907 resultados para Protein Synthesis Inhibitors


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Potential errors in decoding genetic information are corrected by tRNA-dependent amino acid recognition processes manifested through editing reactions. One example is the rejection of difficult-to-discriminate misactivated amino acids by tRNA synthetases through hydrolytic reactions. Although several crystal structures of tRNA synthetases and synthetase-tRNA complexes exist, none of them have provided insight into the editing reactions. Other work suggested that editing required active amino acid acceptor hydroxyl groups at the 3' end of a tRNA effector. We describe here the isolation of a DNA aptamer that specifically induced hydrolysis of a misactivated amino acid bound to a tRNA synthetase. The aptamer had no effect on the stability of the correctly activated amino acid and was almost as efficient as the tRNA for inducing editing activity. The aptamer has no sequence similarity to that of the tRNA effector and cannot be folded into a tRNA-like structure. These and additional data show that active acceptor hydroxyl groups in a tRNA effector and a tRNA-like structure are not essential for editing. Thus, specific bases in a nucleic acid effector trigger the editing response.


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Presomitic and 3- to 12-somite pair cultured mouse embryos were deprived of retinoic acid (RA) by yolk-sac injections of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides for retinol binding protein (RBP). Inhibition of yolk-sac RBP synthesis was verified by immunohistochemistry, and the loss of activity of a lacZ-coupled RA-sensitive promoter demonstrated that embryos rapidly became RA-deficient. This deficiency resulted in malformations of the vitelline vessels, cranial neural tube, and eye, depending upon the stage of embryonic development at the time of antisense injection. Addition of RA to the culture medium at the time of antisense injection restored normal development implicating the role of RBP in embryonic RA synthesis. Furthermore, the induced RA deficiency resulted in early down-regulation of developmentally important genes including TGF-beta1 and Shh.


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Positron emission tomography (PET) with L-[methyl-11C]methionine was explored as an in vivo, noninvasive, quantitative method for measuring the protein synthesis rate (PSR) in paraspinal and hind limb muscles of anesthetized dogs. Approximately 25 mCi (1 Ci = 37 GBq) of L-[methyl-11C]methionine was injected intravenously, and serial images and arterial blood samples were acquired over 90 min. Data analysis was performed by fitting tissue- and metabolite-corrected arterial blood time-activity curves to a three-compartment model and assuming insignificant transamination and transmethylation in this tissue. PSR was calculated from fitted parameter values and plasma methionine concentrations. PSRs measured by PET were compared with arterio-venous (A-V) difference measurements across the hind limb during primed constant infusion (5-6 h) of L-[1-13C, methyl-2H3]methionine. Results of PET measurements demonstrated similar PSRs for paraspinal and hind limb muscles: 0.172 +/- 0.062 vs. 0.208 +/- 0.048 nmol-1.min-1.(g of muscle)-1 (P = not significant). PSR determined by the stable isotope technique was 0.27 +/- 0.050 nmol-1.min-1.(g of leg tissue)-1 (P < 0.07 from PET) and indicated that the contribution of transmethylation to total hind limb methionine utilization was approximately 10%. High levels of L-[methyl-11C]methionine utilization by bone marrow were observed. We conclude that muscle PSR can be measured in vivo by PET and that this approach offers promise for application in human metabolic studies.


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The protein encoded by the gamma 134.5 gene of herpes simplex virus precludes premature shutoff of protein synthesis in human cells triggered by stress associated with onset of viral DNA synthesis. The carboxyl terminus of the protein is essential for this function. This report indicates that the shutoff of protein synthesis is not due to mRNA degration because mRNA from wild-type or gamma 134.5- virus-infected cells directs protein synthesis. Analyses of the posttranslational modifications of translation initiation factor eIF-2 showed the following: (i) eIF-2 alpha was selectively phosphorylated by a kinase present in ribosome-enriched fraction of cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus. (ii) Endogenous eIF-2 alpha was totally phosphorylated in cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus or a virus lacking the 3' coding domain of the gamma 134.5 gene but was not phosphorylated in mock-infected or wild-type virus-infected cells. (iii) Immune precipitates of the PKR kinase that is responsible for regulation of protein synthesis of some cells by phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha yielded several phosphorylated polypeptides. Of particular significance were two observations. First, phosphorylation of PKR kinase was elevated in all infected cells relative to the levels in mock-infected cells. Second, the precipitates from lysates of cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus or a virus lacking the 3' coding domain of the gamma 134.5 gene contained an additional labeled phosphoprotein of M(r) 90,000 (p90). This phosphoprotein was present in only trace amounts in the immunoprecipitate from cells infected with wild-type virus or mutants lacking a portion of the 5' domain of gamma 134.5. We conclude that in the absence of gamma 134.5 protein, PKR kinase complexes with the p90 phosphoprotein and shuts off protein synthesis by phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of translation initiation factor eIF-2.


