980 resultados para Proteïnes supressores de tumors
PURPOSE: Tumor-associated TIE-2-expressing monocytes (TEM) are highly proangiogenic cells critical for tumor vascularization. We previously showed that, in human breast cancer, TIE-2 and VEGFR pathways control proangiogenic activity of TEMs. Here, we examine the contribution of these pathways to immunosuppressive activity of TEMs. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We investigated the changes in immunosuppressive activity of TEMs and gene expression in response to specific kinase inhibitors of TIE-2 and VEGFR. The ability of tumor TEMs to suppress tumor-specific T-cell response mediated by tumor dendritic cells (DC) was measured in vitro. Characterization of TEM and DC phenotype in addition to their interaction with T cells was done using confocal microscopic images analysis of breast carcinomas. RESULTS: TEMs from breast tumors are able to suppress tumor-specific immune responses. Importantly, proangiogenic and suppressive functions of TEMs are similarly driven by TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity. Furthermore, we show that tumor TEMs can function as antigen-presenting cells and elicit a weak proliferation of T cells. Blocking TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity induced TEMs to change their phenotype into cells with features of myeloid dendritic cells. We show that immunosuppressive activity of TEMs is associated with high CD86 surface expression and extensive engagement of T regulatory cells in breast tumors. TIE-2 and VEGFR kinase activity was also necessary to maintain high CD86 surface expression levels and to convert T cells into regulatory cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that TEMs are plastic cells that can be reverted from suppressive, proangiogenic cells into cells that are able to mediate an antitumoral immune response. Clin Cancer Res; 19(13); 3439-49. ©2013 AACR.
BACKGROUND: Visudyne®-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) at low drug/light conditions has shown to selectively enhance the uptake of liposomal doxorubicin in subpleural localized sarcoma tumors grown on rodent lungs without causing morphological alterations of the lung. The present experiments explore the impact of low-dose PDT on liposomal doxorubicin (Liporubicin™) uptake to different tumor types grown on rodent lungs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three groups of Fischer rats underwent subpleural generation of sarcoma, mesothelioma, or adenocarcinoma tumors on the left lung. At least five animals of each group (sarcoma, n = 5; mesothelioma, n = 7; adenocarcinoma, n = 5) underwent intraoperative low-dose (10 J/cm(2) at 35 mW/cm(2) ) PDT with 0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne® of the tumor and the lower lobe. This was followed by intravenous (IV) administration of 400 µg Liporubicin™. After a circulation time of 60 min, the tumor-bearing lung was processed for HPLC analyses. At least five animals per group underwent the same procedure but without PDT (sarcoma, n = 5; mesothelioma, n = 5; adenocarcinoma, n = 6). Five untreated animals per group underwent CD31 immunostaining of their tumors with histomorphometrical assessment of the tumor vascularization. RESULTS: Low-dose PDT significantly enhanced Liporubicin™ uptake to all tumor types (sarcoma, P = 0.0007; mesothelioma, P = 0.001; adenocarcinoma, P = 0.02) but not to normal lung tissue compared to IV drug administration alone. PDT led to a significantly increased ratio of tumor to lung tissue drug uptake for all three tumor types (P < 0.05). However, the tumor drug uptake varied between tumor types and paralleled tumor vascular density. The vascular density was significantly higher in sarcoma than in adenocarcinoma (P < 0.001) and mesothelioma (P < 0.001), whereas there was no significant difference between adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma. CONCLUSION: Low-dose Visudyne®-mediated PDT selectively enhances the uptake of systemically administered liposomal doxorubicin in tumors without affecting the drug uptake to normal lung. However, drug uptake varied significantly between tumor types and paralleled tumor vascular density.
