966 resultados para Qualidade das escolas


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to characterize and compare the visual perceptual skills and writing quality of students with dyslexia, with good academic performance, and to relate the perceptual visual motor skills and the writing quality of students with dyslexia, with good academic performance. METHODS: 40 students participated in this study; 35 males and 5 females, from 8 to 11 years and 11 months, who attended from the 3rd to 5th grade level of public municipal schools of Marília-SP, divided into two groups: Group I (GI) comprised 20 students with interdisciplinar diagnoses of dyslexia, and Group II (GII) comprised 20 students with good academic performance. The Visual Perceptual Skills Test - TVPS-3 and the Disgraphy Scale were applied. RESULTS: The results obtained from this study showed that the students with dyslexia presented difficulties in visual skills concerning discrimination and memory. Besides discrimination and memory skills, it was observed inferior performance concerning the relation visual spacial skills and steady form, and inferior performance in all the visual skills, when compared to the chronological age. However, the group of students with good academic performance has also presented inferior performance concerning the relation visual spacial skills and steady form. CONCLUSIONS: The study mentions that maybe schools do not invest sufficiently in activities which envolve visual experiences necessary for the enhancement of reading and writing. Although statistically significant difference was not observed between the groups concerning disgraphy, it iwas possible to observe that a higher amount of students presented disgraphy.


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Nowadays, meditation had become larger than the mystic’s scope, entering the academy through the scientific interest in this topic. Results documented for so many centuries or the experienced monks that practice meditation for a long time are the aims for researches that want, ultimately, establish the real effects of such techniques upon the human body. Research has gone far, and many effects can be evaluated using more precise methods, specially in the medical field and neuroscience, which had greatly backed up new discoveries about the correlation between the mind, emotions, thoughts and the body, making so that mediation can walk the therapeutic ways and complementary health with more certainty and reliable results, as it is happening with acupuncture and yoga. Facing a promising scenario in the correlation between meditation and life’s quality, well being sensation and happiness, there is the possibility of using it in schools, since because of the difficulties and present challenges, those factors are not commonly associated with the acts of teaching and learning, and acupuncture and Yoga have more restrictions because of their own limitations of time and space necessary for their wide application. Therefore, the current study focused on contextualizing the meditation’s fundaments in the scientific perspective, and apply it, even if qualitatively, in two schools of Rio Claro municipality, researching 57 students from Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Therefore, it was chosen only one meditation tecnique to be applied on the treatment group. As for the control group, it perfomed normal breathing, i.e., without tecniques. The differences were then analyzed through the filmings of all the sessions of the meetings, counting the number of movements and the agitation among the students for the two groups. Another method of analysis was forms filled by both groups and the presence in a meeting at Unesp – Rio Claro. At the end,...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Since when nurseries and pre-schools were established to serve educationally Brazilian children by Federal Constitution of 1988, advances were taken up claiming the improvement of early childhood education, such as raising the professional training, transfer of funds, construction of schools, as well as legal provisions have been drafted to guide and define the pedagogical practices of early childhood education. This paper intends to discuss the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, which define how they should be organized teaching practice, and examine how the activities should be developed in early childhood education institutions, to objectify the holistic development of children in seeking quality care this stage of basic education.


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Abstract This paper discusses the quality of basic education legitimized by the external evaluation and publicized by the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) - an index that combines the performance of students in the assessment and the school flow, culminating with the establishment of an objective parameter (grade) that aims to reflect the Brazilian educational quality. The arguments are based on the premise that these two elements are incipient to determine the quality of education in the country without taking into account other factors that affect quality, namely: socio-economic and cultural level of the students, teacher training, enhancement of teaching, tangible and intangible working conditions, school management, school infrastructure, supplies, etc. The reflection leading to the debate on the lack of evidence to establish the quality of education travels the ways of the external evaluation in Brazil, the technical rationality of the school management referenced primarily by the IDEB and its governance to achieve the goals determined by this index. The purpose of this essay is to contribute to the current debate on the IDEB as a proposer and mobilizer of policies for the Brazilian public schools.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo experiênciar a aplicabilidade dos Indicadores da Qualidade na Educação Infantil, documento elaborado pelo Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC) em 2009, por meio da Secretaria de Educação Básica e em parceria com a ação Educativa, a Fundação ORSA, a União Nacional dos Dirigentes Municipais de Educação (UNDIME) e o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF). Observamos a possibilidade de utilização na avaliação de uma escola de educação infantil e sua contribuição para a efetiva melhoria da qualidade do ensino da instituição. Utilizamos na realização da pesquisa, uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, utilizando como instrumentos de coleta de dados, os questionários e levantamento bibliográfico, em uma escola pública de Educação Infantil do município de Rio Claro/SP, onde aplicamos os indicadores da qualidade. Posteriormente os dados coletados foram analisados para análise e elucidação das possibilidades e desafios da aplicação dos Indicadores da Qualidade na Educação Infantile também sua potencialidade como instrumento de avaliação da qualidade da escola


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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The communication in public institutions has mediating character to strengthen the commitment to the citizens and creating channels aimed at high-quality information and transparency. This article deals with public communication, marked by public relations actions in the context of the federal public university through the project called “UFABC in Schools”, Federal University of ABC . The project objectives are to promote the policy of quotas established by the Federal Government and strengthen the relationship with high school students from public schools located in the ABC Paulista region.


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This study aims to evaluate the quality of life of students aged 7 to 12 years in two municipal schools in the municipality of Minas Gerais. One offers full-time care to their students with extracurricular activities and other school offers only the normal. We used the questionnaire AUQEI, Autoquestionnaire Qualité de Vie Enfant Image. The questionnaire was administered to 232 children. Through this study, we observed that the proportion of children with a good Quality of Life was higher in school full time (81%), compared to the normal school hours (58%). Therefore, it is concluded that the school offers an extended workday, is set in an area rich able to develop the maximum potential of children and their personal skills, which will reflect positively on their quality of life.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)