206 resultados para Puccinia graminis


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Afin d’améliorer nos pratiques agricoles dans le contexte d’une agriculture durable, plusieurs agents de lutte biologique (ALB) ont été développés, testés et sont maintenant utilisés dans le monde pour combattre les pertes de rendements causées par les maladies. Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei ( Bgh) est l’agent pathogène responsable du blanc de l’orge et peut réduire les rendements de cette culture jusqu’à 40%. Un champignon épiphyte, Pseudozyma flocculosa, a été découvert et identifié en 1987 en association étroite avec le blanc du trèfle. Les chercheurs ont alors remarqué que ce champignon exhibait une forte activité antagoniste contre le blanc en détruisant les structures de l’agent pathogène. Suite à d’autres travaux, il est apparu que ce comportement antagoniste était dirigé contre tous les membres des Erysiphales et semblait lié à la synthèse d’un glycolipide antifongique soit la flocculosine. Toutefois, on n’est toujours pas parvenus à associer l’efficacité de l’ALB avec la production de ce glycolipide. Ces observations suggèrent que d’autres facteurs seraient impliqués lorsque les deux protagonistes, l’ALB et le blanc, sont en contact. L’objectif principal de ce projet était donc de chercher d’autres mécanismes moléculaires pouvant expliquer l’interaction P. flocculosa-blanc et orge, en faisant une analyse transcriptomique complète des trois protagonistes en même temps. L’interaction tripartite a été échantillonnée à différents temps suivant l’inoculation de P. flocculosa sur des feuilles d’orge présentant déjà une intensité de blanc d’environ 50%. Les échantillons de feuilles prélevés ont ensuite été utilisés pour l’extraction de l’ARN qui ont été ensuite transformés en ADNc pour la préparation des librairies. Cinq répliquats ont été effectués pour chaque temps et le tout a été séquencé à l’aide de séquençage par synthèse Illumina HiSeq. Les séquences obtenues (reads) ont ensuite été analysées à l’aide du logiciel CLC Genomics Workbench. Brièvement, les séquences obtenues ont été cartographiées sur les trois génomes de référence. Suite à la cartographie, les analyses d’expression ont été conduites et les gènes exprimés de façon différentielle ont été recherchés. Cette étape a été conduite en portant une attention particulière aux gènes codant pour un groupe de protéines appelées CSEP pour “candidate secreted effector proteins” qui seraient possiblement impliquées dans l’interaction tripartite. Parmi les protéines exprimées de façon différentielle en présence du blanc ou en absence de ce dernier, nous avons pu constater que certaines CSEP étaient fortement exprimées en présence du blanc. Ces résultats sont prometteurs et nous offrent une piste certaine pour l’élucidation des mécanismes impliqués dans cette interaction tripartite.


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The rust Puccinia psidii infects many species in the family Myrtaceae. Native to South America, the pathogen has recently entered Australia which has a rich Myrtaceous flora, including trees of the ecologically and economically important genus Eucalyptus. We studied the genetic basis of variation in rust resistance in Eucalyptus globulus, the main plantation eucalypt in Australia. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was undertaken using 218 genotypes of an outcross F2 mapping family, phenotyped by controlled inoculation of their open pollinated progeny with the strain of P. psidii found in Australia. QTL analyses were conducted using a binary classification of individuals with no symptoms (immune) versus those with disease symptoms, and in a separate analysis dividing plants with disease symptoms into those exhibiting the hypersensitive response versus those with more severe symptoms. Four QTL were identified, two influencing whether a plant exhibited symptoms (Ppr2 and Ppr3), and two influencing the presence or absence of a hypersensitive reaction (Ppr4 and Ppr5). These QTL mapped to four different linkage groups, none of which overlap with Ppr1, the major QTL previously identified for rust resistance in Eucalyptus grandis. Candidate genes within the QTL regions are presented and possible mechanisms discussed. Together with past findings, our results suggest that P. psidii resistance in eucalypts is quantitative in nature and influenced by the complex interaction of multiple loci of variable effect.


