881 resultados para Q Science


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Background Dietary lipids are directly related to the composition of adipose tissue, aetiology of obesity and arousal of obesity-related pathologies, like chronic inflammation states. Haptoglobin is an acute phase protein secreted by the liver and white adipose tissue, and its blood levels vary according to the volume of fat in the body. Aim of the study To investigate the effect of diets enriched with large amounts of dietary fats, which differ in their fatty acid composition, on the haptoglobin gene expression by visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue of mice fed for 2 days or 8 weeks. 3T3-L1 cells were treated with fatty acids that are found in those types of dietary fats. Methods Mice were treated acutely (for 2 days) or chronically (for 8 weeks) with diets enriched with soybean oil, fish oil, coconut oil or lard. 3T3-L1 cells were treated with six different fatty acids. Haptoglobin gene expression was quantified by northern blotting. Results Both chronic and acute treatment with lard, which is rich in long chain saturated fatty acids, increased the haptoglobin mRNA expression in the retroperitoneal and epidydimal white adipose tissues. Chronic treatment with coconut oil, which is rich in medium chain saturated fatty acids, increased the haptoglobin expression in the epidydimal and subcutaneous depots. In 3T3-L1, palmitic acid increased the haptoglobin gene expression. Conclusion The type of lipids in the diet can differently modulate the white adipose tissue gene expression of haptoglobin, and saturated fatty acids play a major role in promoting a pro-inflammatory environment. This response is fat pad specific and dependant on the duration of treatment.


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Tubular function of 17 pediatric patients with a mild form of acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis was prospectively evaluated by assessment of the urinary activity of proximal and distal tubule enzymes. Neutral-like endopeptidase (NEP-like) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) were the proximal tubule enzymes assessed, while prolyl-endopeptidase (PE) and serine-endopeptidase H1 and H2 were the distal tubule enzymes analyzed. Urine was collected at diagnosis (T0) and after 2 (T2) and 6 (T6) months of follow-up. NEP-like enzyme activity (nmol/mg creatinine; median±quartile range) was increased at diagnosis, and this remained stable during the first 6 months (T0 18.30±83.26, T2 17.32±49.56, T6 23.38±107.18). Urinary activity of the other enzymes was as follows: ACE (mU/ml per mg creatinine) T0 0.08±0.16, T2 0.06±0.10, T6 0.18±0.29; PE (nmol/mg creatinine) T0 6.70±84.87, T2 9.55±69.00, T6 13.67±28.70; serine-endopeptidase H1 (nmol/mg creatinine) T0 7.86±26.95, T2 17.17±59.37, T6 18.19± 79.14; and serine-thiol-endopeptidase H2 (nmol/mg creatinine) T0 3.06±21.97, T2 12.06±32.42, T6 16.22± 44.06. Thirty other healthy children matched for age and gender were considered as a control group. This group was assessed once and the results were: NEP-like activity 6.05±10.54, ACE 0.11±0.22, PE 7.10±13.36, H1 5.00±17.30, and H2 6.00±20.16. In conclusion, we observed that NEP-like and H1 enzymes exhibited significant increased urinary activity 6 months after the diagnosis. This increase occurred in spite of the disappearance of clinical symptoms, which occurred 2 months after the diagnosis. We believe that the increase in urinary enzymatic activity could be a manifestation of a silent tubular dysfunction following an episode of acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis.


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On 2 July 2009, the EFSA Panel on Dietetic products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) endorsed a draft Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats to be released for public consultation. This Scientific Report summarises the comments received through the public consultation and outlines how these were taken into account in the final opinion. EFSA had received contributions from 40 interested parties (individuals, non-governmental organisations, industry organisations, academia and national assessment bodies). The main comments which were received during the public consultation related to: the availability of more recent data, the nomenclature used, the use of a non-European food composition data base, the impact of genetic factors in modulating the absorption, metabolism and health effects of different fatty acids, the definition of “nutritionally adequate diet”, the use of Dietary Reference Values in the labelling of foods, the translation of advice into food-based dietary guidelines, nutrient goals and recommendations, certain risk management issues, and to Dietary Reference Values of fats, individual fatty acids, and cholesterol. All the public comments received that related to the remit of EFSA were assessed and the Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats has been revised taking relevant comments into consideration.


