960 resultados para Recem-nascidos - Assistência hospitalar
Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, contemplando uma pesquisa de cunho descritivoexploratório, observacional de coorte prospectivo, para caracterizar as pessoas idosas em condição de alta hospitalar e associar tais características com o desfecho de rehospitalização, no primeiro e terceiro mês após a alta hospitalar. Foram coletados dados de 164 pessoas idosas, no período de junho a setembro de 2003, no hospital universitário público, no município de Porto Alegre. Os fatores de risco para rehospitalização do idoso, no primeiro mês após a alta hospitalar, foram: o grupo de causas de neoplasias (tumores), permanência hospitalar, hospitalização prévia nos últimos doze meses e o sexo masculino do cuidador. No terceiro mês, os fatores de risco para rehospitalização foram os mesmos do primeiro mês, exceto a permanência hospitalar. Os resultados da investigação fornecem subsídios para o planejamento de Programas de Atenção à Saúde do Idoso, do contexto hospitalar ao comunitário. Recomenda-se a adoção de atividades voltadas para educação em saúde, durante a internação hospitalar, com o propósito de otimizar a assistência, diminuir as rehospitalizações e promover a qualidade de vida do idoso e de sua família.
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de utilização do orçamento hospitalar público como uma ferramenta de gestão e como um instrumento de apoio para a administração das pessoas que atuam profissionalmente dentro do hospital. A proposta é de que o orçamento, desde sua composição, execução e acompanhamento, seja feito de forma participativa e visando tornar as condições de ensino e assistência mais humanizadas no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio Moraes.
Trata da assistência médica como benefício para funcionários de organizações de grande porte localizadas na cidade de São Paulo. Apresenta as alternativas de modelo de assistência médica supletiva disponíveis e investiga os agentes, as variáveis e os critérios evolvidos no processo decisório que leva à configurção do benefício. Aborda a origem desse benefício nas empresas e tece considerações sobre funções que pode assumir dentro da política de Recursos Humanos
Este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar o atendimento pré-hospitalar às vítimas de trauma, decorrente de acidente de trânsito, no município de Porto Alegre, no que se refere à organização do processo de trabalho, identificando a inserção da enfermagem nesse campo. Caracteriza-se como um estudo descritivo exploratório. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de observação participante e entrevista semiestruturada. No processo de análise, utilizou-se uma abordagem dialética, classificando-se o material empírico em estruturas de relevância que, posteriormente foram agrupadas em um núcleo denominado processo de trabalho no atendimento pré-hospitalar. Nesse núcleo, as estruturas de relevância identificadas foram subdivididas em três subnúcleos: a organização tecnológica do trabalho no serviço de atendimento pré-hospitalar, o trabalho coletivo no atendimento às ocorrências de acidente de trânsito e a visão dos atores sobre a inserção da enfermagem no atendimento pré-hospitalar. Constatou-se a centralidade médica na organização do serviço por meio do exercício da regulação médica; entretanto, na organização do trabalho assistencial, que se efetiva no atendimento das ocorrências, a enfermagem tem um papel essencial, pois é responsável pelo atendimento integral ao paciente, em mais de 90% das situações e participa do atendimento no restante das ocorrências, integrando a equipe de suporte avançado. A equipe realiza um trabalho integrado, no qual as relações estabelecidas são horizontais, o que proporciona a realização de ações conjuntas, que garantem um atendimento rápido e adequado. Na relação com os atores das outras áreas, observou-se a realização de um trabalho coletivo, no qual a equipe de saúde assume uma posição central e as demais, 7 realizam suas atividades específicas, em apoio ao trabalho da saúde, configurando um papel periférico. Os dados analisados revelam a relevância do atendimento às vítimas de acidentes de trânsito e o envolvimento da equipe de suporte básico nesse processo de trabalho, indicando a necessidade de aprofundar o conhecimento nessa área, e buscar subsídios para a prevenção desses agravos, a formação e qualificação dos trabalhadores, bem como a estruturação do trabalho baseado na interdisciplinariedade.
Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo descritivo que tem como objetivo compreender os significados da paternidade para pais de recém-nascidos hospitalizados na Unidade de Internação Neonatal do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brasil. Os participantes foram sete pais adolescentes, entre 17 e 19 anos, que estavam acompanhando seus bebês durante a hospitalização, no período de outubro de 2004 a fevereiro de 2005. Respeitando as questões éticas, o projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da referida Instituição. O Termo de Consentimento Livre Esclarecido foi assinado pelos participantes com 18 anos ou mais; os menores de 18 anos foram acompanhados e autorizados por seus pais ou responsáveis. A coleta de informações ocorreu por meio de uma entrevista semi-estruturada e observação participante. Para análise e interpretação, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo, de onde emergiram cinco temas: Significado da Paternidade para o Adolescente, Vivência Familiar e Social do Pai Adolescente, Percepções do Pai Adolescente, Experiências de Cuidado do Pai Adolescente e Acolhimento e Vivências do Pai Adolescente durante a Hospitalização. Desses temas, originaram-se 15 subtemas. Constatou-se que os pais adolescentes eram trabalhadores, moravam com suas companheiras, foram cuidados pelo pai, mas também, em sua maioria deles, por mulheres da família. Em suas famílias de origem, foram cuidadores de outras crianças. Esses jovens envolveram-se com o cuidado de seus filhos durante o tempo de hospitalização, mas relataram que gostariam de ter aprendido mais em relação aos seus filhos. Verificou-se, com referência ao contexto hospitalar, que ainda existe uma exclusão do homem no cuidado dos filhos, não pelo fato de ser adolescente, mas por uma questão cultural e de gênero.
O tema de sustentabilidade ambiental tem se tornado cada vez mais um interesse nos negócios e, com a consciência crescente de práticas ambientais, a gestão na cadeia de suprimentos e seus impactos deixam de ser um problema restrito ao poder governamental e entra para a agenda das empresas, trazendo responsabilidade a todos que, de forma direta ou indireta, geram resíduos. Com participação de 8,8% do PIB em 2009, as despesas com consumo de bens e serviços de saúde cresceu com relação ao ano de 2008, quando representou 8,3%. Contudo, o setor saúde se constitui um importante consumidor de insumos e recursos naturais, gerando impactos, tanto na prestação da assistência, quanto ao longo da cadeia de fornecedores de produtos e serviços gerando cerca de 200 mil toneladas de resíduos sólidos urbanos por dia, que representa entre 1% e 1,5% dos resíduos gerados por uma cidade ou comunidade. Apesar de o tema sustentabilidade estar em voga ultimamente e, de diversos estudos terem sido feitos sobre o tema, ainda existem poucos fundamentos sólidos da relação entre investimentos em práticas ambientais e aumento de competitividade, principalmente na área de saúde, que é foco deste estudo. O objetivo geral desta dissertação será, então, entender como as práticas ambientais de fornecedores médico hospitalares são percebidas pelas instituições de saúde, tornando-os preferencias. Para isso, serão realizadas entrevistas, com abordagem qualitativa e de caráter exploratório, com coleta de dados realizada através de questionário e entrevistas com 6 instituições de saúde de grande representatividade no cenário nacional. Assim, a questão de pesquisa deste trabalho é: de que forma práticas ambientais são consideradas na seleção e gestão de fornecedores médicos hospitalares.
