960 resultados para RETINAL DEGENERATION
Objectives: To reevaluate the longevity and intraocular safety of recombinant adenovirus (rAd)-mediated gene delivery after subretinal injection, and to prolong transgene expression through the combination of 2 synergistic immunosuppressants. Methods: An rAd vector carrying green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene was delivered subretinally in the rat eye. The GFP expression was monitored in real time by fundus fluorescent photography. Intraocular safety was examined by observation of changes of retinal pigmentation, cell infiltration in virus-contacted area, immunophenotyping for CD4(+) and CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and CD68(+) macrophages, histologic findings, and dark-adapted electroretinography. Two synergistic immunosuppressants, cyclosporine and sirolimus, were used alone or in combination to prolong transgene expression by temporary immunosuppression. Results: The GFP expression peaked on day 4, dramatically decreased on day 10, and was not detectable on day 14. The decreased GFP expression was coincident with cell infiltration in virus-contacted area. Immunostaining showed that the infiltrating cells were CD4(+) and CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes and CD68(+) macrophages. Clumped retinal pigmentation and decreased b wave of dark-adapted electroretinogram were observed at 3 to 4 weeks after injection. Histologic examination confirmed rAd-induced retinal degeneration. Transient immunosuppression by cyclosporine and sirolimus, either alone or in combination, improved transgene expression, with the combination being the most efficient. The combined immunosuppression attenuated but did not retard the rAd-induced retinal damage. Conclusions: Transgene expression mediated by rAd after subretinal delivery is short-term and toxic to the retina. Combination of cyclosporine and sirolimus may act as an immunosuppressive adjunct to prolong rAd-mediated gene transfer. Clinical Relevance: The intraocular safety of rAd should be carefully considered before clinical trials are performed.
Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), the most severe inherited retinal dystrophy, is genetically heterogeneous, with 14 genes accounting for 70% of patients. Here, 91 LCA probands underwent LCA chip analysis and subsequent sequencing of 6 genes (CEP290, CRB1, RPE65, GUCY2D, AIPL1and CRX), revealing mutations in 69% of the cohort, with major involvement of CEP290 (30%). In addition, 11 patients with early-onset retinal dystrophy (EORD) and 13 patients with Senior-Loken syndrome (SLS), LCA-Joubert syndrome (LCA-JS) or cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome (CORS) were included. Exhaustive re-inspection of the overall phenotypes in our LCA cohort revealed novel insights mainly regarding the CEP290-related phenotype. The AHI1 gene was screened as a candidate modifier gene in three patients with the same CEP290 genotype but different neurological involvement. Interestingly, a heterozygous novel AHI1 mutation, p.Asn811Lys, was found in the most severely affected patient. Moreover, AHI1 screening in five other patients with CEP290-related disease and neurological involvement revealed a second novel missense variant, p.His758Pro, in one LCA patient with mild mental retardation and autism. These two AHI1 mutations might thus represent neurological modifiers of CEP290-related disease.
Bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy (BCD) is an autosomal recessive retinal degeneration characterized by multiple glistening intraretinal dots scattered over the fundus, degeneration of the retina, and sclerosis of the choroidal vessels, ultimately resulting in progressive night blindness and constriction of the visual field. Although BCD has been associated with abnormalities in fatty-acid metabolism and absence of fatty-acid binding by two cytosolic proteins, the genetic basis of BCD is unknown. We report linkage of the BCD locus to D4S426 (maximum LOD score [Z(max)] 4.81; recombination fraction [straight theta] 0), D4S2688 (Zmax=3.97; straight theta=0), and D4S2299 (Zmax=5.31; straight theta=0), on chromosome 4q35-4qtel. Multipoint analysis confirmed linkage to the region telomeric of D4S1652 with a Z(max) of 5.3 located 4 cM telomeric of marker D4S2930.
Purpose: Mutations in the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of NR2E3 cause recessively inherited enhanced short wavelength sensitive (S-) cone syndrome (ESCS), Goldmann-Favre syndrome (GFS) and clumped pigmentary retinal degeneration (CPRD). In addition to ligand binding, the LBD contains also essential amino acid sequences for the oligomerization of nuclear receptors. The aim of our studies is to characterize the impact of mutations in the LBD on receptor oligomerization and transcriptional activity of NR2E3. Methods: The different NR2E3 mutants were generated by QuickChange mutagenesis and analyzed in 293T-based transactivation studies and BRET2 (bioluminescence resonance electron transfer) assays. In silico homology modeling of mutant proteins was also performed using available crystallographic data of related nuclear receptors. Results: The mutants p.W234S, p.A256V, p.A256E, p.L263P, p.R309G, p.R311Q, p.R334G, p.L336P, p.L353V, p.R385P and p.M407K, all located in the LBD, showed impaired receptor dimerization at various degrees. Impaired repressor dimerization as assessed by BRET2 assays did not always correlate with impaired repressor function of NR2E3 as assessed by cell-based reporter assays. There were minor differences of transcriptional activity of mutant proteins on mouse S-opsin (opn1sw), mouse cone arrestin (arr3) and human cone arrestin, suggesting that the effect of LBD mutations was independent of the promoter context. Conclusions: Mutational analysis and homology modeling allowed the characterization of potential oligomerization interfaces of the NR2E3 LBD. Additionally, mutations in NR2E3 LBD may cause recessive retinal degenerations by different molecular mechanisms.
OBJECTIVE: To weight the rod-, cone-, and melanopsin-mediated activation of the retinal ganglion cells, which drive the pupil light reflex by varying the light stimulus wavelength, intensity, and duration. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-three subjects with normal eyes and 3 patients with neuroretinal visual loss. METHODS: A novel stimulus paradigm was developed using either a long wavelength (red) or short wavelength (blue) light given as a continuous Ganzfeld stimulus with stepwise increases over a 2 log-unit range. The pupillary movement before, during, and after the light stimulus was recorded in real time with an infrared illuminated video camera. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The percent pupil contraction of the transient and sustained pupil response to a low- (1 cd/m(2)), medium- (10 cd/m(2)), and high-intensity (100 cd/m(2)) red- and blue-light stimulus was calculated for 1 eye of each subject. From the 43 normal eyes, median and 25th, 75th, 5th, and 95th percentile values were obtained for each stimulus condition. RESULTS: In normal eyes at lower intensities, blue light evoked much greater pupil responses compared with red light when matched for photopic luminance. The transient pupil contraction was generally greater than the sustained contraction, and this disparity was greatest at the lowest light intensity and least apparent with bright (100 cd/m(2)) blue light. A patient with primarily rod dysfunction (nonrecordable scotopic electroretinogram) showed significantly reduced pupil responses to blue light at lower intensities. A patient with achromatopsia and an almost normal visual field showed selective reduction of the pupil response to red-light stimulation. A patient with ganglion cell dysfunction owing to anterior ischemic optic neuropathy demonstrated global loss of pupil responses to red and blue light in the affected eye. CONCLUSIONS: Pupil responses that differ as a function of light intensity and wavelength support the hypothesis that selected stimulus conditions can produce pupil responses that reflect phototransduction primarily mediated by rods, cones, or melanopsin. Use of chromatic pupil responses may be a novel way to diagnose and monitor diseases affecting either the outer or inner retina.
Purpose: In the Rd1 and Rd10 mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa, a mutation in the Pde6ß gene leads to the rapid loss of photoreceptors. As in several neurodegenerative diseases, Rd1 and Rd10 photoreceptors re-express cell cycle proteins prior to death. Bmi1 regulates cell cycle progression through inhibition of CDK inhibitors, and its deletion efficiently rescues the Rd1 retinal degeneration. The present study evaluates the effects of Bmi1 loss in photoreceptors and Müller glia, since in lower vertebrates, these cells respond to retinal injury through dedifferentiation and regeneration of retinal cells. Methods: Cell death and Müller cell activation were analyzed by immunostaining of wild-type, Rd1 and Rd1;Bmi1-/- eye sections during retinal degeneration, between P10 and P20. Lineage tracing experiments use the GFAP-Cre mouse (JAX) to target Müller cells. Results: In Rd1 retinal explants, inhibition of CDKs reduces the amount of dying cells. In vivo, Bmi1 deletion reduces CDK4 expression and cell death in the P15 Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina, although cGMP accumulation and TUNEL staining are detected at the onset of retinal degeneration (P12). This suggests that another process acts in parallel to overcome the initial loss of Rd1;Bmi1-/- photoreceptors. We demonstrate here that Bmi1 loss in the Rd1 retina enhances the activation of Müller glia by downregulation of p27Kip1, that these cells migrate toward the ONL, and that some cells express the retinal progenitor marker Pax6 at the inner part of the ONL. These events are also observed, but to a lesser extent, in Rd1 and Rd10 retinas. At P12, EdU incorporation shows proliferating cells with atypical elongated nuclei at the inner border of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL. Lineage tracing targeting Müller cells is in process and will determine the implication of this cell population in the maintenance of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL thickness and whether downregulation of Bmi1 in Rd10 Müller cells equally stimulates their activation. Conclusions: Our results show a dual role of Bmi1 deletion in the rescue of photoreceptors in the Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina. Indeed, the loss of Bmi1 reduces Rd1 retinal degeneration, and as well, enhances the Müller glia activation. In addition, the emergence of cells expressing a retinal progenitor marker in the ONL suggests Bmi1 as a blockade to the regeneration of retinal cells in mammals.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to test whether oligonucleotide-targeted gene repair can correct the point mutation in genomic DNA of PDE6b(rd1) (rd1) mouse retinas in vivo. METHODS: Oligonucleotides (ODNs) of 25 nucleotide length and complementary to genomic sequence subsuming the rd1 point mutation in the gene encoding the beta-subunit of rod photoreceptor cGMP-phosphodiesterase (beta-PDE), were synthesized with a wild type nucleotide base at the rd1 point mutation position. Control ODNs contained the same nucleotide bases as the wild type ODNs but with varying degrees of sequence mismatch. We previously developed a repeatable and relatively non-invasive technique to enhance ODN delivery to photoreceptor nuclei using transpalpebral iontophoresis prior to intravitreal ODN injection. Three such treatments were performed on C3H/henJ (rd1) mouse pups before postnatal day (PN) 9. Treatment outcomes were evaluated at PN28 or PN33, when retinal degeneration was nearly complete in the untreated rd1 mice. The effect of treatment on photoreceptor survival was evaluated by counting the number of nuclei of photoreceptor cells and by assessing rhodopsin immunohistochemistry on flat-mount retinas and sections. Gene repair in the retina was quantified by allele-specific real time PCR and by detection of beta-PDE-immunoreactive photoreceptors. Confirmatory experiments were conducted using independent rd1 colonies in separate laboratories. These experiments had an additional negative control ODN that contained the rd1 mutant nucleotide base at the rd1 point mutation site such that the sole difference between treatment with wild type and control ODN was the single base at the rd1 point mutation site. RESULTS: Iontophoresis enhanced the penetration of intravitreally injected ODNs in all retinal layers. Using this delivery technique, significant survival of photoreceptors was observed in retinas from eyes treated with wild type ODNs but not control ODNs as demonstrated by cell counting and rhodopsin immunoreactivity at PN28. Beta-PDE immunoreactivity was present in retinas from eyes treated with wild type ODN but not from those treated with control ODNs. Gene correction demonstrated by allele-specific real time PCR and by counts of beta-PDE-immunoreactive cells was estimated at 0.2%. Independent confirmatory experiments showed that retinas from eyes treated with wild type ODN contained many more rhodopsin immunoreactive cells compared to retinas treated with control (rd1 sequence) ODN, even when harvested at PN33. CONCLUSIONS: Short ODNs can be delivered with repeatable efficiency to mouse photoreceptor cells in vivo using a combination of intravitreal injection and iontophoresis. Delivery of therapeutic ODNs to rd1 mouse eyes resulted in genomic DNA conversion from mutant to wild type sequence, low but observable beta-PDE immunoreactivity, and preservation of rhodopsin immunopositive cells in the outer nuclear layer, suggesting that ODN-directed gene repair occurred and preserved rod photoreceptor cells. Effects were not seen in eyes treated with buffer or with ODNs having the rd1 mutant sequence, a definitive control for this therapeutic approach. Importantly, critical experiments were confirmed in two laboratories by several different researchers using independent mouse colonies and ODN preparations from separate sources. These findings suggest that targeted gene repair can be achieved in the retina following enhanced ODN delivery.
OBJECTIVE Interferon (IFN) signaling plays a crucial role in autoimmunity. Genetic variation in interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), a major regulator of the type I interferon induction, has been associated with risk of developing several autoimmune diseases. In the current study we aimed to evaluate whether three sets of correlated IRF5 genetic variants, independently associated with SLE and with different functional roles, are involved in uveitis susceptibility and its clinical subphenotypes. METHODS Three IRF5 polymorphisms, rs2004640, rs2070197 and rs10954213, representative of each group, were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays in a total of 263 non-anterior uveitis patients and 724 healthy controls of Spanish origin. RESULTS A clear association between two of the three analyzed genetic variants, rs2004640 and rs10954213, and the absence of macular edema was observed in the case/control analysis (P FDR =5.07E-03, OR=1.48, CI 95%=1.14-1.92 and P FDR =3.37E-03, OR=1.54, CI 95%=1.19-2.01, respectively). Consistently, the subphenotype analysis accordingly with the presence/absence of this clinical condition also reached statistical significance (rs2004640: P=0.037, OR=0.69, CI 95%=0.48-0.98; rs10954213: P=0.030, OR=0.67, CI 95%=0.47-0.96), thus suggesting that both IRF5 genetic variants are specifically associated with the lack of macular edema in uveitis patients. CONCLUSION Our results clearly showed for the first time that two functional genetic variants of IRF5 may play a role in the development of macular edema in non-anterior uveitis patients. Identifying genetic markers for macular edema could lead to the possibility of developing novel treatments or preventive therapies.
BACKGROUND: In the Western world, a major cause of blindness is age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Recent research in angiogenesis has furthered the understanding of choroidal neovascularization, which occurs in the "wet" form of AMD. In contrast, very little is known about the mechanisms of the predominant, "dry" form of AMD, which is characterized by retinal atrophy and choroidal involution. The aim of this study is to elucidate the possible implication of the scavenger receptor CD36 in retinal degeneration and choroidal involution, the cardinal features of the dry form of AMD. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We here show that deficiency of CD36, which participates in outer segment (OS) phagocytosis by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in vitro, leads to significant progressive age-related photoreceptor degeneration evaluated histologically at different ages in two rodent models of CD36 invalidation in vivo (Spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) and CD36-/- mice). Furthermore, these animals developed significant age related choroidal involution reflected in a 100%-300% increase in the avascular area of the choriocapillaries measured on vascular corrosion casts of aged animals. We also show that proangiogenic COX2 expression in RPE is stimulated by CD36 activating antibody and that CD36-deficient RPE cells from SHR rats fail to induce COX2 and subsequent vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression upon OS or antibody stimulation in vitro. CD36-/- mice express reduced levels of COX2 and VEGF in vivo, and COX2-/- mice develop progressive choroidal degeneration similar to what is seen in CD36 deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: CD36 deficiency leads to choroidal involution via COX2 down-regulation in the RPE. These results show a novel molecular mechanism of choroidal degeneration, a key feature of dry AMD. These findings unveil a pathogenic process, to our knowledge previously undescribed, with important implications for the development of new therapies.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited form of retinal degeneration that leads to progressive visual-field constriction and blindness. Although the disease manifests only in the retina, mutations in ubiquitously expressed genes associated with the tri-snRNP complex of the spliceosome have been identified in patients with dominantly inherited RP. We screened for mutations in PRPF6 (NM_012469.3), a gene on chromosome 20q13.33 encoding an essential protein for tri-snRNP assembly and stability, in 188 unrelated patients with autosomal-dominant RP and identified a missense mutation, c.2185C>T (p.Arg729Trp). This change affected a residue that is conserved from humans to yeast and cosegregated with the disease in the family in which it was identified. Lymphoblasts derived from patients with this mutation showed abnormal localization of endogenous PRPF6 within the nucleus. Specifically, this protein accumulated in the Cajal bodies, indicating a possible impairment in the tri-snRNP assembly or recycling. Expression of GFP-tagged PRPF6 in HeLa cells showed that this phenomenon depended exclusively on the mutated form of the protein. Furthermore, analysis of endogenous transcripts in cells from patients revealed intron retention for pre-mRNA bearing specific splicing signals, according to the same pattern displayed by lymphoblasts with mutations in other PRPF genes. Our results identify PRPF6 as the sixth gene involved in pre-mRNA splicing and dominant RP, corroborating the hypothesis that deficiencies in the spliceosome play an important role in the molecular pathology of this disease.
Heterozygous mutations in the PRPF31 gene cause autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP), a hereditary disorder leading to progressive blindness. In some cases, such mutations display incomplete penetrance, implying that certain carriers develop retinal degeneration while others have no symptoms at all. Asymptomatic carriers are protected from the disease by a higher than average expression of the PRPF31 allele that is not mutated, mainly through the action of an unknown modifier gene mapping to chromosome 19q13.4. We investigated a large family with adRP segregating an 11-bp deletion in PRPF31. The analysis of cell lines derived from asymptomatic and affected individuals revealed that the expression of only one gene among a number of candidates within the 19q13.4 interval significantly correlated with that of PRPF31, both at the mRNA and protein levels, and according to an inverse relationship. This gene was CNOT3, encoding a subunit of the Ccr4-not transcription complex. In cultured cells, siRNA-mediated silencing of CNOT3 provoked an increase in PRPF31 expression, confirming a repressive nature of CNOT3 on PRPF31. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that CNOT3 directly binds to a specific PRPF31 promoter sequence, while next-generation sequencing of the CNOT3 genomic region indicated that its variable expression is associated with a common intronic SNP. In conclusion, we identify CNOT3 as the main modifier gene determining penetrance of PRPF31 mutations, via a mechanism of transcriptional repression. In asymptomatic carriers CNOT3 is expressed at low levels, allowing higher amounts of wild-type PRPF31 transcripts to be produced and preventing manifestation of retinal degeneration.
Purpose: Pathologic choroidal neovascularizations (CNV) are implicated in the wet form of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Abnormal vessel growth is also observed in disease when hypoxia and/or inflammation occur. Our goal is to establish a standard protocol of laser-induced CNV in mice that have different levels of pigmentation to identify the most reliable animal model.Methods: CNV was induced by 4 burns around the optic disk, using a green argon laser (100μm diameter spot size; 0,05 sec. duration) in C57/Bl6, DBA/1 and Balb/c to ascertain the efficacy of the method in function of retina pigmentation. Five different intensities were tested and Bruch's membrane disruption was identified by the appearance of a bubble at the site of photocoagulation. Fluorescein angiographies (FA) were undertaken 14 days post lesion and CNV area was quantified by immunohistochemistry on cryosections.Results: CNV retina area was related to spot intensity after laser injury. While 180mW and 200mW do not induce reliable CNV (respectively 27.85±0.35% and 29±1.67% of the retina surface), 260mW is required to induce 51,07±8.52% of CNV in C57/Bl6 mice. For the DBA/1 strain, less pigmented, 200mW was sufficient to induce 49.35±3.9% of CNV, indicating that lower intensity are required to induce CNV. Furthermore, an intensity of 180mW induced greater CNV (35.55±6.01%) than in C57/Bl6 mice. Nevertheless, laser did not induce reproducible 50% CNV in Balb/c albino mice for all intensities tested. Isolectin-B4 and GFAP stainings revealed neovessel formation and photoreceptor (PR) degeneration at the impact site. The presence of glia was observed throughout all the retinal layers and angiograms showed fluorescein leakage in pigmented mice.Conclusions: The establishment of a standard protocol to induce CNV and subsequent PR degeneration is of prime importance for the use of the laser-induced CNV model and will allow to evaluate the therapeutic potency of agents to prevent CNV and retinal degeneration.
We performed whole genome sequencing in 16 unrelated patients with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (ARRP), a disease characterized by progressive retinal degeneration and caused by mutations in over 50 genes, in search of pathogenic DNA variants. Eight patients were from North America, whereas eight were Japanese, a population for which ARRP seems to have different genetic drivers. Using a specific workflow, we assessed both the coding and noncoding regions of the human genome, including the evaluation of highly polymorphic SNPs, structural and copy number variations, as well as 69 control genomes sequenced by the same procedures. We detected homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in 7 genes associated with ARRP (USH2A, RDH12, CNGB1, EYS, PDE6B, DFNB31, and CERKL) in eight patients, three Japanese and five Americans. Fourteen of the 16 mutant alleles identified were previously unknown. Among these, there was a 2.3-kb deletion in USH2A and an inverted duplication of ∼446 kb in EYS, which would have likely escaped conventional screening techniques or exome sequencing. Moreover, in another Japanese patient, we identified a homozygous frameshift (p.L206fs), absent in more than 2,500 chromosomes from ethnically matched controls, in the ciliary gene NEK2, encoding a serine/threonine-protein kinase. Inactivation of this gene in zebrafish induced retinal photoreceptor defects that were rescued by human NEK2 mRNA. In addition to identifying a previously undescribed ARRP gene, our study highlights the importance of rare structural DNA variations in Mendelian diseases and advocates the need for screening approaches that transcend the analysis of the coding sequences of the human genome.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a retinal degenerative disease characterized by the progressive loss of photoreceptors. We have previously demonstrated that RP can be caused by recessive mutations in the human FAM161A gene, encoding a protein with unknown function that contains a conserved region shared only with a distant paralog, FAM161B. In this study, we show that FAM161A localizes at the base of the photoreceptor connecting cilium in human, mouse and rat. Furthermore, it is also present at the ciliary basal body in ciliated mammalian cells, both in native conditions and upon the expression of recombinant tagged proteins. Yeast two-hybrid analysis of binary interactions between FAM161A and an array of ciliary and ciliopathy-associated proteins reveals direct interaction with lebercilin, CEP290, OFD1 and SDCCAG8, all involved in hereditary retinal degeneration. These interactions are mediated by the C-terminal moiety of FAM161A, as demonstrated by pull-down experiments in cultured cell lines and in bovine retinal extracts. As other ciliary proteins, FAM161A can also interact with the microtubules and organize itself into microtubule-dependent intracellular networks. Moreover, small interfering RNA-mediated depletion of FAM161A transcripts in cultured cells causes the reduction in assembled primary cilia. Taken together, these data indicate that FAM161A-associated RP can be considered as a novel retinal ciliopathy and that its molecular pathogenesis may be related to other ciliopathies.
We report the study of a large American family displaying autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa with reduced penetrance, a form of hereditary retinal degeneration. Although the inheritance pattern and previous linkage mapping pointed to the involvement of the PRPF31 gene, extensive screening of all its exons and their boundaries failed in the past to reveal any mutation. In this work, we sequenced the entire PRPF31 genomic region by both the classical Sanger method and ultrahigh throughput (UHT) sequencing. Among the many variants identified, a single-base substitution (c.1374+654C>G) located deep within intron 13 and inside a repetitive DNA element was common to all patients and obligate asymptomatic carriers. This change created a new splice donor site leading to the synthesis of two mutant PRPF31 isoforms, degraded by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. As a consequence, amounts of PRPF31 mRNA derived from the mutant allele were very reduced, with no evidence of mutant proteins being synthesized. Our results indicate that c.1374+654C>G causes retinitis pigmentosa via haploinsufficiency, similar to the vast majority of PRPF31 mutations described so far. We discuss the potential of UHT sequencing technologies in mutation screening and the continued identification of pathogenic splicing mutations buried deep within intronic regions.