132 resultados para RSM
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper presents numerical modeling of a turbulent natural gas flow through a non-premixed industrial burner of a slab reheating furnace. The furnace is equipped with diffusion side swirl burners capable of utilizing natural gas or coke oven gas alternatively through the same nozzles. The study is focused on one of the burners of the preheating zone. Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation has been used to predict the burner orifice turbulent flow. Flow rate and pressure at burner upstream were validated by experimental measurements. The outcomes of the numerical modeling are analyzed for the different turbulence models in terms of pressure drop, velocity profiles, and orifice discharge coefficient. The standard, RNG, and Realizable k-epsilon models and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) have been used. The main purpose of the numerical investigation is to determine the turbulence model that more consistently reproduces the experimental results of the flow through an industrial non-premixed burner orifice. The comparisons between simulations indicate that all the models tested satisfactorily and represent the experimental conditions. However, the Realizable k-epsilon model seems to be the most appropriate turbulence model, since it provides results that are quite similar to the RSM and RNG k-epsilon models, requiring only slightly more computational power than the standard k-epsilon model. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Sucrose utilization by Zymomonas mobilis: Levan production optimization using submerged fermentation
Levan is an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS), constituted by linked fructose units β (2,6), obtained by transfructosilation reaction during fermentation of microorganisms in a sucrose rich culture medium. The bacterial levan production is a good alternative of fructose source, besides having certain functional characteristics in the human body, such as a hypocholesterolemic and an anticarcinogenic agent. In the food industry, the levan can be used to fix colors and flavors, as well as to thickening and stabilizing agent in foods. This work aimed to analyze the kinetic parameters for levan production by Zymomonas mobilis CCT 4494, using submerged fermentation. The response surface methodology (RSM), was utilized to predict the optimization of medium for exopolymer production and the independent variables studied were: initial pH, incubation temperature, sucrose, KCl, K2SO4, MgSO4 and CaCl2. It was observed that the bacterium Z. mobilis CCT 4494 well adapted in medium containing high concentrations of sucrose.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this work was to evaluate the rheological behavior of combined juices of strawberry, blackberry and raspberry in two different temperatures of interest in industrial processes in the food industry, using rheological analyses on non-oscillatory regime and the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The rheological data were fitted by the Casson model. All samples of combined juices of ref fruits showed a Newtonian behavior and the rheological parameters yield stress (Kc) and plastic viscosity of Casson (Koc) had a decrease in its values with the temperature increase. By the analysis of the ternary diagrams it is evident that the raspberry juice effectively contributed to the higher values of yield stress and plastic viscosity of Casson in both temperatures studied.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The enzyme chitinase from Moniliophthora perniciosa the causative agent of the witches' broom disease in Theobroma cacao, was partially purified with ammonium sulfate and filtration by Sephacryl S-200 using sodium phosphate as an extraction buffer. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to determine the optimum pH and temperature conditions. Four different isoenzymes were obtained: ChitMp I, ChitMp II, ChitMp III and ChitMp IV. ChitMp I had an optimum temperature at 44-73ºC and an optimum pH at 7.0-8.4. ChitMp II had an optimum temperature at 45-73ºC and an optimum pH at 7.0-8.4. ChitMp III had an optimum temperature at 54-67ºC and an optimum pH at 7.3-8.8. ChitMp IV had an optimum temperature at 60ºC and an optimum pH at 7.0. For the computational biology, the primary sequence was determined in silico from the database of the Genome/Proteome Project of M. perniciosa, yielding a sequence with 564 bp and 188 amino acids that was used for the three-dimensional design in a comparative modeling methodology. The generated models were submitted to validation using Procheck 3.0 and ANOLEA. The model proposed for the chitinase was subjected to a dynamic analysis over a 1 ns interval, resulting in a model with 91.7% of the residues occupying favorable places on the Ramachandran plot and an RMS of 2.68.
Micro-gas turbines are a good alternative for on-site power generation, since their operation is very reliable. The possibility of operating with various fuels increases versatility and, as a result, the usage of these devices. Focusing on a performance improvement of a tri-fuel low-cost micro-gas turbine, this work presents investigations of the inner flow of its combustion chamber. The aim of this analysis was the characterization of the flame structure by the temperature field of the chamber inner flow. The chamber was fuelled with natural gas. In the current chamber, a swirler and a reversed flow configuration were utilized to provide flame stabilization. The inner flow investigations were done with numerical analysis, which were compared to experimental data. The analysis of the inner flow was done with numerical simulations, which used the RSM turbulence model. A β-PDF equilibrium model was adopted to account for the turbulent combustion process. Different models of heat transfer were compared. Thermal radiation and specially heat conduction in the liner walls played significant roles on results.
