983 resultados para Rainfall correlations


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The current approach for protecting the receiving water environment from urban stormwater pollution is the adoption of structural measures commonly referred to as Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). The treatment efficiency of WSUD measures closely depends on the design of the specific treatment units. As stormwater quality is influenced by rainfall characteristics, the selection of appropriate rainfall events for treatment design is essential to ensure the effectiveness of WSUD systems. Based on extensive field investigations in four urban residential catchments based at Gold Coast, Australia, and computer modelling, this paper details a technically robust approach for the selection of rainfall events for stormwater treatment design using a three-component model. The modelling results confirmed that high intensity-short duration events produce 58.0% of TS load while they only generated 29.1% of total runoff volume. Additionally, rainfall events smaller than 6-month average recurrence interval (ARI) generates a greater cumulative runoff volume (68.4% of the total annual runoff volume) and TS load (68.6% of the TS load exported) than the rainfall events larger than 6-month ARI. The results suggest that for the study catchments, stormwater treatment design could be based on the rainfall which had a mean value of 31 mm/h average intensity and 0.4 h duration. These outcomes also confirmed that selecting smaller ARI rainfall events with high intensity-short duration as the threshold for treatment system design is the most feasible approach since these events cumulatively generate a major portion of the annual pollutant load compared to the other types of events, despite producing a relatively smaller runoff volume. This implies that designs based on small and more frequent rainfall events rather than larger rainfall events would be appropriate in the context of efficiency in treatment performance, cost-effectiveness and possible savings in land area needed.


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The ultrafast vibrational phase relaxation of O–H stretch in bulk water is investigated in molecular dynamics simulations. The dephasing time (T2) of the O–H stretch in bulk water calculated from the frequency fluctuation time correlation function (Cω(t)) is in the range of 70–80 femtosecond (fs), which is comparable to the characteristic timescale obtained from the vibrational echo peak shift measurements using infrared photon echo [W.P. de Boeij, M.S. Pshenichnikov, D.A. Wiersma, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 49 (1998) 99]. The ultrafast decay of Cω(t) is found to be responsible for the ultrashort T2 in bulk water. Careful analysis reveals the following two interesting reasons for the ultrafast decay of Cω(t). (A) The large amplitude angular jumps of water molecules (within 30–40 fs time duration) provide a large scale contribution to the mean square vibrational frequency fluctuation and gives rise to the rapid spectral diffusion on 100 fs time scale. (B) The projected force, due to all the atoms of the solvent molecules on the oxygen (FO(t)) and hydrogen (FH(t)) atom of the O–H bond exhibit a large negative cross-correlation (NCC). We further find that this NCC is partly responsible for a weak, non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the dephasing rate.


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The significance of treating rainfall as a chaotic system instead of a stochastic system for a better understanding of the underlying dynamics has been taken up by various studies recently. However, an important limitation of all these approaches is the dependence on a single method for identifying the chaotic nature and the parameters involved. Many of these approaches aim at only analyzing the chaotic nature and not its prediction. In the present study, an attempt is made to identify chaos using various techniques and prediction is also done by generating ensembles in order to quantify the uncertainty involved. Daily rainfall data of three regions with contrasting characteristics (mainly in the spatial area covered), Malaprabha, Mahanadi and All-India for the period 1955-2000 are used for the study. Auto-correlation and mutual information methods are used to determine the delay time for the phase space reconstruction. Optimum embedding dimension is determined using correlation dimension, false nearest neighbour algorithm and also nonlinear prediction methods. The low embedding dimensions obtained from these methods indicate the existence of low dimensional chaos in the three rainfall series. Correlation dimension method is done on th phase randomized and first derivative of the data series to check whether the saturation of the dimension is due to the inherent linear correlation structure or due to low dimensional dynamics. Positive Lyapunov exponents obtained prove the exponential divergence of the trajectories and hence the unpredictability. Surrogate data test is also done to further confirm the nonlinear structure of the rainfall series. A range of plausible parameters is used for generating an ensemble of predictions of rainfall for each year separately for the period 1996-2000 using the data till the preceding year. For analyzing the sensitiveness to initial conditions, predictions are done from two different months in a year viz., from the beginning of January and June. The reasonably good predictions obtained indicate the efficiency of the nonlinear prediction method for predicting the rainfall series. Also, the rank probability skill score and the rank histograms show that the ensembles generated are reliable with a good spread and skill. A comparison of results of the three regions indicates that although they are chaotic in nature, the spatial averaging over a large area can increase the dimension and improve the predictability, thus destroying the chaotic nature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The growth of characteristic length scales associated with dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids is investigated in an extensive computational study of a four-point, time-dependent structure factor defined from spatial correlations of mobility, for a model liquid for system sizes extending up to 351 232 particles, in constant-energy and constant-temperature ensembles. Our estimates for dynamic correlation lengths and susceptibilities are consistent with previous results from finite size scaling. We find scaling exponents that are inconsistent with predictions from inhomogeneous mode coupling theory and a recent simulation confirmation of these predictions.


