935 resultados para Radio frequency identification (RFID)


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Induction motors are widely used in industry, and they are generally considered very reliable. They often have a critical role in industrial processes, and their failure can lead to significant losses as a result of shutdown times. Typical failures of induction motors can be classified into stator, rotor, and bearing failures. One of the reasons for a bearing damage and eventually a bearing failure is bearing currents. Bearing currents in induction motors can be divided into two main categories; classical bearing currents and inverter-induced bearing currents. A bearing damage caused by bearing currents results, for instance, from electrical discharges that take place through the lubricant film between the raceways of the inner and the outer ring and the rolling elements of a bearing. This phenomenon can be considered similar to the one of electrical discharge machining, where material is removed by a series of rapidly recurring electrical arcing discharges between an electrode and a workpiece. This thesis concentrates on bearing currents with a special reference to bearing current detection in induction motors. A bearing current detection method based on radio frequency impulse reception and detection is studied. The thesis describes how a motor can work as a “spark gap” transmitter and discusses a discharge in a bearing as a source of radio frequency impulse. It is shown that a discharge, occurring due to bearing currents, can be detected at a distance of several meters from the motor. The issues of interference, detection, and location techniques are discussed. The applicability of the method is shown with a series of measurements with a specially constructed test motor and an unmodified frequency-converter-driven motor. The radio frequency method studied provides a nonintrusive method to detect harmful bearing currents in the drive system. If bearing current mitigation techniques are applied, their effectiveness can be immediately verified with the proposed method. The method also gives a tool to estimate the harmfulness of the bearing currents by making it possible to detect and locate individual discharges inside the bearings of electric motors.


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Comptar amb sistemes sofisticats de gestió o programes ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) no és suficient per a les organitzacions. Per a què aquests recursos donin resultats adequats i actualitzats, la informació d’entrada ha de llegir-se de forma automàtica, per aconseguir estalviar en recursos, eliminació d’errors i assegurar el compliment de la qualitat. Per aquest motiu és important comptar amb eines i serveis d’identificació automàtica i col•lecció de dades. Els principals objectius a assolir (a partir de la introducció al lector de la importància dels sistemes logístics d’identificació en un entorn global d’alta competitivitat), són conèixer i comprendre el funcionament de les tres principals tecnologies existents al mercat (codis de barres lineals, codis de barres bidimensionals i sistemes RFID), veure en quin estat d’implantació es troba cadascuna i les seves principals aplicacions. Un cop realitzat aquest primer estudi es pretén comparar les tres tecnologies per o poder obtenir perspectives de futur en l’àmbit de l’autoidentificació. A partir de la situació actual i de les necessitats de les empreses, juntament amb el meravellós món que sembla obrir la tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), la principal conclusió a la que s’arribarà és que malgrat les limitacions tècniques dels codis de barres lineals, aquests es troben completament integrats a tota la cadena logística gràcies a l’estandarització i la utilització d’un llenguatge comú, sota el nom de simbologies GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), durant tota la cadena de subministres que garanteixen total traçabilitat dels productes gràcies en part a la gestió de les bases de dades i del flux d’informació. La tecnologia RFUD amb l’EPC (Electronic Product Code) supera aquestes limitacions, convertint-se en el màxim candidat per a substituir els limitats codis de barres. Tot i això, RFID, amb l’EPC, no serà un adequat identificador logístic fins que es superin importants barreres, com són la falta d’estandarització i l’elevat cost d’implantació.


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Contactless integrated circuit cards are one form of application of radio frequency identification. They are used in applications such as access control, identification, and payment in public transport. The contactless IC cards are passive which means that both the data and the energy are transferred to the card without contact using inductive coupling. Antenna design and optimization of the design for contactless IC cards defined by ISO/IEC14443 is studied. The basic operation principles of contactless system are presented and the structure of contactless IC card is illustrated. The structure was divided between the contactless chip and the antenna. The operation of the antenna was covered in depth and the parameters affecting to the performance of the antenna were presented. Also the different antenna technologies and connection technologies were provided. The antenna design process with the parameters and the design tools isillustrated and optimization of the design is studied. To make the design process more ideal a target of development was discovered, which was the implementation of test application. The optimization of the antenna design was presented based on the optimization criteria defined in this study. The solution for the implementation of these criteria and the effect of each criterion was found. For enhancing the performance of the antenna a focus for future study was proposed.