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In earlier studies it was shown that the mammalian translation system is highly organized in vivo and that the intermediates in the process, aminoacyl-tRNAs, are channeled--i.e., they are directly transferred from the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to the elongation factor to the ribosomes without dissociating into the cellular fluid. Here, we examine whether spent tRNAs leaving the ribosome enter the fluid phase or are transferred directly to their cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to complete a channeled tRNA cycle. Using a permeabilized CHO cell system that closely mimics living cells, we find that there is no leakage of endogenous tRNA during many cycles of translation, and protein synthesis remains linear during this period, even though free aminoacyl-tRNA is known to rapidly equilibrate between the inside and outside of these cells. We also find that exogenous tRNA and periodate-oxidized tRNA have no effect on protein synthesis in this system, indicating that they do not enter the translation machinery, despite the fact that exogenous tRNA rapidly distributes throughout the cells. Furthermore, most of the cellular aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases function only with endogenous tRNAs, although a portion can use exogenous tRNA molecules. However, aminoacylation of these exogenous tRNAs is strongly inhibited by oxidized tRNA; this inhibitor has no effect on endogenous aminoacylation. On the basis of these and the earlier observations, we conclude that endogenous tRNA is never free of the protein synthetic machinery at any stage of the translation process and, consequently, that there is a channeled tRNA cycle during protein synthesis in mammalian cells.


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Eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF-2B) is an essential component of the pathway of peptide-chain initiation in mammalian cells, yet little is known about its molecular structure and regulation. To investigate the structure, regulation, and interactions of the individual subunits of eIF-2B, we have begun to clone, characterize, and express the corresponding cDNAs. We report here the cloning and characterization of a 1510-bp cDNA encoding the alpha subunit of eIF-2B from a rat brain cDNA library. The cDNA contains an open reading frame of 918 bp encoding a polypeptide of 305 aa with a predicted molecular mass of 33.7 kDa. This cDNA recognizes a single RNA species approximately 1.6 kb in length on Northern blots of RNA from rat liver. The predicted amino acid sequence contains regions identical to the sequences of peptides derived from bovine liver eIF-2B alpha subunit. Expression of this cDNA in vitro yields a peptide which comigrates with natural eIF-2B alpha in SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The predicted amino acid sequence exhibits 42% identity to that deduced for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCN3 protein, the smallest subunit of yeast eIF-2B. In addition, expression of the rat cDNA in yeast functionally complements a gcn3 deletion for the inability to induce histidine biosynthetic genes under the control of GCN4. These results strongly support the hypothesis that mammalian eIF-2 alpha and GCN3 are homologues. Southern blots indicate that the eIF-2B alpha cDNA also recognizes genomic DNA fragments from several other species, suggesting significant homology between the rat eIF-2B alpha gene and that from other species.


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Agonists of the dopamine D1/D5 receptors that are positively coupled to adenylyl cyclase specifically induce a slowly developing long-lasting potentiation of the field excitatory postsynaptic potential in the CA1 region of the hippocampus that lasts for > 6 hr. This potentiation is blocked by the specific D1/D5 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 and is occluded by the potentiation induced by cAMP agonists. An agonist of the D2 receptor, which is negatively coupled to adenylyl cyclase through G alpha i, did not induce potentiation. Although this slow D1/D5 agonist-induced potentiation is partially independent of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, it seems to share some steps with and is occluded by the late phase of long-term potentiation (LTP) produced by three repeated trains of nerve stimuli applied to the Schaffer collateral pathway. Similarly, the D1/D5 antagonist SCH 23390 attenuates the late phase of the LTP induced by repeated trains, and the D1/D5 agonist-induced potentiation is blocked by the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin. These results suggest that the D1/D5 receptor may be involved in the late, protein synthesis-dependent component of LTP in the hippocampal CA1 region, either as an ancillary component or as a mediator directly contributing to the late phase.