The NLRP3 inflammasome acts as a danger signal sensor that triggers and coordinates the inflammatory response upon infectious insults or tissue injury and damage. However, the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in natural killer (NK) cell-mediated control of tumor immunity is poorly understood. Here, we show in a model of chemical-induced carcinogenesis and a series of experimental and spontaneous metastases models that mice lacking NLRP3 display significantly reduced tumor burden than control wild-type (WT) mice. The suppression of spontaneous and experimental tumor metastases and methylcholanthrene (MCA)-induced sarcomas in mice deficient for NLRP3 was NK cell and IFN-γ-dependent. Focusing on the amenable B16F10 experimental lung metastases model, we determined that expression of NLRP3 in bone marrow-derived cells was necessary for optimal tumor metastasis. Tumor-driven expansion of CD11b(+)Gr-1(intermediate) (Gr-1(int)) myeloid cells within the lung tumor microenvironment of NLRP3(-/-) mice was coincident with increased lung infiltrating activated NK cells and an enhanced antimetastatic response. The CD11b(+)Gr-1(int) myeloid cells displayed a unique cell surface phenotype and were characterized by their elevated production of CCL5 and CXCL9 chemokines. Adoptive transfer of this population into WT mice enhanced NK cell numbers in, and suppression of, B16F10 lung metastases. Together, these data suggested that NLRP3 is an important suppressor of NK cell-mediated control of carcinogenesis and metastases and identify CD11b(+)Gr-1(int) myeloid cells that promote NK cell antimetastatic function. Cancer Res; 72(22); 5721-32. ©2012 AACR.
Anterior and middle skull base tumors, mainly meningiomas, are usually operated on using a sub-frontal route with a microscope. With modern radiotherapy, the goal of skull base surgery moves from a radical surgery with high rate of side effect to a functional concept that aims to remove as much as possible of the tumor without compromising the neurological status of patients. Minimally skull base surgery benefits from keyhole and endoscopy techniques. For 3 2 decades, the development of endoscopy helps to imagine innovative approaches for skull base tumors such as the endonasal route. Nonetheless, CSF leak issue and the absence of direct control of the tumor margins may limit the interest of such a route. Keyhole craniotomies have been developed with microscope but vision issue limits their use. Combining advantages of both techniques appears therefore natural and gave birth to intracranial assisted and more recently to fully endoscopic keyhole surgery. For anterior or middle skull base tumors, Keyhole supraorbital approaches can be done either by a trans-eyebrow or trans-eyelid routes. A step-by-step description of these fully endoscopic alternative routes summarizing advantages and drawbacks compared to others (traditional sub-frontal or more recent endonasal approaches) is reported in this chapter by the authors.
El tumor germinal seminoma (TGS) suposa un 50% de tots els tumors testiculars, i tot i l'excel•lent pronòstic a llarg plaç, està experimentant un increment de la incidència en un grup de la població d’entre 15-35 anys. L'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) juntament amb Fundació Puigvert són centre de referència en el maneig del TGS. La intenció el treball és reportar de manera descriptiva i retrospectiva l’experiència acumulada en aquest centre al llarg dels últims 15 anys. L'aportació d'aquest estudi pretén unir esforços per tal de disminuir tractaments innecessaris en gran part dels estadis I i intentar aportar més dades en favor del tractament adaptat al risc. En aquest sentit, ha de ser un motiu més per intentar validar factors pronòstics ferms en futurs estudis i poder posicionar la teràpia adaptada al risc en una situació protocolitzada i consensuada a nivell internacional.
Els tumors neuroendocrins (TNEs) són un grup de neoplàsies poc freqüents i heterogènies i amb un ampli espectre d’agressivitat. Hi ha molt poca informació epidemiològica a nivell mundial, l’objectiu d’aquest estudi ha estat el de reportar-ne les dades a la província de Girona. Hem inclòs tots els codis de la ICD-O3 que codifiquen un TNE, període 1994-2002. Hem identificat 698 tumors. Es reporten les dades tant de la casuística com les taxes d’incidència i supervivència de cada TNE per separat. Els resultats són consistents amb les publicacions europees. El fet d’haver reportat la incidència i la supervivència dels TNEs a Girona contribueix a un millor coneixement d’aquestes neoplàsies.