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Hiontarobotteja käytetään nopeuttamaan hiontaprosessia ja vähentämään henkilöiden tarvetta tehdä kuluttavaa ja raskasta työtä. Yleensä hiottavat kappaleet ovat suuria, jolloin hionta robotillakin kestää kauan. Kun hiottavat kappaleet ovat pieniä, robotti hioo kappaleen nopeasti. Tällöin tarvitaan automaattinen varastointi, jotta hiontarobotti pystyy jatkamaan nopeasti seuraavan kappaleen hiontaa. Automaattinen varastointi tarvitsee tiedonhallintajärjestelmän, jolla hallitaan varastossa olevien kappaleiden tietoja. Hiottava kappale täytyy esimerkiksi pystyä tunnistamaan ennen hionnan aloittamista. Yhtenä tunnistusmenetelmänä voidaan käyttää radiotaajuudella toimivia RFID-tunnisteita. Kun kappale tunnistetaan ennen hiontaa niin voidaan varmistua, että robotti suorittaa oikean hiontaohjelman kappaleelle. Diplomityö liittyy Master Automation Groupin ensimmäiseen automaattista varastoa hyödyntävään FlexMill™-hiontarobotti-soluun. Työssä on suunniteltu ja toteutettu tietokanta ja siihen liittyvä tietojärjestelmä. Kehitettävä ohjelma toimii solun toiminnasta vastaavan soluohjaimen tiedonhallintaosana. Ohjelma hyödyntää RFID-laitteita kappaleiden tunnistuksessa.


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The most common reason for a low-voltage induction motor breakdown is a bearing failure. Along with the increasing popularity of modern frequency converters, bearing failures have become the most important motor fault type. Conditions in which bearing currents are likely to occur are generated as a side effect of fast du/dt switching transients. Once present, different types of bearing currents can accelerate the mechanical wear of bearings by causing deformation of metal parts in the bearing and degradation of the lubricating oil properties.The bearing current phenomena are well known, and several bearing current measurement and mitigation methods have been proposed. Nevertheless, in order to develop more feasible methods to measure and mitigate bearing currents, better knowledge of the phenomena is required. When mechanical wear is caused by bearing currents, the resulting aging impact has to be monitored and dealt with. Moreover, because of the stepwise aging mechanism, periodically executed condition monitoring measurements have been found ineffective. Thus, there is a need for feasible bearing current measurement methods that can be applied in parallel with the normal operation of series production drive systems. In order to reach the objectives of feasibility and applicability, nonintrusive measurement methods are preferred. In this doctoral dissertation, the characteristics and conditions of bearings that are related to the occurrence of different kinds of bearing currents are studied. Further, the study introduces some nonintrusive radio-frequency-signal-based approaches to detect and measure parameters that are associated with the accelerated bearing wear caused by bearing currents.


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The increasing interest in the interaction of light with electricity and electronically active materials made the materials and techniques for producing semitransparent electrically conducting films particularly attractive. Transparent conductors have found major applications in a number of electronic and optoelectronic devices including resistors, transparent heating elements, antistatic and electromagnetic shield coatings, transparent electrode for solar cells, antireflection coatings, heat reflecting mirrors in glass windows and many other. Tin doped indium oxide (indium tin oxide or ITO) is one of the most commonly used transparent conducting oxides. At present and likely well into the future this material offers best available performance in terms of conductivity and transmittivity combined with excellent environmental stability, reproducibility and good surface morphology. Although partial transparency, with a reduction in conductivity, can be obtained for very thin metallic films, high transparency and simultaneously high conductivity cannot be attained in intrinsic stoichiometric materials. The only way this can be achieved is by creating electron degeneracy in a wide bandgap (Eg > 3eV or more for visible radiation) material by controllably introducing non-stoichiometry and/or appropriate dopants. These conditions can be conveniently met for ITO as well as a number of other materials like Zinc oxide, Cadmium oxide etc. ITO shows interesting and technologically important combination of properties viz high luminous transmittance, high IR reflectance, good electrical conductivity, excellent substrate adherence and chemical inertness. ITO is a key part of solar cells, window coatings, energy efficient buildings, and flat panel displays. In solar cells, ITO can be the transparent, conducting top layer that lets light into the cell to shine the junction and lets electricity flow out. Improving the ITO layer can help improve the solar cell efficiency. A transparent ii conducting oxide is a material with high transparency in a derived part of the spectrum and high electrical conductivity. Beyond these key properties of transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), ITO has a number of other key characteristics. The structure of ITO can be amorphous, crystalline, or mixed, depending on the deposition temperature and atmosphere. The electro-optical properties are a function of the crystallinity of the material. In general, ITO deposited at room temperature is amorphous, and ITO deposited at higher temperatures is crystalline. Depositing at high temperatures is more expensive than at room temperature, and this method may not be compatible with the underlying devices. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of Indium tin oxide thin films at low processing temperatures. The films are prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering under various deposition conditions. The films are also deposited on to flexible substrates by employing bias sputtering technique. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder x-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UVVIS- NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using vander Pauw four probe technique. The plasma generated during the sputtering of the ITO target was analysed using Langmuir probe and optical emission spectral studies.


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The radio frequency plasma generated during the sputtering of Indium Tin Oxide target using Argon was analyzed by Langmuir probe and optical-emission spectroscopy. The basic plasma parameters such as electron temperature and ion density were evaluated. These studies were carried out by varying the RF power from 20 to 50 W. A linear increase in ion density and an exponential decrease in electron temperature with rf power were observed. The measured plasma parameters were then correlated with the properties of ITO thin films deposited under similar plasma conditions.


