978 resultados para Quantum-mechanical calculation
In order to obtain the quantum-mechanical properties of layered semicondutor structures (quantum well and superlattice structures, for instance), solutions of the Schrodinger equation should be obtained for arbitrary potential profiles. In this paper, it is shown that such problems may be also studied by the Element Free Galerkin Method.
Ultrafine PbZr0.20Ti0.80O3 was omorphized through high-energy mechanical milling. The structural evolution through the omorphization process was accompanied by various characterization techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transformed IR spectroscopy (FTIR), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), and Raman spectroscopy. A strong photoluminescence was measured at room temperature for amorphized PbZr0.20Ti0.80O3, and interpreted by means of high-level quantum mechanical calculations in the density functional theory frame-work. Three periodic models were used to represent the crystalline and amorphized PbZr0.20Ti0.80O3, and they allowed the calculation of electronic properties that are consistent with the experimental data and that explain the appearance of photoluminescence.
Crystalline BaWO4 (BWO) powder obtained by the polymeric precursor method was structurally disordered by means of high-energy mechanical milling. For the first time a strong and broad photoluminescence (PL) has been measured at room temperature for mechanically milled BWO powder and interpreted by ground-state quantum mechanical calculations in the density functional theory framework. Two periodic models have been studied; one representing the crystalline form and the other one representing the disordered BWO powder. These models allowed the calculation of electronic properties, which are consistent with the experimental results, showing that structural disorder in the lattice is an important condition to generate an intense and broad PL band. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We present a different class of quantum-mechanical potentials. These are midway between the exactly solvable potentials and the quasiexactly ones. Their fundamental feature is that one can find the entire s-wave spectrum of a given potential, provided that some of its parameters are conveniently fixed. © 1993 The American Physical Society.
Zinc oxide varistors are very complex systems, and the dominant mechanism of voltage barrier formation in these systems has not been well established. Yet the MNDO quantum mechanical theoretical calculation was used in this work to determine the most probable defect type at the surface of a ZnO cluster. The proposed model represents well the semiconducting nature as well as the defects at the ZnO bulk and surface. The model also shows that the main adsorption species that provide stability at the ZnO surface are O-, O2 -, and O2.
A nonthermal quantum mechanical statistical fragmentation model based on tunneling of particles through potential barriers is studied in compact two- and three-dimensional systems. It is shown that this fragmentation dynamics gives origin to several static and dynamic scaling relations. The critical exponents are found and compared with those obtained in classical statistical models of fragmentation of general interest, in particular with thermal fragmentation involving classical processes over potential barriers. Besides its general theoretical interest, the fragmentation dynamics discussed here is complementary to classical fragmentation dynamics of interest in chemical kinetics and can be useful in the study of a number of other dynamic processes such as nuclear fragmentation. ©2000 The American Physical Society.
The most general quantum mechanical wave equation for a massive scalar particle in a metric generated by a spherically symmetric mass distribution is considered within the framework of higher derivative gravity (HDG). The exact effective Hamiltonian is constructed and the significance of the various terms is discussed using the linearized version of the above-mentioned theory. Not only does this analysis shed new light on the long standing problem of quantum gravity concerning the exact nature of the coupling between a massive scalar field and the background geometry, it also greatly improves our understanding of the role of HDG's coupling parameters in semiclassical calculations.