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Although the actin cytoskeleton and the translation machinery are considered to be separate cellular complexes, growing evidence supports overlapping regulation of the two systems. Because of its interaction with actin, the eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) is proposed to be a regulator or link between these processes. Using a genetic approach with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, specific regions of eEF1A responsible for actin interactions and bundling were identified. Five new mutations were identified along one face of eEF1A. Dramatic changes in cell growth, cell morphology, and actin cable and patch formation as well as a unique effect on total translation in strains expressing the F308L or S405P eEF1A mutant form were observed. The translation effects do not correlate with reduced translation elongation but instead include an initiation defect. Biochemical analysis of the eEF1A mutant forms demonstrated reduced actin-bundling activity in vitro. Reduced total translation and/or the accumulation of 80S ribosomes in strains with either a mutation or a null allele of genes encoding actin itself or actin-regulating proteins Tpm1p, Mdm20p, and Bnirp/Bni1p was observed. Our data demonstrate that eEF1A, other actin binding proteins, and actin mutants affect translation initiation through the actin cytoskeleton.


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beta-Hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB; 50 microM) has been shown to attenuate the depression in protein synthesis in murine myotubes in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) with or without interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and angiotensin II (ANG II). The mechanism for the depression of protein synthesis by all three agents was the same and was attributed to activation of double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) with the subsequent phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) on the alpha-subunit as well as increased phosphorylation of the elongation factor (eEF2). Myotubes expressing a catalytically inactive PKR variant, PKRDelta6, showed no depression of protein synthesis in response to either LPS or TNF-alpha, confirming the importance of PKR in this process. There was no effect of any of the agents on phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) or initiation factor 4E-binding protein (4E-BP1), and thus no change in the amount of eIF4E bound to 4E-BP1 or the concentration of the active eIF4E.eIF4G complex. HMB attenuated phosphorylation of eEF2, possibly by increasing phosphorylation of mTOR, and also attenuated phosphorylation of eIF2alpha by preventing activation of PKR. These results suggest that HMB may be effective in attenuating muscle atrophy in a range of catabolic conditions.


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To investigate the mechanism by which beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) attenuates the depression of protein synthesis in the skeletal muscle of cachectic mice, a study has been carried out in murine myotubes in the presence of proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF). PIF inhibited protein synthesis by 50% within 4 h, and this was effectively attenuated by HMB (25-50 muM). HMB (50 muM) alone stimulated protein synthesis, and this was attenuated by rapamycin (27 nM), an inhibitor of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Further evidence for an involvement of this pathway was shown by an increased phosphorylation of mTOR, the 70-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (p70(S6k)), and initiation factor 4E-binding protein (4E-BP1) and an increased association of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF4E) with eIF4G. PIF alone induced a transient (1-2 h) stimulation of phosphorylation of mTOR and p70(S6k). However, in the presence of HMB, phosphorylation of mTOR, p70(S6k), and 4E-BP1 was increased, and inactive 4E-BP1-eIF4E complex was reduced, whereas the active eIF4G.eIF4E complex was increased, suggesting continual stimulation of protein synthesis. HMB alone reduced phosphorylation of elongation factor 2, but this effect was not seen in the presence of PIF. PIF induced autophosphorylation of the double-strand RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), leading to phosphorylation of eIF2 on the alpha-subunit, which would inhibit protein synthesis. However, in the presence of HMB, phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2alpha was attenuated, and this was also observed in skeletal muscle of cachectic mice administered HMB (0.25 g/kg). These results suggest that HMB attenuates the depression of protein synthesis by PIF in myotubes through multiple mechanisms.