This ethnographic work studies the experiences of patients admitted in public (PUH) and private (PRH) hospitals in the Brazilian northeastern region. 28 adult patients of different clinics participated in the study. Data were analyzed by the patient path method, consisting in a combination of complemented and articulated techniques free observation, participating observation, ethnographic interview and patient testimonials collected prospectively during the patients admissions, from their arrival and until their discharge. The analysis was carried out according to the Thematic Categories Analysis Technique and the data were interpreted pursuant to medical anthropology, healthcare humanization and healthcare promotion theoretical references. The ethical principles of Resolution 196/96 were followed. The human hospital, as revealed by the patient, highlights the significance of subjectivity. 225 (54.7%) out of 411 mentioned concepts were collected in a public hospital (PUH) and 186 (45.3%) in a private institution (PRH). The results show that the patient at the PUH and PRH ethnoevaluates different aspects of the healthcare professionals´ human and technical competence, the hospital´s functioning structure, the access to and the ethics in the financial management, and develops overcoming strategies for his stay at the hospital. This ethnoevaluation is mediated by different factors, namely: social and economic status, personality, religiosity, ironic speech, somber diagnosis and satisfied needs, prior hospital experiences and the conditions under which the interview was carried out. A pedagogic proposal for the hospital humanization must include structural, managerial and organizational changes of the offered services and use active methodologies aimed to the political resolution of problematic situations at work and the inclusion of affective and subjective factors, and become as well a tool for the collective learning. This study shows the importance for the user´s ethnoevaluation to be incorporated into the hospital management and care as a guideline in the decision making and clinical action, thus promoting practices that shall lead to a decent and humanized care. The multidisciplinary nature of this study allowed a wide understanding of the user´s perspective as a socially critical ethnoevaluator
To understand the feelings of nursing professionals when faced with the death of newborn babies in an intensive care unit is the purpose of this investigation. Motivation was triggered by the countless hardships we go through everyday, as professionals, and the scarcity of publications in this specific area of knowledge. The aim is to describe the experience of the nursing professionals and identify their feelings when faced with the death of newborn babies in an intensive care unit. As a methodological procedure, this research is based on a qualitative, phenomenology-focused approach and on the following leading question addressed to the interviewed nurses and nursing technicians who work at the unit: How do you feel when you are faced with the death of a newborn baby in the ICU at which you work? Answers to this question on such phenomenon revealed a diversity of feelings, such as, loss, guilt, failure, negation, compassion, and sorrow, coupled with anguish, fear, and anxiety, resulting in an experience of the sensitive world of everyone. Theoretical support to this analysis was based on works by authors who discuss phenomenology, as well as authors who study the theme of death. An understanding of the phenomenon thus studied enables us to affirm that the death of a newborn baby is, for the nursing professional who takes care of the baby in the space of the ICU, an experience of conflicting, sometimes painful feelings, on account of their complexity. This is true not only in respect of their feelings for the baby, but for the family as well, especially the parents
This study focuses on the child within the hospital environment. Its purpose is to describe children s perceptions of their illness and time in hospital and to identify their main hardships during treatment. This study has a qualitative nature and is theoretically and methodologically supported by the creative and sensitive method developed by Cabral (1998), studies by Piaget, Vygotsky and Wallon on child development, and studies conducted by Pinto (2005), Collet (2004), Chiattone (2003), Silva (2002), Lima et.al (1999) on in-patient children. For this study, 13 children between the ages of 7 and 12 at a public hospital institution specialized in child care in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were interviewed. As a criterion for taking part in this study the children would have to have been in hospital for over three days and be fully capable of physically and emotionally interacting with the researcher at the time the interview took place. Analysis drew on the study of the empirical material made up of interviews and a field diary where notes had been entered for the children s reactions, expressions and gestures. Results show that there is some understanding, on the part of these children, of their illness, with their parents as the main informants. They accept being in hospital because they need treatment, but they realize that life becomes different especially on account of the constraints resulting from the illness and the hospital itself. The main hardships during treatment are: lack of recreational activities in the evenings and on the weekends within the hospital environment; absence of family members, especially brothers and sisters; and lack of explanation on the part of health professionals regarding some procedures as these are being carried out. Our conclusion is that children perceive illness and the hospital environment as something that changes the rhythm of their lives bringing on them perturbations, fears and anxieties. Hence, we suggest that professionals working with in-patient children should be especially prepared to deal with these children and their parents, aiming at bringing down fears and anguishes, clear their doubts and, in addition, advise the parents in respect of their children s treatment while in hospital and after hospital discharge. The hospital environment should also be cheerful and colorful and have a toy room under the coordination of persons especially prepared for that purpose