La neurocirurgia és el tractament definitiu més utilitzat pels tumors hipofisaris. Objectiu: valorar les complicacions postquirúrgiques immediates(1º mes) i durant el 1º any dels adenomes hipofisaris secretors de GH, ACTH i no funcionants(NF) operats des del 2001. Metodologia: estudi observacional restrospectiu de 94 pacients (39H, 55D) amb edat a la cirurgia de 46,9±15,5 anys, intervinguts pels 2 mateixos neurocirurgians. Resultats: 40 pacients tenen alguna complicació immediata(42,5% dels NF, 37% GH i 48,5% ACTH) sense diferències en la freqüència de complicacions entre els 3 grups. Les complicacions més freqüents són: diabetis insípida transitòria(23,4%), fístula LCR(6,7%), sinusitis i meningitis(2,2%). Els secretors d'ACTH tenen una tendència a tenir més DI transitòria i sinusitis respecte els NF(p=0,071), mentre que els NF tendeixen a presentar més fístules LCR, meningitis i convulsions(p=0,08). En els GH, existeix major incidència de fístules LCR comparat amb els ACTH(p&0,05), sense diferències amb els NF. 10 pacients tenen complicacions al 1º any postquirúrgic(7,5% dels NF, 11,1% GH i 14,8% ACTH), destacant major incidència d'artromiàlgies i síndrome del túnel carpià en els ACTH comparat amb els altres 2 grups (p&0,05). Les variables més importants quan fem una predicció d'aparició de complicacions són: tipus de cirurgia utilitzada (més a craniotomies que als abordatges transesfenoidals) i presència d'extensió extraselar tumoral, sense ser significatiu(p=0,091). Conclusions: malgrat que els tumors d'ACTH són majoritàriament microdenomes(77,7%), i es presenten en pacients més joves, tendeixen a associar-se a major nombre de complicacions immediates i durant el primer any en comparació amb els NF i GH(97,5%, 81,4% macroadenomes respectivament).
Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, familial cylindromatosis, and familial trichoepithelioma are autosomal-dominant genetic predispositions for benign tumors of skin appendages caused by mutations in the CYLD gene localized on chromosome 16q12-q13. The encoded protein functions as ubiquitin-specific protease (UBP), which negatively regulates NF-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling. We investigated five families affected with these skin neoplasms and identified four premature stop codons and the novel missense mutation D681G in a family in which 11 of 12 investigated tumors were trichoepitheliomas. CYLD protein harboring this missense mutation had a significant reduced ability to inhibit TNF receptor-associated factor (TRAF)2- and TRAF6-mediated NF-kappaB activation, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha)-induced JNK signaling, and to deubiquitinate TRAF2. CYLD-D681G was coimmunoprecipitated by TRAF2, but was unable to cleave K63-linked polyubiquitin chains. Aspartic acid 681 is highly conserved in CYLD homologues and other members of the UBP family, but does not belong to the Cys and His boxes providing the CYLD catalytic triad (Cys601, His871, and Asp889). As reported previously, the homologous residue D295 of HAUSP/USP-7 forms a hydrogen bond with the C-terminal end of ubiquitin and is important for the enzymatic activity. These results underline that D681 in CYLD is required for cleavage of K63-linked polyubiquitin chains.
