235 resultados para Psoriasis.


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Background: Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) is a rare genodermatosis with susceptibility to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and high risk of skin cancer considered a model of viral oncogenesis. Methods: Fifteen cases of EV plane wart (PW)-type lesions (EV) and 14 cases of PW in healthy individuals were subjected to immunohistochemical technique for cytokeratins (K) 1, 10, 14, 16, 4, involucrin, filaggrin and e-cadherin. Results: K1/10 showed retarded or negative expression in EV, being substituted by K14. Expression of K14 occurred in the basal and suprabasal layers in both groups, but in EV, its expression was observed up to the more superficial layers. Both groups showed positivity for K16 and K4, involucrin expression in lower levels of the spinous layer and unaltered filaggrin expression. E-cadherin expression was diminished at the koilocytotic foci of both lesions, more superficially in EV. Conclusion: Infection by HPV may alter the differentiation status of the epidermis, leading to a major expression of K14, delayed or absent expression of K1/10 and earlier involucrin expression, especially in EV. It also stimulates the expression of K16 and K4. Filaggrin expression is not altered, and e-cadherin is diminished in superficial koilocytotic cells` foci in EV.


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1. Drug delivery through the skin has been used to target the epidermis, dermis and deeper tissues and for systemic delivery, The major barrier for the transport of drugs through the skin is the stratum corneum, with most transport occurring through the intercellular region, The polarity of the intercellular region appears to be similar to butanol, with the diffusion of solutes being hindered by saturable hydrogen bonding to the polar head groups of the ceramides, fatty acids and other intercellular lipids, Accordingly, the permeability of the more lipophilic solutes is greatest from aqueous solutions, whereas polar solute permeability is favoured by hydrocarbon-based vehicles. 2. The skin is capable of metabolizing many substances and, through its microvasculature, limits the transport of most substances into regions below the dermis. 3. Although the flux of solutes through the skin should be identical for different vehicles when the solute exists as a saturated solution, the fluxes vary in accordance with the skin penetration enhancement properties of the vehicle. It is therefore desirable that the regulatory standards required for the bioequivalence of topical products include skin studies. 4. Deep tissue penetration can be related to solute protein binding, solute molecular size and dermal blood flow. 5. Iontophoresis is a promising area of skin drug delivery, especially for ionized solutes and when a rapid effect is required. 6. In general, psoriasis and other skin diseases facilitate drug delivery through the skin. 7. It is concluded that the variability in skin permeability remains an obstacle in optimizing drug delivery by this route.


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The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of immunization with soluble amastigote (AmaAg) and promastigote (ProAg) antigens from Leishmania (Viannia) shawi on the course of infection in BALB/c mice. After immunization with AmaAg, the challenged group showed greater lesion size and parasite load in the skin and lymph nodes, associated with diminished interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-10, interferon (IFN)-gamma and nitrate levels in the supernatant of lymph node cell cultures, together with increases in transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta concentrations and humoral immune response. In contrast, immunization with ProAg led to smaller lesion size with reduced numbers of viable parasites in the skin. Protection was associated with increases in IL-12, IFN-gamma, TGF-beta and nitrates and decreases in IL-4 and IL-10 levels. Concerning humoral immune response, a significant reduction in anti-leishmania immunoglobulin G was verified in the ProAg-challenged group. Analysis of these results suggests that AmaAg induced a suppressive cellular immune response in mice, favouring the spread of infection, whereas ProAg induced partial protection associated with increased cellular immune response.


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The profile of 247 patients with erythroderma during a 23 year period from January, 1962 through March, 1985, with a follow-up period ranging from 1 to 26 years were analysed. The patients presented with diffuse erythema, scaling and pruritus of more than 2 months' duration, and the age ranged from 16 to 60 years. Psoriasis was the most frequent underlying disease with an estimated frequency of 44.9%, the reaction to the use of drugs appeared in 7.3% of total cases and association with reticulosis showed a frequency of 4.1%. The cause of the erythroderma could not be determined in 29.2% of the cases. Sex differences in terms of underlying diseases were not observed. One or more skin biopsies along with the clinical findings were diagnostic or suggestive of the underlying disease in 63.6% of the cases. Repeated skin biopsies are recommended as the best method for etiologic diagnosis of erythroderma. At P=0.05 significance level, masculine/feminine ratio of 2 : 1 was found. The question arises wether causal agent of erythroderma may not be somehow related to different exposure by sex to environmental antigens.