We believe that the dissatisfaction arising from the lack of belief in the possibilities of change in the workplace, which cause difficulties to achieve professional results in the professional psychological distress that currently fits into the context of mental health. This is a qualitative, descriptive and representational research aiming to discover how the professional nurses represent the very psychological distress from work in the hospital environment. Aided and supported by specific objectives of identifying factors that generates this suffering and strategies for defense and confronting these professionals in the hospital. 22 nurses participated in this research, officials of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes, located in the city of Natal / RN, with length of service in the institution more than one year and less than five, and they accepted, by signing the Term of Free and Informed Consent, participate in the study. We use plurimethodological approach: a questionnaire, a semi-structured interview and the design-story with a theme adapted from Trinca with the support of the Theory of Social Representations and that nurses do in their psychological distress of the Central Core. We reviewed the data from the results generated by the ALCESTE software, based on hierarchical categorization downward, leading seven classes used as categories: Work process: completeness vs. incompleteness; labor contradiction of the nurse; qualitative aspects of interpersonal relationships; hospital surveillance: Challenges, muteness and neglect; Expectations, conflicts and feelings in the work process; Leisure: the other side of the work process, and Suffering generating aspects of in the work process. We consider the analysis of quarters generated by the program, which SLQ houses in the central core of the representations; the SRQ and the DLQ the intermediaries elements and the DRQ the peripheral elements that nurses do in their psychological distress. We analytically adequate results in the three belonging dimensions of social representations: the Subjectivity, the Intersubjectivity and Trans-subjectivity. We infer that the interpersonal relationship, the extra work, the deviation in the role of nurse show themself as the factors responsible for psychological distress of it. In that sense, the central core of SR of this profession is based on the level of trans-subjectivity and understood as a Social Representation controversy
Venous ulcers (VU), recurrent chronic wounds resulting from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), affect different age groups and would severely affect ambulation of patients. The lesions require treatment lasting and complex and are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Thus, this study aims to identify the important aspects covered in the scientific literature protocol for assisting patients with venous ulcers, identifying the issues to be proposed by the judges of the study (nurses, doctors and physiotherapists) to the protocol of care provided to patients venous ulcers and present the structure of protocol proposed by the judges of the study to assist patients with venous ulcers treated at a referral hospital of Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach, carried out at the dressings, located in the outpatient surgical clinic of the Hospital University Onofre Lopes (HUOL), located in East Sanitary District, Natal-RN. The sample consisted of 39 professionals, 30 nurses, seven doctors and two physical therapists, team members HUOL surgical clinic and other public and private institutions of Rio Grande do Norte and Jequié/Bahia. These professionals were the judges responsible for selecting the guidelines already proposed in the literature on VU protocols. Approved by the Ethics in Research HUOL (Report n.o 081/07), began the first stage of the study which consisted of reviewing the scientific literature about the relevant aspects to be included in a protocol for assisting patients with VU. These aspects were organized into a proposed questionnaire to the judges of the study. Following examination, held on the content validation with application of the Kappa (K), accepting a score higher than 0.80 and the Likert Scale, whereas rates from 4.0 to 5.0. The data collected were organized in Microsoft Excel and exported into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0. The literature review included national and international scientific articles, thesis, dissertation and institutional protocols. Regarding the characterization of professional nurses predominated (76.1%), between 34 and 45 years (41.0%), female (79.5%), married/consensual union (46.2%), with specialization in VU care (61.5%), working in the hospital network (46.1%), with up to 5 years experience in VU (69.2%) and claiming to feel prepared to care for these injuries (92.3 %). With regard to aspects that had very good agreement (K ≥ 0.81), remained the items found in the literature with some modifications. In the analysis of the proposed evaluation items had very important, ranging from 4.1 (drug treatment) to 4.9 (patient assessment and care of the injury and the injured and perilesional skin). The proposition of the protocol is arranged in eleven items: A) Evaluation of patient and lesion, B) Registration and documentation, C) the wound and perilesional skin, D) an indication of coverage, E) Use of antibiotic and pain treatment, F) Surgical treatment of CVI, G) Drug treatment, H) Improving venous return and prevetion of recurrence, I) Referral of patients, J) Training and K) Reference and counter reference