Copper-67 has comparable beta-particle emissions to that of 131I, but it displays more favorable gamma emission characteristics for application in radioimmunotherapy (RIT). This study investigates the potential of 67Cu-labeled monoclonal antibody (MAb) 35 for RIT of colorectal carcinoma. METHODS: Biokinetics of simultaneously injected 67Cu- and 125I-labeled MAb35 were studied in six patients scheduled for surgery of primary colorectal cancer. RESULTS: Whole-body clearance (T 1/2) of 67Cu, estimated from sequential anterior and posterior whole-body scans and corrected for decay of 67Cu, was 41 hr. Serum clearance of 67Cu was faster (27.41 hr) than that of 125I (38.33 hr). Mean tumor uptake of the 67Cu-labeled compound (0.0133% ID/g) exceeded that of 125I (0.0095% ID/g), and tumor-to-blood ratios were higher for 67Cu than for 125I, with averages of 6.07 and 2.41, respectively. The average 67Cu/125I ratio was 1.9 for tumor uptake, 0.7 for blood and 2.6 for tumor-to-blood ratios. Nonspecific liver uptake of 67Cu as calculated from whole-body scans was high in four patients, up to 25% of residual whole-body activity at 48 hr, but did not increase with time. We also observed some nonspecific bowel activity, as well as moderate to high uptake in benign polyps. CONCLUSION: Copper-67-labeled MAb35 is more favorable than its radioiodine-labeled counterpart for RIT of colorectal carcinoma due to higher tumor-to-blood ratios, but the problem of nonspecific liver and bowel uptake must first be overcome. The absolute accumulation of activity in tumor remains low, however, so the probability of cure with this compound alone is questionable. The use of 67Cu as one component of a multimodality adjuvant treatment seems to remain the most appropriate application for RIT.
OBJECTIVE:: The purpose of this study was to assess outcomes and indications in a large cohort of patients who underwent liver transplantation (LT) for liver metastases (LM) from neuroendocrine tumors (NET) over a 27-year period. BACKGROUND:: LT for NET remains controversial due to the absence of clear selection criteria and the scarcity and heterogeneity of reported cases. METHODS:: This retrospective multicentric study included 213 patients who underwent LT for NET performed in 35 centers in 11 European countries between 1982 and 2009. One hundred seven patients underwent transplantation before 2000 and 106 after 2000. Mean age at the time of LT was 46 years. Half of the patients presented hormone secretion and 55% had hepatomegaly. Before LT, 83% of patients had undergone surgical treatment of the primary tumor and/or LM and 76% had received chemotherapy. The median interval between diagnosis of LM and LT was 25 months (range, 1-149 months). In addition to LT, 24 patients underwent major resection procedures and 30 patients underwent minor resection procedures. RESULTS:: Three-month postoperative mortality was 10%. At 5 years after LT, overall survival (OS) was 52% and disease-free survival was 30%. At 5 years from diagnosis of LM, OS was 73%. Multivariate analysis identified 3 predictors of poor outcome, that is, major resection in addition to LT, poor tumor differentiation, and hepatomegaly. Since 2000, 5-year OS has increased to 59% in relation with fewer patients presenting poor prognostic factors. Multivariate analysis of the 106 cases treated since 2000 identified the following predictors of poor outcome: hepatomegaly, age more than 45 years, and any amount of resection concurrent with LT. CONCLUSIONS:: LT is an effective treatment of unresectable LM from NET. Patient selection based on the aforementioned predictors can achieve a 5-year OS between 60% and 80%. However, use of overly restrictive criteria may deny LT to some patients who could benefit. Optimal timing for LT in patients with stable versus progressive disease remains unclear.
PURPOSE Desmoid tumors are mesenchymal fibroblastic/myofibroblastic proliferations with locoregional aggressiveness and high ability to recur after initial treatment. We present the results of the largest series of sporadic desmoid tumors ever published to determine the prognostic factors of these rare tumors. PATIENTS AND METHODS Four hundred twenty-six patients with a desmoid tumor at diagnosis were included, and the following parameters were studied: age, sex, delay between first symptoms and diagnosis, tumor size, tumor site, previous history of surgery or trauma in the area of the primary tumor, surgical margins, and context of abdominal wall desmoids in women of child-bearing age during or shortly after pregnancy. We performed univariate and multivariate analysis for progression-free survival (PFS). Results In univariate analysis, age, tumor size, tumor site, and surgical margins (R2 v R0/R1) had a significant impact on PFS. PFS curves were not significantly different for microscopic assessment of surgical resection quality (R0 v R1). In multivariate analysis, age, tumor size, and tumor site had independent values. Three prognostic groups for PFS were defined on the basis of the number of independent unfavorable prognostic factors (0 or 1, 2, and 3). CONCLUSION This study clearly demonstrates that there are different prognostic subgroups of desmoid tumors that could benefit from different therapeutic strategies, including a wait-and-see policy.