975 resultados para Public housing -- Baix Llobregat (Spain)


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Projecte presentat per al Concurs de projectes amb intervenció de jurat per al desenvolupament a nivell d'avanprojecte del Pla de Millora Urbana del Sector FECSA-ENDESA i Casernes, a Sant Boi del Llobregat


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Few disaster recovery initiatives are more important than those that house the people and assist them to repair or replace their homes. The widespread damage to housing from the tornadoes, storms, and floods in 2008 creates greater challenges in housing than the state has faced from previous disasters. The Housing Task Force gratefully submits its Report to the Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission as an opportunity to place data, issues, priorities and recommendations before residents, communities, state officials, and policymakers at all levels for consideration of how best to guide, support, and resource these efforts. Quantifying the impact of the disasters on communities is daunting. The many personal accounts and sets of community statistics paint pictures of Iowans who have emerged from the rubble or muck of their homes with a determination and commitment to rebuild not just like they were previous to the disasters, but better and stronger. Damage statistics are telling.


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Few disaster recovery initiatives are more important than those that house the people and assist them to repair or replace their homes. The widespread damage to housing from the tornadoes, storms, and floods in 2008 creates greater challenges in housing than the state has faced from previous disasters. The Housing Task Force gratefully submits its Report to the Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission as an opportunity to place data, issues, priorities and recommendations before residents, communities, state officials, and policymakers at all levels for consideration of how best to guide, support, and resource these efforts. Quantifying the impact of the disasters on communities is daunting. The many personal accounts and sets of community statistics paint pictures of Iowans who have emerged from the rubble or muck of their homes with a determination and commitment to rebuild not just like they were previous to the disasters, but better and stronger. Damage statistics are telling. Supplemental Information to the August 2008


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Aquest llibre va lligat a l'estudi que un dels seus autors, el doctor Vallribera i Puig, havia fet prèviament sobre els 145 treballs que restaven inèdits i que havien estat presentats al concurs de Topografies Mèdiques a la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Catalunya, on restaven conservats. Aquí es recupera un d'aquest treballs, datat el 1904 i aquí atribuït a Segimon Salgot i Baucells. Aquest treball centra el seu estudi a les topografies mèdiques a la comarca del Baix Llobregat.


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Postprint (published version)


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El projecte té la voluntat de reflexionar a l’entorn de l’envelliment del parc d’habitatge social construït als anys 60 i 70. Es pren com a punt de partida les antigues promocions de grups d’habitatge social plurifamiliar marginats i desconnectats a nivell sòcio-urbà que es converteixen en part de la imatge de decadència de les ciutats, buscant casos d’estudi a la ciutat de Girona i del seu entorn.L’estudi es centra en els conjunts més que en l’habitatge aïllat, ja que es parteix en buscar l’interès en aquestes gran peces dins la trama urbana actual. Són configuracions singulars que en el seu moment, van ser claus per al creixement de la ciutat però que és un problema que restin immòbils a les noves capes que s’han anat construint des de llavors. Son part del teixit de la ciutat que han passat de ser una solució a generar una problemàtica i creen una certa exclusió al seu entorn més immediat.Estudiar-ne la problemàtica, identificar-ne el potencial i plantejar-ne estratègies de transformació per tal de revitalitzar aquests complexos històrics singulars són els passos previs a finalment projectar la rehabilitació integral d’un d’aquests conjunt s (el grup Sant Jaume de Salt)


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The aim of this article is to present and discuss the situation regarding young people and youth policy in Spain via the parameters of the magic triangle linking policy, research and action: (1) the situation of young people in Spain today -some indicators are highlighted regarding the main challenges and opportunities for young people, with references to the so-called"Ni-Nis" (neither studying nor working)- and the movement of the"outraged" youth that occupied the streets of Spain"s major cities in May 2011; (2) the current approaches adopted by public youth policies in Spain and limitations and difficulties encountered by the government in attempting to meet the demands of young people; (3) social work with young people and professionals involved in youth policies. In the last section, we conclude with some open questions and proposals for the immediate future


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Postprint (published version)