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Puccinia psidii (Myrtle rust) is an emerging pathogen that has a wide host range in the Myrtaceae family; it continues to show an increase in geographic range and is considered to be a significant threat to Myrtaceae plants worldwide. In this study, we describe the development and validation of three novel real-time polymerase reaction (qPCR) assays using ribosomal DNA and β-tubulin gene sequences to detect P. psidii. All qPCR assays were able to detect P. psidii DNA extracted from urediniospores and from infected plants, including asymptomatic leaf tissues. Depending on the gene target, qPCR was able to detect down to 0.011 pg of P. psidii DNA. The most optimum qPCR assay was shown to be highly specific, repeatable, and reproducible following testing using different qPCR reagents and real-time PCR platforms in different laboratories. In addition, a duplex qPCR assay was developed to allow coamplification of the cytochrome oxidase gene from host plants for use as an internal PCR control. The most optimum qPCR assay proved to be faster and more sensitive than the previously published nested PCR assay and will be particularly useful for high-throughput testing and to detect P. psidii at the early stages of infection, before the development of sporulating rust pustules.


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As mudanças climáticas globais vêm se manifestando de diversas formas, tanto pelo aumento da temperatura como, também pela maior freqüência e intensidade de eventos extremos de clima, na forma de enchentes, nevascas, ondas de calor e secas. Os impactos dessas mudanças sobre doenças de plantas podem se expressar por meio das alterações na sua distribuição geográfica. Dentre as doenças do milho no território brasileiro, a ferrugem polissora se destaca pelo grande dano que tem causado à produção. O trabalho teve como objetivo empregar técnicas de geoprocessamento para estudar o impacto das mudanças climáticas na distribuição geográfica da ferrugem do milho, causada por Puccinia polysora, para os climas de referência (normal climatológica de 1961-1990) e futuro (2080, cenário A2 do IPCC - Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas) nos meses de janeiro a junho. Foi utilizado o modelo de desenvolvimento da doença proposto por Godoy et al. (1999), baseado em temperatura média e duração do período de molhamento foliar.Atualmente, a região Norte é a mais favorável à doença, porém essa área é inexpressiva para a produção comercial de milho. Os resultados indicam que no futuro, a doença se manifestará principalmente em Minas Gerais durante os meses de janeiro a março, e no Estado do Paraná, durante os meses de abril a junho.


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Tree defence mechanisms against the fungus Puccinia psidii were examined by comparing the activities of defence-related enzymes (chitinase, peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase) of two Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla (urograndis) hybrids, previously classified as either susceptible to rust (VR hybrid) or moderately resistant to rust (C0 hybrid). Furthermore, the potential of disease control by artificial activation of host defences using either acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) or Saccharomyces cerevisiae extract was also investigated. Greenhouse inoculation trials revealed that the C0 hybrid had lower disease severity than the VR hybrid but following foliar applications of either ASM or S. cerevisiae extract treatment, disease severity (evaluated at 15 days after inoculation) was reduced in both hybrids. This enhanced resistance was associated with the induction of a hypersensitive reaction which appeared to be effective in controlling rust in both clones. The activity of all enzymes differed between clones and inducer treatment. The role of the defence-related enzymes in imparting resistance to eucalypt hybrids against rust is discussed.


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Influence of light and leaf epicuticular wax layer on Phakopsora pachyrhizi infection in soybean Asian rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is one of the most serious phytosanitary problems of soybean in Brazil, especially because no cultivars with satisfactory resistance levels as yet exist. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of luminosity and of leaf epicuticular wax on the infection of soybean by P. pachyrhizi. The adaxial and abaxial leaflet surfaces of the first trifoliate leaf from cultivar BRS 154, phenological stage V2, were inoculated with a suspension of 105 uredospores/mL. The plants were kept for 24 hours in a humid chamber at temperature of 23 degrees C, in light or dark conditions, using a factorial design. Subsequently, the plants were maintained for 14 days under a 12-hour photoperiod. The disease severity and density were evaluated. For in vitro experiments, in light or dark conditions, the evaluation was done in terms of uredospore germination and appressorium formation. The wax content of adaxial and abaxial leaflets was analyzed quantitatively using chloroform extraction and ultrastructurally using scanning electron microscope. Higher density and severity were observed when the adaxial surface was inoculated, with later incubation of the plants in the dark, with no significant interaction between these factors. Spore germination in the dark (40.7%) was statistically different from spore germination in the light (28.5%). The same effect was observed with appressorium formation, in the dark (24.7%) and in the light (12.8%). The quantity and the ultrastructural aspects of epicuticular wax content did not show differences between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces; nor did they show any effect on infection by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in the soybean cultivar studied.


