265 resultados para RNase H


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核酸为生命的最基本物质之一,是生物体遗传信息的携带者,在生长、遗传、变异等一系列重大生命现象中起决定性的作用。以核酸作为新药设计的靶分子,越来越受到人们的广泛重视。然而,不像其它靶分子如蛋白质、受体等具有特定的结构和功能,核酸结构在很多情况下是同源的,而且联系到很多人体正常的生理功能;能够与核酸结合的药物又往往不具有序列选择性,这就带来明显的毒副作用。因此,寻找和发现一些与疾病相关的核酸的特殊结构,并筛选对其有特异性结合能力的小分子,是以核酸为靶的药物研究的一个重要课题。 近年来,随着纳米科学技术的兴起,以核酸作为纳米体系的结构材料开始受到人们的广泛关注。作为一类特殊的线性高分子,核酸具有化学性质稳定,结构丰富且可控,良好的刚性和柔性,精确识别,高度生物相容性,合成方便等诸多优点,是一类优良的结构材料。目前核酸相关的纳米组装结构和器件研究还处于起步阶段,但是已经呈现出良好的发展前景。 本论文主要针对核酸特殊结构的分子识别及核酸相关功能纳米结构的设计这两方面展开了研究,全文由以下两大部分组成: 第一部分通过光谱学和生物化学等手段,研究了小分子对不同核酸结构的识别作用。借助于竞争平衡透析技术,发现一类恶嗪染料(oxazine dyes)能够与多种结构核酸结合。热变性及光谱实验结果表明,oxazine染料能够诱导杂合体三链核酸poly(rA):2poly(dT)的形成,并强烈地稳定其结构,其中以cresyl violet作用最强,是迄今发现的化合物中最强的。进一步研究发现,此类化合物以嵌插方式与杂合体三链核酸结合。RNase H酶切实验表明,杂合体三链核酸的形成能够强烈地抑制RNase H核酸酶的活性。研究了oxazine-170与三链核酸poly(dA):2poly(dT)及poly(rA):2poly(rU)的相互作用,发现oxazine-170能够强烈稳定三链DNA poly(dA):2poly(dT)的结构,而对相应双链DNA不具稳定作用;对三链RNA poly(rA):2poly(rU)及相应的双链RNA都有一定稳定作用,但作用不强。进一步研究发现,oxazine-170能够以两种结合方式与核酸结合:嵌插方式和外部静电堆积作用。研究了oxazine-170及cresyl violet与单链核酸的相互作用。研究发现oxazine-170能够序列特异性地与单链核酸poly(rA) 结合,CD光谱及AFM研究发现oxazine-170诱导poly(rA)形成新的二级结构。UV光谱、FL光谱及RLS研究发现poly(rA)促使oxazine 170形成H-aggregate,并以poly(rA)为模板自组装。而cresyl violet能够与单链核酸poly(rA)及poly(dA)结合,且采用不同的结合方式: cresyl violet能够与oxazine-170 类似地以poly(rA)为模板自组装;以嵌插方式与poly(dA)结合,并诱导其单链碱基堆积方式的改变。通过以上实验结果,我们进一步揭示了oxazine染料作为肿瘤细胞染色及光动力学治疗试剂的结构基础,对进一步设计、合成更加高效的抗肿瘤药物具有一定的指导意义。 第二部分中,我们尝试设计了几种基于核酸的纳米结构功能体系,并讨论了其相关应用。利用有机小分子coralyne能够诱导聚腺嘌呤序列反平行双链结构的形成,实现了一类新型的小分子诱导的纳米金组装结构。并以(dA)16功能化的金纳米粒子作为新型纳米探针,发展了一种简单的筛选单链核酸聚腺嘌呤序列结合分子的筛选方法。利用核酸限制性内切酶酶切位点回文序列的结构特点,设计了一种以DNA功能化的金纳米粒子组装体为酶切底物的比较通用的核酸限制性内切酶活力检测方法,并进一步用于甲基化酶活性检测及其抑制剂的筛选。基于单链DNA富胞嘧啶i-motif结构在不同pH值条件下的形成与解离,设计了一类质子驱动的DNA分子镊子,与基于链交换反应的DNA分子镊子相比,该体系更加简单,工作效率更高。随后,我们又通过合理设计,得到了两种分别能够结合与释放DNA和蛋白的分子镊子,为其应用做了一些探索。