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The carrier transport mechanism of polyaniline (PA) thin films prepared by radio frequency plasma polymerization is described in this paper. The mechanism of electrical conduction and carrier mobility of PA thin films for different temperatures were examined using the aluminium–PA–aluminium (Al–PA–Al) structure. It is found that the mechanism of carrier transport in these thin films is space charge limited conduction. J –V studies on an asymmetric electrode configuration using indium tin oxide (ITO) as the base electrode and Al as the upper electrode (ITO–PA–Al structure) show a diode-like behaviour with a considerable rectification ratio


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As a vital factor affecting system cost and lifetime, energy consumption in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been paid much attention to. This article presents a new approach to making use of electromagnetic energy from useless radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted in WSNs, with a quantitative analysis showing its feasibility. A mechanism to harvest the energy either passively or actively is proposed.


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This paper analyze and study a pervasive computing system in a mining environment to track people based on RFID (radio frequency identification) technology. In first instance, we explain the RFID fundamentals and the LANDMARC (location identification based on dynamic active RFID calibration) algorithm, then we present the proposed algorithm combining LANDMARC and trilateration technique to collect the coordinates of the people inside the mine, next we generalize a pervasive computing system that can be implemented in mining, and finally we show the results and conclusions.


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The frequency selective surfaces, or FSS (Frequency Selective Surfaces), are structures consisting of periodic arrays of conductive elements, called patches, which are usually very thin and they are printed on dielectric layers, or by openings perforated on very thin metallic surfaces, for applications in bands of microwave and millimeter waves. These structures are often used in aircraft, missiles, satellites, radomes, antennae reflector, high gain antennas and microwave ovens, for example. The use of these structures has as main objective filter frequency bands that can be broadcast or rejection, depending on the specificity of the required application. In turn, the modern communication systems such as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and WiMAX, whose services are highly demanded by society, have required the development of antennas having, as its main features, and low cost profile, and reduced dimensions and weight. In this context, the microstrip antenna is presented as an excellent choice for communications systems today, because (in addition to meeting the requirements mentioned intrinsically) planar structures are easy to manufacture and integration with other components in microwave circuits. Consequently, the analysis and synthesis of these devices mainly, due to the high possibility of shapes, size and frequency of its elements has been carried out by full-wave models, such as the finite element method, the method of moments and finite difference time domain. However, these methods require an accurate despite great computational effort. In this context, computational intelligence (CI) has been used successfully in the design and optimization of microwave planar structures, as an auxiliary tool and very appropriate, given the complexity of the geometry of the antennas and the FSS considered. The computational intelligence is inspired by natural phenomena such as learning, perception and decision, using techniques such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, fractal geometry and evolutionary computation. This work makes a study of application of computational intelligence using meta-heuristics such as genetic algorithms and swarm intelligence optimization of antennas and frequency selective surfaces. Genetic algorithms are computational search methods based on the theory of natural selection proposed by Darwin and genetics used to solve complex problems, eg, problems where the search space grows with the size of the problem. The particle swarm optimization characteristics including the use of intelligence collectively being applied to optimization problems in many areas of research. The main objective of this work is the use of computational intelligence, the analysis and synthesis of antennas and FSS. We considered the structures of a microstrip planar monopole, ring type, and a cross-dipole FSS. We developed algorithms and optimization results obtained for optimized geometries of antennas and FSS considered. To validate results were designed, constructed and measured several prototypes. The measured results showed excellent agreement with the simulated. Moreover, the results obtained in this study were compared to those simulated using a commercial software has been also observed an excellent agreement. Specifically, the efficiency of techniques used were CI evidenced by simulated and measured, aiming at optimizing the bandwidth of an antenna for wideband operation or UWB (Ultra Wideband), using a genetic algorithm and optimizing the bandwidth, by specifying the length of the air gap between two frequency selective surfaces, using an optimization algorithm particle swarm


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This article reports on a series of experiments with polyethylene terepthalate (PET) treated in a radio frequency plasma reactor using argon and oxygen as a gas fuel, for treatment times equal to 5 s, 20 s, 30 s, and 100 s. The mechanical strength modification of PET fibers, evaluated by tensile tests on monofilaments, showed that oxygen and argon plasma treatment resulted in a decrease in the average tensile strength compared with the untreated fibers. This reduction in tensile strength is more significant for argon plasma and is very sensitive to the treatment time for oxygen plasma. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) used to analyze the effects of cold plasma treatment on fiber surfaces indicates differences in roughness profiles depending on the type of treatments, which were associated with variations in mechanical strength. Differences in the roughness profile, surveyed through an image analysis method, provided the distance of roughness interval, D-ri. This parameter represents the number of peaks contained in a unit length and was introduced to correlate fiber surface condition, before and after cold plasma treatments, and average tensile strength. Statistical analysis of experimental data, using Weibull cumulative distribution and linear representation, was performed to explain influences of treatment time and environmental effects on mechanical properties. The shape parameter, alpha, and density parameter, beta, from the Weibull distribution function were used to indicate the experimental data range and to confirm the mechanical performance obtained experimentally.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Programa de doctorado: Tecnologías de Telecomunicación Avanzadas