Modelling polymers with side chains is always a challenge once the degrees of freedom are very high. In this study, we present a successful methodology to model poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) and poly[3-hexylthiophene] (P3HT) in solutions, taking into account the influence of side chains on the polymer conformation. Molecular dynamics and semi-empirical quantum mechanical methods were used for structure optimisation and evaluation of optical properties. The methodology allows to describe structural and optical characteristics of the polymers in a satisfactory way, as well as to evaluate some usual simplifications adopted for modelling these systems. Effective conjugation lengths of 8-14.6 and 21 monomers were obtained for MEH-PPV and P3HT, respectively, in accordance with experimental findings. In addition, anti/syn conformations of these polymers could be predicted based on intrinsic interactions of the lateral branches. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Synopsis: Objectives: In this research, an experimental and theoretical study was conducted to design a photodegradation mechanism of the amino acid tryptophan (Trp) in hair fibres. Methods: For the experimental research, Caucasian hair fibres were exposed to several different solar radiation simulation periods. Then, Trp and its photoproducts (N-formylkynurenine and kynurenine) were assayed by excitation and emission spectroscopic analysis. Results: For the theoretical study, reactions involved in the photodegradation of Trp were evaluated by high-level quantum mechanical calculations in a density functional theory (DFT) framework which indicate a probable Trp degradation mechanism with a minimum expended energy pathway. Conclusion: The biochemistry concerning these reactions is essentially important for a biological system where the degradation of Trp occurs. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Investigação da dinâmica sequêncial Monte Carlo/Mecânica Quântica para sitemas moleculares orgânicos
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é investigar teóricamente as propriedades eletrônicas e óticas de compostos orgânicos em ambiente líquido. A compreensão das interações em sistemas líquidos é muito importante para a descrição de fenômenos em muitas partes da ciência, como Física, Química, Biologia e Materiais, bem como no desenvolvimento de materiais óticos. As flutuações térmicas fazem que inumaram das configurações para os líquidos possam ser gerados. Esta é a razão do comportamento estatístico observado em sistemas líquidos. Considerando estas dificuldades, o tratamento sequencial Monte Carlo / Mecânica Quântica (SMC/QM) é usado neste trabalho. Neste procedimento, a estrutura líquida é gerada primeiramente por simulações clássicas de MC e mais tarde, somente a parte mais importante do sistema é tratada com mecânica quântica. Usando o procedimento acima, os propriedades do quantum o pirazine dimethyl do thiene Methyl da laranja (MO) e do O 2,3-dimetil tieno[3,4-b] pirazina (DTP) foram investigados. O MO é um conhecido indicador de pH e pode ser encontrado sob circunstâncias básicas e acidas. Suas geometrias de mínima energia foram obtidas mediante a Teoria do Funcional da Densidade pelo funcional B3LYP, sendo o sistema descrito pelas bases de Pople com uma função de polarização (6-31G*). Para obter as propriedades médias dos observaveis, cálculos de química quântica foram executados dentro da aproximação semi-empírica de INDO/S-CI. Com respeito ao espectro de absorção, os dados experimentais existentes na literatura científica reportam a existência de uma larga banda localizada na região de baixas energias, mais precisamente entre 400 e 600 nm. Nossos resultados teóricos para a forma alcalina mostram uma transição intensa transição π → π* aproximadamente à 432.4 ± 0.03 nm e, sob condições ácidas, esta transição aparece aproximadamente à 507.4 ± 0.12, 496.4 ± 0.28 ou 545.3 ± 0.10 nm, dependendo da estrutura, mostrando bom acordo com resultados experimentais. O DTP é um sistema particular usado na produção de polímeros de baixo gap. Suas propriedades elétricas e óticas foram obtidas através de um novo procedimento conhecido por Configuração Eletrostática Média do Solvent (ASEC). O procedimento ASEC inclui moléculas do solvente como cargas pontuais e permite o obtenção das quantidades quânticas executando somente poucos cálculos de mecânica quântica. Para o DTP, usando a teoria das perturbações de segunda ordem Mφller-Plesset (MP2) e o conjunto de bases aug-cc-pVDZ, a convergência do momento de dipolo foi alcançada com apenas quatro cálculos de mecânica quântica à 1.16 D, apresentando um aumento de 42% quando comparado ao dipolo isolado. O polarizabilidade corresponde à outra característica elétrica que pôde ser medida. Considerando o mesmo nível empregado ao cálculo do dipolo, o valor médio 132.7 a30 foi observado. A região de mais baixas da energias do espectro de absorption foi investigada também atravé de procedimento de ASEC usando ambos as aproximações, semi-empírico e DFT. Esta região de absorção é motivo de conclusões contraditórias com relação à natureza das transições n → π* e π → π*. Nossos resultados mostram que realmente que essas excitações são realmente observadas simultanemente podendo sobrepôr-se. Como exemplo, nossos resultados para DFT, encontrados usando o funcional B3LYP nos mostra que estas transições aparecem aproximadamente à 360.6 e 351.1 nm.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
It is well known that crystals of topaz from the Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province may turn blue by the irradiation with Co-60 gamma rays followed by heat treatment. Also, it is known that the sensation of color changes with the thickness of these crystals. The dependence of the color, given by 1931 CIE chromaticity coordinates, with the thickness of the crystal was analyzed. The absorbance used in the calculation of these coordinates was given by the sum of Gaussian lines. The parameters of these lines were determined through the decomposition of the optical absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and visible regions. The decomposition revealed several lines, whose assignment was made considering studies in spodumene and beryl crystals and highly accurate quantum mechanical calculations. The transmittance becomes very narrow with increasing thickness, and the CIE chromaticity coordinates converge to the borderline of the CIE Chromaticity Diagram at the wavelength of maximum transmittance. Furthermore, the purity of color increases with increasing thickness, and the dominant wavelength reaches the wavelength of maximum transmittance.