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本研究设计了一种新的RNA提取方法 ,解决了RNA提取时容易被降解和污染这一关键问题。通过加入Rnase抑制剂 ,消除了同外源RNase对RNA的降解 ,结合DNA难呈低盐溶液(140mmol·L -1NaCl)的原理 ,去除了DNA对RNA提取液的污染 ;先后使用酚和氯仿 ,有效地去除了蛋白质和酚类物的污染 ,利用抗氧化剂PVP和巯基乙醇 ,消除了内源酚类物质氧化变色对病毒RNA逆转录的影响。采用上述方法可以在4~5h内得到纯度高、含量大、完整性好的果树总RNA ,并获得了逆转录活性较强的病毒RNA ,同时使提取RNA的成本降低。这些方法对苹果、葡萄、桃、樱桃等果树总RNA的提取均适用。


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Several specific non-covalent protein complexes were successfully observed by matrix assisted desorption ionization mass spectrometry(MALDI MS). The methods described in this paper include the matrixes use of sinapinic acid(SA) and 6-aza-2-thiothymine (ATT) in neutral pH solution, as well as the improvement of two-layer sample preparation method to achieve a high sensitivity detection of stable non-covalent complexes, Myoglobin-heme complex was found simultaneously with the sinapinic acid matrix in the various pH solution(pH=2 or pH=5), The RNase S complex showed a striking intensity at the first shot, which was decreased with more laser shots. Most importantly, the observation of specific non-covalent complex in the brome mosaic virus(BMV) coat proteins would open up a new possibility to investigate the assembly and disassembly of viral capsids.


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用平板画线法从患病栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)体内分离到了一种原核生物(简称QDP)。QDP可以在改进的液体培养基MEM(含2.2%NaCl,5%小牛血清)和脑心浸液(含2.2% NaCl)中生长;菌落在显微镜下(150×)为无色、透明的小点状;革兰氏染色阴性;菌体为圆形或近似圆形。QDP在发育过程中有两种状态,一种为未成熟阶段,直径小于100nm;另一种为成熟阶段,直径变化很大,最小约60nm,最大可达4µm以上。较小的个体有拟核、核糖体和新月状的空泡,未见细胞壁;较大的个体有细胞壁,胞内大部分被空泡充满,未见拟核和核糖体。栉孔扇贝组织超簿切片电镜观查证实QDP的存在。QDP的密度随着生长发育时间的不同而有所变化,繁殖高峰期密度较大。 建立了密度梯度离心结合滤膜过滤分离技术,优化人工培养条件。最适生长温度为23℃,最适生长pH值为7.4,最适生长盐度相当于细胞培养液所需的盐浓度(0.85%NaCl)。 提取的QDP核酸能被RNase A 降解,且没有检测到DNA。以PCR、RT-PCR扩增其16SrRNA基因序列片段,PCR反应没有扩增出扩增子,而RT-PCR则扩增出了16S rRNA基因序列片段,经测定其序列全长度为1430bp,经与GENEBANK中的16S rRNA片段比较分析,与6种不同科的微生物的同源率最高的为95%-95.47%。 采用温度梯度和病原浓度梯度回归感染实验方法,较为系统地研究了QDP的致病性。研究结果表明:QDP对栉孔扇贝有强烈的致病作用,高温(23℃以上)是其致病的必要条件,证实DQP是栉孔扇贝大规模死亡的病原体之一。