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The phenomenon of patterned distribution of pH near the cell membrane of the algae Chara corallina upon illumination is well-known. In this paper, we develop a mathematical model, based on the detailed kinetic analysis of proton fluxes across the cell membrane, to explain this phenomenon. The model yields two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations which describe the spatial dynamics of proton concentration changes and transmembrane potential generation. The experimental observation of pH pattern formation, its period and amplitude of oscillation, and also its hysteresis in response to changing illumination, are all reproduced by our model. A comparison of experimental results and predictions of our theory is made. Finally, a mechanism for pattern formation in Chara corallina is proposed.


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Botrytis cinerea (Grey mould) is a necrotrophic fungus infecting over 230 plant species worldwide. It can cause major pre- and post-harvest diseases of many agronomic and horticultural crops. Botrytis cinerea causes annual economic losses of 10–100 billion US dollars worldwide and instability in the food supply (Jin and Wu, 2015). Grey mould losses, either at the farm gate or later in the food chain, could be reduced with improved knowledge of inoculum availability during production. In this paper, we report on the ability to monitor Botrytis spore concentration in glasshouse tomato production ahead of symptom development on plants. Using a light weight and portable air sampler (microtitre immunospore trap) it was possible to quantify inoculum availability within hours. Also, this study investigated the spatial aspect of the pathogen with an increase of B. cinerea concentration in bio-aerosols collected in the lower part of the glasshouse (0.5 m) and adjacent to the trained stems of the tomato plants. No obvious relationship was observed between B. cinerea concentration and the internal glasshouse environmental parameters of temperature and relative humidity. However the occurrence of higher outside wind speeds did increase the prevalence of B. cinerea conidia in the cropping environment of a vented glasshouse. Knowledge of inoculum availability at time periods when the environmental risk of pathogen infection is high should improve the targeted use and effectiveness of control inputs.


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Development of recombinant DNA technology allowed scientists to manipulate plant genomes, making it possible to study genes and exploit them to modify novel agronomic traits. Here, we review the current and future potential of genetic modification (GM) strategies used to increase the resistance of plants to oomycete and fungal pathogens. Numerous resistance genes (R-genes) have been cloned, and under laboratory conditions, transgenic plants have given promising results against some important plant pathogens. However, only a few have so far been deployed as commercial crop plants.GMof plants to disrupt pathogenicity, such as by inhibiting or degrading pathogenicity factors, especially by necrotrophic pathogens, has also been exploited. The potential to engineer plants for the production of antimicrobial peptides or to modify defense-signaling pathways have been successfully demonstrated under laboratory conditions. The most promising current technology is genome editing, which allows researchers to edit DNA sequences directly in their endogenous environment. The potential of this approach is discussed in detail and examples where broad-spectrum resistance has been achieved are given.


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Fungal and oomycete pathogens are the causal agents of many important plant diseases. They affect crops that are staple foods for humans and livestock and are responsible for significant economic losses every year. This in turn generates a global social impact. Although fungi and oomycetes evolved separately, they share similar strategies and weaponry to attack plants. Here we review the challenges to global food security posed by these pathogens, current technologies used for detection and diagnostics, the latest understanding of pathogens' strategies to colonize plants, and current and future control measures. Genomic sequences of several important fungal and oomycete pathogens, as well as many crop plants, are now available and are helping to increase understanding of host–pathogen interactions. Recent developments in this field are discussed.