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Mestrado em Fisioterapia


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RESUMO: A importância da avaliação económica na área da saúde tem sido crescente ao longo das últimas três décadas. É um campo de análise multi-disciplinar pelo qual se têm vindo a interessar investigadores de todo o mundo e onde, naturalmente, a economia da saúde tem contributos significativos para dar. Contudo, é uma área ainda relativamente inexplorada em termos de investigação metodológica em Portugal. Espera-se com este trabalho colmatar algumas das lacunas existentes e lançar pontes para investigação futura. Neste estudo pretendem-se desenvolver contributos autónomos, numa óptica de resolução de problemas concretos, para a avaliação económica de medicamentos em Portugal. Em primeiro lugar abordou-se a importância da estimação dos custos nos estudos de avaliação económica em saúde. Em segundo lugar determinou-se o custo de um doente com esclerose múltipla, por nível de severidade em Portugal com recurso à metodologia de estudos custo da doença. Em terceiro lugar, aplicando a mesma metodologia, determinou-se o custo de um doente com psoríase, por nível de severidade, em Portugal. Em quarto lugar mediu-se o impacto da psoríase na qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde dos indivíduos afectados através de dois instrumentos genéricos de medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (SF-36 e EQ-5D) e de dois instrumentos específicos (DLQI e PDI). Em quinto lugar, foi feita a adaptação de um modelo sobre a prevenção do tromboembolismo venoso em cirurgia ortopédica ao contexto nacional com recurso a dados recolhidos numa amostra de hospitais portugueses. Foi ainda apresentada uma estimativa do impacto orçamental decorrente da inclusão, ou não, de um novo medicamento na prática nacional. ABSTRACT: The importance of economic evaluation in the health care sector has been growing in the last three decades. It is a multidisciplinary field of research that attracts attention from researchers working all over the world. It is should be noted that health economics can contribute significantly to the development of this area. However, in Portugal is difficult to find methodological contributes in this field of research. With this work one hope to be able to overcome some of the existing shortcomings. This study seeks to develop independent contributions for the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Portugal, aiming to help to solve existing problems. Firstly, one approached the importance of the accurate estimation of costs in economic evaluations of pharmaceuticals. Secondly, the cost of patient with multiple sclerosis was estimated, by severity level, in Portugal, using a cost of illness methodology. In third place, employing the same methodology, the cost of patient with psoriasis by severity level was estimated for Portugal. In fourth place, the impact of psoriasis in the quality of life related to health was ascertained by two generic measures (SF-36 and EQ-5D) and two specific measures (DLQI and PDI). Lastly, a model on the prevention of venous thromboembolism in orthopedic surgery was adapted for Portugal through the inclusion of data collected in a sample of Portuguese hospita


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Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis (AGEP) is a drug-induced dermatosis characterized by an acute episode of sterile pustules over erythematous-edematous skin. It is accompanied by an episode of fever, which regresses a few days after discontinuation of the drug that caused the condition or as a result of corticosteroid treatment. The main triggering drugs are antibiotics, mainly beta-lactam ones. Other medications, such as antifungal agents, non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antiarrhythmic, anticonvulsant and antidepressant drugs, may also be responsible. Histologically, it is characterized by the existence of vasculitis, associated with non-follicular subcorneal pustules. A case of a Caucasian female outpatient unit of Dermatology with AGEP, who presented with generalized pustulosis lesions after the use of cephalosporin for urinary infection is related. The diagnosis was confirmed by the clinical and pathological correlations, the resolution of the dermatosis after discontinuation of the drug and use of systemic corticosteroid treatment, and the recurrence of the disorder after the introduction of a similar drug. The importance of the recognition of this drug-induced dermatosis is given by its main differential clinical and histological diagnoses: generalized pustular psoriasis and subcorneal pustulosis.