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UPNa. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología. Laboratorio de Biofilms Microbianos.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Understanding the interconversion between thermodynamically distinguishable states present in a protein folding pathway provides not only the kinetics and energetics of protein folding but also insights into the functional roles of these states in biological systems. The protein component of the bacterial RNase P holoenzyme from Bacillus subtilis (P protein) was previously shown to be unfolded in the absence of its cognate RNA or other anionic ligands. P protein was used in this study as a model system to explore general features of intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) folding mechanisms. The use of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), an osmolyte that stabilizes the unliganded folded form of the protein, enabled us to study the folding process of P protein in the absence of ligand. Transient stopped-flow kinetic traces at various final TMAO concentrations exhibited multiphasic kinetics. Equilibrium "cotitration" experiments were performed using both TMAO and urea during the titration to produce a urea-TMAO titration surface of P protein. Both kinetic and equilibrium studies show evidence of a previously undetected intermediate state in the P protein folding process. The intermediate state is significantly populated, and the folding rate constants are relatively slow compared to those of intrinsically folded proteins similar in size and topology. The experiments and analysis described serve as a useful example for mechanistic folding studies of other IDPs.


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The pKa values of ionizable groups in proteins report the free energy of site-specific proton binding and provide a direct means of studying pH-dependent stability. We measured histidine pKa values (H3, H22, and H105) in the unfolded (U), intermediate (I), and sulfate-bound folded (F) states of RNase P protein, using an efficient and accurate nuclear magnetic resonance-monitored titration approach that utilizes internal reference compounds and a parametric fitting method. The three histidines in the sulfate-bound folded protein have pKa values depressed by 0.21 ± 0.01, 0.49 ± 0.01, and 1.00 ± 0.01 units, respectively, relative to that of the model compound N-acetyl-l-histidine methylamide. In the unliganded and unfolded protein, the pKa values are depressed relative to that of the model compound by 0.73 ± 0.02, 0.45 ± 0.02, and 0.68 ± 0.02 units, respectively. Above pH 5.5, H22 displays a separate resonance, which we have assigned to I, whose apparent pKa value is depressed by 1.03 ± 0.25 units, which is ∼0.5 units more than in either U or F. The depressed pKa values we observe are consistent with repulsive interactions between protonated histidine side chains and the net positive charge of the protein. However, the pKa differences between F and U are small for all three histidines, and they have little ionic strength dependence in F. Taken together, these observations suggest that unfavorable electrostatics alone do not account for the fact that RNase P protein is intrinsically unfolded in the absence of ligand. Multiple factors encoded in the P protein sequence account for its IUP property, which may play an important role in its function.


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Replication of the ~30-kb plus-strand RNA genome of coronaviruses and synthesis of an extensive set of subgenome-length RNAs are mediated by the replicase-transcriptase, a membrane-bound protein complex containing several cellular proteins and up to 16 viral nonstructural proteins (nsps) with multiple enzymatic activities, including protease, polymerase, helicase, methyltransferase, and RNase activities. To get further insight into the replicase gene-encoded functions, we characterized the coronavirus X domain, which is part of nsp3 and has been predicted to be an ADP-ribose-1"-monophosphate (Appr-1"-p) processing enzyme. Bacterially expressed forms of human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) and severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus X domains were shown to dephosphorylate Appr-1"-p, a side product of cellular tRNA splicing, to ADP-ribose in a highly specific manner. The enzyme had no detectable activity on several other nucleoside phosphates. Guided by the crystal structure of AF1521, an X domain homolog from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, potential active-site residues of the HCoV-229E X domain were targeted by site-directed mutagenesis. The data suggest that the HCoV-229E replicase polyprotein residues, Asn 1302, Asn 1305, His 1310, Gly 1312, and Gly 1313, are part of the enzyme's active site. Characterization of an Appr-1"-pase-deficient HCoV-229E mutant revealed no significant effects on viral RNA synthesis and virus titer, and no reversion to the wild-type sequence was observed when the mutant virus was passaged in cell culture. The apparent dispensability of the conserved X domain activity in vitro indicates that coronavirus replicase polyproteins have evolved to include nonessential functions. The biological significance of the novel enzymatic activity in vivo remains to be investigated.