Reactive Sputter Magnetron (RSM) is a widely used technique to thin films growing of compounds both, in research laboratories and in industrial processes. The nature of the deposited compound will depend then on the nature of the magnetron target and the nature of the ions generated in the plasma. One important aspect of the problem is the knowledge of the evolution of the film during the process of growing itself. In this work, we present the design, construction of a chamber to be installed in the Huber goniometer in the XRD2 line of LNLS in Campinas, which allows in situ growing kinetic studies of thin films.
Bioconversion of ferulic acid to vanillin represents an attractive opportunity for replacing synthetic vanillin with a bio-based product, that can be label “natural”, according to current food regulations. Ferulic acid is an abundant phenolic compound in cereals processing by-products, such as wheat bran, where it is linked to the cell wall constituents. In this work, the possibility of producing vanillin from ferulic acid released enzymatically from wheat bran was investigated by using resting cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain BF13-1p4 carrying an insertional inactivation of vdh gene and ech and fcs BF13 genes on a low copy number plasmid. Process parameters were optimized both for the biomass production phase and the bioconversion phase using food-grade ferulic acid as substrate and the approach of changing one variable while fixing the others at a certain level followed by the response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimized conditions, vanillin up to 8.46 mM (1.4 g/L) was achieved, whereas highest productivity was 0.53 mmoles vanillin L-1 h-1). Cocktails of a number of commercial enzyme (amylases, xylanases, proteases, feruloyl esterases) combined with bran pre-treatment with steam explosion and instant controlled pressure drop technology were then tested for the release of ferulic acid from wheat bran. The highest ferulic acid release was limited to 15-20 % of the ferulic acid occurring in bran, depending on the treatment conditions. Ferulic acid 1 mM in enzymatic hydrolyzates could be bioconverted into vanillin with molar yield (55.1%) and selectivity (68%) comparable to those obtained with food-grade ferulic acid after purification from reducing sugars with a non polar adsorption resin. Further improvement of ferulic acid recovery from wheat bran is however required to make more attractive the production of natural vanillin from this by-product.
In questo elaborato di tesi viene presentata la comparazione tra due codici CFD, rispettivamente Fluent e OpenFOAM, mediante simulazioni che sono alla base di uno studio numerico di flusso attorno ad un pantografo per treno ad alta velocità. Si è apprezzato quindi la facilità d’uso di un software venduto tramite licenza e la difficoltà di un software open source come OpenFOAM, il quale però ha vantaggi in termini di adattamento ai casi più specifici. Sono stati quindi studiati due casi, scambio termico in regime laminare attorno ad un cilindro bidimensionale e flusso turbolento completamente sviluppato in un canale. Tutte le simulazioni numeriche hanno raggiunto convergenza e sono state validate positivamente mediante confronto con dati sperimentali. Il primo caso prevede un cilindro investito da un flusso a temperatura minore rispetto alla temperatura della superficie del cilindro; per avere più riscontri, sono state condotte diverse prove a valori differenti del numero di Prandtl, e per ogni simulazione è stato ricavato il corrispettivo numero di Nusselt, successivamente comparato con i dati sperimentali per la validazione delle prove. A partire dalla creazione della griglia di calcolo, è stato effettuato uno studio del fenomeno in questione, creando così una griglia di calcolo sviluppata a valle del cilindro avente maggior densità di celle a ridosso della parte del cilindro. In aggiunta, svolgendo le prove con schemi numerici sia del primo che del secondo ordine, si è constatata la miglior sensibilità degli schemi numerici del secondo ordine rispetto a quelli del primo ordine. La seconda tipologia di simulazioni consiste in un flusso turbolento completamente sviluppato all’interno di un canale; sono state svolte simulazioni senza e con l’uso delle wall functions, e quindi usate griglie di calcolo differenti per i due tipi di simulazioni, già disponibili per entrambi i software. I dati ottenuti mostrano uno sforzo computazionale maggiore per le simulazioni che non prevedono l’uso delle wall functions, e quindi una maggiore praticità per le simulazioni con le wall functions. Inoltre, le simulazioni di questo secondo caso sono state svolte con diversi modelli di turbolenza; in Fluent sono stati utilizzati i modelli k-ε e RSM mentre in OpenFOAM è stato utilizzato solo il modello k-ε in quanto il modello RSM non è presente. La validazione dei risultati è affidata alla comparazione con i dati sperimentali ricavati da Moser et all mediante simulazioni DNS, mettendo in risalto la minor accuratezza delle equazioni RANS.