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Aim: The European Commission Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action FA1203 “SMARTER” aims to make recommendations for the sustainable management of Ambrosia across Europe and for monitoring its efficiency and cost effectiveness. The goal of the present study is to provide a baseline for spatial and temporal variations in airborne Ambrosia pollen in Europe that can be used for the management and evaluation of this noxious plant . Location: The full range of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution over Europe (39oN-60oN; 2oW-45oE). Methods: Airborne Ambrosia pollen data for the principal flowering period of Ambrosia (August-September) recorded during a 10-year period (2004-2013) were obtained from 242 monitoring sites. The mean sum of daily average airborne Ambrosia pollen and the number of days that Ambrosia pollen was recorded in the air were analysed. The mean and Standard Deviation (SD) were calculated regardless of the number of years included in the study period, while trends are based on those time series with 8 or more years of data. Trends were considered significant at p < 0.05. Results: There were few significant trends in the magnitude and frequency of atmospheric Ambrosia pollen (only 8% for the mean sum of daily average Ambrosia pollen concentrations and 14% for the mean number of days Ambrosia pollen was recorded in the air). Main conclusions: The direction of any trends varied locally and reflect changes in sources of the pollen, either in size or in distance from the monitoring station. Pollen monitoring is important for providing an early warning of the expansion of this invasive and noxious plant.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are seven-pass integral membrane proteins that act as transducers of extracellular signals across the lipid bilayer. Their location and involvement in basic and pathological physiological processes has secured their role as key targets for pharmaceutical intervention. GPCRs are targeted by many of the best-selling drugs on the market and there are a substantial number of GPCRs that are yet to be characterised; these could offer interest for therapeutic targeting. GPR35 is one such receptor that, as a result of gene knockout and genome wide association studies, has attracted interest through its association with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disease. Elucidation of the basic physiological function of GPR35 has, however, been difficult due a paucity of potent and selective ligands in addition to a lack of consensus on the endogenous ligand. Herein, a focussed drug discovery effort was carried out to identify agonists of GPR35. Various in vitro cellular assays were employed in conjunction with N- or C-terminally manipulated forms of the receptor to investigate GPR35’s signalling profile and to provide an assay format suitable for the characterisation of newly identified ligands. Although GPR35 associates with both Gαi/o and Gα13 families of small heterotrimeric G proteins, the G protein-independent β-arrestin-2 recruitment format was found to be the most suited to drug screening efforts. Small molecule compound screening, carried out in conjunction with the Medical Research Council Technology, identified compound 1 as the most potent ligand of human GPR35 reported at that time. However, the lower efficacy and potency of compound 1 at the rodent species orthologues of GPR35 prevented its use in in vivo studies. A subsequent effort, carried out with Novartis, focused on mast cell stabilisers as putative agonists of GPR35, revealed lodoxamide and bufrolin as highly potent agonists that activated human and rat GPR35 with equal potency. This finding offered–for the first time–the opportunity to employ the same GPR35 ligand between species at a similar concentration, an important factor to consider when translating rodent in vivo functional studies to those in man. Additionally, using molecular modelling and site directed mutagenesis studies, these newly identified compounds were used to aid characterisation of the ligand binding pockets of human and rat GPR35 to reveal the molecular basis of species selectivity at this receptor. In summary, this research effort presents GPR35 tool compounds that can now be used to dissect the basic biology of GPR35 and investigate its contribution to disease.