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Chemical modification of proteins by reactive oxygen species affects protein structure, function and turnover during aging and chronic disease. Some of this damage is direct, for example by oxidation of amino acids in protein by peroxide or other reactive oxygen species, but autoxidation of ambient carbohydrates and lipids amplifies both the oxidative and chemical damage to protein and leads to formation of advanced glycoxidation and lipoxidation end-products (AGE/ALEs). In previous work, we have observed the oxidation of methionine during glycoxidation and lipoxidation reactions, and in the present work we set out to determine if methionine sulfoxide (MetSO) in protein was a more sensitive indicator of glycoxidative and lipoxidative damage than AGE/ALEs. We also investigated the sites of methionine oxidation in a model protein, ribonuclease A (RNase), in order to determine whether analysis of the site specificity of methionine oxidation in proteins could be used to indicate the source of the oxidative damage, i.e. carbohydrate or lipid. We describe here the development of an LC/MS/MS for quantification of methionine oxidation at specific sites in RNase during glycoxidation or lipoxidation by glucose or arachidonate, respectively. Glycoxidized and lipoxidized RNase were analyzed by tryptic digestion, followed by reversed phase HPLC and mass spectrometric analysis to quantify methionine and methionine sulfoxide containing peptides. We observed that: (1) compared to AGE/ALEs, methionine sulfoxide was a more sensitive biomarker of glycoxidative or lipoxidative damage to proteins; (2) regardless of oxidizable substrate, the relative rate of oxidation of methionine residues in RNase was Met(29) > Met(30) > Met(13), with Met(79) being resistant to oxidation; and (3) arachidonate produced a significantly greater yield of MetSO, compared to glucose. The methods developed here should be useful for assessing a protein's overall exposure to oxidative stress from a variety of sources in vivo. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Glycoxidation and lipoxidation reactions contribute to the chemical modification of proteins during the Maillard reaction. Reactive oxygen species, produced during the oxidation of sugars and lipids in these processes, irreversibly oxidize proteins. Methionine is particularly susceptible to oxidation, yielding the oxidation product methionine sulfoxide (MetSO). Here we describe a method for the analysis of MetSO using proteomic techniques. Using these techniques, we measured MetSO formation on the model protein RNase during aerobic incubations with glucose and arachidonate. We also evaluated the susceptibility of MetSO to reduction by NaBH4, a commonly used reductant in the analysis of Maillard reaction products.


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RNase A (1 mM) was incubated with glucose (0.4 M) at 37degreesC for up to 14 days in phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7.4), digested with trypsin and analysed by LC-MS. The major sites of fructoselysine formation were Lys(1), Lys(7), Lys(37) and Lys(41). Three of these sites (Lys(7), Lys(37) and Lys(41)) were also the major sites of N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine formation.