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This Letter evaluates several narrow-band indices from EO-1 Hyperion imagery in discriminating sugarcane areas affected by 'orange rust' ( Puccinia kuehnii ) disease. Forty spectral vegetation indices (SVIs), focusing on bands related to leaf pigments, leaf internal structure, and leaf water content, were generated from an image acquired over Mackay, Queensland, Australia. Discriminant function analysis was used to select an optimum set of indices based on their correlations with the discriminant function. The predictive ability of each index was also assessed based on the accuracy of classification. Results demonstrated that Hyperion imagery can be used to detect orange rust disease in sugarcane crops. While some indices that only used visible near-infrared (VNIR) bands (e.g. SIPI and R800/R680) offer separability, the combination of VNIR bands with the moisture-sensitive band (1660 nm) yielded increased separability of rust-affected areas. The newly formulated 'Disease-Water Stress Indices' (DWSI-1=R800/R1660; DSWI-2=R1660/R550; DWSI-5=(R800+R550)/(R1660+R680)) produced the largest correlations, indicating their superior ability to discriminate sugarcane areas affected by orange rust disease.


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No norte do Estado do Espírito Santo, vem sendo observada a ocorrência crescente da ferrugem (Puccinia psidii G. Winter) nos pomares de goiabeira, ocasionando a queda de frutos novos e o declínio na produção. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar tratamentos com fungicidas no controle da ferrugem em goiabeiras 'Paluma' podadas em diferentes épocas do ano. Foram realizados três experimentos, em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com diferentes épocas de poda de frutificação (janeiro; maio e outubro) e quatro tratamentos fungicidas (I- testemunha - aplicação de água, II- oxicloreto de cobre, III- tebuconazole e IV- tebuconazole + oxicloreto de cobre). Observou-se que, quando a poda foi realizada em janeiro, houve as maiores incidências máxima e final da doença, acarretando menor número de frutos por planta. Dentre os fungicidas testados, tebuconazole isolado ou em mistura com oxicloreto de cobre foram os mais eficientes em controlar a doença nas três épocas de poda, inclusive na época de maior incidência da doença. Quatro pulverizações com tebuconazole, isolado ou em mistura com o oxicloreto de cobre, foram suficientes para minimizar os danos causados pela ferrugem da goiabeira.


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As doenças foliares, principalmente, helmintosporiose (Bipolaris spp.), antracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola) e ferrugem (Puccinia spp.), podem ocasionar redução do rendimento da cultura do milho. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência e severidade de helmintosporiose, antracnose e ferrugem, bem como a produtividade de genótipos de milho, em resposta a doses crescentes de nitrogênio. Avaliou-se a severidade das doenças, utilizando-se escala de notas, em nove genótipos de milho (AG9040, AG7088, 30F35, 3F624, 1F583, 1F632, 1F557, 1F640 e ID219), submetidos a quatro doses de nitrogênio (67; 112; 157; e 202 kg ha-1), em duas safras (2009/2010 e 2010/2011). Para determinar a produtividade, utilizou-se a massa dos grãos coletados. Os graus de severidade da helmintosporiose, da antracnose e da ferrugem variaram em resposta às doses de nitrogênio e, entre os genótipos de milho avaliados durante as duas safras, entretanto, não houve relação clara entre as doses de nitrogênio aplicadas e a ocorrência das doenças nas duas safras. A ferrugem foi detectada apenas durante a safra I. Apesar da severidade das doenças foliares, elas, de modo geral, não afetaram significativamente a produtividade dos genótipos de milho avaliados. Desses, o genótipo de milho AG7088 pode ser considerado o mais produtivo e o mais resistente às doenças avaliadas.


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A ocorrência de doenças, como a ferrugem da folha (Puccinia triticina) e a mancha amarela (Drechslera tritici-repentis), pode reduzir a produtividade do trigo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação foliar de silicato de potássio (SP) e de fungicidas, no controle da ferrugem da folha e da mancha amarela, nos cultivares de trigo Safira e Quartzo. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas e com quatro repetições. Os cultivares foram alocados nas parcelas e, nas subparcelas, os tratamentos: T1 - testemunha, T2 - fungicida (azoxistrobina 60 g i.a./ha + ciproconazol 24 g i.a./ha) foram aplicados nos estádios 45 (final da elongação) e 58 (espigamento); T3 - SP (40 g/L), aplicado nos estádios 45 e 58 ; T4 - SP (40 g/L), aplicado no estádio 45, e fungicida aplicado no estádio 58; T5 - hidróxido de potássio (6,5 g/L) foi aplicado nos estádios 45 e 58. O volume de calda utilizado para as pulverizações foi de 250 L/ha. As severidades da ferrugem da folha e da mancha amarela foram avaliadas, a partir dos sete dias, após a primeira pulverização de SP e de fungicida, e, depois, a cada semana, totalizando cinco avaliações. Os dados foram utilizados para calcular a área abaixo da curva do progresso da ferrugem da folha (AACPFF) e a área abaixo da curva do progresso da mancha amarela (AACPMA). O SP, nas doses e número de aplicações avaliadas, não foi eficiente na redução da AACPMA e da AACPFF, nos dois cultivares.


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Some bacteria have the capacity to reduce incidence and severity of plant diseases either by inhibiting the pathogen or by modulating the resistance response of the plant. Plants dispose of different resistance mechanisms that are influenced by the biotic and abiotic environment. The present experiments explored the effects of biocontrol strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens on the resistance of wheat varieties against brown rust disease caused by Puccinia triticina. Root inoculation with biocontrol pseudomonads reduced the disease severity on the leaves. The plant response depended on the genotype of both the microbes and the wheat varieties, suggesting a straight interaction at the molecular level.


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Powdery mildew is an important disease of wheat caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici. This pathogen invades exclusively epidermal cells after penetrating directly through the cell wall. Because powdery mildew colonizes exclusively epidermal cells, it is of importance not only to identify genes which are activated, but also to monitor tissue specificity of gene activation. Acquired resistance of wheat to powdery mildew can be induced by a previous inoculation with the non-host pathogen B. graminis f. sp. hordei, the causal agent of barley powdery mildew. The establishment of the resistant state is accompanied by the activation of genes. Here we report the tissue-specific cDNA-AFLP analysis and cloning of transcripts accumulating 6 and 24 h after the resistance-inducing inoculation with B. graminis f. sp. hordei. A total of 25,000 fragments estimated to represent about 17,000 transcripts were displayed. Out of these, 141 transcripts, were found to accumulate after Bgh inoculation using microarray hybridization analysis. Forty-four accumulated predominantly in the epidermis whereas 76 transcripts accumulated mostly in mesophyll tissue.


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Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 suppresses various plant diseases caused by soil-borne fungi. The pseudomonad produces the antimicrobial metabolites 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl), pyoluteorin (Plt) and hydrogen cyanide, which are important for disease suppression, as well as the siderophores pyoverdine (Pvd), salicylic acid (Sal) and pyochelin (Pch). In the current work, a derivative of CHA0 with a mutation in the global regulator gene gacA (GacA−), which is unable to produce Phl, Plt and HCN, failed to protect the dicotyledonous plants cress and cucumber against damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum. In contrast, the GacA− mutant could still protect the Gramineae wheat and maize against damping-off mediated by the same strain of P. ultimum, and wheat against take-all caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis. However, the GacA− mutant overproduced Pch and Pvd. To gain more insight into disease protection afforded by the GacA− mutant, a GacA− Pvd− double mutant (strain CHA496) was constructed by gene replacement. Strain CHA496 overproduced Pch and Sal compared with CHA0 and protected wheat against P. ultimum and G. graminis, whereas cress and cucumber were not protected. Addition of FeCl3 repressed Pch and Sal production by strain CHA496 in vitro and impaired the protection of wheat in soil microcosms. In conclusion, a functional gacA gene was necessary for the protection of dicotyledons against root diseases, but not for that of Gramineae. Results indicated also that Pch and/or Sal were involved in the ability of the GacA− Pvd− mutant of CHA0 to suppress root diseases in Gramineae.


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O feijão-caupi Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp. é a principal cultura de subsistência do semiárido brasileiro, sendo fonte de proteínas de baixo custo, notadamente, para populações carentes. A produção dessa cultura no Nordeste é baixa devido à não utilização de insumos agrícolas - entre eles, o fertilizante nitrogenado. Por outro lado, bactérias promotoras de crescimento em plantas (BPCPs) vêm sendo estudadas, de forma a maximizar a fixação de N2, disponibilizar nutrientes como P ou fito-hormônios e inibir doenças. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar a viabilidade da coinoculação das sementes de feijão-caupi usando Paenibacillus, Brevibacillus e, ou, Bacillus e Bradyrhizobium-caupi; caracterizar as estirpes quanto à produção de ácido indol acético (AIA) e solubilização de fosfato; e avaliar o sinergismo entre os microrganismos como alternativa para otimizar a FBN. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em laboratório e em casa de vegetação do Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA), utilizando o feijão-caupi cv. "IPA - 206". As estirpes utilizadas foram: Bacillus sp. - 449, 450, 451, 461 e ANBE 31; B. cereus - 440; B. subtilis - 438, 441, 454, 455 e 459; B. pumilus - 444, 445 e 448; B. megaterium - 462; Brevibacillus brevis - 447; Paenibacillus brasilensis - 24, 172 e 177; P. graminis - MC 04.21, MC 22.13 e BR 60106; P. polymyxa - S21; e P. durus - RBN4. Os microrganismos não apresentaram capacidade para produzir AIA nem solubilizar fosfato. Ocorreu sinergismo das estirpes de Bacillus sp. (449) e Bacillus pumilus (444) coinoculadas com a estirpe de Bradyrhizobium sp. (BR 3267) no feijão-caupi.


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Introduction of the recombinant cosmid pME3090 into Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHAO, a good biocontrol agent of various diseases caused by soilborne pathogens, increased three- to five-fold the production of the antibiotic metabolites pyoluteorin (Pit) and 2,4-diacetylphlorogIucinol (Phi) in vitro. Strain CHAO/pME3090 also overproduced Pit and Phi in the rhizosphere of wheat infected or not infected with Pythium ultimum. The biocontrol activity of the wild-type and recombinant Straitis was compared using various plant pathogen-host combinations in a gnotobiotic system. Antibiotic overproduction affected neither the protection of wheat against P. ultimum and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici nor the growth of wheat plants. In contrast, strain CHA0/pME3090 showed an increased capacity to protect cucumber against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum and Phomopsis sclerotioides, compared with the wild-type strain CHAO, The antibiotic overproducing strain protected tobacco roots significantly better against Thielaviopsis basicola than the wild-type strain but drastically reduced the growth of tobacco plants and was also toxic to the growth of sweet com. On King's B agar and on malt agar, the recombinant strain CHA0/pME3090 inhibited all pathogens more than did the parental strain CHAO. Synthetic Pit and Phi were toxic to all fungi tested. Tobacco and sweet com were more sensitive to synthetic Pit and Phi than were cucumber and wheat. There was no correlation between the sensitivity of the pathogens to the synthetic antibiotics and the degree of disease suppression by strain CHAO pME3090. However, there was a correlation between the sensitivity of the plants and the toxicity of the recombinant strain. We conclude that the plant species rather than the pathogen determines whether cosmid pME3090 in P. fluorescens strain CHAO leads to improved disease suppression.