991 resultados para RADIATION-DAMAGE


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Hypernuclear physics is currently attracting renewed interest, due tornthe important role of hypernuclei spectroscopy rn(hyperon-hyperon and hyperon-nucleon interactions) rnas a unique toolrnto describe the baryon-baryon interactions in a unified way and to rnunderstand the origin of their short-range.rnrnHypernuclear research will be one of the main topics addressed by the {sc PANDA} experimentrnat the planned Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research {sc FAIR}.rnThanks to the use of stored $overline{p}$ beams, copiousrnproduction of double $Lambda$ hypernuclei is expected at thern{sc PANDA} experiment, which will enable high precision $gamma$rnspectroscopy of such nuclei for the first time.rnAt {sc PANDA} excited states of $Xi^-$ hypernuclei will be usedrnas a basis for the formation of double $Lambda$ hypernuclei.rnFor their detection, a devoted hypernuclear detector setup is planned. This setup consists ofrna primary nuclear target for the production of $Xi^{-}+overline{Xi}$ pairs, a secondary active targetrnfor the hypernuclei formation and the identification of associated decay products and a germanium array detector to perform $gamma$ spectroscopy.rnrnIn the present work, the feasibility of performing high precision $gamma$rnspectroscopy of double $Lambda$ hypernuclei at the {sc PANDA} experiment has been studiedrnby means of a Monte Carlo simulation. For this issue, the designing and simulation of the devoted detector setup as well as of the mechanism to produce double $Lambda$ hypernuclei have been optimizedrntogether with the performance of the whole system. rnIn addition, the production yields of double hypernuclei in excitedrnparticle stable states have been evaluated within a statistical decay model.rnrnA strategy for the unique assignment of various newly observed $gamma$-transitions rnto specific double hypernuclei has been successfully implemented by combining the predicted energy spectra rnof each target with the measurement of two pion momenta from the subsequent weak decays of a double hypernucleus.rn% Indeed, based on these Monte Carlo simulation, the analysis of the statistical decay of $^{13}_{Lambda{}Lambda}$B has been performed. rn% As result, three $gamma$-transitions associated to the double hypernuclei $^{11}_{Lambda{}Lambda}$Bern% and to the single hyperfragments $^{4}_{Lambda}$H and $^{9}_{Lambda}$Be, have been well identified.rnrnFor the background handling a method based on time measurement has also been implemented.rnHowever, the percentage of tagged events related to the production of $Xi^{-}+overline{Xi}$ pairs, variesrnbetween 20% and 30% of the total number of produced events of this type. As a consequence, further considerations have to be made to increase the tagging efficiency by a factor of 2.rnrnThe contribution of the background reactions to the radiation damage on the germanium detectorsrnhas also been studied within the simulation. Additionally, a test to check the degradation of the energyrnresolution of the germanium detectors in the presence of a magnetic field has also been performed.rnNo significant degradation of the energy resolution or in the electronics was observed. A correlationrnbetween rise time and the pulse shape has been used to correct the measured energy. rnrnBased on the present results, one can say that the performance of $gamma$ spectroscopy of double $Lambda$ hypernuclei at the {sc PANDA} experiment seems feasible.rnA further improvement of the statistics is needed for the background rejection studies. Moreover, a more realistic layout of the hypernuclear detectors has been suggested using the results of these studies to accomplish a better balance between the physical and the technical requirements.rn


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The thermal release rate of nuclear reaction products was investigated in offline annealing experiments. This work was motivated by the search for a high melting catcher material for recoiling products from heavy ion induced nuclear fusion reactions. Polycrystalline refractory metal foils of Ni, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, W, and Re were investigated as catcher metals. Diffusion data for various tracer/host combinations were deduced from the measured release rates. This work focuses on the diffusion and the release rate of volatile p-elements from row 5 and 6 of the periodic table as lighter homologues of the superheavy elements with Z ≥ 113 to be studied in future experiments. A massive radiation damage enhancement of the diffusion velocity was observed. Diffusion trends have been established along the groups and rows of the periodic table based on the dependence of diffusion velocity on atomic sizes.


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Detrital studies that utilize zircon U–Pb geochronology and fission-track (FT) thermochronometry are subject to a range of potential sources of bias that should be properly evaluated and minimized. Some of them are common to any single-grain mineral analysis (e.g., variable bedrock mineral fertility, hydraulic sorting during transport, selective grain loss during sample processing), whereas others are intrinsic to zircon, and are related to radiation damage and age discordance. In this article, we quantify the impact of intrinsic bias on detrital studies thanks to the analysis of modern detritus shed from the European Alps, and illustrate the general implications on geological interpretations. We show that detrital zircon U–Pb age distributions based on statistically robust datasets are highly reproducible and representative of the parent bedrock ages in the catchment. Arbitrary or selective removal of discordant grain ages can be minimized by using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to identify an appropriate cutoff level. Loss of metamict (α-damaged) zircon has a minor impact on data representativeness, and is mainly controlled by regional metamorphism rather than by mechanical abrasion during river transport. Zircon FT grain-age distributions were found to have poor reproducibility, although age spectra are consistent with bedrock data. However, unlike the U–Pb datasets, U-rich zircon grains (> 1000 ppm) are systematically missed, and undatable grains may exceed 50%. We identify two major sources of distribution bias specific to zircon FT datasets: (i) sediment sources dominated by U-rich zircon grains are markedly underrepresented in the detrital record, because such grains often have uncountable high densities of fission tracks (“U concentration bias”); (ii) sediment sources that shed zircon grains with high levels of α-damage are underrepresented, because these grains are lost during chemical etching for FT revelation (“etching bias”). In the case of multimethod dating on the same grains (e.g., FT and U–Pb double dating), bias affecting detrital zircon FT dating propagates to the entire dataset. These effects may not impact on exhumation-rate studies that utilize the youngest grain ages (i.e., lag-time approach). However, they represent a limiting factor for conventional provenance studies, and generally preclude application of zircon FT dating to sediment budget calculations.


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Liquid crystals (LCs) represent a challenging group of materials for direct transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies due to the complications in specimen preparation and the severe radiation damage. In this paper, we summarize a series of specimen preparation methods, including thin film and cryo-sectioning approaches, as a comprehensive toolset enabling high-resolution direct cryo-TEM observation of a broad range of LCs. We also present comparative analysis using cryo-TEM and replica freeze-fracture TEM on both thermotropic and lyotropic LCs. In addition to the revisits of previous practices, some new concepts are introduced, e.g., suspended thermotropic LC thin films, combined high-pressure freezing and cryo-sectioning of lyotropic LCs, and the complementary applications of direct TEM and indirect replica TEM techniques. The significance of subnanometer resolution cryo-TEM observation is demonstrated in a few important issues in LC studies, including providing direct evidences for the existence of nanoscale smectic domains in nematic bent-core thermotropic LCs, comprehensive understanding of the twist-bend nematic phase, and probing the packing of columnar aggregates in lyotropic chromonic LCs. Direct TEM observation opens ways to a variety of TEM techniques, suggesting that TEM (replica, cryo, and in situ techniques), in general, may be a promising part of the solution to the lack of effective structural probe at the molecular scale in LC studies. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:754-772, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A modified version of the concentration-dependent model (CDM) potential (A. Caro et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 075702) [1] has been developed to study defects in Fe–Cr for different Crconcentrations. A comparison between this new potential and DFT results for a variety of point defect configurations is performed in order to test its reliability for radiation damage studies. The effect of Crconcentration on the vacancyformationenergy in Fe–Cr alloys is analyzed in detail. This study shows a linear dependence of the vacancyformationenergy on Crconcentration for values above 6% of Cr. However, the formationenergy deviates from the linear interpolation in the region below 6% Crconcentration. In order to understand this behavior, the influence of the relative positions between Cr atoms and vacant sites on the vacancyformationenergy has been studied.


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Fe–Cr based alloys are the leading structural material candidates in the design of next generation reactors due to their high resistance to swelling and corrosion. Despite these good properties there are others, such as embrittlement, which require a higher level of understanding in order to improve aspects such as safety or lifetime of the reactors. The addition of Cr improves the behavior of the steels under irradiation, but not in a monotonic way. Therefore, understanding the changes in the Fe–Cr based alloys microstructure induced by irradiation and the role played by the alloying element (Cr) is needed in order to predict the response of these materials under the extreme conditions they are going to support. In this work we perform a study of the effect of Cr concentration in a bcc Fe–Cr matrix on formation and binding energies of vacancy clusters up to 5 units. The dependence of the calculated formation and binding energy is investigated with two empirical interatomic potentials specially developed to study radiation damage in Fe–Cr alloys. Results are very similar for both potentials showing an increase of the defect stability with the cluster size and no real dependence on Cr concentration for the binding energy.


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Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) is a widely used technique to simulate the evolution of radiation damage inside solids. Despite de fact that this technique was developed several decades ago, there is not an established and easy to access simulating tool for researchers interested in this field, unlike in the case of molecular dynamics or density functional theory calculations. In fact, scientists must develop their own tools or use unmaintained ones in order to perform these types of simulations. To fulfil this need, we have developed MMonCa, the Modular Monte Carlo simulator. MMonCa has been developed using professional C++ programming techniques and has been built on top of an interpreted language to allow having a powerful yet flexible, robust but customizable and easy to access modern simulator. Both non lattice and Lattice KMC modules have been developed. We will present in this conference, for the first time, the MMonCa simulator. Along with other (more detailed) contributions in this meeting, the versatility of MMonCa to study a number of problems in different materials (particularly, Fe and W) subject to a wide range of conditions will be shown. Regarding KMC simulations, we have studied neutron-generated cascade evolution in Fe (as a model material). Starting with a Frenkel pair distribution we have followed the defect evolution up to 450 K. Comparison with previous simulations and experiments shows excellent agreement. Furthermore, we have studied a more complex system (He-irradiated W:C) using a previous parametrization [1]. He-irradiation at 4 K followed by isochronal annealing steps up to 500 K has been simulated with MMonCa. The He energy was 400 eV or 3 keV. In the first case, no damage is associated to the He implantation, whereas in the second one, a significant Frenkel pair concentration (evolving into complex clusters) is associated to the He ions. We have been able to explain He desorption both in the absence and in the presence of Frenkel pairs and we have also applied MMonCa to high He doses and fluxes at elevated temperatures. He migration and trapping dominate the kinetics of He desorption. These processes will be discussed and compared to experimental results. [1] C.S. Becquart et al. J. Nucl. Mater. 403 (2010) 75


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Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) thermochronology is increasingly used for reconstructing geodynamic processes of the upper crust and the surface. Results of AHe thermochronology, however, are often in conflict with apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology, yielding an inverted age-relationship with AHe dates older than AFT dates of the same samples. This effect is mainly explained by radiation damage of apatite, either impeding He diffusion or causing non-thermal annealing of fission tracks. So far, systematic age inversions have only been described for old and slowly cooled terranes, whereas for young and rapidly cooled samples 'too old' AHe dates are usually explained by the presence of undetected U and/or Th-rich micro-inclusions. We report apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He results for rapidly cooled volcanogenic samples deposited in a deep ocean environment with a relatively simple post-depositional thermal history. Robust age constraints are provided independently through sample biostratigraphy. All studied apatites have low U contents (< 5 ppm on average). While AFT dates are largely in agreement with deposition ages, most AHe dates are too old. For leg 43, where deposition age of sampled sediment is 26.5-29.5 Ma, alpha-corrected average AHe dates are up to 45 Ma, indicating overestimations of AHe dates up to 50%. This is explained by He implantation from surrounding host U-Th rich sedimentary components and it is shown that AHe dates can be "corrected" by mechanically abrading the outer part of grains. We recommend that particularly for low U-Th-apatites the possibility of He implantation should be carefully checked before considering the degree to which the alpha-ejection correction should be applied.


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Mutations in components of the Mre 11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex give rise to genetic disorders characterized by neurological abnormalities, radiosensitivity, cell cycle checkpoint defects, genomic instability and cancer predisposition. Evidence exists that this complex associates with chromatin during DNA replication and acts as a sensor of double strand breaks (dsbs) in DNA after exposure to radiation. A series of recent reports provides additional support that the complex senses breaks in DNA and relays this information to ATM, mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), which in turn activates pathways for cell cycle checkpoint activation. Paradoxically members of the Mre11 complex are also downstream of ATM in these pathways. Here, Lavin attempts to make sense of this sensing mechanism with reference to a series of recent reports on the topic. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the evolution of radiation damage and changes in hardness of sputter-deposited Cu/V nanolaminates upon room temperature helium ion irradiation. As the individual layer thickness decreases from 200 to 5 nm, helium bubble density and radiation hardening both decrease. The magnitude of radiation hardening becomes negligible for individual layer thickness of 2.5 nm or less. These observations indicate that nearly immiscible Cu/V interface can effectively absorb radiation-induced point defects and reduce their concentrations.


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Polycrystalline zirconium nitride (ZrN) samples were irradiated with He +, Kr ++, and Xe ++ ions to high (>1·10 16 ions/cm 2) fluences at ∼100 K. Following ion irradiation, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) were used to analyze the microstructure and crystal structure of the post-irradiated material. For ion doses equivalent to approximately 200 displacements per atom (dpa), ZrN was found to resist any amorphization transformation, based on TEM observations. At very high displacement damage doses, GIXRD measurements revealed tetragonal splitting of some of the diffraction maxima (maxima which are associated with cubic ZrN prior to irradiation). In addition to TEM and GIXRD, mechanical property changes were characterized using nanoindentation. Nanoindentation revealed no change in elastic modulus of ZrN with increasing ion dose, while the hardness of the irradiated ZrN was found to increase significantly with ion dose. Finally, He + ion implanted ZrN samples were annealed to examine He gas retention properties of ZrN as a function of annealing temperature. He gas release was measured using a residual gas analysis (RGA) spectrometer. RGA measurements were performed on He-implanted ZrN samples and on ZrN samples that had also been irradiated with Xe ++ ions, in order to introduce high levels of displacive radiation damage into the matrix. He evolution studies revealed that ZrN samples with high levels of displacement damage due to Xe implantation, show a lower temperature threshold for He release than do pristine ZrN samples.


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The Duke Free-electron laser (FEL) system, driven by the Duke electron storage ring, has been at the forefront of developing new light source capabilities over the past two decades. In 1999, the Duke FEL demonstrated the first lasing of a storage ring FEL in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region at $194$ nm using two planar OK-4 undulators. With two helical undulators added to the outboard sides of the planar undulators, in 2005 the highest FEL gain ($47.8\%$) of a storage ring FEL was achieved using the Duke FEL system with a four-undulator configuration. In addition, the Duke FEL has been used as the photon source to drive the High Intensity $\gamma$-ray Source (HIGS) via Compton scattering of the FEL beam and electron beam inside the FEL cavity. Taking advantage of FEL's wavelength tunability as well as the adjustability of the energy of the electron beam in the storage ring, the nearly monochromatic $\gamma$-ray beam has been produced in a wide energy range from $1$ to $100$ MeV at the HIGS. To further push the FEL short wavelength limit and enhance the FEL gain in the VUV regime for high energy $\gamma$-ray production, two additional helical undulators were installed in 2012 using an undulator switchyard system to allow switching between the two planar and two helical undulators in the middle section of the FEL system. Using different undulator configurations made possible by the switchyard, a number of novel capabilities of the storage ring FEL have been developed and exploited for a wide FEL wavelength range from infrared (IR) to VUV. These new capabilities will eventually be made available to the $\gamma$-ray operation, which will greatly enhance the $\gamma$-ray user research program, creating new opportunities for certain types of nuclear physics research.

With the wide wavelength tuning range, the FEL is an intrinsically well-suited device to produce lasing with multiple colors. Taking advantage of the availability of an undulator system with multiple undulators, we have demonstrated the first two-color lasing of a storage ring FEL. Using either a three- or four-undulator configuration with a pair of dual-band high reflectivity mirrors, we have achieved simultaneous lasing in the IR and UV spectral regions. With the low-gain feature of the storage ring FEL, the power generated at the two wavelengths can be equally built up and precisely balanced to reach FEL saturation. A systematic experimental program to characterize this two-color FEL has been carried out, including precise power control, a study of the power stability of two-color lasing, wavelength tuning, and the impact of the FEL mirror degradation. Using this two-color laser, we have started to develop a new two-color $\gamma$-ray beam for scientific research at the HIGS.

Using the undulator switchyard, four helical undulators installed in the beamline can be configured to not only enhance the FEL gain in the VUV regime, but also allow for the full polarization control of the FEL beams. For the accelerator operation, the use of helical undulators is essential to extend the FEL mirror lifetime by reducing radiation damage from harmonic undulator radiation. Using a pair of helical undulators with opposite helicities, we have realized (1) fast helicity switching between left- and right-circular polarizations, and (2) the generation of fully controllable linear polarization. In order to extend these new capabilities of polarization control to the $\gamma$-ray operation in a wide energy range at the HIGS, a set of FEL polarization diagnostic systems need to be developed to cover the entire FEL wavelength range. The preliminary development of the polarization diagnostics for the wavelength range from IR to UV has been carried out.


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A fundamental step in understanding the effects of irradiation on metallic uranium and uranium dioxide ceramic fuels, or any material, must start with the nature of radiation damage on the atomic level. The atomic damage displacement results in a multitude of defects that influence the fuel performance. Nuclear reactions are coupled, in that changing one variable will alter others through feedback. In the field of fuel performance modeling, these difficulties are addressed through the use of empirical models rather than models based on first principles. Empirical models can be used as a predictive code through the careful manipulation of input variables for the limited circumstances that are closely tied to the data used to create the model. While empirical models are efficient and give acceptable results, these results are only applicable within the range of the existing data. This narrow window prevents modeling changes in operating conditions that would invalidate the model as the new operating conditions would not be within the calibration data set. This work is part of a larger effort to correct for this modeling deficiency. Uranium dioxide and metallic uranium fuels are analyzed through a kinetic Monte Carlo code (kMC) as part of an overall effort to generate a stochastic and predictive fuel code. The kMC investigations include sensitivity analysis of point defect concentrations, thermal gradients implemented through a temperature variation mesh-grid, and migration energy values. In this work, fission damage is primarily represented through defects on the oxygen anion sublattice. Results were also compared between the various models. Past studies of kMC point defect migration have not adequately addressed non-standard migration events such as clustering and dissociation of vacancies. As such, the General Utility Lattice Program (GULP) code was utilized to generate new migration energies so that additional non-migration events could be included into kMC code in the future for more comprehensive studies. Defect energies were calculated to generate barrier heights for single vacancy migration, clustering and dissociation of two vacancies, and vacancy migration while under the influence of both an additional oxygen and uranium vacancy.


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Membrane proteins, which reside in the membranes of cells, play a critical role in many important biological processes including cellular signaling, immune response, and material and energy transduction. Because of their key role in maintaining the environment within cells and facilitating intercellular interactions, understanding the function of these proteins is of tremendous medical and biochemical significance. Indeed, the malfunction of membrane proteins has been linked to numerous diseases including diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, cystic fibrosis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, epilepsy, cataracts, tubulopathy, leukodystrophy, Leigh syndrome, anemia, sensorineural deafness, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.1-3 However, the structure of many of these proteins and the changes in their structure that lead to disease-related malfunctions are not well understood. Additionally, at least 60% of the pharmaceuticals currently available are thought to target membrane proteins, despite the fact that their exact mode of operation is not known.4-6 Developing a detailed understanding of the function of a protein is achieved by coupling biochemical experiments with knowledge of the structure of the protein. Currently the most common method for obtaining three-dimensional structure information is X-ray crystallography. However, no a priori methods are currently available to predict crystallization conditions for a given protein.7-14 This limitation is currently overcome by screening a large number of possible combinations of precipitants, buffer, salt, and pH conditions to identify conditions that are conducive to crystal nucleation and growth.7,9,11,15-24 Unfortunately, these screening efforts are often limited by difficulties associated with quantity and purity of available protein samples. While the two most significant bottlenecks for protein structure determination in general are the (i) obtaining sufficient quantities of high quality protein samples and (ii) growing high quality protein crystals that are suitable for X-ray structure determination,7,20,21,23,25-47 membrane proteins present additional challenges. For crystallization it is necessary to extract the membrane proteins from the cellular membrane. However, this process often leads to denaturation. In fact, membrane proteins have proven to be so difficult to crystallize that of the more than 66,000 structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank,48 less than 1% are for membrane proteins, with even fewer present at high resolution (< 2Å)4,6,49 and only a handful are human membrane proteins.49 A variety of strategies including detergent solubilization50-53 and the use of artificial membrane-like environments have been developed to circumvent this challenge.43,53-55 In recent years, the use of a lipidic mesophase as a medium for crystallizing membrane proteins has been demonstrated to increase success for a wide range of membrane proteins, including human receptor proteins.54,56-62 This in meso method for membrane protein crystallization, however, is still by no means routine due to challenges related to sample preparation at sub-microliter volumes and to crystal harvesting and X-ray data collection. This dissertation presents various aspects of the development of a microfluidic platform to enable high throughput in meso membrane protein crystallization at a level beyond the capabilities of current technologies. Microfluidic platforms for protein crystallization and other lab-on-a-chip applications have been well demonstrated.9,63-66 These integrated chips provide fine control over transport phenomena and the ability to perform high throughput analyses via highly integrated fluid networks. However, the development of microfluidic platforms for in meso protein crystallization required the development of strategies to cope with extremely viscous and non-Newtonian fluids. A theoretical treatment of highly viscous fluids in microfluidic devices is presented in Chapter 3, followed by the application of these strategies for the development of a microfluidic mixer capable of preparing a mesophase sample for in meso crystallization at a scale of less than 20 nL in Chapter 4. This approach was validated with the successful on chip in meso crystallization of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin. In summary, this is the first report of a microfluidic platform capable of performing in meso crystallization on-chip, representing a 1000x reduction in the scale at which mesophase trials can be prepared. Once protein crystals have formed, they are typically harvested from the droplet they were grown in and mounted for crystallographic analysis. Despite the high throughput automation present in nearly all other aspects of protein structure determination, the harvesting and mounting of crystals is still largely a manual process. Furthermore, during mounting the fragile protein crystals can potentially be damaged, both from physical and environmental shock. To circumvent these challenges an X-ray transparent microfluidic device architecture was developed to couple the benefits of scale, integration, and precise fluid control with the ability to perform in situ X-ray analysis (Chapter 5). This approach was validated successfully by crystallization and subsequent on-chip analysis of the soluble proteins lysozyme, thaumatin, and ribonuclease A and will be extended to microfluidic platforms for in meso membrane protein crystallization. The ability to perform in situ X-ray analysis was shown to provide extremely high quality diffraction data, in part as a result of not being affected by damage due to physical handling of the crystals. As part of the work described in this thesis, a variety of data collection strategies for in situ data analysis were also tested, including merging of small slices of data from a large number of crystals grown on a single chip, to allow for diffraction analysis at biologically relevant temperatures. While such strategies have been applied previously,57,59,61,67 they are potentially challenging when applied via traditional methods due to the need to grow and then mount a large number of crystals with minimal crystal-to-crystal variability. The integrated nature of microfluidic platforms easily enables the generation of a large number of reproducible crystallization trials. This, coupled with in situ analysis capabilities has the potential of being able to acquire high resolution structural data of proteins at biologically relevant conditions for which only small crystals, or crystals which are adversely affected by standard cryocooling techniques, could be obtained (Chapters 5 and 6). While the main focus of protein crystallography is to obtain three-dimensional protein structures, the results of typical experiments provide only a static picture of the protein. The use of polychromatic or Laue X-ray diffraction methods enables the collection of time resolved structural information. These experiments are very sensitive to crystal quality, however, and often suffer from severe radiation damage due to the intense polychromatic X-ray beams. Here, as before, the ability to perform in situ X-ray analysis on many small protein crystals within a microfluidic crystallization platform has the potential to overcome these challenges. An automated method for collecting a "single-shot" of data from a large number of crystals was developed in collaboration with the BioCARS team at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory (Chapter 6). The work described in this thesis shows that, even more so than for traditional structure determination efforts, the ability to grow and analyze a large number of high quality crystals is critical to enable time resolved structural studies of novel proteins. In addition to enabling X-ray crystallography experiments, the development of X-ray transparent microfluidic platforms also has tremendous potential to answer other scientific questions, such as unraveling the mechanism of in meso crystallization. For instance, the lipidic mesophases utilized during in meso membrane protein crystallization can be characterized by small angle X-ray diffraction analysis. Coupling in situ analysis with microfluidic platforms capable of preparing these difficult mesophase samples at very small volumes has tremendous potential to enable the high throughput analysis of these systems on a scale that is not reasonably achievable using conventional sample preparation strategies (Chapter 7). In collaboration with the LS-CAT team at the Advanced Photon Source, an experimental station for small angle X-ray analysis coupled with the high quality visualization capabilities needed to target specific microfluidic samples on a highly integrated chip is under development. Characterizing the phase behavior of these mesophase systems and the effects of various additives present in crystallization trials is key for developing an understanding of how in meso crystallization occurs. A long term goal of these studies is to enable the rational design of in meso crystallization experiments so as to avoid or limit the need for high throughput screening efforts. In summary, this thesis describes the development of microfluidic platforms for protein crystallization with in situ analysis capabilities. Coupling the ability to perform in situ analysis with the small scale, fine control, and the high throughput nature of microfluidic platforms has tremendous potential to enable a new generation of crystallographic studies and facilitate the structure determination of important biological targets. The development of platforms for in meso membrane protein crystallization is particularly significant because they enable the preparation of highly viscous mixtures at a previously unachievable scale. Work in these areas is ongoing and has tremendous potential to improve not only current the methods of protein crystallization and crystallography, but also to enhance our knowledge of the structure and function of proteins which could have a significant scientific and medical impact on society as a whole. The microfluidic technology described in this thesis has the potential to significantly advance our understanding of the structure and function of membrane proteins, thereby aiding the elucidation of human biology, the development of pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects for a wide range of diseases. References (1) Quick, M.; Javitch, J. A. P Natl Acad Sci USA 2007, 104, 3603. (2) Trubetskoy, V. S.; Burke, T. J. Am Lab 2005, 37, 19. (3) Pecina, P.; Houstkova, H.; Hansikova, H.; Zeman, J.; Houstek, J. Physiol Res 2004, 53, S213. (4) Arinaminpathy, Y.; Khurana, E.; Engelman, D. M.; Gerstein, M. B. Drug Discovery Today 2009, 14, 1130. (5) Overington, J. P.; Al-Lazikani, B.; Hopkins, A. L. Nat Rev Drug Discov 2006, 5, 993. (6) Dauter, Z.; Lamzin, V. S.; Wilson, K. S. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 1997, 7, 681. (7) Hansen, C.; Quake, S. R. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2003, 13, 538. (8) Govada, L.; Carpenter, L.; da Fonseca, P. C. A.; Helliwell, J. 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This thesis describes a collection of studies into the electrical response of a III-V MOS stack comprising metal/GaGdO/GaAs layers as a function of fabrication process variables and the findings of those studies. As a result of this work, areas of improvement in the gate process module of a III-V heterostructure MOSFET were identified. Compared to traditional bulk silicon MOSFET design, one featuring a III-V channel heterostructure with a high-dielectric-constant oxide as the gate insulator provides numerous benefits, for example: the insulator can be made thicker for the same capacitance, the operating voltage can be made lower for the same current output, and improved output characteristics can be achieved without reducing the channel length further. It is known that transistors composed of III-V materials are most susceptible to damage induced by radiation and plasma processing. These devices utilise sub-10 nm gate dielectric films, which are prone to contamination, degradation and damage. Therefore, throughout the course of this work, process damage and contamination issues, as well as various techniques to mitigate or prevent those have been investigated through comparative studies of III-V MOS capacitors and transistors comprising various forms of metal gates, various thicknesses of GaGdO dielectric, and a number of GaAs-based semiconductor layer structures. Transistors which were fabricated before this work commenced, showed problems with threshold voltage control. Specifically, MOSFETs designed for normally-off (VTH > 0) operation exhibited below-zero threshold voltages. With the results obtained during this work, it was possible to gain an understanding of why the transistor threshold voltage shifts as the gate length decreases and of what pulls the threshold voltage downwards preventing normally-off device operation. Two main culprits for the negative VTH shift were found. The first was radiation damage induced by the gate metal deposition process, which can be prevented by slowing down the deposition rate. The second was the layer of gold added on top of platinum in the gate metal stack which reduces the effective work function of the whole gate due to its electronegativity properties. Since the device was designed for a platinum-only gate, this could explain the below zero VTH. This could be prevented either by using a platinum-only gate, or by matching the layer structure design and the actual gate metal used for the future devices. Post-metallisation thermal anneal was shown to mitigate both these effects. However, if post-metallisation annealing is used, care should be taken to ensure it is performed before the ohmic contacts are formed as the thermal treatment was shown to degrade the source/drain contacts. In addition, the programme of studies this thesis describes, also found that if the gate contact is deposited before the source/drain contacts, it causes a shift in threshold voltage towards negative values as the gate length decreases, because the ohmic contact anneal process affects the properties of the underlying material differently depending on whether it is covered with the gate metal or not. In terms of surface contamination; this work found that it causes device-to-device parameter variation, and a plasma clean is therefore essential. This work also demonstrated that the parasitic capacitances in the system, namely the contact periphery dependent gate-ohmic capacitance, plays a significant role in the total gate capacitance. This is true to such an extent that reducing the distance between the gate and the source/drain ohmic contacts in the device would help with shifting the threshold voltages closely towards the designed values. The findings made available by the collection of experiments performed for this work have two major applications. Firstly, these findings provide useful data in the study of the possible phenomena taking place inside the metal/GaGdO/GaAs layers and interfaces as the result of chemical processes applied to it. In addition, these findings allow recommendations as to how to best approach fabrication of devices utilising these layers.