943 resultados para Punishment, Symbol, Authority
State Audit Reports
State Audit Reports
Audit report on the Great River Regional Waste Authority for the years ended June 30, 2005 and 2006.
Agency Performance Plan
Audit report on the Iowa State Fair Authority for the year ended October 31, 2006
Now more than ever Capeverdean teachers are faced with student acts of violence which reverberate to the outer limits of our society at large. These situations have caused teachers to reflect upon their roles as educator and “promoter” of discipline. Some are even questioning their effectiveness in this process as they are challenged to discover if they are in the right place. How do teachers manage discipline? In the past, punishment was the rule of thumb and to some extent remains the measure of choice. But is this the most effective form of behavior management? What is the relationship between punishment and corrective behavior? This paper will discuss the affect that punishment has on the learning process as it attempts to suggest strategies in managing discipline with the objective of creating an effective learning environment.
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program (Clean Water Program) and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program (Drinking Water Program), joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2006
Cofoundresses of the desert fungus garden ant Acromyrmex versicolorexhibit a forager specialist who subsumes all foraging risk priorto first worker eclosion (Rissing et al. 1989). In an experimentdesigned to mimic a "cheater" who refuses foraging assignment whenher lot, cofoundresses delayed/failed to replace their forager,often leading to demise of their garden (Rissing et al. 1996). Thecheater on task assignment is harmed, but so too is the punisher,as all will die without a healthy garden. In this paper we studythrough simulation the cofoundress interaction with haploid, asexualgenotypes which either replace a cheater or not (punishment), underboth foundress viscosity (likely for A. versicolor) and randomassortment. We find replacement superior to punishment only whenthere is no foraging risk and cheating is not costly to groupsurvival. Generally, punishment is evolutionarily superior,especially as forager risk increases, under both forms of dispersal.
The Iowa Railway Finance Authority (IRFA) was created in 1980 by the 68th General Assembly to provide for the financing of rail facilities, and to enhance and continue the operation of essential rail facilities. IRFA was authorized to offer financial assistance for the acquisition, rehabilitation, construction, refinancing, extension, replacement, maintenance, repair or leasing of any rail facility. The 2005 legislative session amended Iowa Code 327H.20 by assigning all repayments of IRFA and other Iowa DOT rail assistance loans to the Rail Revolving Loan and Grant Fund. In 2006, a state appropriation of $235,000 was added to the program. In 2007, $2 million was appropriated to support rail development and job growth.
Audit report on the Iowa Lottery Authority for the year ended June 30, 2007
I consider a general specification of criminals' objective functionand argue that, when the general non-expected utility theory issubstituted for the traditional expected utility theory, thehigh-fine-low-probability result (Becker, 1968) only holds underspecific and strong restrictions.
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program, joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2007
Audit report on the Great River Regional Waste Authority for the year ended June 30, 2007
Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Finance Authority
Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Lottery Authority