941 resultados para Q-Sepharose
Comprend : Censura in quendam auctorem, qui sub falsa inscripsione Berosi Chaldaei circumfertur, Gaspare Varrerio auctore
The properties and cosmological importance of a class of non-topological solitons, Q-balls, are studied. Aspects of Q-ball solutions and Q-ball cosmology discussed in the literature are reviewed. Q-balls are particularly considered in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with supersymmetry broken by a hidden sector mechanism mediated by either gravity or gauge interactions. Q-ball profiles, charge-energy relations and evaporation rates for realistic Q-ball profiles are calculated for general polynomial potentials and for the gravity mediated scenario. In all of the cases, the evaporation rates are found to increase with decreasing charge. Q-ball collisions are studied by numerical means in the two supersymmetry breaking scenarios. It is noted that the collision processes can be divided into three types: fusion, charge transfer and elastic scattering. Cross-sections are calculated for the different types of processes in the different scenarios. The formation of Q-balls from the fragmentation of the Aflieck-Dine -condensate is studied by numerical and analytical means. The charge distribution is found to depend strongly on the initial energy-charge ratio of the condensate. The final state is typically noted to consist of Q- and anti-Q-balls in a state of maximum entropy. By studying the relaxation of excited Q-balls the rate at which excess energy can be emitted is calculated in the gravity mediated scenario. The Q-ball is also found to withstand excess energy well without significant charge loss. The possible cosmological consequences of these Q-ball properties are discussed.
Ce ms. a été donné en 1734 au chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris par le chanoine Gagne de Périgny: "Ex dono Domini Gagne de Perigny canonici Parisiensis anno 1734" (f. 1). L'ex-libris "A l'église de Paris" (XIXe s.) figure au f. 1, suivi de la cote M9. Notre-Dame.
O objectivo deste artigo é o de apresentar uma descrição das interrogativas-Q em Crioulo de Cabo Verde (CCV – variedade de Santiago). Mostrar-se-ão as estratégias de formação de interrogativas-Q que a língua disponibiliza, tentando avaliar o impacto da escolha de uma em detrimento de outra. A questão central deste artigo é saber se o processo de formação de interrogativas-Q em CCV envolve ou não movimento-Q, i.e., saber se numa dada posição sintáctica há Merge de uma palavra/sintagma-Q e se depois ele é movido por Attract para SpecCP para verificar, através de uma relação de Agree, os traços formais de Cº.