Recentemente, l'uso di polimeri a base di acido polilattico (PLA) ha subito un fortissimo incremento, soprattutto per la produzione di dispositivi atti alla fissazione di fratture e osteotomie. Lo scopo della prima parte del mio lavoro di tesi, è stato quello di redigere un documento che contenesse informazioni sulle caratteristiche dell'acido poli-L-lattico (PLLA) e del polimero P(L-DL)LA70:30 (70% di PLLA + 30% di PDLLA), entrambi molto diffusi nelle applicazioni biomediche. A tale scopo, è stata fatta un'analisi dello stato dell'arte sulle proprietà chimico-fisiche, tecnologiche (produzione e sterilizzazione) e sui principali meccanismi di degradazione. La seconda parte, invece, è stata dedicata alla stesura di una review sull'evoluzione della biocompatibilità del PLLA utilizzato in ambito ortopedico. A tale scopo, data la grande quantità di studi presenti in letteratura (in vitro, in vivo, trial clinici), non è stato necessario eseguire nessun test per validarne la biocompatibilità. Tuttavia, nonostante trovino già largo impiego nella chirurgia ortopedica, i polimeri in PLA continuano ad essere oggetto di studio, con l'obiettivo di comprenderne al meglio il comportamento e realizzare dispositivi sempre più sicuri ed efficaci per la salute del paziente. E' proprio in questo ambito di ricerca che si inserisce l'attività sperimentale svolta presso lo stabilimento Lima Corporate di Villanova di San Daniele del Friuli (UD). In particolare, l'ultima parte del lavoro di tesi, è stata dedicata alla valutazione degli effetti che il processo di sterilizzazione ad Ossido di Etilene (EtO), genera sulle proprietà chimico-fisiche e meccaniche della vite CALCANEO-STOP in PLLA, stampata ad iniezione e realizzata da Hit Medica (del gruppo Lima Corporate) nello stabilimento di San Marino (RSM). Per la caratterizzazione chimico-fisica del materiale sono state condotte prove di: densitometria, calorimetria a scansione differenziale (DSC), spettrometria FT-IR e viscosimetria. Per la caratterizzazione meccanica dei dispositivi, sono state condotte delle prove a torsione statica.
The influence of nanosecond laser pulses applied by laser shock peening without absorbent coating (LSPwC) with a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser operating at a wavelength of λ = 1064 nm on 6082-T651 Al alloy has been investigated. The first portion of the present study assesses laser shock peening effect at two pulse densities on three-dimensional (3D) surface topography characteristics. In the second part of the study, the peening effect on surface texture orientation and micro-structure modification, i.e. the effect of surface craters due to plasma and shock waves, were investigated in both longitudinal (L) and transverse (T) directions of the laser-beam movement. In the final portion of the study, the changes of mechanical properties were evaluated with a residual stress profile and Vickers micro-hardness through depth variation in the near surface layer, whereas factorial design with a response surface methodology (RSM) was applied. The surface topographic and micro-structural effect of laser shock peening were characterised with optical microscopy, InfiniteFocus® microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Residual stress evaluation based on a hole-drilling integral method confirmed higher compression at the near surface layer (33 μm) in the transverse direction (σmin) of laser-beam movement, i.e. − 407 ± 81 MPa and − 346 ± 124 MPa, after 900 and 2500 pulses/cm2, respectively. Moreover, RSM analysis of micro-hardness through depth distribution confirmed an increase at both pulse densities, whereas LSPwC-generated shock waves showed the impact effect of up to 800 μm below the surface. Furthermore, ANOVA results confirmed the insignificant influence of LSPwC treatment direction on micro-hardness distribution indicating essentially homogeneous conditions, in both L and T directions.