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The discrepancies between the non-interacting models and experimental results for conjugated systems is highlighted in this brief review. The interacting model hamiltonians correctly give the forbidden singlet state below the optical gap in polyenes and also explain both the nonvanishing optical gap in polyacetylenes and the vanishing optical gap in symmetric cyanine dyes. The negative spin densities in polyene radicals is also understood in terms of a correlated picture. The role of electron-electron interactions in other strongly correlated systems, such as polydiacetylene and mixed and segregated stack charge transfer solids, are also briefly discussed.


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A formal way of deriving fluctuation-correlation relations in dense sheared granular media, starting with the Enskog approximation for the collision integral in the Chapman-Enskog theory, is discussed. The correlation correction to the viscosity is obtained using the ring-kinetic equation, in terms of the correlations in the hydrodynamic modes of the linearised Enskog equation. It is shown that the Green-Kubo formula for the shear viscosity emerges from the two-body correlation function obtained from the ring-kinetic equation.


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Generally average rainfall over meteorological subdivisions is used for assessment of the variability of monsoon rainfall. It is shown here that variations of seasonal rainfall over the meteorological subdivisions of interior Karnataka are not coherent. A methodology for delineating coherent rainfall zones is developed in this paper and applied to derive such zones for the State of Karnataka.


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(I): C15H1402, Mr---226.27, triclinic, Pi,a=8.441 (2), b= 10.276 (1), c= 15.342 (2)A, a=91.02 (2), ~ t= 79.26 (2), y= 105.88 (2) °, V=1256.8 (4)A 3, Z=4, D,,= 1.209 (flotation in KI),D x - 1.195 g cm -3, #(Mo, 2 = 0.7107/~) = 0.44 cm -~,F(000) = 480, T= 293 K, R -- 0.060 for 1793 significant reflections. (II): C~THlsO2, Mr= 254.83, orthorhombic, Pca21, a=8.476 (1); b= 16.098 (3), c=10.802(3)A, V=1473.9 (5) A s, Z=4, Dm=1.161 (flotation in KI), Dx= 1.148gem -3, /~(Mo, 2=0.7107 A) =0.41 cm -~, F(000) = 544, T= 293 K, R = 0.071 for 867 significant reflections. Both (I) and (II) crystallize in a cisoid conformation for the carbonyl group and alkoxy groups. Compounds (I) and (II) are photostable on irradiation in the solid state in spite of the favourable conformation of the functional groups for intramolecular H abstraction. Absence of photoreaction of (I)and (II) in the solid state is rationalized in the light of unfavourable intramolecular geometry.


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Experiments and computer simulation studies have revealed existence of rich dynamics in the orientational relaxation of molecules in confined systems such as water in reverse micelles, cyclodextrin cavities, and nanotubes. Here we introduce a novel finite length one dimensional Ising model to investigate the propagation and the annihilation of dynamical correlations in finite systems and to understand the intriguing shortening of the orientational relaxation time that has been reported for small sized reverse micelles. In our finite sized model, the two spins at the two end cells are oriented in the opposite directions to mimic the effects of surface that in real system fixes water orientation in the opposite directions. This produces opposite polarizations to propagate inside from the surface and to produce bulklike condition at the center. This model can be solved analytically for short chains. For long chains, we solve the model numerically with Glauber spin flip dynamics (and also with Metropolis single-spin flip Monte Carlo algorithm). We show that model nicely reproduces many of the features observed in experiments. Due to the destructive interference among correlations that propagate from the surface to the core, one of the rotational relaxation time components decays faster than the bulk. In general, the relaxation of spins is nonexponential due to the interplay between various interactions. In the limit of strong coupling between the spins or in the limit of low temperature, the nature of relaxation of the spins undergoes a qualitative change with the emergence of a homogeneous dynamics where decay is predominantly exponential, again in agreement with experiments. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3474948]


