936 resultados para Protein and peptide drugs
Proteomics has come a long way from the initial qualitative analysis of proteins present in a given sample at a given time ("cataloguing") to large-scale characterization of proteomes, their interactions and dynamic behavior. Originally enabled by breakthroughs in protein separation and visualization (by two-dimensional gels) and protein identification (by mass spectrometry), the discipline now encompasses a large body of protein and peptide separation, labeling, detection and sequencing tools supported by computational data processing. The decisive mass spectrometric developments and most recent instrumentation news are briefly mentioned accompanied by a short review of gel and chromatographic techniques for protein/peptide separation, depletion and enrichment. Special emphasis is placed on quantification techniques: gel-based, and label-free techniques are briefly discussed whereas stable-isotope coding and internal peptide standards are extensively reviewed. Another special chapter is dedicated to software and computing tools for proteomic data processing and validation. A short assessment of the status quo and recommendations for future developments round up this journey through quantitative proteomics.
We prospectively compared the diagnostic value of C-reactive protein (CRP) and white blood cell counts for detection of neonatal septicaemia. Sensitivity and specifity in receiver operating characteristics, and positive and negative predictive value of CRP and white blood cell count were compared in 195 critically ill preterm and term newborns clinically suspected of infection. Blood cultures were positive in 33 cases. During the first 3 days after birth CRP elevation (sensitivity 75%, specifity 86%), leukopenia (67%/90%), neutropenia (78%/80%) and immature to total neutrophil count (I/T) ratio (78%/73%) were good diagnostic parameters, as opposed to band forms with absolute count (84%/66%) or percentage (79%/71%), thrombocytopenia (65%/57%) and toxic granulations (44%/94%). Beyond 3 days of age elevated CRP (88%/87%) was the best parameter. Increased total (84%/66%) or percentage band count (79%/71%) were also useful. Leukocytosis (74%/56%), increased neutrophils (67%/65%), I/T ratio (79%/47%), thrombocytopenia (65%/57%) and toxic granulations had a low specifity. The positive predictive value of CRP was 32% before and 37% after 3 days of age, that of leukopenia was 37% in the first 3 days. CONCLUSION: During the first 3 days of life CRP, leukopenia and neutropenia were comparably good tests while after 3 days of life CRP was the best single test in early detection of neonatal septicaemia. Serial CRP estimations confirm the diagnosis, monitor the course of infection and the efficacy of antibiotic treatment.
Introduction La maladie « Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease ; NAFLD » et l'obésité provoque la résistance à l'insuline, un symptôme caractéristique du syndrome métabolique. La fréquence de ces maladies a augmenté de manière importante durant ces dernières décennies. Cette augmentation est étroitement liée à la surcharge énergétique dans notre culture modernisée. Pour combattre cette situation, des régimes riches en protéines semblent être bénéfiques, en particulier parce que l'acide aminé leucine stimule la satiété. Cependant l'effet des protéines alimentaires sur la stéatose hépatique reste peu connu. Résultats : Pour étudier cette question, nous avons nourri des souris C57B6/J (âgées de 5 semaines) avec un régime standard (10% kcal graisse, 20% kcal protéine), un régime riche en graisse (45% kcal graisse, 20% kcal protéine) ou un régime riche en graisse et enrichi en protéines (45% kcal graisse, 40% kcal protéine) pendant 10 semaines. Nous avons ainsi montré que l'addition de protéines au régime gras permet de prévenir la stéatose hépatique. Dans un deuxième temps nous avons testé si cet effet bénéfique des protéines alimentaires provient des acides aminés ramifiés (Branched-chain amino acids= BCAA : leucine, isoleucine, valine), composants majeurs de protéines alimentaires. Pour ce faire, nous avons ajouté un groupe de souris nourries au régime riche en graisses + BCAA (45% kcal graisse, 23% kcal protéine). Nos résultats montrent que l'addition des BCAA ne protège pas contre la stéatose hépatique, mais, au contraire, aggrave l'obésité et l'hyperinsulinémie. De manière intéressante, nous avons observé que la supplémentation en protéines ou en BCAA induit des effets différents sur la prise alimentaire et la dépense énergétique. Conclusion : Notre étude suggère clairement que les protéines alimentaires protègent contre l'obésité et la stéatose hépatique. Elle confirme également que les composants majeurs des protéines alimentaires (BCAA) n'exercent pas cet effet protecteur, mais qu'il aggrave le syndrome métabolique. Etant donné que l'ingestion importante et chronique de protéines alimentaires est délétère pour le rein, il serait très intéressant d'identifier les acides aminés spécifiques qui induiraient le même effet protecteur que les protéines alimentaires, mais sans perturber le fonctionnement rénal.
Saponins from the Spanish saffron Crocus sativus are efficient adjuvants for protein-based vaccines.
Protein and peptide-based vaccines provide rigorously formulated antigens. However, these purified products are only weakly immunogenic by themselves and therefore require the addition of immunostimulatory components or adjuvants in the vaccine formulation. Various compounds derived from pathogens, minerals or plants, possess pro-inflammatory properties which allow them to act as adjuvants and contribute to the induction of an effective immune response. The results presented here demonstrate the adjuvant properties of novel saponins derived from the Spanish saffron Crocus sativus. In vivo immunization studies and tumor protection experiments unambiguously establish the value of saffron saponins as candidate adjuvants. These saponins were indeed able to increase both humoral and cellular immune responses to protein-based vaccines, ultimately providing a significant degree of protection against tumor challenge when administered in combination with a tumor antigen. This preclinical study provides an in depth immunological characterization of a new saponin as a vaccine adjuvant, and encourages its further development for use in vaccine formulations.
Apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids in wet wheat protein and soya bean meal for growing pigs
Selostus: Kuivaamattoman vehnäproteiinin ja soijarouheen aminohappojen ohutsuolisulavuus sioilla
CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) family members are transcription factors involved in important physiological processes, such as cellular proliferation and differentiation, regulation of energy homeostasis, inflammation, and hematopoiesis. Transcriptional activation by C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta involves the coactivators CREB-binding protein (CBP) and p300, which promote transcription by acetylating histones and recruiting basal transcription factors. In this study, we show that C/EBPdelta is also using CBP as a coactivator. Based on sequence homology with C/EBPalpha and -beta, we identify in C/EBPdelta two conserved amino acid segments that are necessary for the physical interaction with CBP. Using reporter gene assays, we demonstrate that mutation of these residues prevents CBP recruitment and diminishes the transactivating potential of C/EBPdelta. In addition, our results indicate that C/EBP family members not only recruit CBP but specifically induce its phosphorylation. We provide evidence that CBP phosphorylation depends on its interaction with C/EBPdelta and define point mutations within one of the two conserved amino acid segments of C/EBPdelta that abolish CBP phosphorylation as well as transcriptional activation, suggesting that this new mechanism could be important for C/EBP-mediated transcription.
Selostus: Rehun valkuais- ja energiapitoisuuden vaikutus sikojen typen hyväksikäyttöön, veden kulutukseen ja virtsan eritykseen
Selostus: Säilörehun käymisasteen ja valkuaistäydennyksen vaikutus maidon tuotantoon
Genetic alterations of neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) gene lead to the development of schwannomas, meningiomas, and ependymomas. Mutations of NF2 gene were also found in thyroid cancer, mesothelioma, and melanoma, suggesting that it functions as a tumor suppressor in a wide spectrum of cells. The product of NF2 gene is merlin (moesin-ezrin-radixin-like protein), a member of the Band 4.1 superfamily proteins. Merlin shares significant sequence homology with the ERM (Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin) family proteins and serves as a linker between transmembrane proteins and the actin-cytoskeleton. Merlin is a multifunctional protein and involved in integrating and regulating the extracellular cues and intracellular signaling pathways that control cell fate, shape, proliferation, survival, and motility. Recent studies showed that merlin regulates the cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions and functions of the cell surface adhesion/extracellular matrix receptors including CD44 and that merlin and CD44 antagonize each other's function and work upstream of the mammalian Hippo signaling pathway. Furthermore, merlin plays important roles in stabilizing the contact inhibition of proliferation and in regulating activities of several receptor tyrosine kinases. Accumulating data also suggested an emerging role of merlin as a negative regulator of growth and progression of several non-NF2 associated cancer types. Together, these recent advances have improved our basic understanding about merlin function, its regulation, and the major signaling pathways regulated by merlin and provided the foundation for future translation of these findings into the clinic for patients bearing the cancers in which merlin function and/or its downstream signaling pathways are impaired or altered.
Protein turnover and thermogenesis in response to high-protein and high-carbohydrate feeding in men.
The rates of energy expenditure and wholebody protein turnover were determined during a 9-h period in a group of seven men while they received hourly isocaloric meals of high-protein (HP) or high-carbohydrate (HC) content. Their responses to feeding were compared with those to a short period of fasting (15-24 h). The 9-h thermic response to the repeated feeding of HP meals was found to be greater than that to the HC meals (9.6 +/- 0.6% vs 5.7 +/- 0.4% of the energy intake, respectively, means +/- SEM, p less than 0.01). The rate of whole-body nitrogen turnover over 9 h increased from 17.6 +/- 2.2 g on the fasting day to 27.4 +/- 1.4 g during HC feeding (NS) and there was a further increase to 58.2 +/- 5.3 g resulting from HP feeding (p less than 0.001). By using theoretical estimates (based upon ATP requirements) of the metabolic cost of protein synthesis, 36 +/- 9% of the thermic response to HC feeding and 68 +/- 3% of the response to HP feeding could be accounted for by the increases in protein synthesis compared with the fasting state.
Context: The link between C-reactive protein (CRP) and adiposity deserves to be further explored considering the controversial diabetogenic role of CRP. Objective: We explored the potential causal role of CRP on measures of adiposity. Design: We used a Mendelian randomization approach with the CRP and LEPR genes as instrumental variables in a cross-sectional Caucasian population-based study comprising 2526 men and 2836 women. Adiposity was measured using body mass index (BMI), fat and lean mass estimated by bioelectrical impedance, and waist circumference. Results: Log-transformed CRP explained by the rs7553007 SNP tagging the CRP gene was significantly associated with BMI (regression coefficient: 1.22 [0.18;2.25], P=0.02) and fat mass (2.67 [0.65;4.68], P=0.01), but not with lean mass in women, whereas no association was found in men. Log-transformed CRP explained by the rs1805096 LEPR SNP was also positively associated, although not significantly, with BMI or fat mass. The combined CRP-LEPR instrument explained 2.24% and 0.77% of CRP variance in women and in men, respectively. Log-transformed CRP explained by this combined instrument was significantly associated with BMI (0.98 [0.32;1.63], P=0.004), fat mass (2.07 [0.79;3.34], P=0.001) and waist (2.09 [0.39;3.78], P=0.01) in women, but not in men. Conclusion: Our data suggest that CRP is causally and positively related to BMI in women, and that this is mainly due to fat mass. Results on the combined CRP-LEPR instrument suggest that leptin may play a role in the causal association between CRP and adiposity in women. Results in men were not significant.