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Pretende-se nestas Recomendações Terapêuticas dar uma visão global dos conhecimentos actuais sobre a patogenia, clínica e tratamento da psoríase. A educação dos doentes deve incidir na evicção dos factores desencadeantes (medicamentos, trauma, álcool, infecções, stress) e enfa tizar a acção benéfica da exposição solar controlada na psoríase. A terapêutica tópica emolientes, queratolíticos, derivados do alcatrão, antralina, corticosteróides tópicos, calcipotriol — é essencial no controlo da psoríase vulgar em placas e é importante como adjuvante nos casos mais graves; chama-se a atenção para os graus de potência e para os potenciais efeitos indesejáveis da corticoterapia tópica. A radiação UV isolada (fototerapia) ou em associação a fotos sensibilizantes (fotoquimioterapia) está indicada nalgumas formas de psoríase (gutata, em placas, palmo-plantar) refractárias aos tópicos. A terapêutica sistémica — retinóides, metotrexato, ciclosporina está reservada para as formas mais graves, extensas e refractárias de psoríase, sendo indispensável na psoríase eritrodérmica, pustulosa ou artropática. A estratégia actual visa obter o melhor índice terapêutico e dá particular importância às terapêuticas combinadas e/ou rotativas. Para finalizar, incluem-se alguns fluxogramas, com o objectivo de ordenar os passos a dar na abordagem do doente com psorfase e salientar a validade científica das diferentes terapêuticas disponíveis.


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A psoríase é uma doença crónica,inflamatória, imuno-mediada. É uma doença associada a uma elevada carga psicológica e financeira, assim como uma diminuição significativa da qualidade de vida dos doentes. O conhecimento actual da fisiopatologia subjacente permitiu nos últimos anos novos e encorajadores desenvolvimentos terapêuticos. Estes fármacos têm como alvo elementos precisos da cascata imunológica e a sua introdução na última década constituiu um avanço significativo na abordagem da psoríase moderada a grave refractária. Neste artigo pretende-se fazer uma revisão dos mais recentes avanços no conhecimento da imunopatogénese da psoríase e com base nestes, os novos fármacos biológicos que têm sido desenvolvidos. Os fármacos biológicos para o tratamento da psoríase e/ou artrite psoriática são definidos pelo seu modo de acção e são classificados nas seguintes categorias: moduladores de acção das células T, inibidores do factor de necrose tumoral alfa (anti-TNFα) e inibidores das interleucinas (IL) 12 e IL-23. Neste artigo são abordados para além dos inibidores do TNFα, golimumab e certolizumab, os fármacos ustecinumab, briacinumab, tasocitinib, sipilizumab e abatacept.


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Dermatoscopy can be used to evaluate the nail apparatus (ie, onychoscopy), and it is helpful for the diagnosis of numerous nail diseases and tumors. This article reviews the information that can be obtained in cases of nail dyschromia and especially in cases of melanonychia, in which the distinction between benign melanocytic activation or proliferation and malignancy is crucial. Dermatoscopic changes that accompany specific nail diseases are also reviewed, such as those observed with subungual hemorrhage, bacterial and fungal nail infections, psoriasis of the nail, lichen planus of the nail, and vascular abnormalities of the nail fold.


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A psoríase é uma dermatose inflamatória, que afecta cerca de 2% da população mundial, com envolvimento preferencial cutâneo e articular, mas frequentemente associada a co-morbilidades importantes. Cerca de 20-30% dos doentes têm formas moderadas a graves, não controláveis por tratamentos tópicos. As terapêuticas sistémicas clássicas – PUVAterapia oral, retinóides, ciclosporina e metotrexato – podem induzir toxicidade específica de órgão e uma percentagem considerável de doentes é resistente, intolerante ou tem contra-indicações para as iniciar. É neste contexto que surgem os agentes biológicos, especificamente direccionados aos mecanismos/vias envolvidos na patogénese da psoríase. Nos últimos anos a importância destes agentes como alternativas terapêuticas tem crescido, tendo-se desenvolvido vários estudos desenhados para avaliar a sua eficácia e segurança. Actualmente 4 agentes biológicos estão aprovados pela EMEA (agência europeia do medicamento) para o tratamento da psoríase em placas, três anti-TNFα (adalimumab, etanercept e infliximab) e um anti-IL12/23p40 (ustecinumab). Neste artigo pretende-se actualizar as recomendações anteriormente publicadas (Trabalhos da SPDV 2010, 68(1): 47-68), dada a rápida evolução de conhecimentos científicos e de orientações terapêuticas nesta área. Estas Normas devem ser utilizadas criteriosamente, tendo em conta a especificidade de cada doente e de cada situação clínica.


