought to arise from cells of the ovarian surface epithelium by mechanisms that are poorly understood. Molecules associated with neoplasia are potentially immunogenic, but few ovarian tumor antigens have been identified. Because ovarian carcinomas can elicit humoral responses in patients, we searched for novel tumor antigens by immunoscreening a cDNA expression library with ovarian cancer patient serum. Seven clones corresponding to the homeobox gene HOXB7 were isolated. ELISAs using purified recombinant HOXB7 protein revealed significant serologic reactivity to HOXB7 in 13 of 39 ovarian cancer patients and in only one of 29 healthy women (P < 0.0001). Ovarian carcinomas were found to express HOXB7 at markedly higher levels than normal ovarian surface epithelium, suggesting that immunogenicity of HOXB7 in patients could be associated with its elevated expression in ovarian carcinomas. Overexpression of HOXB7 in immortalized normal ovarian surface epithelial cells dramatically enhanced cellular proliferation. Furthermore, HOXB7 overexpression increased intracellular accumulation and secretion of basic fibroblast growth factor, a potent angiogenic and mitogenic factor. These results reveal HOXB7 as a tumor antigen whose up-regulated expression could play a significant role in promoting growth and development of ovarian carcinomas.


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The spectrum of immunogenic epitopes presented by the H2-IAb MHC class II molecule to CD4+ T cells has been defined for two different (clade B and clade D) HIV envelope (gp140) glycoproteins. Hybridoma T cell lines were generated from mice immunized by a sequential prime and boost regime with DNA, recombinant vaccinia viruses, and protein. The epitopes recognized by reactive T cell hybridomas then were characterized with overlapping peptides synthesized to span the entire gp140 sequence. Evidence of clonality also was assessed with antibodies to T cell receptor Vα and Vβ chains. A total of 80 unique clonotypes were characterized from six individual mice. Immunogenic peptides were identified within only four regions of the HIV envelope. These epitope hotspots comprised relatively short sequences (≈20–80 aa in length) that were generally bordered by regions of heavy glycosylation. Analysis in the context of the gp120 crystal structure showed a pattern of uniform distribution to exposed, nonhelical strands of the protein. A likely explanation is that the physical location of the peptide within the native protein leads to differential antigen processing and consequent epitope selection.


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Natural killer (NK) cells expressing specific p58 NK receptors are inhibited from lysing target cells that express human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-C class I major histocompatibility complex molecules. To investigate the interaction between p58 NK receptors and HLA-Cw4, the extracellular domain of the p58 NK receptor specific for HLA-Cw4 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and refolded from purified inclusion bodies. The refolded NK receptor is a monomer in solution. It interacts specifically with HLA-Cw4, blocking the binding of a p58-Ig fusion protein to HLA-Cw4-expressing cells, but does not block the binding of a p58-Ig fusion protein specific for HLA-Cw3 to HLA-Cw3-expressing cells. The bacterially expressed extracellular domain of HLA-Cw4 heavy chain and beta2-microglobulin were refolded in the presence of a HLA-Cw4-specific peptide. Direct binding between the soluble p58 NK receptor and the soluble HLA-Cw4-peptide complex was observed by native gel electrophoresis. Titration binding assays show that soluble monomeric receptor forms a 1:1 complex with HLA-Cw4, independent of the presence of Zn2+. The formation of complexes between soluble, recombinant molecules indicates that HLA-Cw4 is sufficient for specific ligation by the NK receptor and that neither glycoprotein requires carbohydrate for the interaction.


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There is a need for more effective therapy for chronic virus infections. A principle natural mechanism for elimination of virus-infected host cells is activation of viral antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). In an effort to develop methods of inducing virus-specific CTL responses that might be utilized in therapy of virus infections, we have investigated the effect of B7, a costimulatory factor for T-cell activation. In this study we show that delivery of genes encoding human B7-1 and a viral antigen in the same recombinant viral vector to cells of mice induces a greater viral antigen-specific CTL response than does similar delivery of the viral antigen gene alone. Two recombinant adenovirus vectors were constructed with the foreign genes inserted in the early region 3. One of them (Ad1312) directed expression of the surface antigen gene of hepatitis B virus (HBS); the other (Ad1310) directed coexpression of HBS and human B7-1 (CD80) by means of an internal ribosomal entry site placed between the two coding sequences. When inoculated into BALB/c mice, both vectors induced a viral surface antigen-specific CTL response. The response induced by Ad1310 was stronger than that by Adl312 as measured by a chromium release assay for CTL activity and limiting dilution analysis for CTL precursor frequency, indicating that the B7-1 gene co-delivered with the HBS gene had an enhancing effect on the CTL response against surface antigen. Ad1310 also induced a higher titer of antibody against surface antigen than did Ad1312. This result suggests that expression of a costimulatory protein and a viral antigen in the same cells in vivo induces stronger immune responses than expression of the antigen alone. This could be a novel strategy for development of both preventive and therapeutic vaccines against infectious agents.


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B1(dsFv)-PE33 is a recombinant immunotoxin composed of a mutant form of Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) that does not need proteolytic activation and a disulfide-stabilized Fv fragment of the anti-Lewis(y) monoclonal antibody B1, which recognizes a carbohydrate epitope on human carcinoma cells. In this molecule, amino acids 1-279 of PE are deleted and domain Ib (amino acids 365-394) is replaced by the heavy chain variable region (VH) domain of monoclonal antibody B1. The light chain (VL) domain is connected to the VH domain by a disulfide bond. This recombinant toxin, termed B1(dsFv)-PE33, does not require proteolytic activation and it is smaller than other immunotoxins directed at Lewis(y), all of which require proteolytic activation. Furthermore, it is more cytotoxic to antigen-positive cell lines. B1(dsFv)-PE38 has the highest antitumor activity of anti-Lewis(y) immunotoxins previously constructed. B1(dsFv)-PE33 caused complete regression of tumors when given at 12 micrograms/kg (200 pmol/kg) every other day for three doses, whereas B1(dsFv)-PE38 did not cause regressions at 13 micrograms/kg (200 pmol/kg). By bypassing the need for proteolytic activation and decreasing molecular size we have enlarged the therapeutic window for the treatment of human cancers growing in mice, so that complete remissions are observed at 2.5% of the LD50.


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Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a live, attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis used widely for tuberculosis prophylaxis and bladder cancer immunotherapy, although it has limitations in both contexts. To investigate whether BCG's immunostimulatory properties could be modified, and to gain insight into the interaction between mycobacteria and their hosts, we constructed recombinant BCG strains that secrete functional murine cytokines and studied their properties in mouse models of experimental infection. Cell-mediated immune responses to mycobacterial antigen (purified protein derivative) were assayed using splenocytes from mice inoculated with various BCG recombinants. Antigen-specific proliferation and cytokine release were found to be substantially greater with splenocytes derived from mice injected with cytokine-secreting BCG than with splenocytes from mice injected with BCG lacking cytokines. The most profound effects were induced by BCG secreting interleukin 2, interferon gamma, or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Thus, cytokine-secreting BCG can enhance immune responses to mycobacterial antigens and may be improved reagents for tuberculosis prophylaxis and cancer immunotherapy.


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We have synthesized a recombinant gene encoding a single-chain HLA-A2/beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) molecule by linking beta 2m through its carboxyl terminus via a short peptide spacer to HLA-A2 (A*0201). This gene has been expressed in the beta 2m-deficient colorectal tumor cell line DLD-1. Transfection of this cell with the single-chain construct was associated with conformationally correct cell surface expression of a class I molecule of appropriate molecular mass. The single-chain HLA class I molecule presented either exogenously added peptide or (after interferon-gamma treatment) endogenously processed antigen to an influenza A matrix-specific, HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte line. The need for interferon gamma for the processing and presentation of endogenous antigen suggests that DLD-1 has an antigen-processing defect that can be up-regulated, a feature that may be found in other carcinomas. Our data indicate that single-chain HLA class I constructs can form functional class I molecules capable of presenting endogenously processed antigens. Such molecules should be of use for functional studies, as well as providing potential anticancer immunotherapeutic agents or vaccines.