The present study is based on an analysis of professional work relationships in the nursing team from the task/skills of its members as a contribution to understanding the work process in nursing. It is aimed to identify the skills of the nursing team members through the vision of nurses, technicians and nursing assistants, thus it attempts to find strategies to improve the health assistance to patients. It is a descriptive and analytical study with a qualitative approach grounded in theoretical and methodological framework of Symbolic Interactionism. The research was carried out in the participant work place, a Public Hospital of Reference for the SUS, located in the eastern health district of Natal/RN. Nineteen nursing professionals participated in the study, which seven was nurse and twelve nursing technician. As procedure to collect data we used an unstructured interview accompanied by a standard topic guide which was recorded and later transcribed. The content analysis was chosen as the main methodology to analyze the discussion, which gave rise to thematic categories that were considered relevant based on the theoretical framework of this study, and the interactionist theory. This study was in accordance with the ethical principles of the Resolution nº. 196/96, it has obtained an appropriate consent of the UFRN Research Ethics Committee. The results indicate that the professionals seen the nursing as a profession strongly attached to the health care process and as a profession that acquired a scientific status very recently. Regarding to the nursing functions in the work process in nursing, the professionals they identified the manage/administer category as the main activities developed by these professionals, thus the education and complex care in nursing categories. Concerning to the technicians and nursing assistants functions, it was figured out in the professional s opinion that there is not distinction among the attribution of these categories. The interviewed were unanimous in report that these professionals are more involved in direct patient health care through performance of basic duties in nursing care. Finally, with regard to the work relationship among nursing team members, the majority of those interviewed see this relationship as disharmony and quarrelsome and in general, there is not bond between categories that comprise the process of work in nursing. On the basis of our results we consider the importance of knowing the meaning of nursing given by these professionals; also their skills could be useful as basis to identify problems, which source could be detected in the power relationship, deviations of functions, gap between design (knowledge) and performance (doing) work, besides the loss of the global activities view in the process of nursing work
This is an exploratory and descriptive study that aimed to investigate the actions of professionals in the context of breastfeeding, on the assumption that the actions taken by employees working together to postpartum and newborn are not competing to effect the distribution of pasteurized human milk so that it meets the needs of infants who depend on it. Thus, the study aimed to analyze the actions of medical and nursing staff of the distribution of pasteurized human milk to the newly born. The investigation was developed by action research in a federal hospital, located in the capital the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, reference assistance to women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum high risk in 2010. Study participants were fifty-five professionals chosen from the following inclusion criteria: to act in the NICU or rooming, being a pediatrician and / or neonatologists, nurses and technical nursing. According to the methodology of action research a questionnaire was applied, techniques in focus groups and courses were developed, and, finally, action evaluation. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and approved with no protocol 448/2009. The problems identified in the responses issued by the social research were grouped into categories according to the similarity between them. The answer to the question of the survey - How is the need for pasteurized human milk for the newborns in neonatal intensive care unit and rooming identified? - Brought subsidies for action planning and implementation of strategies for change in the practice of professionals working in rooming and ICU. Thus, the study has relevance in social care and, when at the local level, will compete for the distribution pasteurized human milk to take effect as best as possible, as recommended by the Ministry of Health. It is also conceived that, in a macro view of society, it could contribute to minimizing the health problem that involves the child population