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Introduction: Skin diseases in paediatric age are often distressing conditions with significant impact in children’s psychosocial development. Additionally, systemic therapeutic options are often limited in childhood, due to its potential toxicity in this vulnerable group. Phototherapy is therefore an endorsed option for photo-responsive dermatological conditions. Objective and Methods:This observational retrospective study aims to access efficacy and safety of Phototherapy in our paediatric population. Relevant clinical data from 1996 to present concerning patients aged 18 years or less was collected. Results: 78 patients were included, of which64,1%was female. Mean age was 12,9 years (range 2-18). Distribution according to diagnosis was:47,4%psoriasis, 34,6% alopecia areata, 9,0% vitiligo, 9,0% other diagnosis. Mean number of cycles was 1,5 (range 1-7), with an average of 16,3 treatments per cycle and mean cumulative dose 134 J/cm2. 70,5% was treated with one single cycle. Topic and systemic PUVA were the first choice in 37,2% and 39,7%, respectively, while UVB TL01 and broadband UVB were used in 11,5% each. On the first cycle 67,5% improved, 14,3% showed no sustained clinical response and 19,5% were lost to follow-up. Psoriasis patients had the best response rates (81,8%), followed by alopecia areata (59,3%). Side effects occurred in 21%, being erythema the most common (12%). None led to therapeutic interruption. Discussion: Phototherapy is a safe and effective option in childhood, yet the withdraw rate might be an important limitation.


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Background: Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) antagonists are effective in treating several immune-inflammatory diseases, including psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease. The paradoxical and unpredictable induction of psoriasis and psoriasiform skin lesions is a recognized adverse event, although of unclear aetiology. However, histological analysis of these eruptions remains insufficient, yet suggesting that some might constitute a new pattern of adverse drug reaction, rather than true psoriasis. Case report: The authors report the case of a 43-year-old woman with severe recalcitrant Crohn disease who started treatment with infliximab. There was also a personal history of mild plaque psoriasis without clinical expression for the past eight years. She developed a heterogeneous cutaneous eruption of psoriasiform morphology with pustules and crusts after the third infliximab infusion. The histopathological diagnosis was of a Sweet-like dermatosis. The patient was successfully treated with cyclosporine in association with both topical corticosteroid and vitamin D3 analogue. Three weeks after switching to adalimumab a new psoriasiform eruption was observed, histologically compatible with a psoriasiform drug eruption. Despite this, and considering the beneficial effect on the inflammatory bowel disease, it was decided to maintain treatment with adalimumab and to treat through with topicals, with progressive control of skin disease. Discussion: Not much is known about the pathogenesis of psoriasiform eruptions induced by biological therapies, but genetic predisposition and Koebner phenomenon may contribute to it. Histopathology can add new facets to the comprehension of psoriasiform reactions. In fact, histopathologic patterns of such skin lesions appear to be varied, in a clear asymmetry with clinical findings. Conclusion: The sequential identification in the same patient of two clinical and histopathologic patterns of drug reaction to TNFα antagonists is rare. Additionally, to the authors’ knowledge, there is only one other description in literature of a TNFα antagonist-induced Sweet-like dermatosis, emphasizing the singularity of this case report.


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Multiple autoimmune syndrome is a rare condition, described by Humbert and Dupond in 1988. It is defined by the association of at least 3 autoimmune diseases in the same patient. Vitiligo is the most common skin condition in this syndrome. This article presents the case of a 31-year-old male with vitiligo, alopecia areata, Crohn's disease, psoriasis vulgaris and oral lichen planus. The rarity of this case is highlighted by the coexistence of four autoimmune skin diseases in association with Crohn's disease, never described in the literature.