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Micro-(mi)RNAs play a pivotal role in the developmental regulation of plants and animals. We reasoned that disruption of normal heterochronic activity in differentiating Meloidogyne incognita eggs may lead to irregular development, lethality and by extension, represent a novel target for parasite control On silencing the nuclear RNase III enzyme drosha, a critical effector of miRNA maturation in animals, we found a significant inhibition of normal development and hatching in short interfering (sORNA-soaked M incognita eggs Developing juveniles presented with highly irregular tissue patterning within the egg, and we found that unlike our previous gene silencing efforts focused on FMRFamide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2)-like peptides (FLPs), there was no observable phenotypic recovery following removal of the environmental siRNA. Aberrant phenotypes were exacerbated over time, and drosha knockdown proved embryonically lethal Subsequently, we identified and silenced the drosha cofactor pasha, revealing a comparable inhibition of normal embryonic development within the eggs to that of drosha-silenced eggs, eventually leading to embryonic lethality To further probe the link between normal embryonic development and the M. incognita RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, we attempted to examine the impact of silencing the cytosolic RNase III enzyme dicer. Unexpectedly, we found a substantial up-regulation of dicer transcript abundance, which did not impact on egg differentiation or hatching rates. Silencing of the individual transcripts in hatched J2s was significantly less successful and resulted in temporary phenotypic aberration of the J2s. which recovered within 24 h to normal movement and posture on washing out the siRNA. Soaking the J2s in dicer siRNA resulted in a modest decrease in dicer transcript abundance which had no observable impact on phenotype or behaviour within 48 h of initial exposure to siRNA. We propose that drosha, pasha and their ancillary factors may represent excellent targets for novel nematicides and/or in planta controls aimed at M incognita, and potentially other parasitic nematodes, through disruption of miRNA-directed developmental pathways. In addition, we have identified a putative Mi-en-I transcript which encodes an RNAi-inhibiting siRNA exonuclease We observe a marked up-regulation of MI-en-I transcript abundance in response to exogenously introduced siRNA, and reason that this may impact on the interpretation of RN/NI-based reverse genetic screens in plant parasitic nematodes. (C) 2010 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the identification of the promoter region of the Escherichia coli O7-specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) gene cluster (wbEcO7). Typical -10 and -35 sequences were found to be located in the intervening region between galF and rlmB, the first gene of the wbEcO7 cluster. Data from RNase protection experiments revealed the existence of an untranslated leader mRNA segment of 173 bp, including the JUMPStart and two ops sequences. We characterized the structure of this leader mRNA by using the program Mfold and a combination of nested and internal deletions transcriptionally fused to a promoterless lac operon. Our results indicated that the leader mRNA may fold into a series of complex stem-loop structures, one of which includes the JUMPStart element. We have also found that one of the ops sequences resides on the predicted stem and the other resides on the loop region, and we confirmed that these sequences are essential for the RfaH-mediated regulation of the O polysaccharide cluster. A very similar stem-loop structure could be predicted in the promoter region of the LPS core operon encoding the waaQGPSBIJYZK genes. We observed another predicted stem-loop, located immediately downstream from the wbEcO7 transcription initiation site, which appeared to be involved in premature termination of transcription. This putative stem-loop is common to many other O polysaccharide gene clusters but is not present in core oligosaccharide genes. wbEcO7-lac transcriptional fusions in single copy numbers were also used to determine the effects of various environmental cues in the transcriptional regulation of O polysaccharide synthesis. No effects were detected with temperature, osmolarity, Mg2+ concentration, and drugs inducing changes in DNA supercoiling. We therefore conclude that the wbEcO7 promoter activity may be constitutive and that regulation takes place at the level of elongation of the mRNA in a RfaH-mediated manner.


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Malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) are major end-products of oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and are frequently measured as indicators of lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress in vivo. MDA forms Schiff-base adducts with lysine residues and cross-links proteins in vitro; HNE also reacts with lysines, primarily via a Michael addition reaction. We have developed methods using NaBH4 reduction to stabilize these adducts to conditions used for acid hydrolysis of protein, and have prepared reduced forms of lysine-MDA [3-(N epsilon-lysino)propan-1-ol (LM)], the lysine-MDA-lysine iminopropene cross-link [1,3-di(N epsilon-lysino)propane (LML)] and lysine-HNE [3-(N epsilon-lysino)-4-hydroxynonan-l-ol (LHNE)]. Gas chromatography/MS assays have been developed for quantification of the reduced compounds in protein. RNase incubated with MDA or HNE was used as a model for quantification of the adducts by gas chromatography/MS. There was excellent agreement between measurement of MDA bound to RNase as LM and LML, and as thiobarbituric acid-MDA adducts measured by HPLC; these adducts accounted for 70-80% of total lysine loss during the reaction with MDA. LM and LML (0.002-0.12 mmol/ mol of lysine) were also found in freshly isolated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from healthy subjects. LHNE was measured in RNase treated with HNE, but was not detectable in native LDL. LM, LML and LHNE increased in concert with the formation of conjugated dienes during the copper-catalysed oxidation of LDL, but accounted for modification of <1% of lysine residues in oxidized LDL. These results are the first report of direct chemical measurement of MDA and HNE adducts to lysine residues in LDL. LM, LML and LHNE should be useful as biomarkers of lipid peroxidative modification of protein and of oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo.