1000 resultados para R


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We present a 12*(1+|R|/(4m))-speed algorithm for scheduling constrained-deadline sporadic real-time tasks on a multiprocessor comprising m processors where a task may request one of |R| sequentially-reusable shared resources.


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Treatment of a dichloromethane solution of trans-[Mo(NCN){NCNC(O)R}(dppe)(2)]Cl [R = Me (1a), Et (1b)] (dppe = Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2) with HBF4, [Et3O][BF4] or EtC(O)Cl gives trans-[Mo(NCN)Cl-(dppe)(2)]X [X = BF4 (2a) or Cl (2b)] and the corresponding acylcyanamides NCN(R')C(O)Et (R' = H, Et or C(O)Et). X-ray diffraction analysis of 2a (X = BF4) reveals a multiple-bond coordination of the cyanoimide ligand. Compounds 1 convert to the bis(cyanoimide) trans-[Mo(NCN)(2)(dppe)(2)] complex upon reaction with an excess of NaOMe (with formation of the respective ester). In an aprotic medium and at a Pt electrode, compounds 1 (R = Me, Et or Ph) undergo a cathodically induced isomerization. Full quantitative kinetic analysis of the voltammetric behaviour is presented and allows the determination of the first-order rate constants and the equilibrium constant of the trans to cis isomerization reaction. The mechanisms of electrophilic addition (protonation) to complexes 1 and the precursor trans[Mo(NCN)(2)(dppe)(2)], as well as the electronic structures, nature of the coordination bonds and electrochemical behaviour of these species are investigated in detail by theoretical methods which indicate that the most probable sites of the proton attack are the oxygen atom of the acyl group and the terminal nitrogen atom, respectively.


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Ramsey pricing has been proposed in the pharmaceutical industry as a principle to price discriminate among markets while allowing to recover the (fixed) R&D cost. However, such analyses neglect the presence of insurance or the fund raising costs for most of drug reimbursement. By incorporating these new elements, we aim at providing some building blocks towards an economic theory incorporating Ramsey pricing and insurance coverage. We show how coinsurance affects the optimal prices to pay for the R&D investment. We also show that under certain conditions, there is no strategic incentive by governments to set coinsurance rates in order to shift the financial burden of R&D. This will have important implications to the application of Ramsey pricing principles to pharmaceutical products across countries.


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Paper presented at the 9th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK, 4-5 Sep. 2008. URL: http://academic-conferences.org/eckm/eckm2008/eckm08-home.htm


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Cabatuquila conglomerate ferricrete (Malanje Province, located North Central Angola) corresponds to a thick (1O-15m) and hardcornice at the top of "Baixa de Cassanje" escarpment. "Baixa de Cassanje" is a large graben part of South Congo basin. Cabatuquila conglomerate ferricrete seems to correspond to a Plio-Pleistocene morphology which has already disappeared. Laterization dynamics and ferricrete formation processes took place on the Tertiary surface, before being tilted to the Congo Basin. Materials submitted to these processes are mainly alluvial deposits from a pre-Cuanza drainage system. This drainage system flowed to the North before being captured to the Atlantic, as a consequence of the movement which deformed the Tertiary surface during the Pleistocene. The erosion dynamics, which created the Cassanje depression, has occurred after the late Tertiary surface deformation. That dynamics might be related to the Cuango drainage system, which was reorganized after that deformation.


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This paper describes preliminary work on the generation of synthesis gas from water electrolysis using graphite electrodes without the separation of the generated gases. This is an innovative process, that has no similar work been done earlier. Preliminary tests allowed to establish correlations between the applied current to the electrolyser and flow rate and composition of the generated syngas, as well as a characterisation of generated carbon nanoparticles. The obtained syngas can further be used to produce synthetic liquid fuels, for example, methane, methanol or DME (dimethyl ether) in a catalytic reactor, in further stages of a present ongoing project, using the ELECTROFUEL concept. The main competitive advantage of this project lies in the built-in of an innovative technology product, from RE (renewable energy) power in remote locations, for example, islands, villages in mountains as an alternative for energy storage for mobility constraints.


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In this work, cluster analysis is applied to a real dataset of biological features of several Portuguese reservoirs. All the statistical analysis is done using R statistical software. Several metrics and methods were explored, as well as the combination of Euclidean metric and the hierarchical Ward method. Although it did not present the best combination in terms of internal and stability validation, it was still a good solution and presented good results in terms of interpretation of the problem at hand.


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RESUMO:Os microrganismos reagem sbita descida de temperatura atravs de uma resposta adaptativa especfica que assegura a sua sobrevivncia em condies desfavorveis. Esta adaptao inclui alteraes na composio da membrana, na maquinaria de traduo e transcrio. A resposta ao choque trmico pelo frio induz uma represso da transcrio. No entanto, a descida de temperatura induz a produo de um grupo de protenas especficas que ajudam a ajustar/re-ajustar o metabolismo celular s novas condies ambientais. Em E. coli o processo de adaptao demora apenas quatro horas, no qual um grupo de protenas especficas so induzidas. Depois desde perodo recomea lentamente a produo de protenas.A ribonuclease R, uma das protenas induzidas durante o choque trmico pelo frio, uma das principais ribonucleases em E. coli envolvidas na degradao do RNA. uma exoribonuclease que degrada RNA de cadeia dupla, possui funes importantes na maturao e turnover do RNA, libertao de ribossomas e controlo de qualidade de protenas e RNAs. O nvel celular desta enzima aumenta at dez vezes aps exposio ao frio e estabiliza em clulas na fase estacionria. A capacidade de degradar RNA de dupla cadeia importante a baixas temperaturas quando as estruturas de RNA esto mais estveis. No entanto, este mecanismo desconhecido. Embora a resposta especfica ao cold shock tenha sido descoberta h mais de duas dcadas e o nmero de protenas envolvidas sugerirem que esta adaptao rpida e simples, continuamos longe de compreender este processo. No nosso trabalho pretendemos descobrir protenas que interactuem com a RNase R em condies ambientais diferentes atravs do mtodo TAP-tag e espectrometria de massa. A informao obtida pode ser utilizada para deduzir algumas das novas funes da RNase R durante a adaptao bacteriana ao frio e durante a fase estacionria. Mais importante ainda, RNase R poder ser recrutada para um complexo de protenas de elevado peso molecular durante o cold-shock.------------ABSTRACT:Microorganisms react to the rapid temperature downshift with a specific adaptative response that ensures their survival in unfavorable conditions. Adaptation includes changes in membrane composition, in translation and transcription machinery. Cold shock response leads to overall repression of translation. However, temperature downshift induces production of a set of specific proteins that help to tune cell metabolism and readjust it to the new environmental conditions. For Escherichia coli the adaptation process takes only about four hours with a relatively small set of specifically induced proteins involved. After this time, protein production resumes, although at a slower rate. One of the cold inducible proteins is RNase R, one of the main E. coli ribonucleases involved in RNA degradation. RNase R is an exoribonuclease that digest double stranded RNA, serves important functions in RNA maturation and turnover, release of stalled ribosomes by trans-translation, and RNA and protein quality control. The level of this enzyme increases about ten-fold after cold induction, and it is also stabilised in cells growing in stationary phase. The RNase R ability to digest structured RNA is important at low temperatures where RNA structures are stabilized but the exact role of this mechanism remains unclear. Although specific bacterial cold shock response was discovered over two decades ago and the number of proteins involved suggests that this adaptation is fast and simple, we are still far from understanding this process. In our work we aimed to discover the proteins interacting with RNase R in different environmental conditions using TAP tag method and mass spectrometry analysis. The information obtained can be used to deduce some of the new functions of RNase R during adaptation of bacteria to cold and in stationary growth phase. Most importantly RNase R can be recruited into a high molecular mass complex of protein in cold shock.


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Trabalho de Projecto em Cincias da Comunicao, variante Cultura Contempornea e Novas Tecnologias


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Trabalho de natureza profissional para a atribuio do Ttulo de Especialista do Instituto Politcnico do Porto, na rea de Lnguas e Cuturas - Lnguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, defendido a 11-11-2015.


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We present stochastic dynamics on the production costs of Cournot competitions, based on perfect Nash equilibria of nonlinear R&D investment strategies to reduce the production costs of the firms at every period of the game. We analyse the effects that the R&D investment strategies can have in the profits of the firms along the time. We observe that, in certain cases, the uncertainty can improve the effects of the R&D strategies in the profits of the firms due to the non-linearity of the profit functions and also of the R&D parameters.


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We present a new R&D investment in a Cournot Duopoly model and we analyze the different possible types of Nash R&D investments. We observe that the new production costs region can be decomposed in three economical regions, depending on the Nash R&D investment, showing the relevance of the use of patents in new technologies.


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To determine the larvicidal activity of various extracts of Gymnema sylvestre against the Japanese Encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorynchus in Tamilnadu, India. To identify the active principle present in the promising fraction obtained in Chlorofom:Methanol extract of Fraction 2. The G. sylvestre leaf extracts were tested, employing WHO procedure against fourth instar larvae of C. tritaeniorhynchus and the larval mortalities were recorded at various concentrations (6.25, 12.5, 25.0, 50 and 100 g/mL); the 24h LC50 values of the G. Sylvestre leaf extracts were determined following Probit analysis. It was noteworthy that treatment level 100 g/mL exhibited highest mortality rates for the three different crude extracts and was significantly different from the mean mortalities recorded for the other concentrations. The LC50 values of 34.756 g/mL (24.475-51.41), 31.351 g/mL (20.634-47.043) and 28.577 g/mL (25.159-32.308) were calculated for acetone, chloroform and methanol extract with the chi-square values of 10.301, 31.351 and 4.093 respectively. The present investigation proved that G. Sylvestre could be possibly utilized as an important component in the Vector Control Program.