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Cellular senescence is a stable arrest of cell proliferation induced by several factors such as activated oncogenes, oxidative stress and shortening of telomeres. Senescence acts as a tumour suppression mechanism to halt the progression of cancer. However, senescence may also impact negatively upon tissue regeneration, thus contributing to the effects of ageing. The eukaryotic genome is controlled by various modes of transcriptional and translational regulation. Focus has therefore centred on the role of long non- coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in regulating the genome. Accordingly, understanding how lncRNAs function to regulate the senescent genome is integral to improving our knowledge and understanding of tumour suppression and ageing. Within this study, I set out to investigate the expression of lncRNAs’ expression within models of senescence. Through a custom expression array, I have shown that expression of multiple different lncRNAs is up-regulated and down regulated in IMR90 replicative senescent fibroblasts and oncogene-induced senescent melanocytes. LncRNA expression was determined to be specific to stable senescence-associated cell arrest and predominantly within the nucleus of senescent cells. In order to examine the function of lncRNA expression in senescence, I selected lncRNA transcript ENST0000430998 (lncRNA_98) to focus my investigations upon. LncRNA_98 was robustly upregulated within multiple models of senescence and efficiently depleted using anti-sense oligonucleotide technology. Characterisation and unbiased RNA-sequencing of lncRNA_98 deficient senescent cells highlighted a list of genes that are regulated by lncRNA_98 expression in senescent cells and may regulate aspects of the senescence program. Specifically, the formation of SAHF was impeded upon depletion of lncRNA_98 expression and levels of total pRB protein expression severely decreased. Validation and recapitulation of consequences of pRB depletion was confirmed through lncRNA_98 knock-out cells generated using CRISPR technology. Surprisingly, inhibition of ATM kinase functions permitted the restoration of pRB protein levels within lncRNA_98 deficient cells. I propose that lncRNA_98 antagonizes the ability of ATM kinase to downregulate pRB expression at a post-transcriptional level, thereby potentiating senescence. Furthermore, lncRNA expression was detected within fibroblasts of old individuals and visualised within senescent melanocytes in human benign nevi, a barrier to melanoma progression. Conversely, mining of 337 TCGA primary melanoma data sets highlighted that the lncRNA_98 gene and its expression was lost from a significant proportion of melanoma samples, consistent with lncRNA_98 having a tumour suppressor functions. The data presented in this study illustrates that lncRNA_98 expression has a regulatory role over pRB expression in senescence and may regulate aspects of tumourigenesis and ageing.


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Marine ecosystems are facing a diverse range of threats, including climate change, prompting international efforts to safeguard marine biodiversity through the use of spatial management measures. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been implemented as a conservation tool throughout the world, but their usefulness and effectiveness is strongly related to climate change. However, few MPA programmes have directly considered climate change in the design, management or monitoring of an MPA network. Under international obligations, EU, UK and national targets, Scotland has developed an MPA network that aims to protect marine biodiversity and contribute to the vision of a clean, healthy and productive marine environment. This is the first study to critically analyse the Scottish MPA process and highlight areas which may be improved upon in further iterations of the network in the context of climate change. Initially, a critical review of the Scottish MPA process considered how ecological principles for MPA network design were incorporated into the process, how stakeholder perceptions were considered and crucially what consideration was given to the influence of climate change on the eventual effectiveness of the network. The results indicated that to make a meaningful contribution to marine biodiversity protection for Europe the Scottish MPA network should: i) fully adopt best practice ecological principles ii) ensure effective protection and iii) explicitly consider climate change in the management, monitoring and future iterations of the network. However, this review also highlighted the difficulties of incorporating considerations of climate change into an already complex process. A series of international case studies from British Columbia, Canada; central California, USA; the Great Barrier Reef, Australia and the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, were then conducted to investigate perceptions of how climate change has been considered in the design, implementation, management and monitoring of MPAs. The key lessons from this study included: i) strictly protected marine reserves are considered essential for climate change resilience and will be necessary as scientific reference sites to understand climate change effects ii) adaptive management of MPA networks is important but hard to implement iii) strictly protected reserves managed as ecosystems are the best option for an uncertain future. This work provides new insights into the policy and practical challenges MPA managers face under climate change scenarios. Based on the Scottish and international studies, the need to facilitate clear communication between academics, policy makers and stakeholders was recognised in order to progress MPA policy delivery and to ensure decisions were jointly formed and acceptable. A Delphi technique was used to develop a series of recommendations for considering climate change in Scotland’s MPA process. The Delphi participant panel was selected for their knowledge of the Scottish MPA process and included stakeholders, policy makers and academics with expertise in MPA research. The results from the first round of the Delphi technique suggested that differing views of success would likely influence opinions regarding required management of MPAs, and in turn, the data requirements to support management action decisions. The second round of the Delphi technique explored this further and indicated that there was a fundamental dichotomy in panellists’ views of a successful MPA network depending upon whether they believed the MPAs should be strictly protected or allow for sustainable use. A third, focus group round of the Delphi Technique developed a feature-based management scenario matrix to aid in deciding upon management actions in light of changes occurring in the MPA network. This thesis highlights that if the Scottish MPA network is to fulfil objectives of conservation and restoration, the implications of climate change for the design, management and monitoring of the network must be considered. In particular, there needs to be a greater focus on: i) incorporating ecological principles that directly address climate change ii) effective protection that builds resilience of the marine and linked social environment iii) developing a focused, strong and adaptable monitoring framework iv) ensuring mechanisms for adaptive management.