The Nursing Process (NP) is considered as the dynamics of the systemized and inter-related actions of human care. We believe that the nursing manager, as the representative of all the nursing care provided in the hospital setting, is an important agent for the implementation of institutional policies, such as the NP, in the service. However, there is little information in the literature about the NP in the perspective of the nurse manager. The objective of this study was to analyze the viability of the Nursing Process in the hospital context based on the attitudes of the nurse managers toward the Process. We conducted a descriptive-exploratory research study, of quantitative approach, with a population of 45 nurse managers that worked in the state hospitals located in Natal, RN and in the university hospitals of the UFRN. Two instruments were used for the collection of data: a nursing process questionnaire, constructed for use in this study, and the scale for the measurement of the attitudes titled Positions on the Nursing Process. The population is predominantly feminine (91,0%) and have relative nursing practice experience (Mean=17,6 years). However, they have little experience in management (Mean=8,6 years). They express little knowledge of the PE nursing terms and little experience with the Process. They have a positive atitude toward the NP (Mean = 110,9); are favorable to its developement in the service (86,7%); 48,9% indicated little possibility of institutionalization in the service and 37,8% indicated large possibility. The Spearman test for association between the variables of attitude about the NP and the possibility of its institutionalization demonstrated a weak negative association in the total individual scores of the attitudes (-,316) as in the 20 itens of the instrument, with coefficients varying from 0,014 to 0,464. Factorial analysis of the instrument identified three underlying factors to the attitudes of the managers in this study: relevance, operationalization and collaboration, with Cronbach Alpha coeficients of 0,955, 0,844 and 0,807, respectively, and 0,956 for the whole instrument, indicating that the scale and its factorial subscales have internal consistency. We conclude that there is a weak tendency for the managers with a favorable attitude to have a negative perception about the possibility of institutionalization of the NP in the service. The favorable position does not appear to be sufficient for the viability of this methodology in the hospital sector, results that is worrisome for nursing. This situation suggests that the difficulties with the institution of the NP in the hospitals may be related to other factors, including the organizational conditions. We believe that the institucionalization of the NP in a servisse where it is not known and not practiced, constitutes the introduction of an innovative work technology that involves many demands, among them the adherence of the persons to the proposed innovation. This demands time and the institutional adjustments and the human resources necessary. In this process, the involvement of the health professional of the institution is necessary. This situation brings to light the discussions of professional autonomy, the action limits and perspectives, the redefinition of roles, delimiation (or consensus) of the objects of study and of the work processes, among others.
The problem facing the incidence of pressure ulcers (UP) in the hospital environment especially in the intensive care unit (ICU), although it is an old and frequent event in our professional practice, it is not notified in the researches as much as it should be. We observed a tendency to invest in therapeutical and in studies about the production of sophisticated new bandages. Few, however, are the investments in research on preventive measures in order to prevent or at least slow down the development of lesions. In this sense, the study aimed to analyze the correlation between nursing care and the risk of developing UP measured by the Braden scale in ICU patients. This is a descriptive study of longitudinal quantitative approach. The project obtained a favourable opinion from the Ethics Committee of HUOL (no 486/10). Data collection was carried out in the Hospital of Unimed in Natal during six months in 2011. The sample was of 32 patients hospitalized in ICU for over four days. The results were processed in SPSS 15.0 for descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. We identified that, only 9.4% of our sample developed UP, being predominantly male, elderly people aged above 60 years, Caucasian, with diagnostic hypothesis at the time of hospitalization of sepsis, were clinical patients, who presented hemodynamic instability, using orotracheal tube (TOT), enteral probe (SNE), vesical probe delay (SVD) and had values of albumin and hemoglobin levels below normal. In addition, these patients had a longer hospital stay, longer usage of TOT, SNE, SVD, increased use of sedation and drain than those who did not develop UP and were all at risk for developing these injuries second Braden scores. 66.7% of the lesions developed were located in the sacral region, limiting the degree I and all patients that developed were considered serious, 100.0% of them have evolved since the death. Small were the differences between the averages of Braden scores between patients with and without UP, 11,9+2,4 against 12,4+2,6 with p = 0.627. The clinical aspects of the patients in the study were instrumental in the development of UP, once, these findings were statistically significant through the Mann-Whitney test, and appropriateness of nursing conduct was decisive for the prevention of pressure ulcers in critical patients, since many were those classified as at risk (28) and few who have developed lesions (03)