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Characterization of melting process in a Phase Change Material (PCM)-based heat sink with plate fin type thermal conductivity enhancers (TCEs) is numerically studied in this paper. Detailed parametric investigations are performed to find the effect of aspect ratio of enclosure and the applied heat flux on the thermal performance of the heat sinks. Various non-dimensional numbers, such as Nusselt number (Nu), Rayleigh number (Ra), Stefan number (Ste) and Fourier number (Fo) based on a characteristic length scale, are identified as important parameters. The half fin thickness and the fin height are varied to obtain a wide range of aspect ratios of an enclosure. It is found that a single correlation of Nu with Ra is not applicable for all aspect ratios of enclosure with melt convection taken into account. To find appropriate length scales, enclosures with different aspect ratios are divided into three categories, viz. (a) shallow enclosure, (b) rectangular enclosure and (c) tall enclosure. Accordingly, an appropriate characteristic length scale is identified for each type of enclosure and correlation of Nu with Ra based on that characteristic length scale is developed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A comparative study of the correlations available in the literature is made to arrive at an appropriate pair for estimating the coolant-side and hot-gas-side heat transfer coefficients in the thrust chamber of a cryogenic engine. Based on this, the thermal analysis of a supercritical liquid hydrogen cooled engine is carried out. Results are presented for axial variation of heat transfer coefficients and temperature distributions for coolant and exposed wall. Tubular as well as milled channel configurations are considered for coolant flow.


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The infra-red spectra of a large number of ternary Cu(II) oxides with at least a quasi square-planar coordination of oxygen around the copper ions have been studied. The frequency of the bands with the highest frequency,v max, is found to correlate extremely well with the shortest Cu–O distance.v max increases at an impressive rate of sim20 cm–1 per 0.01 Å when the Cu–O distance becomes less than 1.97 Å, which is the Cu2+–O2– distance in square-planar CuO4 complexes as obtained from empirical ionic radii considerations. The marked sensitivity may be used as a ldquotitrationrdquo procedure not only to assign bands but also to obtain diagnostic information about local coordination in compounds derived, for example, from the YBa2Cu3O7–d structure such as LaCaBaCu3O7–d . The only example where this correlation fails is in the two-layer non-superconducting oxides derived from La2(Ca, Sr)Cu2O6. The significance of this result is discussed. The marked dependence of frequency on the bond-distance is qualitatively examined in terms of an increased electron-phonon coupling to account for the observed tendency of the superconducting transition temperature to go through a maximum as the average basal plane Cu–O distance is decreased.


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The crystal and molecular structures of the photochromic compounds 2,5-dimethylisophthalaldehyde (I) and 5-isopropyl-2-methylisophthalaldehyde (II) have been determined by single crystal X-ray analyses. The intramolecular gamma-hydrogen abstraction process involved in the photoenolisation of I and II in the solid state has been rationalised in the light of relevant geometrical parameters.


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A study of the correlations between material properties and normalized erosion resistance (inverse of erosion rates) of various materials tested in the rotating disk and the flow venturi at various intensities indicates that different individual properties influence different stages of erosion. At high and low intensities of erosion, energy properties predominate the phenomenon, whereas at intermediate intensities strength and acoustic properties become more significant. However, both strength and energy properties are significant in the correlations for the entire spectrum of erosion when extensive cavitation and liquid impingement data from several laboratories involving different intensities and hydrodynamic conditions are considered. The use of true material properties improved the statistical parameters by 3 to 37%, depending on the intensity of erosion. It is possible to evaluate qualitatively the erosion resistances of materials based on the true stress-true strain curves.