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Current practice for analysing functional neuroimaging data is to average the brain signals recorded at multiple sensors or channels on the scalp over time across hundreds of trials or replicates to eliminate noise and enhance the underlying signal of interest. These studies recording brain signals non-invasively using functional neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) generate complex, high dimensional and noisy data for many subjects at a number of replicates. Single replicate (or single trial) analysis of neuroimaging data have gained focus as they are advantageous to study the features of the signals at each replicate without averaging out important features in the data that the current methods employ. The research here is conducted to systematically develop flexible regression mixed models for single trial analysis of specific brain activities using examples from EEG and MEG to illustrate the models. This thesis follows three specific themes: i) artefact correction to estimate the `brain' signal which is of interest, ii) characterisation of the signals to reduce their dimensions, and iii) model fitting for single trials after accounting for variations between subjects and within subjects (between replicates). The models are developed to establish evidence of two specific neurological phenomena - entrainment of brain signals to an $\alpha$ band of frequencies (8-12Hz) and dipolar brain activation in the same $\alpha$ frequency band in an EEG experiment and a MEG study, respectively.


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Enzyme immobilisation is the conversion of a soluble enzyme molecule into a solid particle form. This allows the recovery of the enzyme catalyst for its re-use and avoids protein contamination of the product streams. A better understanding of immobilised enzymes is necessary for their rational development. A more rational design can help enormously in the applicability of these systems in different areas, from biosensors to chemical industry. Immobilised enzymes are challenging systems to study and very little information is given by conventional biochemical analysis such as catalytic activity and amount of protein. Here, solid-state NMR has been applied as the main technique to study these systems and evaluate them more precisely. Various approaches are presented for a better understanding of immobilised enzymes, which is the aim of this thesis. Firstly, the requirements of a model system of study will be discussed. The selected systems will be comprehensibly characterised by a variety of techniques but mainly by solid-state NMR. The chosen system will essentially be the enzyme α-chymotrypsin covalently immobilised on two functionalised inorganic supports – epoxide silica and epoxide alumina – and an organic support – Eupergit®. The study of interactions of immobilised enzymes with other species is vital for understanding the macromolecular function and for predicting and engineering protein behaviour. The study of water, ions and inhibitors interacting with various immobilised enzyme systems is covered here. The interactions of water and sodium ions were studied by 17O and 23Na multiple-quantum techniques, respectively. Various pore sizes of the supports were studied for the immobilised enzyme in the presence of labelled water and sodium cations. Finally, interactions between two fluorinated inhibitors and the active site of the enzyme will be explored using 19F NMR, offering a unique approach to evaluate catalytic behaviour. These interactions will be explored by solution-state NMR firstly, then by solid-state NMR. NMR has the potential to give information about the state of the protein in the solid support, but the precise molecular interpretation is a difficult task.


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Hematopoiesis is the tightly controlled and complex process in which the entire blood system is formed and maintained by a rare pool of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), and its dysregulation results in the formation of leukaemia. TRIB2, a member of the Tribbles family of serine/threonine pseudokinases, has been implicated in a variety of cancers and is a potent murine oncogene that induces acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in vivo via modulation of the essential myeloid transcription factor CCAAT-enhancer binding protein α (C/EBPα). C/EBPα, which is crucial for myeloid cell differentiation, is commonly dysregulated in a variety of cancers, including AML. Two isoforms of C/EBPα exist - the full-length p42 isoform, and the truncated oncogenic p30 isoform. TRIB2 has been shown to selectively degrade the p42 isoform of C/EBPα and induce p30 expression in AML. In this study, overexpression of the p30 isoform in a bone marrow transplant (BMT) leads to perturbation of myelopoiesis, and in the presence of physiological levels of p42, this oncogene exhibited weak transformative ability. It was also shown by BMT that despite their degradative relationship, expression of C/EBPα was essential for TRIB2 mediated leukaemia. A conditional mouse model was used to demonstrate that oncogenic p30 cooperates with TRIB2 to reduce disease latency, only in the presence of p42. At the molecular level, a ubiquitination assay was used to show that TRIB2 degrades p42 by K48-mediated proteasomal ubiquitination and was unable to ubiquitinate p30. Mutation of a critical lysine residue in the C-terminus of C/EBPα abrogated TRIB2 mediated C/EBPα ubiquitination suggesting that this site, which is frequently mutated in AML, is the site at which TRIB2 mediates its degradative effects. The TRIB2-C/EBPα axis was effectively targeted by proteasome inhibition. AML is a very difficult disease to target therapeutically due to the extensive array of chromosomal translocations and genetic aberrations that contribute to the disease. The cell from which a specific leukaemia arises, or leukaemia initiating cell (LIC), can affect the phenotype and chemotherapeutic response of the resultant disease. The LIC has been elucidated for some common oncogenes but it is unknown for TRIB2. The data presented in this thesis investigate the ability of the oncogene TRIB2 to transform hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo. TRIB2 overexpression conferred in vitro serially replating ability to all stem and progenitor cells studied. Upon transplantation, only TRIB2 overexpressing HSCs and granulocyte/macrophage progenitors (GMPs) resulted in the generation of leukaemia in vivo. TRIB2 induced a mature myeloid leukaemia from the GMP, and a mixed lineage leukaemia from the HSC. As such the role of TRIB2 in steady state hematopoiesis was also explored using a Trib2-/- mouse and it was determined that loss of Trib2 had no effect on lineage distribution in the hematopoietic compartment under steady-state conditions. The process of hematopoiesis is controlled by a host of lineage restricted transcription factors. Recently members of the Nuclear Factor 1 family of transcription factors (NFIA, NFIB, NFIC and NFIX) have been implicated in hematopoiesis. Little is known about the role of NFIX in lineage determination. Here we describe a novel role for NFIX in lineage fate determination. In human and murine datasets the expression of Nfix was shown to decrease as cells differentiated along the lymphoid pathway. NFIX overexpression resulted in enhanced myelopoiesis in vivo and in vitro and a block in B cell development at the pre-pro-B cell stage. Loss of NFIX resulted in disruption of myeloid and lymphoid differentiation in vivo. These effects on stem and progenitor cell fate correlated with changes in the expression levels of key transcription factors involved in hematopoietic differentiation including a 15-fold increase in Cebpa expression in Nfix overexpressing cells. The data presented support a role for NFIX as an important transcription factor influencing hematopoietic lineage specification. The identification of NFIX as a novel transcription factor influencing lineage determination will lead to further study of its role in hematopoiesis, and contribute to a better understanding of the process of differentiation. Elucidating the relationship between TRIB2 and C/EBPα not only impacts on our understanding of the pathophysiology of AML but is also relevant in other cancer types including lung and liver cancer. Thus in summary, the data presented in this thesis provide important insights into key areas which will facilitate the development of future therapeutic approaches in cancer treatment.