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Both proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) and angiotensin II have been shown to produce a depression in protein synthesis in murine myotubes concomitant with an increased phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2α). Both PIF and angiotensin II were shown to induce autophosphorylation of the RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), and an inhibitor of this enzyme completely attenuated the depression in protein synthesis and prevented the induction of eIF2α phosphorylation. The PKR inhibitor also completely attenuated the increase in protein degradation induced by PIF and angiotensin II and prevented the increase in proteasome expression and activity. To confirm these results myotubes were transfected with plasmids that express either wild-type PKR, or a catalytically inactive PKR variant, PKRΔ6. Myotubes expressing PKRΔ6 showed no increase in eIF2α phosphorylation in response to PIF or angiotensin II, no depression in protein synthesis, and no increase in protein degradation or increase in proteasome expression. Induction of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway by PIF and angiotensin II has been linked to activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB). Inhibition of PKR prevented nuclear migration of NF-κB in response to both PIF and angiotensin II, by preventing degradation of the inhibitor protein I-κB. Phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2α was also significantly increased in the gastrocnemius muscle of weight losing mice bearing the MAC16 tumor, suggesting that a similar process may be operative in cancer cachexia. These results provide a link between the depression of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and the increase in protein degradation. © 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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Atrophy of skeletal muscle reduces both the quality and quantity of life of patients with cancer cachexia. Loss of muscle mass is thought to arise from a reduction in protein synthesis combined with an enhanced rate of protein degradation, and few treatments are available to counteract this process. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) has been shown to attenuate the enhanced protein degradation, but to have no effect on protein synthesis. This study examines the effect of EPA combined with a protein and amino-acid supplementation on protein synthesis and degradation in gastrocnemius muscle of mice bearing the cachexia-inducing MAC16 tumour. Muscles from cachectic mice showed an 80% reduction in protein synthesis and about a 50-fold increase in protein degradation compared with muscles from nontumour-bearing mice of the same age and weight. Treatment with EPA (1 g kg-1) daily reduced protein degradation by 88%, but had no effect on protein synthesis. Combination of EPA with casein (5.35 g kg-1) also had no effect on protein synthesis, but when combined with the amino acids leucine, arginine and methionine there was almost a doubling of protein synthesis. The addition of carbohydrate (10.7 g kg-1) to stimulate insulin release had no additional effect. The combination involving the amino acids produced almost a doubling of the ratio of protein synthesis to protein degradation in gastrocnemius muscle over that of EPA alone. No treatment had a significant effect on tumour growth rate, but the inclusion of amino acids had a more significant effect on weight loss induced by the MAC16 tumour than that of EPA alone. The results suggest that combination therapy of cancer cachexia involving both inhibition of the enhanced protein degradation and stimulation of the reduced protein synthesis may be more effective than either treatment alone. © 2004 Cancer Research UK.


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Treatment of murine myoblasts, myotubes and tumour cells with a tumour-produced lipid mobilizing factor (LMF), caused a concentration-dependent stimulation of protein synthesis, within a 24 h period. There was no effect on cell number or [3H] thymidine incorporation, but a similar concentration-dependent stimulation of 2-deoxyglucose uptake. LMF produced an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP levels, which was linearly (r2 = 0.973) related to the increase in protein synthesis. The effect of LMF was attenuated by the adenylate cyclase inhibitor MDL12330A, and was additive with the stimulation produced by forskolin. Both propranolol (10 μM) and the specific β3-adrenergic receptor antagonist SR 59230A (10-5M), significantly reduced the stimulation of protein synthesis induced by LMF. Protein synthesis was also increased by 69% (P = 0.006) in soleus muscles of mice administered LMF, while there was a 26% decrease in protein degradation (P = 0.03). While LMF had no effect on the lysosomal enzymes, cathepsins B and L, there was a decrease in proteasome activity, as determined both by the 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity, as well as expression of proteasome α-type subunits, determined by Western blotting. These results show that in addition to its lipid-mobilizing activity LMF also increases protein accumulation in skeletal muscle both by an increase in protein synthesis and a decrease in protein catabolism. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.


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Angiotensin II (Ang II) has been implicated in muscle protein loss in cachexia. To determine whether the Ang I/II system directly inhibits protein synthesis in muscle their effect has been monitored in vitro using murine myotubes as a surrogate model system. Ang I inhibited protein synthesis by 40-50% over the concentration range of 0.05-2.5 μM within 30 min of addition, and the inhibition remained relatively constant over 24 h. The effect was attenuated by co-incubation with the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor imidaprilat (50 μM) suggesting that inhibition of protein synthesis was due to the formation of Ang II. Ang II also inhibited protein synthesis by 40-50% over the concentration range of 0.1-5 μM, and the inhibition also remained relatively constant between 30 min and 24 h after addition. The effect was attenuated by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) (25-100 ng/ml). Thus, Ang I/II have the ability to induce muscle atrophy through inhibition of protein synthesis. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.